Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tue
- cêk jît cŏ̤ tue-tue, hŭa tŏ̤ thiⁿ-cīeⁿ pue;
- one day when sitting quietly, woe came upon us as if flying in the air.
- i nŏ̤ nâng cìaⁿ hó̤ tue-tue, cū tó̤ sie phah;
- the two were good friends, and now they are fighting.
- tùe-bûa; tùe cò̤ cêk ē;
- baste them together.
- sie khîⁿ tùe;
- hanging together by a thread.
- thīⁿ tùe;
- sew on.
- tùe tŏ̤ hṳ́ búe;
- sew it on at the farther end.
- tùe pàng bō̤ tèng;
- sew it on to the cap.
- tùe i lâi khṳ̀;
- go along after him.
- m̄ hó̤ tùe;
- do not follow on after us.
- tùe i ka-ciah ău;
- went along behind him.
- lṳ́ tùe khṳ̀ thóiⁿ;
- you follow on after them and see.
- i chut ŭ kò̤ tŭe-ūaⁿ kim-ngṳ̂n kâi cie-pâi;
- he has hung out the sign of one who exchanges coin or jewelry.
- ngṳ̂n sŭ lâk-poih tŭe a sĭ chit tŭe?
- Are the dollars current here reckoned at six mace right candareens, or at seven mace?
- ngṳ̂n chit-jī tŭe;
- dollars are reckoned at seven mace two candareens.
- hŭe tŭe ngṳ̂n níe;
- to cash an order for money.
- ún phò tèng ŭ sĭang hó̤ kâi siam hwt-tŭe;
- the best ginseng is sold at our shop.
- pok tîeh kâi tŭe khùe;
- cast and threw the 58th diagram.