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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/pang

From Wikisource


  • 度數pang-bó̤917
  • A certain time, period, distance, or quantity; a fixed amount; a limit or bound.
cí-hûe ŭ jîeh ùaⁿ kâi pang-bô̤?
About how late is it just now?
iak kâi pang-bó̤ ēng jîeh cōi?
About how much will be required?
màiⁿ bô̤ pang bô̤ bó̤;
keep yourself within bounds.
ûa cò̤ sṳ̄ to ŭ kâi pang-bó̤;
in whatever I do, I keep within certain limits.
i bô̤ pang-bó̤ căi;
he goes altogether beyond bounds.
kàu lâk phò lō kâi pang-bó̤;
not far from six leagues.
ŭ cêk choiⁿ ngṳ̂n kâi pang-bó̤ cū khí tit lâi;
it will take not far from a thousand dollars to build it.
  • pang659468
  • The fall of a mountain; to fall from a high position into disgrace; to loosen and fall; an emperor’s death.
suaⁿ pang, tī hām;
the mountain rushes to its fall; the state is ruined.
soiⁿ tì kèng-pang kâi sî-hāu, cò̤-nî hun-hù?
What were the orders given by the former emperor at the time of his death?
hueh pang; hueh suaⁿ pang;
hemorage of the womb.
pang-pang tŭi-tŭi;
fall in ruins.
khṳt náng kâi kun cē chong, hía châk-cheⁿ pang;
as soon as our troops rushed forward, the rebels gave way.
chîeⁿ pang khṳ̀;
the wall has fallen.
hṳ́ koiⁿ chù pang-pang thâp-thâp;
that house has fallen in.
céⁿ pang-hām;
the sides of the well have caved in.
khí cù lío pang cêk pôiⁿ chut lâi;
the tooth having decayed, a part of it broke off.
  • pang650966
  • To place in a series; a rank order, grade, or class of persons; a set; a troop; turn; a classifier of theatres.
nâng cêk pang cêk pang tùi cí kò̤ kùe;
the people went by here in troops.
to sĭ hṳ́ pang nâng;
they are all people of that class.
i sĭ hì pang kâi nâng;
they are people who belong to a theatrical company.
cí pang hì tī-tîang kío kâi?
Who is the manager of this theatrical company?
i kiu-nî kùe pang lío;
he has this year joined another company of actors.
lău pang tói;
the old company.
hṳ́ hùaⁿ nâng lûn pang sie thòi;
they are divided into sets of men that take turns and spell each other.
cĭeⁿ pang, lô̤h pang;
to take up or lay down the work done by relays of men.
i tó̤ tng chîang pang;
he belongs to the relay which is always on duty; it is in constant use.
che-hîah hun cò̤ saⁿ pang, cău pang, càng pang, khùai pang, kak pang kak pang kâi ceh-jĭm;
the constables of the yamun are divided into three sets, the torturers, the thief-takers, and the messengers, and each set has its own special duties.
bûn bú kuaⁿ to lâi càng pang;
the civil and military officers come and stand each in his place according to rank.
pang sṳ tńg-lâi;
return with troops after a victory.
pâi pang;
arrange in order, giving each his place.
  • pang65010411
  • Blotches; discolored spots, such as appear before small pox breaks out.
chut pang;
the blotches have appeared.
îang pang, im pang;
the blotches have come out well, or have not come out well.
thie pang;
probe the incipient pustules.
  • pang132700
  • Angular; rectangular.
sì pang; sì-sì pang-pang;
cí kò̤ tī cêk tn̆g sì-pang, thūn jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much did it cost per hundred square feet for filling in this piece of land?
lṳ́ àiⁿ pang kâi a àiⁿ îⁿ kâi?
Do you want an angular or a round one?
cò̤ sṳ̄ màiⁿ ngĕ pang-pang;
do not be exacting in your dealings.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ khah pang;
he is too exacting.
  • pang651754
  • Boards; planks; slabs.
cêk kò̤ pang;
a board.
nŏ̤ pang-tîo;
two boards joined.
kè kò̤ pang-tîo;
make a scaffolding to stand on.
kîaⁿ pang kîe;
go across on a board laid down to serve as a bridge.
floor boards.
pho pang;
moveable bed-boards.
mîn-chn̂g pang;
the slats of a bed-stead.
  • pang447964
  • A broken ring, once used to indicate disrupted friendship; an archer’s thimble.
a thumb-ring.
kùa kâi gêk pang-cí;
wore a jade ring on his thumb.
bô̤ kùa pang-cí cò̤-nî khui keng nē?
Without his thimble how could he draw his bow.
  • pang656757
  • A wooden cylinder suspended in a yamun or temple, and sounded to attract notice.
hwt pang;
to sound the drum.
cí hûe cìaⁿ hwt thâu pang, hŵn būe ŭ jī pang;
they just now sounded the drum for the first time, the second drum has not yet sounded.
táng kàu saⁿ pang ău cìaⁿ chut pńg;
wait till after the third sounding of the drum, then the lists of successful candidates will be placarded.
  • pang6511814
  • To publish, confer, or distribute, as the Emperor does.
pang-sṳ̀ mûeh-kĭaⁿ khṳt tăi chîn hùe;
bestowed something upon his chief courtiers.
pang kîaⁿ thiⁿ ĕ;
publish throughout the world.
pang kîaⁿ n̂g-tîn;
issue a manifesto.
pang kàu kak séⁿ;
send it to all the provinces.
  • pang6901876
  • Joined; a connection between things naturally separate.
cí ciah bé sĭ hó̤ bé, i kâi phiaⁿ-lî kut sĭ cn̂g pang kâi, m̄ sĭ cêk ki cêk ki;
this is a good horse, his ribs are joined closely together, and are not separately prominent.
kàu pang; cn̂g pang;
joined in one; united without interstice.
  • pang657507
  • A classifier of fleets, guilds, and classes; to shore up a thing; to succor, to aid, to defend.
hàm kâi nâng lâi sie-pang;
ask some one to come and lend a helping hand.
lṳ́ hó̤ khṳ̀ pang-cŏ̤ i;
you should go to his assistance.
a lieutenant.
cêk pang cûn;
a fleet or squadron.
  • pang156759
  • The maple, and some other trees.
the gum of the liquid-amber, said to turn into amber.
tōa pang cí;
lucrabau, brought from Siam, as a remedy for leprosy and itch.
pang-khoi hûi;
earthenware made at Pang Khoi near Chau-chau-fu.
  • pang7141638
  • A classifier of sets of books.
cêk pang cṳ;
one work in several volumes.
i hak ŭ kúi pang tōa pang cṳ;
he has become the owner of several extensive works, each in several volumes.
cí pang cṳ câp-jī pńg;
this work consists of twelve volumes.
  • pang6561684
  • A region; a country.
gūa pang;
a region beyond the frontier.
lîn pang;
contiguous states.
  • páng6577510
  • A list of successful candidates.
kim páng tôi mîaⁿ;
an official list of successful candidates for the degrees of kṳ́-jîn and cìn-sṳ̆;
úa kio i tâng páng kâi;
I took my degree at the same examination as he.
to sĭ líang páng chut sin;
they are all from among those who have taken literary degrees.
lêng hóⁿ páng;
scholars who take degrees.
kháu páng síu;
the one at the head of the lists, after an examination.
  • páng651754
  • A plank, a slab; time in music; a way of doing or acting; set, fixed, precise.
a small punt, named from its bottom being three planks in width.
kó-páng kâi nâng;
an old fashioned person.
m̄ pat páng;
do not know the tune.
páng-thâu hó̤ căi;
the tune is a very good one.
sĭ i tó̤ phah páng;
it is he who beats the time.
chìe khṳ̀ m̄ lôh páng;
he sings without regard to time.
cìeⁿ-sî kâi sṳ̄ cò̤ lâi cŭang páng;
what has lately been done, has been done contrary to the general understanding.
kah nâng kah nâng kâi páng;
each has his own way of doing things.
i kâi páng m̄-hó̤;
his way of doing things is not admirable.
  • páng65718810
  • The arm bone, the humerus.
i kâi koiⁿ-páng tōa ŭ lâk;
he has great strength in his shoulders.
cêk ĕ-kùa la kúi páng keng;
draws the bow several times during an afternoon.
  • páng6571207
  • To bind; to tie up.
lîah i khṳ̀ khún-páng;
seize him and bind him.
khún-páng lío àiⁿ lîah khṳ̀ thâi;
having bound him they will carry him away to execution.
  • 代勞pàng-pūaⁿ845
  • To labor in another’s place.
ŭ sî úa kio lṳ́ lí, ŭ sî lṳ́ kio úa lí, sie pàng-pūaⁿ;
sometimes I act in your stead, and sometimes you act in my stead, thus we are substitutes for each other.
  • pàng135664
  • To loosen; to let go; to cast off; to liberate; to lay down; to emit.
pàng sang;
slack off.
chíu cē pàng sang cū khṳt i cáu khṳ̀;
as soon as you loosen your hold it will slide off.
àiⁿ pàng chíu, pàng chíu m̄ tit;
wanted to let go, but could not.
lṳ́ hó̤ pàng sim;
be easy in your mind.
bói mûeh pàng seⁿ;
buy creatures in order to preserve their lives.
i chap ŭ cêk pang pàng-seⁿ-hŭe;
he has associated himself with a society which has for its object the preservation of animal life.
pàng tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where shall I put it?
bô̤ tī-hng hó̤ pàng;
there is no place to put it.
khîeh pàng hṳ́ tói;
take it and put it in there.
to liberate.
àm-cĕⁿ pàng i cáu;
secretly set him free.
sĭ thau pàng i kâi;
has slyly freed him.
pàng tìeⁿ;
loan with security.
sĭ pàng îeⁿ tìeⁿ, and sĭ pàng suaⁿ tìeⁿ?
Is it loaned on the security of something afloat or of something ashore?
pàng sìo;
set down in account.
i ŭ jîeh cōi cîⁿ tó̤ pàng lāi?
How much money has he at interest?
ún kâi sìo pàng kàu hn̆g-hn̆g;
we have extensive credit.
pàng ngîam kháu;
to get souls out of purgatory.
ngīam lío, cìaⁿ pàng kîaⁿ;
after it is inspected let it pass on.
pàng táⁿ;
screw up your courage.
lṳ́ cò̤ lṳ́ táⁿ pàng tōa-tōa, màiⁿ kiaⁿ;
be of good courage, don’t be afraid.
khṳ̀ tău tèng pàng pâi;
go to the higher courts to get the business furthered.
pàng húe;
set on fire.
tăi pàng hue teng;
a great illumination.
pàng cúi teng;
set burning lanterns afloat.
pàng i jîp;
let him in.
cŭe kia pàng i sin-cīeⁿ;
lay the blame on him.
lṳ́ màiⁿ pàng tīo úa;
do not cast me off.
pàng tío i kâi bó;
deserted his wife.
pàng kàu sì-cìaⁿ sì-cìaⁿ;
set it squarely down.
pàng tīo cía khṳ̀ cò̤ hía;
leave this and go and do that.
pàng âng; pàng hueh;
have dysentery.
lṳ́ hó̤ nā-pàng cí-ko̤;
you stay here.
lâi cŏ̤ pàng úa sin piⁿ;
come and sit here by me.
pàng hui;
left open.
pàng khui cío-lâng mn̂g;
set the door of the bird cage open.
cang cam lâi pàng hueh;
take a lancet and let blood.
khui mn̂g, pàng cúi;
open a sluice and let the water run off.
pàng kûiⁿ;
put it higher up.
pàng kĕ;
set it lower down.
sin kuaⁿ cih jīm ău cū kîaⁿ hieⁿ pàng kò̤;
when a new magistrate has entered upon his office he sends to the villages a notification of the days on which complaints may be entered.
pàng tîo seⁿ lō khṳt i;
give him some way of escape from death.
pàng lô̤h húe-lô̤;
put it into the furnace.
cí kâi tî hó̤ pàng hṳ̂;
this pool is a good place to keep fish.
  • pàng652644
  • To dress up; to apparel; to rig out.
tá-pàng kàu ngía-ngía;
dressed very handsomely.
tá-pàng cò̤ khṳt-cîah;
dressed so as to appear like a beggar.
cuang-pàng kàu cìeⁿ iap-thiap sĭ àiⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤ nâng-kheh a m̄ sĭ?
The reason for your being so neatly dressed is that you are going to pay a visit, is it not?
cuang-pàng khí lâi, jīn m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;
you are so elaborately dressed that I hardly recognized you.
tá-pàng lâi sò-sò;
plainly dressed.
tá-pàng kàu phâi-chîang phâi-chîang;
very richly dressed.
tá-pàng kàu hue âng líu lêk;
very showily dressed.
būe cêng siu-cuang tá-pàng;
have not yet made my toilet.
míen ēng cuang-pàng, ka-kī ngía;
need not practise the arts of dress, being handsome without it.
bô̤ cuang bô̤ pàng kâi;
in deshabille.
  • pâng702986
  • A pitcher; a jug; an ewer.
cíu pâng;
a wine-jug.
siah pâng;
a pewter jug.
hue pâng;
a jar for flowers.
i cîah ŭ nŏ̤ pâng cíu;
he drank two pitchers of wine.
  • 便宜pâng-î273
  • Cheap; convenient.
pâng-î bô̤ hǿ̤ hùe;
cheap goods are never the best of their kind.
úa thàu lṳ́ màiⁿ tham pâng-î;
I advise you not to covet cheapness.
īu phīⁿ, īu chiⁿ, īu pâng-î;
cheap, fresh, and handy.
cò hìeⁿ pâng-î?
How is it that they are so cheap?
khah pâng-î khṳt i;
let him have it too cheaply.
  • pâng134634
  • A room; a chamber; an office or bureau; a branch of a family.
i jîp khṳ̀ pâng lăi;
he has gone into the bedroom.
ŭ kúi koiⁿ pâng? pâng-koiⁿ ŭ jîeh cōi?
How many rooms are there?
kâi thiaⁿ nŏ̤ kâi pâng;
one main room and two side rooms.
tōa thiaⁿ tōa pâng;
roomy; large rooms.
pâng kíaⁿ;
a small room.
sói-êk pâng;
bath room.
bé pâng;
the pig sty.
a treasury.
a granary.
mn̂g-lâu koiⁿ pâng;
a hall.
nâng-kheh pâng;
guest’s bedroom.
húe-sît pâng;
pâng ok;
inner rooms; female apartments.
côiⁿ thiaⁿ ău pâng;
the front and back rooms.
chù kâi phien pâng;
the rooms of the second wife; the second wife.
a library.
sĭang pâng;
the female apartments in a yamun.
tâng pâng;
to room together.
tâng pâng hue cek;
the first night after marriage.
i lâi lío, būe ŭ kap pâng;
after she had come, but before they had occupied the same room.
pâng mn̂g chùaⁿ kín
bolt the bedroom door tightly.
tíeⁿ pâng;
the household of the eldest.
nín cò̤ kúi pâng-thâu khui?
How many households are there of you?
pâng tíeⁿ;
the head of this branch of the family.
pâng côk;
families and clans.
lâk pâng khue;
the six bureaus in a yamun.
îeh pâng;
a dispensary.
  • păng856325
  • A plain, level place.
lō siu-sîp kàu pêⁿ-pêⁿ păng-păng, bŏi khi-khu;
the road has been repaired so that it is very level, and not at all rough.
  • păng657758
  • A club, staff, or cudgel.
khîa ki jû-i păng;
held a mace in his hand.
ô̤h khûn păng;
learn to box and to fence with clubs.
i kâi thûi-păng cho căi;
her clubs are of a promiscuous sort; she uses anything she can get hold of to whip with.
i tó̤ păng i kâi;
he is slandering her.
to defame; to slander; to vilify;
cía sĭ tó̤ húiⁿ-păng i kâi, i bô̤ cía sṳ̄;
this is said to injure his good name, he did no such thing.
  • păng3137510
  • The bole, the trunk.
i kâi ki-păng seⁿ lâi hó̤;
it is very symmetrical in its growth.
cí câng hue kâi ki-păng ngía căi;
the branches and trunk of this plant are very well formed.
  • pāng132700
  • Manner; a way.
tōa pāng;
liberal; extensive; large.
cí kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ seⁿ lâi tōa pāng;
this infant is of fine proportions.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ tōa pāng;
he does things on a very large scale.
i kâi kṳ́-tŏng to sĭ tōa-tōa pāng-pāng;
his actions are always such as show breadth of mind.