Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/toa
- chiah tòa;
- a bloody discharge from the womb, not menstrual.
- pêh tòa;
- fluor albus.
- ie-tòa;
- a waistband.
- pâk tòa;
- tie a sash.
- kak tòa;
- to buckle a belt.
- kak-tòa-thâu;
- a belt-buckle.
- bûeh tòa;
- garters.
- ie-tŏ-tòa;
- a girdle.
- khò-thâu-tòa;
- a band to hold the trowsers in place.
- kha-khò-tòa;
- garters worn with pantalets.
- pî-pê tòa;
- a ribbon.
- cí kâi nâng sĭ tī-tîang tòa kâi?
- Who brought this person here?
- cí cêk tòa kâi tī-nhg ngía căi;
- the country round here is very picturesque.
- mīn-sek tòa n̂g;
- his complexion is becoming sallow.
- mīn pêh tòa âng;
- his face is ruddy.
- só̤-sî tòa tŏ̤ sin;
- the key is on my person.
- m̄ cai tòa mâk-kìaⁿ lâi;
- did not think to bring my spectacles.
- tòa piaⁿ kuaⁿ;
- the leader of the troops.
- pâng-tòa;
- the lieutenant commander.
- tòa íong;
- the vanguard.
- cóng tòa;
- the commander-in-chief.
- tòa kŭa ke-kẁn lâi;
- brought his family with him.
- 淘tôa870858
- To put into water and stir about; to wash sand out from rice, or dust from grain; to clean from sand by washing.
- tôa tīo sua;
- wash out the sand.
- bí tîeh tôa kùe;
- the rice must be washed by stirring it about in water.
- lîah tŏa;
- to steer.
- cûn tŏa;
- the rudder.
- sĭ i tó̤ hūaⁿ tŏa;
- it is he who is steering the thing through.
- ēng tàu tŏa-gê a míen?
- Should the lever be set into the rudder?
- sie-hŭ léng tŏa;
- help turn the helm.
- bô̤ tŏa;
- rudderless.
- cŭang cîh nâng kâi tŏa;
- collided with and broke the rudder of another man's vessel.
- cău-hùe ŭ ke cêk mn̂g tŏa tŏ̤ kò̤;
- fortunately we have another rudder.
- tŏa kŏina cē;
- tŏa tháu cē; port the helm.
- tŏa khang cē; tŏa peⁿ cē;
- starboard the helm.
- i cáu cĭeⁿ tŏa khṳ̀;
- he is cornered; he has no place of escape.
- tŏa búe;
- the part of the rudder that is in the water.
- tîn tŏa tŏ̤ chīu tèng;
- the creeper twines about the tree.
- kue ŏi tŏa cĭeⁿ pê a būe?
- Has the gourd run up the trellis yet?
- i kâi tîn tŏa lâi tŏa khṳ̀, tŏa múaⁿ-tī-kò̤;
- the creeper has run hither and thither over everything.
- tōa kò̤;
- a large piece.
- tōa ki sam;
- a big log.
- tōa ciah cûn;
- a large boat.
- tōa lîap bí;
- rice of large kernel.
- líu kâi tōa khang;
- dig a large hole.
- cí-kâi tōa;
- this is the biggest.
- cí-kâi tōa hṳ́-kâi; cí-kâi tōa kṳ́e hṳ́-kâi;
- this is larger than that.
- cêk tōa bô;
- a large sized one.
- nâng kûiⁿ-tōa;
- is tall and stout.
- sin-hàng tōa;
- a burly figure.
- kha pá chíu pà tōa ki căi;
- large limbed.
- tōa-bó̤-mûeh;
- a great deal; ever so many.
- tōa-tó;
- pot-bellied.
- khuah tōa;
- roomy.
- tn̂g tōa;
- long and large.
- táng i tōa;
- wait till he is grown.
- chī i tōa;
- bring him up to manhood.
- lău tōa;
- advanced in years; old people.
- tōa nâng;
- an adult.
- tōa m̄ tâng;
- not of the same size.
- tōa-tōa kâi hok-khì;
- very great bliss.
- tōa táⁿ;
- presuming; audacious.
- tōa táⁿ cṳ-nîe ké ùi nâng;
- a bold woman pretending to be bashful.
- tōa hó̤;
- excellent.
- tōa m̄-hó̤;
- extremely bad.
- i bŏi tōa;
- it will not grow any larger.
- chī bŏi tōa;
- will not live to grow up.
- cía khùe tōa;
- this grows rapidly.
- li-li tōa;
- grows continually.
- tōa siaⁿ jíang;
- scream loudly.
- tàⁿ tōa ūe;
- talk in a blustering style.
- cía sĭ khìam i kâi tōa cè;
- this is a life-long trouble for him.
- sĭ tōa nâng a sĭ a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ?
- Is it an adult or a child?
- i kâi tōa nâng m̄ hàuⁿ;
- her elders in the household will not consent to it.
- ŭ sĭm-mih tōa sṳ̄;
- has some important business on hand.
- cì tōa kâi; sĭang tōa kâi; cùe tōa kâi; kêk tōa kâi; téng tōa kâi;
- the very largest ones.
- sĭm tōa;
- it téng tōa; sĭang téng tōa; the largest.
- tōa kùe suaⁿ;
- larger than a mountain.
- cŏ̤ tōa ūi;
- sit in the chief seat.
- pêⁿ kûiⁿ pêⁿ tōa;
- of the same height and breadth.
- cía sĭ úa kâi tōa kâi;
- this is my eldest.
- tōa tau-kíaⁿ;
- eldest son.
- tōa cáu-kíaⁿ;
- eldest daughter.
- tōa kŭ;
- the eldest of my uncles.
- úa tōa i saⁿ hùe;
- I am three years older than she.
- ŭ kâi tōa, ŭ kâi sòi;
- some are large and some are small.
- ke lăi tîeh ŭ tōa ŭ sòi;
- the rules regulating the conduct of seniors and juniors must be observed in the household.
- tōa-tōa sòi-sòi lóng-cóng jîeh cōi nâng?
- Great and small, how many people are there altogether?
- tōa châi-chêng, tōa pún-mía;
- great intellectual and great executive ability.
- tōa chù tōa-uang-uang;
- a large and roomy dwelling.
- tōa mn̂g;
- the main entrance.
- tōa cîeh-thĭo;
- the main pillar.
- tōa êⁿ;
- the main beam.
- hĕ tōa lói;
- offer large gifts.
- ío tōa; jú-kèng tōa;
- larger.
- jú tōa jú hó̤;
- the larger the better.
- tōa cîh;
- tongue tied; stammering.
- tōa-chi tōa-chi nē;
- a big stupid lout.
- tōa thiⁿ tōa tī;
- the great universe.
- tōa tn̂g pêh jît;
- in broad daylight, in open day.
- tōa jît cí;
- an important time.
- cí kâi gûeh tōa;
- this month has thirty days in it.
- thàu tōa huang;
- a high wind is blowing.
- lô̤h tōa hŏ;
- a heavy fall of rain.
- sái tōa cîⁿ;
- spend large sums.
- cò̤ tōa seⁿ-jît;
- make a great birthday party.
- tōa kè tōa sì; tōa mô̤ⁿ tōa īeⁿ;
- a great ado.
- seⁿ lâi tōa īeⁿ tōa sìeⁿ;
- tōa sin tōa hu; large framed; big and brawny.
- tōa-tōa huaⁿ-hí;
- greatly delighted.
- i tōa m̄ huaⁿ-hí;
- he is much displeased.
- hûah tōa hûah;
- take long strides.
- tōa chìe tōa tàⁿ;
- laugh and talk boisterously.
- khah tōa;
- too large.
- tong-thûn-tōa;
- of medium size.
- tì tōa bō̤;
- wear a fringed hat.
- tōa tíaⁿ pn̄g;
- a large pan of rice.
- cò̤ cêk tōa chùi thun lô̤h khṳ̀;
- swallow it all down at one mouthful.
- khui tōa âu;
- yell with all one's might.
- tōa thûi tōa păng li-li phah;
- kept on striking him with heavy blows.
- bū tōa phàu;
- fire off a big cannon.
- pàng tōa chèng;
- fire the great gun.
- kio i tōa su îaⁿ;
- contest it with him.
- tōa seⁿ khì;
- very angry.
- tōa céng koi;
- hens of a large breed.