Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/iak
- iak-lîak; iak lĭang;
- about that; thereabouts;
- iak-lîak ŭ jîeh cōi?
- About how much is there?
- cía sĭ put kùe iak kâi tăi-lîak;
- this is nothing more that an approximate estimate.
- tăi-iak;
- for the most part; on the whole; in a general way.
- tăi-iak kàu cêk choiⁿ ngṳ̂n kâi tō;
- aproximately calculated, it would amount to about a thousand dollars.
- iak-sok;
- to restrain; to repress; to keep in subjection.
- i iak-sok hṳ́ lăi kâi nâng, iak-sok kàu ngîam căi;
- he keeps those who are within, in very complete subjection.
- m̄ pí hía bô̤ iak bô̤ sok hùe;
- not like those who are under no restrain.
- khĭam-iak;
- frugal.
- iak kâi pāng-bó̤;
- fix a limit.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ íong- iak căi;
- he does things with effusion.
- cèng nâng lóng-cóng íong-iak;
- all were eager.
- i iak-iak nē;
- he is very frisky.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ i iak-iak nē, cò̤ khéng su-hôk nâng;
- you see that he is very full of life, and will not willingly be tamed down.