Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/pho̤h
- cau-pho̤h;
- that which floats on the vat.
- put kùe tit tîeh i kâi cau-pho̤h;
- got nothing more than the scum of it.
- îeh-cúi pû khṳ̀ cîah, îeh pho̤h li tûi lío khṳ̀ tah;
- steep it and drink the infusion, then pound the dregs soft and put them on as a poultice.
- tê-pho̤h;
- tea-grounds.
- àiⁿ pho̤h cò̤ nŏ̤ kò̤ a saⁿ kò̤?
- Do you want it cut in two or in three pieces?
- pho̤h tn̆g;
- cleave apart.