Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/thoih
- thoih kàu nĕ ńng-ńng;
- bolster it up very carefully.
- hṳ́ ĕ tîeh ŭ mûeh thoih, cìaⁿ bŏi tiaⁿ-cŭang tīo;
- there must be something soft put under it, then it will not be broken by a thump.
- hṳ́ ĕ thoih kò̤ tê-tĭen sĭ chiu-kue-phûe;
- the mat which is under the tea-pot is a vegetable sponge.
- hía bé kiaⁿ kàu thôih;
- the horse pants from fright.
- thóiⁿ-kìⁿ thôih-a-thôih, hŵn-lío cîah ke ku-ā nî;
- looked as if gasping his last breath and yet lived for many more years.
- khùn kàu tó̤ thôih;
- so nearly exhausted that he gasps.
- i khùn-jîak căi, tàⁿ bŏ̤ kù ūe, cū tó̤ thôih;
- he is very weak, and gasps if he speaks a word.