Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kien
- kien-kiù;
- steadfast.
- kien-tōiⁿ;
- stable.
- kien-sît;
- solid; substantial.
- kien-ngĕ;
- hardened, solidified.
- cò̤ kàu kien-kien kù-kù;
- make it so that it will be very durable.
- i kâi cì kien căi;
- his purpose is fixed.
- sái i kâi siang-sìn kien-kù;
- strengthen his confidence.
- nâng tîeh ŏi kien-jím;
- one must have endurance.
- kien cip ka-kī kâi ì;
- holds obstinately to his own idea.
- sim kien cîeh īa chwn;
- unflinching determination will wear away even a stone.
- i kâi sim kien căi;
- his resolution is unwavering.
- kien-lĭen;
- unwilling to spend.
- cò̤ sṳ̄ màiⁿ khah kien-lĭen;
- do not be too economical of force in doing things.
- i kien câi, m̄ khéng chut cîⁿ;
- he is very close-fisted.
- 捐kien499647
- To contribute at a call from government; to buy a title or office; a benevolence levied for a state exigency.
- kien-tôi ŭ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
- How much money was subscribed?
- kîen ngṳ̂n cêk choiⁿ níe;
- contributed a thousand taels in silver.
- cía sĭ kien kâi khang hâm, bô̤ kien sît sĭu;
- this is the purchase of an empty title, not of any real office.
- i sĭ kien sĭm-mih ceh-hâm?
- What title did he purchase?
- íⁿ-keng kien kuaⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤;
- has already bought an office and gone to fill it.
- kien kêk;
- the office where contributions are taken.
- lâm-lêng īa hó̤ kien, hue-lêng īa hó̤ kien;
- a raven's plume may be purchased, and may a peacock's feather.
- têng tī-kâi sî-hāu ŭ khui kien?
- At what time was the subscription opened?
- kìen-sek;
- knowledge gained by experience.
- i kâi kìen-sek chim căi;
- he has had much experience in it.
- i bŭn ĭ kìen kâi sṳ̄;
- something rarely seen or heard.
- lṳ́ ío kau kìen;
- you are more experienced.
- kìen chìe;
- it is laughable; you will smile at it; (a polite phrase).
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ lṳ́ tho̤iⁿ ōi kìen chìe mē?
- Do you not think this absurd?
- i íⁿ-keng kìen-gî;
- he is already suspicious.
- nŏ̤ nâng kâi ì-kìen m̄ sie tâng;
- the two hold different views.
- lṳ́ hô̤-íⁿ kìen tit sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
- How could you know it would be so?
- kak nâng kak nêng kâi sek-kìen;
- each person has his own experience.
- cí khí nâng bô̤ bŭn bô̤ kìen;
- these people have learned nothing by experience.
- cîah kàu hìeⁿ lău hŵn-lío bô̤ kìen bô̤ sek, thèng cò̤;
- so old and yet so inexperienced, doing things at random.
- ka-kī m̄ hío, m̄ tîeh khṳ̀ mn̄g ŭ kìen-sek hùe?
- If you do not yourself know what ought to be done, why do you not go and ask those who have experience?
- put kìen khî hó̤, īa put kìen khî m̄-hó̤;
- have not discovered him to be either particularly good or particularly bad.
- m̄-sĭ ŭ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cū m̄ kìen i kâi ŏi chù;
- but for this we should not have known his abilities.
- i kìen lí m̄ mêng;
- he does not clearly perceive the principle of it.
- kìen sìⁿ;
- a fan made of lutestring.
- cí kò̤ tìeⁿ-bâi sĭ kìen kâi a sĭ tîu kâi?
- Is this valance for the top of the bedstead made of lutestring or of plain thin silk?
- kìen-cí-nêk;
- a muscle; a tendon; lean meat.
- tōa-kẃn-kĭen;
- the gist; the main point.
- cí kâi sṳ̄ sĭ tōa-kẃn-kĭen kâi sṳ̄;
- this is the leading feature of the affair.
- cí pang cṳ kâi tōa-kẃn-kĭen tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
- In what part of this set of books are their important doctrines to be found?
- i sĭ kĭen sĭm-mih kuaⁿ?
- What office has he secured by a contribution to the government?
- sĭ kĭen có̤ câk, a sĭ kĭen cìaⁿ tn̂g?
- Has he purchased an office that is given by a magistrate, or one that is conferred by the imperial government?
- càng-kĭen;
- sturdy.
- kṳn kut càng-kĭen;
- sinewy.
- i sui-sĭ poih-câp hùe hŵn-lío càng-càng kĭen-kĭen;
- although he is eighty years old he is still very brawny.
- úa thóiⁿ nín a-má kâi khì-thói hŵn-lío càng-kĭen;
- I see that your grandmother is still hale and strong.
- i lău nâng khang-kĭen căi;
- the old man is very vigorous.
- kĭen-cìang;
- able-bodied leaders.
- cí kâi jī kâi pît lâk kĭen căi;
- this letter is written with bold strokes.
- īa tîeh ŭ kĭen-hâu kâi hû-pit lâi sía cìaⁿ hó̤;
- one should have a good stiff pen to write it with then it would be well done.
- kĭen kong;
- to deserve well of one's country.
- kài-kĭen pâng-ok;
- to erect houses.
- cí kâi tī-hng hó̤ kĭen cò̤ sîaⁿ;
- this would be a good place to build a city.
- cí kâi sîaⁿ kĭen kàu taⁿ, kĭen ŭ jîeh kú?
- How long since this city was built?
- kîen sîaⁿ, kîen kàu cí kò̤ lâi, ŭ choiⁿ gūa nî lío;
- from the time when this city was founded until now is over a thousand years.
- kĭen kâi thah;
- erect a pagoda.
- kĭen to, kĭen tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
- Where is the capital to be established?
- cí kâi am tiang-sî chàng-kĭen kâi?
- When was this monastery founded?
- cí kúi nî kĭen-tì ŭ cèk cho̤h mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
- these last few years he has added to his possessions consider ably.
- kĭen-tì ŭ jîah cōi hôk-sek;
- has bought and laid away ever so many garments.
- tîeh lêng-ūaⁿ kĭen-tì kâi sin kâi;
- must set up a new one.
- tōa gûeh kĭen; sí gûeh kĭen;
- a long or short month, as fixed by the imperial calendar.