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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/pheng

From Wikisource


  • pheng660867
  • To boil; to decoct for food.
i mîaⁿ-ke pheng-thîo chài-bǔ;
she is skillful in concocting food.
i lâi chíaⁿ kâi thiap sĭ sía "pheng mêng hāu kà";
his card of invitation said, "the tea is made and we await your instructions."
pheng līen;
to seethe as glue; to decoct, as medicines.
  • pheng124645
  • To reject; to lightly regard.
àiⁿ kio i pheng mīaⁿ;
will stake his life against hers.
i tîo mīaⁿ cū àiⁿ kio i pheng khṳ̀;
will risk her life in opposition to him.
  • phèng7021287
  • To ask; to inquire; to send messengers to an equal to make inquiries; to invite or negotiate, with a present.
phèng chíaⁿ i lâi;
invite him to come.
phèng- chíaⁿ hîen-jîn;
engage a teacher.
úa àiⁿ phèng i lâi úa kò̤, phèng i m̄ khéng lâi;
I wished to get him to come to my house, but he would not come.
ka-kī chin-sin khṳ̀ phèng i saⁿ tńg cìaⁿ khéng lâi;
went myself and asked him three times before he would come.
  • phêng7011495
  • To discuss the merits of; to settle the order of; to arrange; to criticise a writing; to revise and edit; to deliberate and weigh.
phêng-lŭn cí kâi nâng;
discuss this person's characteristics.
cò̤-nî phōiⁿ-phêng?
What arrangement have you decided upon in regard to it?
lṳ́ phêng-thóiⁿ tī kâi hó̤;
consider which one is the best.
khṳt ŏi hùe phêng cē;
let those who are competent revise it.
pín phêng;
to estimate the merits of.
  • phêng701512
  • Even; equal; just; equable; common, ordinary; peaceful, undisturbed; to subdue, to tranquilize.
thiⁿ ĕ thài phêng;
the whole empire is tranquil.
cò̤ sṳ̄ kong-phêng;
act justly.
sim lăi hûa-phêng;
a mind at peace.
khîeh lô̤h thien-phêng khṳ̀ phêng ;
put it in the balances and weigh it.
phêng tī khí huang-po̤;
raise a needless disturbance.
phêng jît;
daily; commonly.
sĭ phêng-sieⁿ-nâng;
is a commoner.
heretofore; ordinarily.
phêng mîn;
the common people.
nía piaⁿ khṳ̀ phêng châk;
raise troops and quell the insurgents.
khṳ̀ kàu, châk cū phêng;
on arriving, the insurgents were pacified.
i phêng-pêh bô̤ kù mēⁿ úa ; he scolded me with- out the least reason, chng-kháu íⁿ-keng phêng-hôk lío;
the sore is already healed.
kau suaⁿ chú khut, phêng-îang chú tût;
in the high mountains choose a glen, in the open country choose an eminence.
i hàuⁿ thòi nâng ūi put phêng;
he likes to take the part of the injured.
thóiⁿ tîeh phêng-phêng, bô̤ khî;
it appears just as usual, there is nothing strange about it.
lō phêng;
the road is safe.
  • phêng661744
  • A friend, a companion, a peer, an equal, one of the same views or school.
a male friend.
i kio úa sĭ phêng-íu;
he is my friend.
cí kâi sĭ tâng theng kâi phêng-íu;
these are fellow students who studied by the light from the same window.
ti kí kâi hó̤ phêng;
an intimate friend.
cai sim kâi phêng-íu ;
a companion who knows one's mind.
saⁿ phêng, sì íu;
a coterie of friends.
  • 硼砂phêng-seⁿ661
  • Natural borax, brought from Thibet.