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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kip

From Wikisource


  • kip393615
  • Hasty; impatient; anxious; hurried; uneasy; solicitous; urgent; zealous for; hard up; in extremity.
lṳ́ kâi sim màiⁿ kip;
do not be uneasy in your mind.
mín-ēng sim kip;
there is no occasion for anxiety.
i kâi khùi kip;
his breathing is rapid.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ kip căi;
this business is very urgent.
kìu nâng kâi kip lāng;
rescue people from pressing want.
cêk sî cĕ tîeh kip, cn̂g kâi bŏi sĭeⁿ;
never thought of it in the hurry of the moment.
hṳ́-kò̤ kâi cúi kip căi;
the water there is very rapid.
kip-kip jû lût-lĕng;
impatient as Mercury.
kip cèng;
a virulent disease.
cí húe kín-kip căi;
am just now much pressed with business.
hàm i kâi sèⁿ màiⁿ khah kip;
tell him not to be too impatient.
cía put kùe sĭ kìu ngán-côiⁿ cṳ kip;
this is merely for the relief of immediate necessities.
i lâi kàu kip;
becomes to bring information of need.
cìeⁿ kip-pek cò̤ căi tit chut?
How can it be done with such urgency?
kip-chiet àiⁿ kâi;
what there is pressing need of.
tîeh soiⁿ tàⁿ màiⁿ khah lîm-kip cìaⁿ lâi tàⁿ;
you must speak of it beforehand, and not wait till you are just on the point of requiring it and then come to say so.
ôiⁿ sî m̄ sie hieⁿ, kip sî á cîh hût chíu;
when at leisure burn no incense, and when in extremity snatch at Buddha's hands and break them.
kip-sî cêk tíam jû kam lō;
when in extremity a little drop is like a refreshing dew.
  • kip3931206
  • To supply; to provide what it is necessary; to give out.
i sĭ tī cêk khue kâi kip-sṳ̄-tong?
Of which bureau in the Censorate is he the secretary?
cía sĭ cóng-tok síeⁿ-kip kâi;
it was conferred by the Governor.
sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ kang-kip i cîah?
Who supplies him with food?
kâi gûeh kip saⁿ kâi ngṳ̂n khṳt i cò̤ kháu-nîe;
furnishes him a monthly allowance of three dollars for buying food.
cêk jît kip nŏ̤ tâng bí khṳt i;
gives her a daily allowance of two measures of rice.
cía sĭ îu tìeⁿ-pâng kip chut lâi, a sĭ tùi tŏ̤ hāng phò̤ kò̤ khîeh?
Is this issued from the magistrate's office, or is it got at shops?
  • kîp394292
  • To effect; to reach to; extend toward or stretch on to; to influence at a distance; to communicate; to connect; to implicate; effected; done; and, with, also, at, to, about, concerning.
kîp cá;
at once, while there is time.
tîeh khǹg-kòi nín tîeh kîp-cá hûeh thâu;
must exhort you to at once change your course.
lâi tit kîp a lâi m̄ kîp?
Did he come in time?
lŭi-kîp pât nâng;
implicate other people.
sueh-kîp cí cak tŏ̤-lí;
in explanation of this portion of doctrine.
thâm kîp sì-chêng kâi sṳ̄;
conversing on passing events.
lŭn kîp cèng nâng kâi sèⁿ-châng;
discussing people's dispositions.
ngî-eng-kai kîp-sî hùe-kói;
ought to repent in season.
kàu aŭ-lâi le cū sĭeⁿ-siu-hùe bô̤ kîp;
afterward, when you come to regret it, it will be too late.
íⁿ chṳ́ kîp pí;
get to this through that; one step leading to another.
kîp kàu cíang-sêng;
until ho becomes of ago.
kîp tŏiⁿ;
the highest.
sam kîp tĭ;
the Emperor's three highest advisers.
úi pí put kîp;
to compare me with him will not do.
put kîp thî-hûang, hut-jîen cū kàu;
notwithstanding adverse circumstances, we reached there very quickly.
kîp kàu úa lâi cìaⁿ cai;
upon my coming, I become aware of it for the first time.
nî tng kîp ki;
to come of age, as a girl at sixteen years.
huang bé gû put siang kîp;
the wild horse and wild ox do not roam together.
cŭe bŏi kîp tîeh i;
he is not involved in the crime.
hṳ́ kĭaⁿ íⁿ-kîp cí kĭaⁿ lóng-cóng cò̤ hó̤;
those as well as these are all finished.
cí kâi hok-khì oĭ kîp tîeh lṳ́;
this blessing will extend its influence to you.
hŭa kîp i kâi sin;
the evil effects extended to him.
toaⁿ-toaⁿ kîp tîeh i ka-kĭ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
it concerns no one but himself.
màiⁿ ẁn-kîp pât nâng;
do not allow your dislike to extend to other people.
lîen-kîp hṳ́ kâi tī-hng to ŏi;
extends to that place also.