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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/tun

From Wikisource


  • tun924328
  • To heap up, to pile, to store; a mass, a crowd, a mound, an accumulation, a stack.
tun cò̤ cêk tun;
heap them up in a heap.
tun-cek kàu cōi căi;
amassed a great quantity.
tun nŏ̤ càng-pâng múaⁿ-múaⁿ;
filled two go-downs quite full.
cháu tun;
a straw stack.
sua tun;
a sand heap.
cí-hûe kâi bí hó̤ tun;
the rice is now fit for storing.
i cîeⁿ tńg tun bí cìaⁿ thàng tîeh;
he made a profit, the last time, on the rice that he stored up.
c5k tōa tun thùaⁿ;
a great pile of coal.
tun châ;
pile up wood.
nâng-mûeh tun kàu cōi-cōi;
there is a great crowd of people there.
tun lío ŏi sîh kṳn-níe a bŏi?
Does it lose in weight by being stored up?
  • tun9281674
  • Dull; obtuse; blunt.
tun to̤ kṳ̀ jîo īu;
like cutting a withered pumelo with a dull knife.
cí ki to̤ khah tun, tîeh khṳ̀ bûa lāi cē;
this knife is too dull, you must go sharpen it.
i kâi cieh tun căi;
his wits are very obtuse.
cí kâi ío tun, hṳ́ kâi ío lêng-lāi;
this one is rather dull, that one is more quick-witted.
i kâi chùi tun căi, bô̤ mih ŏi tàⁿ ūe;
he is very slow of speech, and not fluent in talking.
  • tun9273212
  • A tumulus; a mound of barrow of regular shape.
a conical chimney within which signal or beacon fires are lighted.
  • tun1031498
  • To inculcate; to enjoin; earnestly.
úa cò̤-nî tun-tun khǹg-kòi i, i to m̄ thiaⁿ;
however earnestly I exhort him, he pays no heed to it.
tun-tun kàu-kài;
earnestly warn.
  • tún92815713
  • A dépôt; to store; to house.
cí ciah cûn sĭ tún-cûn, sĭ tó̤ tún hùe-mûeh kâi;
this vessel is the receiving ship, in which the goods are stored.
tún kàu cêk cāi tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;
has been laden to its full capacity.
hùe cìeⁿ cōi kàⁿ tún m̄ tit ă!
There are so many goods that they cannot all be housed then!
nŏ̤ saⁿ īeⁿ tún cò̤ cêk ē;
two or three sorts are stored together.
  • tún9273212
  • A plinth or base.
chîeⁿ tún;
the base of a wall.
thĭo tún;
the pedestal of a pillar.
kih cêk cūe cîeh tún;
lay up a stone plinth.
kîe tún;
the piers of a bridge.
  • tún9371117
  • Thort; thickset.
i seⁿ lâi ói-tún ói-tún;
she is very dumpy.
ngó tún sin châi;
he is short but well proportioned; sturdy, and well built.
  • tùn30210912
  • Involuntary twitching in the flesh.
cí-hûe sin tèng kâi nêk ŏi tùn;
my flesh is twitching just now.
hó̤-hó̤ sĭ-sĭ kâi mâk khâp-khâp tùn: m̄ cai sĭ mih sṳ̄;
without any previous indication of trouble, my eye keeps twitching: I don't know what is going to happen.
koiⁿ-thâu cí hûe chûh-chûh tùn, m̄ cai hó̤ a m̄-hó̤;
at this moment there is a nervous twitching in my shoulder, I do not know whether it is a good or an evil omen.
  • tùn181737
  • To tremble; to shake.
híang kàu tī ŏi tùn;
sounded so loud that the earth shook.
hìeⁿ pôiⁿ kâi tùi cē ceng, cìeⁿ pôiⁿ kâi tī tū ŏi tùn;
when the pounder comes down on the other side, the ground on this side trembles.
i cē tó̤ tâh pō, cí lîn-kṳ̆n chù kâi tī cū lóng-cóng ŏi tùn;
when he steps, the floors of the neighboring houses all shake.
  • tùn10176411
  • To jerk; to pull at violently.
tùn t6ng;
broke by jerking.
tùn m̄ tn̆g;
cannot jerk it apart.
cûn-thâu-so̤h khṳt huang-éng tùng tn̆g khṳ̀;
the rope by which the boat is made fast, has been broken by the storm.
kŭa thih so̤h īa khṳt i tùn tn̆g khṳ̀;
even iron chains were broken by him.
  • tûn783307
  • The lips; a projection like a lip.
i kâi chùi-tûn cu-cu âng;
her lips are ruby red.
i kâi tûn khah tìo; i kâi chùi-tûn khìo-khìo;
her lips curve outward very much.
tûn àiⁿ kău, àiⁿ sì-cìaⁿ, àiⁿ âng;
the lips should be full, shapely and red.
i kûaⁿ kàu chùi-tûn o-o;
she is so cold that her lips are purple.
i kâi chùi-tûn po̤h-sìe pô̤h-síe;
he has a harelip.
tûn bûang, khí hâng;
if the lips are lost the teeth are cold; if the outlying states are taken I am in danger.
sît-căi sĭ tûn bûang khí hâng;
is really such discomfort as the teeth would feel if the lips were gone.
tûn âu kháu cîh sĭ i kâi hó̤;
his pronunciation is best in all kinds of words.
cí kâi jī sĭ tûn im a sĭ cîh im?
Is this word a labial or a lingual?
cí tîaⁿ ĕ tîeh lâi kih kâi tûn;
must build up a terrace before the open space in front of the grave.
cí kò̤ thò kâi tûn cìeⁿ ngía tīaⁿ-tîeh ŭ hŵt;
just here where a lip protrudes there is sure to be a grave.
tîaⁿ-ĕ cṳ̆ seⁿ ŭ kâi cîeh tûn;
in front of the area before the grave there is a natural stone projection.
  • tŭn9281629
  • To hide away, to skulk, to conceal one's selt; in retirement; hidden.
màiⁿ khṳt i tŭn khṳ̀;
do not let him skulk off.
i cē kiaⁿ cū ùi àiⁿ tŭn;
if he gets frightened there is danger that he will run off and hide away.
tŭn kàu bô̤ íaⁿ khṳ̀;
vanished away leaving no trace nor sign.
i tŭn jîp suaⁿ khṳ̀ tìam;
he absconded and hid himself in the mountains.
i ŏi ēng khî mn̂g tŭn kah;
he knows how to skillfully dispose troops in ambush.
i ŏi cieh thó tŭn;
he conceals himself by stirring up the dust around him.
  • tŭn9308612
  • To cook by surrounding with boiling water the dish that holds the food.
tŭn pn̄g;
to stew rice.
àiⁿ tŭn cêk-ki-hieⁿ kú;
cook it as long as it takes an incense stick to burn out.
cheng tŭn; pêh tŭn;
simply boiled in a dish surrounded by water.
  • tŭn9281814
  • To put in order.
cíaⁿ-tŭn nâng-bé lâi kio i cìen;
get troops ready and give him battle.
céng-tŭn kàu iap-iap thiap-thiap;
all made completely ready.
sía “ cài pài” cū hó̤, mín sía “tŭn sía pài,”
if you write “I present my respects” (on the card), you need not write “I respectfully bow the head.”