Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/lui
[edit]- 蕊lúi30114012
- Leaf-buds; flowers in spikes or bushy heads, opening in succession; a classifier of flowers.
- íⁿ-keng pauh lúi lío;
- has already formed buds.
- ki-búe lóng-cóng piuh lúi;
- buds have shot out on all the twigs.
- tiah saⁿ sì lúi hue lâi chah;
- pick three or four flowers and stick them in.
- chûn cêk lúi tīaⁿ;
- one sprig is left.
- hŵn-lío hâm-lúi hâm-lúi;
- is still half-blown.
- cí lúi nĕ hâm-hâm;
- this one is just ready to blossom.
- cí cêk lúi hue thóiⁿ tîeh chìe-chìe;
- this flower is just opening.
- khṳt nâng chú kàu tn̆g lúi;
- they have all been plucked off by some one.
- hue-cam, hue-lúi;
- artificial flowers.
- phang tŏ̤ hue-lúi tói chái bît;
- the bees gather honey from the flowers.
- hue-lúi sim;
- the pistil.
- hue-lúi chiu;
- the stamens.
- jī lúi;
- a glossary.
- cheh lúi-cîp cò̤ cêk ē;
- collate all the lists.
- tùi-lúi;
- in conflict.
- cêk lúi cū kìⁿ kúi;
- as soon as they began to fight they were as frightened as if they had seen a ghost.
- cìen peh gūa lúi, hŵn būe kìⁿ su îaⁿ;
- have fought a hundred battles and not yet found out which is the stronger.
- i kâi mn̂g cêk phìⁿ tah sîn-thû, cêk phìⁿ tah ut-lúi;
- on each half of the double door, he had pasted an image of an ancient warrior.
- úi-chṳ̀;
- again and again.
- àiⁿ lúi cò̤ cîeh kâi a lúi cò̤ cng kâi?
- Are you going to build it up with stones or with bricks?
- lúi khìam ho̤h cōi tŏ̤ kò̤;
- owes in the aggregate quite a large amount.
- lúi-cek kú cū cōi;
- if it keeps on accumulating it becomes a large amount.
- lúi cōi-cōi;
- accummulated in great numbers.
- cek nî lúi gûeh;
- increasing years and months.
- khṳ̀ pài i, cò̤ kŭa tieⁿ lúi-bûn khṳ̀;
- went to pay a visit of condolence, and took with him an obituary that he had prepared.
- lúi-sut i seⁿ-phêng kâi tek-hĕng;
- narrate the virtuous actions he performed when living.
- hwt kàu pùi-pùi lùi-lùi;
- broken out in a thick rash.
- pê kàu hṳ́ kò̤ lùi-lùi;
- scratched it till it is all pimply there.
- mông tîeh lùi-lùi;
- it is like goose-flesh to the touch.
- phû cêk pa mông tîeh lùi-lùi;
- a spot has appeared which is very rough to the touch.
- lûi tâng; lûi híang;
- it thunders.
- lûi khà sí nâng;
- the lightning struck and killed some one.
- lûi lū-lū-kìe;
- the thunder roars.
- lûi hū-hū-kìe;
- the thunder mutters in the distance.
- lûi leh-leh-kìe;
- the thunder crackles close at hand.
- lûi kĭa-leh;
- a peal of thunder.
- lûi leh-cē-kìe;
- a clap of thunder.
- lûi kūang-cē-kìe;
- the thunder rumbles.
- lûi lī-lū-kìe;
- the thunder reverberates.
- lûi lih-leh-kìe;
- the thunder sounds in short sharp successive peals.
- hut-jîen cêk siaⁿ lûi híang;
- there was a sudden clap of thunder.
- lûi-sîn; lûi-kong;
- the god of thunder.
- lûi-kong nih mâk;
- it lightens.
- lûi tĭen;
- thunder and lightning.
- khṳt lûi-húe sieⁿ tîeh;
- marked by lightning.
- i sĭ hŭam lûi eh;
- it has been stuck by lightning.
- piⁿ lûi cò̤ cang-kíaⁿ-lô;
- twist the queue into a knot on the back of the head.
- cho̤h sùaⁿ khṳt i lûi cò̤ cêk kâi kîu nĕ îⁿ-îⁿ;
- the thread has been wound up into a round ball by him.
- tîeh cwn lûi ki tâng-lô̤-thûi lâi phah cìaⁿ hó̤;
- it should have a gong-stick specially wound for beating it.
- lûi au;
- a triturating bowl.
- lûi-puah, lûi-thûi;
- a pot and pestle used im trituration.
- lûi kó;
- to sound a drum, in such a way as to make it rumble.
- lûi sek-līo;
- grind paints.
- lûi îeh-bûah;
- grind medicinal powders.
- lŭi tîeh pât nâng;
- involves other people.
- lŭi-kîp chù-piⁿ;
- compromises his neighbors.
- khṳt i thoa-lŭi tîeh;
- was implicated by him.
- i bô̤ thoa bô̤ lŭi;
- he is not concerned.
- po̤-lŭi kàu ho̤h cōi nâng;
- made trouble for a great number of people.
- lîen-lŭi i kâi hiaⁿ-tĭ;
- implicated his brothers in it.
- lûi hûn;
- traces of tears.
- lŭi hĭa jû hŏ
- tears fall like rain.
- hâm lŭi;
- tears standing in the eyes.
- pui lŭi;
- mourn and weep.
- cek khṳt huang chue lío, lŭi cêk koiⁿ;
- the candle being flared by the wind, drops its wax all around.
- cek cē lŭi cū kōi ŵn;
- a guttered candle burns out quickly.
- thî lâm, thî lŭi;
- weeping and wailing.
- to sĭ hṳ́ cêk lūi;
- they are all of that sort.
- tâng lūi kâi nâng;
- the same sort of people.
- tô̤h kui lūi kui lūi;
- assort them, putting each kind by itself.
- khîm lūi;
- the feathered tribes.
- thâng lūi;
- the insect species.
- sìu lūi;
- of the order of wild beasts.
- hṳ̂ lūi;
- classed among fishes.
- nâng lūi;
- belonging to the human family.
- thiok lūi;
- the domestic animals.
- kúi lūi;
- a sort of demon.
- ĭ lūi;
- a strange species.
- cîeh lūi;
- a kind of stone.
- ṳ̆-pĭ lūi-bâk phàu-cîeh;
- prepare the missiles that are to be rolled down on the foe.
- i khṳ̀ phah hṳ́ kâi suaⁿ, khṳt i kâi lūi-bâk phàu-cîeh sieⁿ sí ho̤h cōi nâng;
- they went and attacked them on the hill, and many were killed by the missiles that were rolled down.
- thoa lūi kàu i chám căi;
- is so encumbered as to be in great distress.
- i bô̤ thoa bô̤ lūi;
- he has no embarrassments..
- i ŭ kúi kâi chùi lūi;
- he has many domestic encumbrances.
- i khut ke-lūi lŭi tîeh;
- she is cumbered with domestic cares.
- màiⁿ cah tó̤ lūi sin;
- do not cumber yourself by taking it along with you.
- jī lūi;
- a lexicon.
- lūi-cîp cōi, cìaⁿ khṳ̀ càu hûang-sĭang;
- classify and collate all in regular order, and then go and report to the emperor.