Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/thoiⁿ
- chin mâk thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
- see with one's own eyes.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ mē?
- Do you see it?
- khṳt úa thóiⁿ;
- let me see it.
- úa li thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ;
- I do not see it.
- hó̤ thóiⁿ căi;
- presenting an admirable appearance.
- thóiⁿ m̄ cĭeⁿ mâk;
- the sight is repulsive.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ tîeh hó̤ a m̄-hó̤?
- Do you consider it well to do so or not?
- thóiⁿ kha thóiⁿ chíu;
- to stare at one.
- khṳt úa thóiⁿ phùa lío;
- I have seen through it; the trick of it has been found out by me.
- thóiⁿ m̄ chit;
- cannot perceive it.
- thóiⁿ tîeh m̄ pat tò̤ jīn;
- do not recognize it.
- i cheⁿ-mêⁿ, mâk-ciu thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
- he is blind, and does not see.
- híen khui lâi thóiⁿ;
- turn over the leaves and see.
- thóiⁿ cṳ;
- to read silently.
- thóiⁿ sìeⁿ kâi nâng;
- a physiognomist.
- i jī ke tó̤ sie thóiⁿ;
- the two are looking at each other.
- i cē thóiⁿ tŏ̤ i mâk cū tŏ̤ i chíu;
- as soon as he takes a fancy to a thing he has it.
- i cē thóiⁿ tŏ̤ i mâk cū tŏ̤ i tó;
- as soon as it comes within the range of his eye, he takes it into his mind.
- thóiⁿ khin;
- look upon with contempt.
- thóiⁿ tăng; thóiⁿ tŏng;
- regard with respect.
- cía sĭ cêk īeⁿ thóiⁿ huap;
- this is his way of looking at things.
- thóiⁿ mn̂g;
- watch the house.
- i thóiⁿ i, ithóiⁿ i;
- looking at each other.
- thóiⁿ kàu kông;
- look till dazed.
- thóiⁿ-síu sîaⁿ mn̂g;
- guard the city gates.
- m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
- never saw.
- lṳ́ phīⁿ thóiⁿ hó̤ a m̄-hó̤;
- you examine it by smelling it and see whether it is good.
- cîah thóiⁿ hó̤ mē;
- taste some and see if it is good.
- chì thóiⁿ jîeh hó̤;
- try it and see how good it is.
- mông thòiⁿ jîeh kût;
- feel and see how smooth it is.
- thóiⁿ m̄ hīn;
- do not see clearly.