Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/phu
- i khṳt i phú thien cṳ hĭa mēⁿ cêk kùe;
- he was reviled by him, every approbrious term under the whole heavens being used.
- 葡萄phû-thô̤715
- The vine; grapes.
- phû-thô̤ chīu;
- a grapevine.
- phû-thô̤ kuaⁿ;
- raisins.
- phû-thô̤ cíu;
- wine made from grapes.
- phû-thô̤ cap;
- the juice of the grape.
- cêk kîu phû-thô̤;
- a cluster of grapes.
- tah kâi phû-thô̤ pêⁿ, khṳt phû-thô̤ câng tŏa;
- put up a trellis for the grape vine to run upon.
- níoⁿ-chṳ́ thoa phû-thô̤;
- a rat pulls the grapes.
- tiah phû-thô̤;
- to gather grapes.
- phû-thî-chīu;
- the seeds of the pipul tree, used as beads.
- phû-sak;
- an idol; a god; inferior Buddhas.
- tîm lô̤h khṳ̀ lío, phû khí lâi;
- sank and then rose again.
- pùaⁿ phû, pùaⁿ tîm;
- floating, half in the water and half out.
- phû tŏ̤ mīn cīeⁿ;
- rose to the surface.
- cò̤ cêk tîo phû kîe;
- make a pontoon bridge.
- phû kâi li lîo tīo;
- skim off what rises to the surface.
- phū-chàu;
- light minded; without stability or dignity.
- phû-seⁿ kìa sì;
- life passes like a dream.
- khin-phû;
- levity; unsteadiness.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ khin-phû;
- he is very giddy.
- i cĭam-cĭam phû thâu;
- he is gradually rising in the world.
- i put kùe cho̤ phû-thâu;
- he has only just begun to rise in the world.
- phû-phîe;
- vagrant; unsettled; unstable.
- cí kâi nâng phû-phîe căi;
- this person is one who drifts hither and thither.
- cí cak sṳ̄ chíaⁿ kìa-phû;
- this business is not yet to be brought forward; let this be laid on the table.
- màiⁿ thî-phû cía sṳ̄;
- do not introduce this subject.
- thî-phû i kâi mîaⁿ, i cū seⁿ khì;
- if mention her name, he will become angry.
- cí kúi tîo sìo phû tŏ̤ kò̤;
- there are these few debts which are floating.
- i cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to sĭ phû-chêng chàu-khì;
- his conduct is always frivolous and mean.
- phû îu kâi a phû lâ kâi?;
- Is it boiled in oil or in lard?
- àiⁿ phû cíⁿ húe a sĭ àiⁿ phû sêk húe?
- Should the oil be moderately or intensely heated, for cooking them?
- phû khah kùe húe;
- to fry too long.
- phû-n̂g;
- sweet flag.
- phû-kong-eng;
- the dandelion.
- phû-cháu ôi;
- sandals woven of flag leaves.
- phû-thŵn;
- a hassock, or rush mat; a straw hassock covered with leaves.
- 芙蓉phû-îong144
- A shrub, the hibiscus.
- phû-îong hue;
- hibiscus.