Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ngwn
- hṳ́ kò̤ kâi nâng ngẃn căi;
- the people there are very stupid.
- sît-căi si ngŵn mîu;
- are really a set of dunderheads.
- 玩ngẃn1039964
- Trinkets, or gems for playing with; to toy or play with; to test, to try; valuable, rare; fine.
- kó-ngẃn;
- bric-a-brac.
- ngẃn khì;
- valuable articles such as rare vases, pots or fine porcelain.
- ngŵn huap;
- to despise the laws.
- ngẃn i kâi bī;
- try its flavour.
- îu-ngẃn;
- to ramble for recreation.
- 元ngŵn1134102
- The commencement; the first cause; the head; the principal; the eldest; original; primary; among Tauists a vast period of time like a geological epoch.
- ngŵn-nî;
- the first year of a reign.
- cí kâi hûang-tì kói-ngŵn cò sĭm-mûeh?
- What is the style of the reign of this monarch?
- ngŵn-khì put cok;
- his constitution is not strong.
- sam ngŵn kîp tĭ;
- the three senior graduates.
- ngŵn-sio-coih;
- the fifteenth of the first month.
- ngŵn chîo;
- the Original or Mongol dynasty: it swayed China and Central Asia from A. D. 1278 to 1369.
- ngŵn-tàng;
- New Year's day.
- cúi ngŵn;
- a fountain.
- ngŵn thâu;
- the source.
- i kâi kṳn-ngŵn sĭ chông tī-kò̤ lâi kâi?
- Whence does it originate?
- cîah cúi cū sṳ tîeh cúi-ngŵn;
- in drinking remember the fountain.
- khoi cúi kâi ngŵn-thâu sĭ tŏ tī kò̤?
- Where is the source of this river?
- hô̤ ngŵn;
- the source of a stream.
- châi ngŵn kún-kún;
- an ever welling fountain.
- cúi-kâi ngŵn-cûaⁿ kún-kún lâu bŏi lío;
- the spring wells inexhaustibly from its source.
- tī tîeh i kâi pēⁿ cìaⁿ ŏi tn̆g kṳn;
- if the source of the disease is reached, it may be radically cured.
- 原ngŵn1133278
- Origin; source; beginning; natural; proper; inate; originally, primarily; really; honestly; the original condition; to trace a matter to its source.
- chîm-mn̄g i kâi ngŵn-îu;
- inquire into the causes.
- chêng ŭ khó̤ ngŵn;
- there are extenuating circumstances.
- ngŵn-lâi jû chṳ́;
- it was originally like this.
- tong-ngŵn;
- China.
- úa ngŵn bô̤ sĭeⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- I did not originally think of so doing.
- mûeh kui ngŵn cú;
- the goods revert to their original owner.
- ngŵn chêng tīaⁿ cŭe;
- search out the facts, and condemn the wrong-doer accordingly.
- i-ngŵn sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ khì;
- it was originally built in that style.
- ngŵn īeⁿ;
- the original style.
- ngŵn khòi;
- the original deed.
- kha, thàu lío ŏi hôk ngŵn a bŏi?
- Will the feet on being unbound resume their original shape?
- ngŵn pńg si jîeh cōi?
- What capital had he to start with?
- ngŵn ngṳ̂n siu hûe;
- got back the sum originally paid out.
- ngŵn-cá sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- that is the way it was at first.
- ngŵn-kū sĭ cía ĭeⁿ;
- in the beginning it was like this.
- ngŵn lō tńg lâi;
- returned by the same route.
- chūe chut i kâi kṳn-ngŵn;
- search out its origin.
- i i-kū tŏ̤ ngŵn ūi tīu;
- he lives in the place where he used to live.
- ngŵn nâng;
- the same person who did it before.
- chēng kú-kú ngŵn-sek bŏi pìⁿ;
- the color will not change, no matter how long it is worn.
- bô̤ ngŵn hó̤ sie kìⁿ;
- have not the face to call on him.
- hô̤h hwt, thông ngŵn;
- hoary hair, and a youthful face.
- sĭ i ka-kī chêng ngw̆n kâi, a sĭ lṳ́ míen-kíang i kâi?
- Did he do it voluntarily or did you constrain him?
- sĭ i kam-ngw̆n cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- he is willing to have it thus.
- thiaⁿ tîeh ngw̆n sì;
- when he heard it, he thought he would rather die.
- ka-kī cṳ̆ ngw̆n cò̤;
- did it of his own free will.
- jû ā sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ, úa kâi ngw̆n cū cok;
- if that is the way it is to be, my desires are satisfied.
- sĭ úa ngw̆n kâi;
- it is what I desired.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ chêng, m̄ ngw̆n;
- he does it very unwillingly.
- bô̤ cêk nâng ngw̆n;
- no one was willing.
- sĭ i kâi sim só̤ ngw̆n;
- it is what his heart desires.
- ngŵn kio i tam-sêng;
- is willing to guarantee it.
- hwt ngw̄n; hĕ ngw̄n;
- make a vow.
- hòiⁿ ngw̄n;
- pay a vow.
- būe cêng kói ngw̄n;
- not yet free from his vow.