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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/iam

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  • iam654645
  • To merge in a seasoning or dressing.
cía tîeh iam sī-îu thn̂g chò;
this must have a dressing of soy, sugar, and vinegar.
iam pêh chò;
put simple vinegar on it.
  • iam10831698
  • To castrate; to geld.
a capon.
a eunuch.
doorkeepers in the harem.
thāi-kàm to sĭ iam kâi;
the doorkeepers of the harem are eunuchs.
thien iam;
eunuchs from birth.
iam khṳ̀ m̄ sĭen;
imperfectly gelded.
  • íam461472
  • To peep; to peek; to spy.
íam thóiⁿ i tŏ̤ mē;
peep and see if he is there.
i khṳ̀ thau íam i;
he went and peeped furtively at her.
jĭm íam, íam m̄ kìⁿ;
tried to peek in but could not.
íam mn̂g phāng;
peep through a crack in the door.
íam choiⁿ-lí-kìaⁿ;
look through a spy-glass.
  • íam108699
  • To sink under water.
cí ki cíeⁿ ŏi íam cúi;
this oar sinks in the water.
íam bú siu bûn sĭ thiⁿ-ĕ thài-phêng;
when military men sink and civilians swim, the whole world is at peace.
pùaⁿ íam cúi;
half in and half out of water.
  • íam1088648
  • To screen from observation; to hide from view; to shade and conceal.
i sĭ tó̤ cia-íam kâi ūe;
his talk is intended to keep the facts from being discovered.
úa thóiⁿ i sĭ tó̤ íam-sek kâi;
I consider that he is acting hypocritically.
cia-íam kàu bô̤ nâng cai;
kept closely concealed so that no one knows.
pùaⁿ íam mn̂g;
a half-closed door; half concealed.
cang thô íam bûa;
cover it over with clay.
  • ìam108918414
  • Satiated; to cloy; distasteful.
ìam cūaⁿ;
tham tit bô̤ ìam;
the avaricious are never satisfied.
cîah bŏi ìam;
cannot eat enough of it.
thóiⁿ bŏi ìam;
never satisfied with seeing.
m̄ cai ìam cok;
cîah tîeh ìam;
have eaten it till I am sick of it.
peh thâk put ìam;
an insatiable reader.
kú cŭ lĕng nâng ìam;
one may outstay a welcome.
  • ìam4681576
  • To step across; to pass over.
ìam tùi i sin téng kùe;
step across over his body.
kha màiⁿ ìam tîeh i;
do not step over it.
kúi kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ, tó̤ ìam chṳ́ gû, hóⁿ, thò;
several children playing leap-frog.
phâk îam;
to evaporate salt in the sun.
îam chíang;
a salt shed.
îam teng;
îam sieⁿ;
a salt-commissioner.
sài îam;
make salt.
kuaⁿ îam;
salt that has paid duty.
cía sĭ lâng-su cîah îam;
this is a little salt for daily use.
îam, cau, chò, cìeⁿ;
salt, malt, vinegar and sauces.
îam châ bí sĭ ìo-kín kâi;
salt, wood, and rice, are necessaries.
o îam, pêh îam;
uncleansed salt, and cleansed salt.
îam hu;
fine salt.
îam ló;
the brine in damp salt.
seh cē îam;
sprinkle in a little salt.
seh cē pô̤h îam;
sprinkle in a thin layer of salt.
  • îam1085864
  • Hot; ardent; fiery.
thiⁿ-khì îam-jîet; thiⁿ-sî îam-jûah;
the weather is very hot.
sì-chêng sĭm sĭ îam lîang;
the world is very fickle.
îam-jûah kâi sî-hāu tîeh cai tháu lîang;
when it it hot one must take cooling food.
  • ĭam10918612
  • The fury of a fire.
húe-ĭam li-li seng khí lâi;
the flames continue to flare up.
húe-ĭam uak-uak-kie;
the flames mutter.
  • īam109113913
  • Glossy; sleek.
i kâi mô̤ⁿ īam-īam;
its feathers are very glossy.
nĕ īam-īam;
exceedingly sleek.