Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/pho̤
- phó̤ cai cêk nŏ̤;
- I know a thing or two.
- úa phó̤ hío;
- I partially understand it.
- phó̤ hâh úa kâi ì;
- it will answer my purpose.
- phó̤ cōi;
- rather too much of it.
- phó̤ ŭ;
- very likely has some.
- cí kâi sṳ̄ úa phó̤-phó̤ thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
- I have heard something about this.
- i to phó-phó cai;
- he very likely knows.
- phó̤ khío;
- rather pretty.
- câng chīu phò̤-phò̤;
- a tree having dense foliage.
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ phò̤-phò̤;
- a strong healthy child.
- cí cho̤h kúe-cí phò̤ căi;
- this fruit looks very thrifty.
- i phàⁿ láu phô̤;
- he stands in awe of his old wife.
- kong phô̤;
- an old couple; Darby and Joan.
- cêk phìeⁿ phô̤ sim;
- a motherly heart.
- hwn thâu phô̤;
- a step-mother.
- phŏ̤ a-nôⁿ;
- hold a baby.
- phŏ̤ m̄ phû;
- cannot carry him.
- phŏ̤ kha-thâu-u;
- hold on the lap.
- cêk ciah chíu phŏ̤ cêk kâi;
- held one on each arm.
- phŏ̤ i kâi ĕ ie;
- clasped him around the waist.
- i pûah lô̤h khṳ̀, phŏ̤ khí lâi chêk;
- he has fallen down, take him up and trot him on your knee.
- phŏ̤ tîeh kâi châk;
- grabbed a thief.
- phŏ̤-kò̤ kâi nâng;
- one who pleads for the plaintiff.
- úa phŏ̤ lṳ́ lô̤h;
- I will lift you down.