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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ka

From Wikisource


  • ka978189
  • To cut with shears.
ka pò;
cut cloth.
ka saⁿ-khò;
to cut out clothing,
cêk ki ka-to̤;
a pair of shears.
ka-to̤ kíaⁿ;
ka sin ang-kíaⁿ;
cut out a paper doll.
ka hue;
to cut out flowers.
ka cío;
cut out figures of birds.
ka côi-côi;
cut them evenly.
i bô̤ mih ŏi sái ka-to̤;
she is not very handy with the shears.
  • ka36813011
  • Glue; glutinous jelly; viscid; cohering.
gû phûe ka;
glue made from cowhide.
hṳ̂ ka;
glue made from fish.
kim-lêng ka;
glue made from the sea-bass.
a medical glue, made by boiling ass-skin seven days in the water of the glue well of Shantung.
ku ka, tek ka;
medical glues, made from tortoise shells and from deer's horns.
n̂g-mêng ka;
clarified glue.
a cement used in joiner's work.
ún ka;
fasten with glue.
ka ún m̄ tùe;
the glue does not stick.
cía tîeh ēng sĭm-mih ka cìaⁿ hó̤ ún?
What sort of glue must be used in order to make this adhere?
îeⁿ ka;
to melt glue.
khô̤h ka;
prepare glue.
cn̂g kâi bô̤ ka-lîam;
wholly destitute of tenacity.
jû ka, sṳ̆ chak;
like glue and varnish; very adhesive.
pû kàu nĕ ka-ka;
cook it to a jelly.
ka chak siang tâu;
sticking like glue and varnish.
cí kâi ka hẃn chun cū lut khṳ̀;
this glue will not hold through a change of seasons.
the back.
tùe i kâi ka-ciah ău;
followed on behind him.
ka-ciah kut;
the back bone.
tng mīn kāng i tàⁿ, màiⁿ phiah ka-ciah ău tàⁿ;
tell it to him to his face, and not tell it of him behind his back.
to cough.
ka-sàu pēⁿ;
a cough.
ŏi ka-sàu;
tī ka-sàu kâi îeh;
cough medicine.
ka-sàu khṳ̀ thíam căi;
coughs violently.
cá mêⁿ ka-sàu cêk mêⁿ;
coughed all last night.
ka-sàu khṳ̀ ŭ thâm a bô̤?
Do you raise phlegm when you cough?
phah ka-chng;
to spank.
  • 鉸鉞ka-sut372
  • A clamp; a staple.
ka-sut khak sòi, m̄-hó̤ só̤;
the staple is too small and it cannot be locked.
úa ka-kī ŭ;
I myself have some.
lṳ́ ka-kī khṳ̀ khîeh;
go yourself and get it.
i ka-kī kio úa tàⁿ;
he told me so himself.
ka-kī o̤-ló̤ ka-kī;
praises himself.
ka-kī so̤h cò̤ hó̤;
he himself mistakenly supposed it was well.
ēng lṳ́ ka-kī kâi hó̤;
use your own.
i ka-kī m̄ cai sío-lí;
he is not ashamed of himself.
i sĭ ka-kī hāi ka-kī;
he injures himself.
ka-cáu thìo cáu khṳ̀;
the flea jumped away.
hṳ́ tói ŭ kâi ka-cáu tŏ̤ kă kâi īeⁿ;
it seems as if there were a flea biting me.
ka-cáu bô̤ nŭaⁿ lîah m̄ tîeh;
without spittle fleas cannot be caught.
phah ka-thì;
to sneeze.
cêk lîen phah ku-ā kâi ka-thì;
sneezed several times in succession.
  • 囫圇ka-n̂ng267
  • The whole, entire, round, said of fruits and roundish objects.
ka-n̂ng kâi;
a whole one.
ka-n̂ng thun lô̤h khṳ̀, mín pō;
swallow it whole, and do not chew it.
khṳt i ún chò cū ka-n̂ng thun lô̤h khṳ̀;
he dipped it in vinegar and then swallowed it whole.
ka-n̂ng kò̤ khṳt i pû, màiⁿ côih;
boil it whole, do not slice it up.
ka-n̂ng kâi lâi kă cìaⁿ ŭ bī;
bite into a whole one and then it will show its flavour.
ka-n̂ng lîap lô̤h khṳ̀, màiⁿ peh chùi;
put it in whole, do not break it in pieces.
  • 3691206
  • To twist with a windlass; to turn, as by a windlass; to twist; to wrench.
ká i kín;
twist it tight.
cē ká khah tōa lâk cū tn̆g;
if you wrench it too forcibly, it will break.
i kâi so̤h ká lâi ío hó̤;
his ropes are well made.
saⁿ tîo ká cò̤ cêk tîo;
twist the three strands into one.
ká cìa; ká thn̂g;
to press the juice out of sugar cane.
chíu tùi i kâi piⁿ ká kín-kín;
took hold of his queue and wrenched it tight.
ká hŭam;
a criminal who is to be strangled.
ká cŭe;
an offense which merits strangling as a punishment.
  • 34644
  • To look for; to seek.
múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ ká-chūe i;
sought him everywhere.
ká kàu ĕ-kùa cìaⁿ chūe tîeh;
looked for it until afternoon, and then found it.
ká thàng-jît, ká m̄ tîeh i kâi nâng;
searched for him throughout the day, but could not find him.
  • 3716420
  • To stir around with an implement.
hó̤ ká kàu câu-câu;
stir it till the ingredients are evenly mixed.
tîeh cang sĭm-mûeh lâi ká?
What shall I take to stir it with?
thn̂g tîeh ká i îeⁿ;
stir the sugar till it melts.
ká lông-lông cū chueh lô̤h khṳ̀;
stir it up so that the ingredients are evenly mixed, and then sup it down.
cang ki tṳ̄ ká thíam-thíam;
take a chopstick and stir it very hard.
  • 373756
  • To revise; to try the accuracy of.
to adjust.
to revise.
kà cìaⁿ kùe kâi;
what has already been corrected.
khṳt nâng tit-cŏ̤ tîeh m̄ kio i kòi-kà;
when wronged he did not seek redress.
an officer of the city gates.
  • 3721596
  • To measure strength; to compare; to try the worth of.
kà cún;
test the accuracy.
to argue the point.
cí nŏ̤ nâng lâi pí-kà, sĭ cí kâi nâng jú kèng ŏi;
comparing the two persons, this one is the more able.
kà thóiⁿ cún a m̄ cún;
compare and see whether it agrees with the measure.
  • 𬈯3728510
  • A creek, canal, or small channel, servicable at high tides.
cía cûn ŏi jîp kà a bŏi?
Can this boat go into the creek?
kà tèng kâi cúi chíen, tîeh po̤h sòi cûn cìaⁿ ŏi tit jîp;
the water in the creek is shallow, and we must transfer our cargo to a small boat so that we can go in.
  • 372667
  • To teach; to show how; tenets; a sect; a part.
to instruct.
to indoctrinate.
kà sī;
to enlighten; to show how.
kà ūe;
to instruct in a language.
kà cṳ;
to teach school.
kà sía jī;
to teach penmanship.
kà ūe mûeh;
teach drawing.
kà bú;
teach military tactics.
kà keng-cìⁿ;
teach archery.
kà khûn;
kà ke-húe;
teach fencing.
kà lô̤ kó;
teach drumming.
kà khek;
teach the singing of ballads.
kà hîⁿ kŭ;
teach how to play on stringed instruments.
kà hì;
teach how to perform in a theatre.
i kâi kà lâi m̄ sĭen huap;
this is not taught in the best way.
kà tŏ̤-lí;
instruct in doctrine.
cang pn̄g chī tōa, cang chûe kà gâu;
make him grow by feeding him with rice, and make him wise by using the ferule on him.
lṳ́ kaî tōa mîaⁿ úa būe cêng chíaⁿ kà;
I have not yet asked your name.
ôiⁿ sî lâi cí kà cē;
when you have leisure comehere and discourse.
i kà nâng tăi-khài sĭ kà nâng cò̤-nî?
In a general way, what is it that he teaches people to believe in?
hût kà; sek kà;
tău kà;
hûe-hûe kà;
jû kà
thien-cú kà;
Roman Catholicism.
īa-so kà;
Protestant Christianity.
thŵn kà kâi sin-seⁿ;
teacher who promulgates doctrines.
cía sĭ kà-íu hùe;
this is one of their disciples.
cía cêk ūi sĭ kà-sṳ;
this is a learned teacher in that religion.
hṳ́ cêk ūi sĭ gūa kok kâi kà-sṳ̆;
that is a foreign missionary.
kà cṳ kâi cṳ-ce;
a schoolroom.
tôk chut kà gūa;
to expel from a sect or party.
cí kâi sĭ sin lâi jîp kà kâi;
this is one who has lately entered the sect.
kà-hŭe ŭ jîeh cōi kâi?
How many separate organizations are there of that sect?
a chapel.
kà lăi ŭ jîeh cōi nâng?
How many members are there in the sect?
cía sĭ cìaⁿ kà m̄ sĭ sîa kà;
this is moral, not immoral teaching.
to sĭ aìⁿ kà nâng hó̤, bô̤ kà nàng m̄-hó̤;
its aim is to teach people to do well, not to teach them to do evil.
i kà cêk kùe cū pat, chong-men̂g căi;
if he is once shown how he knows, he is very intelligent.
cí kâi jw̆n kà, kà m̄ pat, sĭm sĭ lú-tŭn;
this one, however much you teach him, does not learn, he is exceedingly stupid.
úa sĭ kà lṳ́, m̄ sĭ mēⁿ lṳ́, lṳ́ màiⁿ khì;
I am teaching you, not scolding you, so do not be displeased.
ŭ jîeh cōi kà-mn̂g?
How many adherents have they?
tī-tîang tó̤ cú cí kâi kà?
Who is the head man of this sect?
chíaⁿ i lâi kà cṳ-īⁿ;
invite him to come and teach in the college.
cí kâi sai-kíaⁿ kà chut lâi ciang-lâi ŭ mîaⁿ-sek;
this apprentice will make a reputation for himself when he shall have been through his course of instruction.
  • 1077806
  • To bite; to gnaw.
kă cêk chùi;
bite off a mouthful.
cí cîah káu ŏi kă nâng a bŏi?
Is this dog apt to bite?
màiⁿ khṳt i kă tiêh;
don't let him bite you.
khak tōiⁿ, kă m̄ lô̤h;
it is so hard I can't bite into it.
khah jūu, kă m̄tn̆g;
it is so tough that I cannot bite it in two.
kă cò̤ nŏ̤ kò̤;
bite it apart.
i kâi khí kă kín-kín, tîeh kĭo khui;
his teeth are clenched, and we must pry them apart.
kă-gê chiet-chí;
gnash the teeth.
tng kuaⁿ mīn côiⁿ khṳ̀ kă i;
right there before the face of the magistrate, wrongly involved him in the crime.