Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tui
- îu tui;
- globular hollow cakes.
- tui-kúaⁿ i peh gūa lí, cìaⁿ tńg lâi;
- chased him over a hundred miles and then returned.
- khṳ̀ tui i tńg lâi;
- go after her and bring her back.
- tui m̄ tîeh;
- could not overtake.
- tui kàu pùaⁿ lō cìaⁿ tui tîeh;
- followed him half way there and then overtook him.
- phah bé tui m̄ tîeh;
- a hard-driven horse could not catch up with them.
- sái nâng khṳ̀ tui thó̤;
- send some one after them to demand it back.
- chíaⁿ kuaⁿ tui-kiu;
- ask the magistrate to sift it to the bototm.
- tui hong i kâi pĕ-bó̤;
- obtained posthumous honors for his parents.
- cí pak sìeⁿ sĭ tui sṳ kâi;
- this portait is drawn from memory.
- tui hûe lâi;
- pursue after and bring back.
- tui kàu kín căi;
- followed very closely upon.
- tui khṳ̀ m̄ kam sía tīo;
- was unwilling to relinquish the pursuit.
- tui-piaⁿ tui khṳ̀ kṳ̆n;
- the pursuing force followed close upon them.
- i pûah lô̤h cúi, méⁿ-méⁿ kio i túi khí lâi;
- he has fallen into the water, pull him out quickly.
- cêk nâng peⁿ kha, cêk nâng túi piⁿ;
- one of them pulled his legs, and the other dragged at his queue.
- túi m̄ phû;
- cannot raise it by pulling upward upon it.
- so̤h túi kín-kín;
- haul the rope taut.
- cûn túi m̄ bûa, hám nâng lâi sie-hŭ túi;
- if you cannot pull the boat up, call some one to help do it.
- túi saⁿ kṳ;
- hold on to the flaps of his tunic.
- túi chíu;
- held on to his hand.
- túi i nā kò̤;
- helf on to him to make him stay.
- túi m̄ khui;
- could not pull it off.
- túi bûa sin-piⁿ;
- pulled it up to him.
- saⁿ túi lîh khṳ̀;
- pulled so hard as to tear his jacket.
- túi kín-kín;
- hold fast.
- 對tùi9244111
- Parallel sentences on scrolls, hung in Chinese houses as ornaments; to front; to correspond to; to suit; to pair; to answer; to respond to; consistent with; agreeing; opposite; inimical.
- i sĭ tng mīn tùi úi tàⁿ kùe kâi;
- it is what he told me to my face.
- i īa-sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū tùi úa m̄ cŭ;
- if he does that he cannot successfully oppose me.
- hàm i tng mīn lâi tùi;
- tell them to come and confront each other.
- tùi tîeh īa sĭ ŭ, cū sĭ i m̄ tîeh;
- if in confronting each other it is shown to be so, then he is in the wrong.
- tī-tîang cò̤ tùi cèng?
- Who are the witnesses for the defense?
- i àiⁿ chut lâi kio i cò̤ tùi-thâu;
- he is going to appear as his opponent.
- nŏ̤ nâng sī tùi-thâu kâi wn-ke;
- the two are rivals of each other.
- cêk tùi tùi-lîn;
- a pair of matched scrolls.
- lṳ́ hó̤ tùi i tàⁿ;
- you should tell him.
- i líang ke tiang-sî tùi chin?
- When were the parties betrothed?
- hàm châi-hù khṳ̀ tùi sìo;
- tell the bookkeeper to go and verify the accounts.
- sìang-kong kâi sío soiⁿ tùi cheng-chó̤;
- the accountant had beforehand verified the accounts by comparision, item by item.
- cêk tùi huń-cío;
- a pair of pigeons.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ bŏi tùi m̄ cŭ nâng;
- shall rot in so doing fall behind other people.
- sît-câi tùi nâng tit cŭ;
- really equal to other people.
- tùi a m̄ tùi?
- Does it suit or not?
- kàu sang kàu tùi;
- matches so as to make a pair.
- tìo tùi siu kâi teng-nâng;
- hang up a pair of new lanterns.
- tùi cieh;
- to confront.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ lâi tùi-ūaⁿ ēng tit cîⁿ a míen?
- In thus exchanging one for the other will any money be required to boot?
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ m̄ teng-tùi;
- he acts inconsistently.
- jit tùi tang;
- the sun is on the meridian.
- hîhⁿ m̄ tùi hâuhⁿ;
- the parts do not match; its parts do not fit each other.
- cìⁿ sīa tùi tong-sim;
- the arrow was shot at the center of the target.
- i kâi ūe tàⁿ khṳ̀ cū tùi;
- he spoke to the point.
- lṳ́ àiⁿ tùi tī cêk tîo lō khṳ̀?
- By which road are you going?
- hàm i tùu úa kò̤ lâi;
- tell him to come along by my house.
- úa àiⁿ tùi i kâi chù keng kùe;
- I am going past his house.
- tîeh mn̂g-huang siang-tùi kâi, cìaⁿ hó̤ cò̤ chin;
- those who enter in to conjugal relationship should be of the same rank in life.
- pái bé-tùi;
- ride forth in pairs.
- nŏ̤ nâng lâi tùi thâk kùe cū bô̤ mih tāⁿ;
- if two persons read it together, the one reading the copy aloud and the other seeing whether what is read agrees with the original, then there will not be many arrors.
- tùi thâk kuaⁿ;
- an officer who at an examination compares the copies of essays with their originals.
- tùi suaⁿ-kha keng-kùe;
- go along by the foot of the hill.
- tùi cûn lâi a tùi lō lâi?
- Did you come by boat, or by the road?
- teng tùi teng, cìang tùi cìang;
- the common soldiers oppose the common soldiers, and the generals oppose the generals.
- i nŏ̤ nâng sĭ tùi chíu chin ke;
- these two are the parents of the married pair.
- tùi chíu li phah i m̄ kùe;
- cannot overcome him single-handed.
- kàu cêk ē tùi tīn kâi sî-hāu i sĭang káⁿ cìen;
- he is not at all afraid to fight when he is once face to face with the enemy.
- tùi-têk;
- to oppose.
- tùi i lí-kẃn hîam;
- kept on blaming her.
- i àiⁿ tùi i sí;
- he will oppose him to the death.
- i khì kàu àiⁿ tùi seⁿ nâng sí;
- he is so angry that he wants either to kill or be killed by him.
- tùi-tùi kah;
- just exactly fits.
- tùi sím;
- examine judicially face to face.
- nĕ tùi-tùi;
- exactly corresponds.
- jú ùi jú tùi;
- the more afraid your are of a thing, the more apt your are to meet it.
- 碓tùi9241128
- A foot-pestle, commonly used to hull rice; to pound in a mortar; one beat of the pestle.
- i ŭ tùi li bô̤ khŭ, i ŭ khŭ lí bô̤ tùi;
- the one had a pestle and no mortar, and the other a mortar and no pestle.
- cía tùi khah khin, tùi thâu tîeh lâi teh kò̤ cîeh;
- this pestle is too light, and a stone must be put on its upper end to make it heavier.
- i kâi chíu khṳ̂ tùi hám tîeh;
- her hand was hit by the descending pestle.
- cí kâi tùi tăng căi, tâh bô̤ hìeⁿ phû;
- this pestle is very heavy, and it does not rise much when tread upon.
- cí kò̤ hó̤ lâi kek kâi cúi-tùi;
- this is a good place to set up a rice-pounder worked by water-power.
- tûi mn̂g;
- thump on the door.
- tûi ie;
- beat the loins to relieve pain.
- i khì kàu tó̤ tûi sim-kuaⁿ;
- he is so vexed that he beats his breast.
- tûi kim-pô̤h;
- beat out gold-leaf.
- khîa ki thih-thûi lâi tûi;
- bring an iron pstle and pound it.
- tûi-saⁿ-thûi;
- a pounder used in washing clothing.
- hùi-tŭi;
- spoiled from lack of care; worn out and useless.
- ke-húe hùi-tŭi;
- the tools are worn and shackly.
- chù, bô̤ nâng tīu, mín kúi nî cū hùi-tŭi khṳ̀;
- an uninhabited house becomes dilapitated in but a few years.
- hue-hn̂g kâi chīu-bâk, bô̤ siu-sîp, hùi-hùi tŭi-tŭi;
- the shrubs of the flower garden, not being cared for, are thin and sickly.
- hṳ́ kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ sĭ hùi-tŭi kâi kíaⁿ-tī;
- that son of hers is a poor stick.
- i kâi jī-sài sĭ hùi-tŭi kâi nâng;
- her husband is a poor decrepid creature.
- tŭi lô̤h thô-tī-ĕ;
- toppled over on to the ground.
- i kâi tho̤ tŭi tīo khṳ̀;
- she has had a miscarriage.
- cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi tŭi tho̤, m̄ hó̤ thèng cîah;
- this medicine may produce a miscarriage and should not be taken carelessly.
- cêk lîap cheⁿ tūi lô̤h lâi;
- a star is falling.
- tūi tho̤;
- a miscarriage.
- tūi lô̤h bé;
- fell off his horse.
- ti-tu tūi si, tūi lô̤h lâi;
- the spider comes down on a thread of his own spinning.
- cang so̤h tūi i lô̤h khṳ̀;
- let it down by a rope.
- cang so̤h pâk lío tūi i lô̤h sîaⁿ-chîeⁿ ĕ;
- tied it to the end of a rope, and let it down over the city wall.
- tūi tŏ̤ cúi tói;
- lower it by a rope into the water.
- i cŏ̤ tŏ̤ cûn-po̤-kîⁿ, i kâi piⁿ tūi tŏ̤ cúi mīn;
- he sat on the edge of the boat and his queue dangled in the water.
- nâng cîaⁿ khûn cîaⁿ tūi;
- people in groups and squads.
- cò̤ cêk tūi cêk tūi kîaⁿ;
- go along in squads.
- lîet cêk tūi cêk tūi;
- ranged in squads.
- àiⁿ pun cò̤ kúi tūi?
- How many squads will they be divided into?
- kak kui tūi-ngó;
- each returned to his own file.
- 3aⁿ cē àiⁿ chut tūi;
- a little later they will go forth to engage the foe.
- cí tūi ke nâng, hṳ́ tūi cíe nâng;
- there are more in this company than in that.
- cang cía cò̤ thâu tūi;
- make this the leading detatchment.
- i tó̤ khîa cóng-tūi-kî;
- he is the standard-bearer of the corps.
- bé tūi;
- cavalry regiments.
- i kâi tūi-ngó cíaⁿ-côi căi;
- their rank and file are uniformly disposed.
- chŵn tūi-ngó chut khṳ̀ cap îaⁿ;
- the whole army has gone into camp.