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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/phi

From Wikisource

  • phi672828
  • The wings spread.
i kâi sît phi-phi;
with its wings outstretched and motionless.
i tó̤ pue to sĭ sît phi-phi, m̄ sĭ tó̤ phêh;
when it is flying its wings are spread wide, but it does not flap them.
sît cē phi, ŭ cîaⁿ lîah khuah;
when its wings are spread, they are about a span across.
  • phí10882717
  • The operculum of a snail, or other spiral univalve.
kìⁿ lô̤ cū ŭ phí;
all spiral univalves ever seen have an operculum.
  • phí141304
  • Closed, obstructed, which is the meaning of the 12th diagram.
cía sĭ i kâi jī ūn kuai-phí;
this is having his luck against him.
khǹg-kòi i màiⁿ hŵn-ló̤
phí cē kêk, thài cū lâi;
exhort him not to be down-hearted: when adversity has reached its utmost bounds, prosperity will come.
  • phí67416311
  • To despise; to disesteem.
cí kâi nâng khó̤-phí;
he is despicable.
i thóiⁿ-phí i;
he looks upon her with contempt.
tó̤ úa kâi phí-ì sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭeⁿ; cìe úa kâi phí-kìen lâi thóiⁿ li sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
according to my humble opinion it is thus.
i sĭm sĭ phí i;
she perfectly despises him.
  • phí6811047
  • A stoppage or constipation.
phí cek;
cí îeⁿ îeh ŏi khṳ̀ tīo heng tang kâi phí-kò̤;
this medicine will remove the swelling arising from obstructed bowels.
kit phí;
to form a scab.
phí m̄-hó̤ peh tīo, tîeh táng i ka-kī lut;
you must not pick off the scab, but must wait till it falls off of itself.
i cong-kú îeⁿ-îeⁿ, bŏi kit phí;
it always remains raw, and never scabs over.
i kâi phí kit lío tau thìaⁿ;
after the scab is formed, it aches from the pressure.
  • phì68114913
  • To compare, to illustrate; a simile; a parable; if, suppose.
cía sĭ phì-jŭ kâi ūe;
this is used as an illustration.
cang sĭm-mûeh lâi phì-jŭ i?
To what may it be compared?
phì- i īa-sĭ m̄ cêng lâi li cò̤-nî nē?
Supposing that he has not arrived, then what?
phì-jŭ cò̤ móng mûeh khap-chiet căi;
to take that as an illustration would suit exactly.
cieh lâi cò̤ phì-jŭ;
borrow as an illustration.
phì-jŭ cò̤ ciah cûn;
take a boat for an example.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ phì-jŭ lâi hŵn bŏi sĭo-sîn;
the comparison is not in all respects true.
  • phì6753813
  • A favorite; a parasite; partial to.
a favorite concubine.
i ŭ ku-ā phì chîn;
he has several favored courtiers.
  • phî677534
  • To shelter, to cover, to protect; affording shade.
to shelter, to countenance, to give protection to.
i cêk nâng cē ŏi, cū phî-ìm kàu thong côk;
he singly being somewhat powerful, affords protection to the whole clan.
sĭ i tó̤ pau-phî;
it is he who upholds him.
i cêk nâng chut lâi cū pau-phî kàu cèng nâng bô̤ sṳ̄;
he comes forth singly and furnishes such defense in himself, that all the others are free from trouble about it.
  • phî6801045
  • Lassitude; fatigue.
spiritless, languid.
cí hûe kâi nâng phî-kw̆n;
am now very weary.
i kâi ceng-sin̂ hó̤ câi, ciu-jît bŏi phî;
he has great stamina, and does not flag during the whole day.
nâng phî, bé hêk;
the men were weary and the horses fagged out.
cí kúi kâi che-hîah sĭm sĭ phî-ngẃn;
these constables are very remiss in the discharge of their duty.
cìeⁿ-sî kâi hìang ío phî;
of late the custom-house duties are slow in coming in.
To fly about; to flutter.
to flutter.
chái hue kâi bói-îah phî-phî-pue;
the butterfly flits among the flowers.
huang cē thau kî cū phî-phî-pue;
as soon as the wind rises the flags flutter.
phî-ngáu phî-cháu;
fur goods; furs made up into garments, and in the pelts.
i chēng kàu cêk sin phî-ngáu phî-cháu, cò̤-nî ŏi chìn;
he is dressed completely in furs, how can he be cold.
The temper; whims.
i kâi phî-khì m̄-hó̤ căi;
her temper is very bad.
i kâi phî-khì hàuⁿ ēng pó pî kâi îeh;
it is his fancy to use medicines that act on the spleen.
kâi nâng to̤ ŭ kâi phî-khì;
most persons have some idiosyncrasy.
i bô̤ phî bô̤ khì, sóng-khùai căi;
he has no peculiar whims, and is very easy to get along with.