Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/iang
- pàng tŏ̤ tong-iang;
- put it in the middle.
- tong-iang tèng pàng cêk tieⁿ chn̂g;
- set a table in the centre.
- sái-pàng tong-iang kò̤;
- put it in the middle.
- hue-hn̂g kâi tong-iang tèng cèng ŭ cêk câng chīu;
- in the middle of the garden a tree had been planted.
- hṳ́ kâi tī-hng cau iang;
- that region has met with calamity.
- cai-iang;
- afflictions.
- hŭa iang;
- a punative calamity.
- cò̤ put sĭen kàng cṳ peh iang;
- he who does wickedly will meet with every misfortune.
- íang cṳ́ thăi láu;
- bring up a son preparatory to old age.
- íang sîn;
- to refresh the spirits.
- pĕ-bó̤ íang-îok kâi ṳn;
- the kindness of our parents in nourishing us in childhood.
- tâng sòi tŏ̤ i kò̤ íang tōa;
- brought up from childhood by him.
- cí kâi kíaⁿ sĭ chin seⁿ kâi a sĭ íang kâi?
- Is this an own or an adopted child?
- sĭ íang kâi;
- it is an adopted one.
- taⁿ tîeh cai phûe-íang cē;
- must now take care to nurse the health.
- tîeh khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ pó-íang;
- must gradually invigorate the strength.
- pó-íang sin-thói;
- recuperate the physical strength.
- cang îeh lâi pó-íang;
- take medicine to increase the vigor.
- hâm-íang;
- placid.
- chîo-thêng íang lău cun hîen;
- the government pensions the aged and honors the wise.
- ìang so̤h thâk cṳ̄;
- study by the light reflected from the snow.
- ìang cúi;
- the glare from water.
- ìang-sìeⁿ;
- a photograph.
- chng-îang;
- bad sores, that destroy the skin.
- chng-îang, cí cêk lūi pēⁿ to sĭ sôk gūa khue;
- sores are reckoned among ailments which are subject to external treatment.
- îang-ûi put cai;
- feigned not to know.
- khṳt i îang khṳ̀;
- it was whisked off by him.
- chī ak nâng chin-chĭeⁿ chī eng, i tó khùn cū lâi, tó pá i cū îang khṳ̀;
- to feed the wicked is like feeding hawks, when their bellies are empty they come, and when filled they fly off.
- kiaⁿ kàu hûn-phek pue-îang;
- so frightened that all my wits departed.
- 陽îang10711709
- The superior or male principle in nature; the etherial parts of matter; virility; brightness, evident; open.
- im îang;
- the dual powers.
- thài-îang;
- the sun.
- thài-îang-kong méⁿ căi;
- the sun is very hot.
- îang kang;
- the land of the living.
- thiⁿ-sî tîeh ŭ im ŭ îang cìaⁿ hó̤;
- there must be both cloudy and bright weather then all is well.
- îang sì;
- this world.
- îang-hṳ;
- virility.
- càng-îang îeh-cíu sĭ sái nâng îang-khì càng-kĭen;
- a certain tonic strengthens the animal powers.
- chông-îang coih;
- the ninth of the ninth month.
- îang sīu kâi cong;
- long lives must come to an end.
- cí pō, îang siaⁿ;
- halt and cry out.
- pùa îang tŏ̤-lí;
- publish abroad the correct doctrines.
- sì hái îang mîaⁿ;
- make known his name everywhere.
- îang mîaⁿ ău sì;
- make known his name to after ages.
- hái put îang po̤;
- the sea did not dash its waves.
- îang piⁿ;
- flourish a whip.
- îang to̤;
- brandish a knife.
- îang chíu;
- wave the arms.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ ciang-ciang îang-îang;
- do not you bruit it about.
- gūa kháu ciang-îang;
- noise abroad.
- îang-îang tit ì;
- everything to his liking.
- ṳ̂n ak îang sĭen;
- conceal the evil and publish the good.
- hŏng-ĭang pĕ-bó̤;
- support one's parents.
- lîu-ĭang;
- diminish his punishment on account of his having to support aged parents.
- kò̤ cong ĭang;
- retire from office to spend one's days in quiet.
- bô̤ ĭang;
- free from apprehension.
- i cn̂g kâi bô̤ ĭang;
- he is not at all anxious.
- i bô̤ ĭang bô̤ ĭang nē;
- he is quite free from solicitude.
- i cò̤ i bô̤ ĭang bô̤ ĭang;
- he keeps himself altogether placid.
- cía sĭ bô̤ kwn thòng-ĭang kâi sṳ̄;
- this affair is of no importance whatever.
- i kio i sĭ thòng-ĭang siang kwn;
- they have the same sort of discomfort and can sympathize with each other; they are of the same ilk, and stand or fall together.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi ĭang-cṳ́ hó̤ a m̄-hó̤?
- Do you consider his method good or bad?
- sît căi hó̤ ĭang-cṳ́;
- really an excellent way.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ i tieⁿ sĭm-mih mô̤ⁿ-ĭang;
- see what example he sets.
- to sĭ it ĭang;
- it is all the same.