Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/kit
- 結kit3761206
- To knit; to fasten; to set, as fruit; to tie; to bolt; to congeal; to fix; to bind by agreement.
- kit bûeh;
- to knit stockings.
- kit măng;
- to make netting.
- mn̂g khang lâi kit;
- close and bolt the door.
- khîeh mûeh khṳ̀ kit;
- take something and fasten it.
- lṳ́ kâi cam kit pàng tĭ-kò̤?
- Where have you stuck your needle?
- khui hue kit cí;
- blossom and bear fruit.
- cí câng chīu kit ŭ jîeh cōi kúe-cí?
- How much fruit does this tree bear?
- ŏi khui hue bŏi kit sît;
- it blossoms, but does not bear any fruit.
- thóiⁿ ŭ sĭm-mih kit kúe;
- see what results.
- kit-pài cò̤ hiaⁿ-tĭ;
- entered into a contract to become brothers.
- i sĭ kio úa kit-pài cò̤ cí-mūe;
- she has bound herself to be my sister.
- kit-hwt hu chi; cháu thâu kit hwt;
- a long married couple.
- i íⁿ-kang tŏ̤ kuaⁿ mīn côiⁿ kŭ kit;
- he has already certified to it before a magistrate.
- sía kit-cn̄g; tng-tn̂g sía kit-cn̄g;
- to write a certificate.
- tîeh ŭ hieⁿ kuaⁿ kâi ìn kit, cîaⁿ hó̤ kîaⁿ;
- there must be a certificate from the village magistrate, then it may go on.
- táng i cē chìn cū kit tōiⁿ;
- when it is cold it will stiffen and become hard.
- chìn thiⁿ-sî cū kit tàng;
- in cold weather it becomes solid.
- kit cang;
- fasten the coiffure.
- kit jît;
- a lucky day.
- kit sî;
- an auspicious time.
- ŭ kît jît īa tîeh ŭ kit sî lâi kah;
- having found a lucky day, one must have a lucky hour to go with it.
- tăi kit lĭ chĭ;
- a good chance for a speculation.
- hon̂g hiong hùe kit;
- it happened that the evil omens changed to good ones.
- kit jîn cū ŭ thien sìang;
- prosperous people have the help of heaven.
- tô̤h kit; phok kit;
- seek a lucky omen.
- cia sǹg sĭ kit sîang kâi mûeh;
- this may be reckoned as a thing of good omen.
- kit cheⁿ cìe lîam;
- a happy star shines upon it.
- khai ciang tăi kit;
- may great prosperity attend the opening (of the shop, at New Year).
- kit tī;
- a favored spot.
- kit hŵt;
- a good place for a grave.
- kit lói;
- felicitous offerings.
- kit-kéⁿ;
- a common medicine for coughs, the root of the Platycodon grandifolium*.
- kim kit;
- the kumquat orange.
- cía kit sĭ cip kaⁿ a m̆ sĭ?
- This dwarf orange is grafted on the large orange is it not?
- tîam kit;
- small sweet oranges.
- kit píaⁿ;
- pressed oranges.
- sì-khùi kit;
- the nutmeg orange.
- kit hông;
- dried orange peel.
- kîam kit;
- pickled oranges.