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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/to

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  • to9161639
  • The place of the palace or imperial ancestral temple; the capital or metropolis; all, altogether, in general; probably.
kiaⁿ to;
the capital.
to sîaⁿ;
the capital city.
tì-to kâi tī-hng;
the region in which the capital of the country is located.
to-sîaⁿ kĭen tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where is the capital?
to-khún; to-hú; to-si;
a major in the army, or a commander in the navy; (there is one in each prefecture).
the Censorate.
to-gṳ̄-sṳ́, hù to-gṳ̄-sṳ́;
the President and Vice President of the Censorate.
hieⁿ to;
feudal villages.
úa to m̄ khṳ̀;
I do not go there.
i to àiⁿ;
he wants it.
náng to m̄ cêng;
we have not.
hùaⁿ nâng to m̄ hàuⁿ;
they are all averse to it.
peh-sèⁿ hùe to kèng i;
the common people revere him.
  • 9171303
  • The belly; the stomach; a bellyful; a great deal; the temper or mind.
tó khùn;
tó pá;
appetite satisfied.
tó thìaⁿ;
cīeⁿ tó, ĕ tó;
the upper and lower portions of the belly.
the navel.
to pak;
the paunch.
the sides of the belly.
tó phîaⁿ;
the portions of the belly near the navel.
thiaⁿ tîeh tn̂g-tó tĭⁿ;
have heard quite as much as I wish to of that.
i bô̤ tó-lĭang;
he is nrrow minded.
ŭ tó-lĭang;
liberal minded.
pâk tó-phè;
put on an apron.
the calf of the leg.
tó tói ŭ mûeh;
has something in his stomach or his mind.
to tói ŭ mûeh cū cò̤ ŭ lâi;
if there is anything in him he will be able to do it.
bô̤ ke kâi tó lâi cîah;
am unable to eat any more.
tó lăi thong-thong;
is very clear-headed.
hṳ́ kâi nâng cn̂g kâi bô̤ tó lăi;
that fellow is wholly destitute of mental ability.
i lêh to khṳ̀ tùi i sí;
he cut open his bowels and killed himself in order to call down vengeance on another.
thiaⁿ lío khì kàu cêk tó húe;
on hearing it, was filled with burning rage.
cîah kàu tó kuai-kuai;
eats till he can hold no more.
tó lak-lak;
pot bellied.
i kâi sái-tó phû cheⁿ-kṳn;
he has varicose veins on his paunch.
tìeⁿ tó;
bloated bowels.
tó ngân, tîeh khîeh mûeh lâi thâh tó;
his bowels feel cold, something must be laid over them.
tîeh cang eng, pue sie lío, lâi ù tó;
must get a brick and heat it, and put it to his bowels to warm them.
i kâi tó-tn̂g chíen;
he is shallow minded.
mih mûeh cîah cêk tó;
he stuffs himself with all sorts of stuff.
tó céng-tìeⁿ;
dropsy of the bowels.
thiaⁿ lío tīam-tīam khǹg tŏ̤ tó lăi;
heard it, and kept it laid up carefully in his mind.
feeling of distension in the bowls.
  • 9161549
  • To bet; to wager; to stake; to risk.
kìm tó;
prohibit gaming.
kuaⁿ-hú chut kò̤-sī, àiⁿ lîah tó-kùn;
the magistrate has issued a notice that gamblers will be seized.
khui tó tîeⁿ;
keep a gambling hall.
i káⁿ kio i tó thâu;
she would risk her head on it.
káⁿ cū jī-ke khṳ̀ sía tó-thâu cn̄g;
if you dare do it, we will both go and write out and sign a document agreeing to do that for which the penalty is death.
i cṳ̆-lâi to sĭ o̤ chiang siet tó;
he has hitherto harbored prostitutes and instituted games of chance.
àiⁿ tó mē?
Will you bet?
àiⁿ to sĭm mûeh?
What will you bet?
  • 87419114
  • To wrangle; to contest; to fight; to contend for; to strive to excel.
to fight.
kak hieⁿ íⁿ-keng m̄ káⁿ hăi-tò;
the villages no longer dare engage in feuds.
líang-ke tì-kàu ceⁿ-tò;
the two got into a quarrel.
jī-ke tó̤ tò-khì;
they are having an angry dispute.
tò lâi tò khṳ̀ bô̤ su îaⁿ;
had a sharp fight in which neither got the advantage.
tò thóiⁿ tī-tîang kâi kéng chái lâi ngía;
strive and see whose display shall be the most gorgeous.
líang hóⁿ sie tò;
two tigers fighting.
nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ tò lâk;
the two are wrestling to see who is the stronger.
i tò i m̄ kùe;
he cannot get the better of her.
to compete.
tò sái cîⁿ;
rival in expenditure.
kìm tô̤;
to prohibit the slaughter of animals for food.
khui tô̤;
remove the prohibition to slaughter animals.
tô̤ hŏ;
khui gû tô;
open a butcher's shop.
tô thâu;
the owner of a slaughter house.
  • 9183111
  • A plan, drawing, diagram or chart.
ūe tī-tô;
draw maps.
cí pak tī-lí-tô ūe lâi mêng-pêh;
this map of the roads is plainly drawn.
suaⁿ tô ŭ liam tŏ̤ tîaⁿ tói a bô̤?
Is the map of the burial place pasted on the statement entered at the yamun or not?
kò kâi ŏi ūe kâi lâi kùai tô;
hire some one who can draw to delineate a plan of it.
i kâi tô kùai lâi m̄ mêng-pêh;
their chart is not drawn in such a way as to make the location of objects plain.
cía sĭ thiⁿ-ĕ kak kok kâi chŵn tô;
this is a map of the whole world.
tong-kok kâi tī-tô;
a map of China.
ūe tieⁿ chù-kêk kâi tô;
draw up a plan of the house.
tô pâng;
a cook house.
tô cí;
a cook.
tng tô pâng;
act as cook for an official.
kẃn tô;
head butler.
kuaⁿ gê lăi kâi kìe-cò̤ to-pâng, cíu-kẃn kâi kìe-cò̤ tô-cí, hâng-phò kẃn-thâu ēng kâi, kìe cò̤ húe-thâu;
cooks have three different appellations, according as they are employed in a yamun, a restaurant, or in a private house.
  • 螻蛄tŏ-kâu431
  • The mole cricket.
tŏ-kâu m̄ cîah khang kháu cháu;
the mole cricket does not eat the grass at the entrance to his own burrow.
cù tŏ-kâu;
drive out mole crickets by leading water into their holes.
i sĭeⁿ khí lâi cē bô̤ cì, cū khṳ̀ phàu tŏ-kâu;
he could not come to any fixed purpose by thinking, and so went and hung himself.
  • 8741510
  • A sacrificial dish; a charger.
úa àiⁿ phah ngŏ kâi siah tŏ;
I want a set of sacrificial vessels made.
cieh cêk hù châ kâi tŏ lâi ēng;
borrow a set of wooden platters to use.
a trencher.
bói ke cêk īeⁿ cheⁿ-kúai lâi chò pái-tŏ;
buy another sort of fruit to make up the full complement of dishes to set before a god.
chò ngŏ tŏ;
fill the set of sacrificial dishes.
rubbish; litter; dirt.
put tīo tŏ-pùn;
clear away the litter.
hṳ́ kò̤ tah jī bô̤ nâng tò̤ tŏ-pùn;
a placard is stuck up forbidding people to throw rubbish there.
tŏ-pùn táu;
a dust-pan.
  • 87511615
  • An error by which some one is disappointed; loss, waste, damage.
pī tŏ peh chut;
a trifling error has many bad results.
sim seⁿ gî-tŏ;
he entertains a distrust of it.
lâng pó̤ bô̤ gî-tŏ;
cannot guarantee that there will be no remissness.
  • 9171303
  • A stomacher; tripe.
gû tŏ; îeⁿ tŏ, tṳ tŏ;
tripe of oxen, sheep or swine.
pâk kâi âng ie-tŏ;
wore a red stomacher.
kùe tō;
cross the ferry.
tah tō-cûn;
go on board a ferry-boat.
tō-cûn cîⁿ;
kàu hìeⁿ pôiⁿ kâi tō-cûn-thâu;
arrived at the other end of the ferry.
pâi tō kùe khṳ̀;
make a pontoon bridge across.
theⁿ tō kâi;
a ferryman.
hìang tō;
licensed ferry boats.
bô̤ tō cûn cū ĕ kùe khù;
if there is no ferry we will wade across.
  • 9171679
  • To wash with gold; gilded.
tō kim kâi thâu-chah;
gilded head ornaments.
cí sang chíu-hŵn àiⁿ tō kim;
want these bracelets washed with gold.
cí tîo ngṳ̂n-līen hó̤ tō kim mē?
Can this silver chain be washed with gold?
  • 917536
  • A measure, a test, a degree, a limit; a degree of latitude or longitude; an interval in music; a rule, a regulation; capacity, endurance; to bring under rule; to form by law; to pass, as time; to ford.
huap tō;
regulations; by laws; restrictions.
tō jît jû nî;
a day seems like a year in passing.
hùi-ēng m̄ hó̤ kùe tō;
do not exceed the fixed allowance in your expenses.
ŏi tit tō seⁿ kùe jît cū hó̤;
if I have enough to live on for the time being that is sufficient.
tō sìo;
certain times, periods or distances.
ēng sĭm-mih tō sìo?
What is the unit of measure?
bô̤ tō;
without bounds; no restraint; lawless.
cîah kâi mûeh bô̤ tō;
eat inordinately of a certain kind of food.
i kâi tō-lĭang khuah-tōa;
he is very liberal.
special officers in the Ming dynasty sent to look after the revenue of the provinces.
mih sṳ̄ tîeh ū kâi cak-tō;
in all things there must be certain fixed limits.
ŭ jîeh cōi, kâi tō?
About how many are there?
cìeⁿ-seⁿ tùi-tùi kah-tō kah-tō;
this is just exactly in accordance with the limit set.
cía m̄ kah úa kâi tō;
this is not suited to my capacity.
lṳ́ àiⁿ bói sĭm-mih cîⁿ tō?
To what price do you wish to limit yourself in purchasing?
cí kò̤ kâi tō ío sòi;
the limit here is narrower.
khah tó̤ tō;
too short measure.
tîeh ka ío tn̂g tō cē;
must give rather longer measure.
cí khí pò ío ôih tō;
this cloth is narrower.
phit ŭ ôi tō khṳ̀ bói cìaⁿ kah;
take the measure of her shoes when going to buy a new pair, and then they will fit.