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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kieh

From Wikisource


  • kieh4101307
  • A porter; porterage; freight; a calling.
hâm kâi taⁿ-kieh lâi taⁿ;
call a porter to carry it.
kieh-cîⁿ jîeh cōi?
How much is the porterage?
kàu cí kò̤ ēng jîeh cōi cúi kieh?
How much was the freight to this point?
cí pang hì jîeh cōi kieh?
How much luggage has this theatrical corps?
ngĕ kieh;
a strong porter.
profession; rank; antecedents.
thóiⁿ sĭ sĭm-mih kieh-sek;
discover what is his position in life.
cía sĭ hó̤ kieh;
this is a good occupation.
cí kâi nâng sĭ cho kieh a sĭ ìuⁿ kieh?
Is this person one who does coarse or fine work?
cí cêk chun cie ŭ sĭm-mih tōa kieh hūn?
Of what rank in the profession are those advertised for this season?