Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/jong
- sṳ̄ jóng căi;
- pressed with business.
- sṳ̄-bŭ hŵn-jóng;
- multifarious business.
- chíaⁿ i buah jóng, côiⁿ lâi;
- ask him to lay aside his work and come forward.
- sang tīo jóng hui;
- cut off the extra expenses.
- jóng-mô̤ⁿ;
- soft fluffy hair.
- têk chìn thiⁿ-sî seⁿ jóng-mô̤ⁿ;
- deers in cold weather have a coat of fine hair grow out.
- koi-kíaⁿ chut n̆ng-khak, i kâi mô̤ⁿ cū jóng-jóng;
- when the chicken emerges from the shell, its feathers are downy.
- kún jông;
- trim with velvet.
- îeⁿ jông;
- foreign velvet.
- so jông;
- Soochow velvet.
- cang jông lâi chiah;
- embroider it with floss.
- bói cêk chieh lâm jông cò̤ ăm-nía;
- buy a foot of blue velvet to make a collar.
- nŏ̤ líu jông;
- two skeins of floss.
- têk jông;
- young deer's horns.
- jông phìen;
- shavings of deer's antlers.
- jông ka;
- glue made from deer's antlers.
- mîⁿ jông;
- elk horns.
- jông kṳ̆n;
- the base of the antler, (considered valuable as a medicine).
- jông-kū sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- it is ever thus.
- i sûi sĭ pun i tōa nâng lîah khṳ̀ kéng-kài, hŵn-lío jông-kū bŏi pìⁿ;
- though taken to task by her husband, she is still unchanged from what she was before.
- jông-jîen;
- still the same.
- cóng-jông;
- His Excellency, the major-general.
- i sĭ tăi-ngŵn-jông;
- he is commander-in-chief.
- jông cuang tá-pàng;
- in martial array.