Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/u
- u huang, hŵn hŏ;
- call for wind and rain as jugglers do.
- côiⁿ u, ău ìong;
- those going before halloo, and those behind crowd up.
- cêk u cêk khip;
- one exhalation and one inhalation of the breath.
- u u toah toah;
- hallooing.
- u hàm;
- to bawl at.
- u hẁn;
- to yell at rudely.
- cêk u cêk khip mêh lâi kúi cì?
- How many beats of the pulse to each breath?
- hŵn-ló̤ kàu chîang-u tó̤-thàng;
- so distressed in mind that he sighs and moans.
- màiⁿ tàⁿ kàu hìeⁿ u-khuah;
- do not speak so vaguely.
- cía sṳ̄ khah u-khuah, o̤h sêng;
- this is too indefinite a thing, and will be difficult to bring to pass.
- khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ lŏng, khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ u-khuah;
- it grows gradually less exact and clear as I continue to work at it.
- u-u khuah-khuah;
- not perspicuous in meaning or intention; not clearly defined.
- cía sĭ u-hâh cṳ cèng;
- these are a set of lawless fellows; roughs and vagabonds.
- u ŭ;
- none; all gone; nought.
- kui cò̤ u ŭ;
- it was an entire loss; it brought in nothing.
- kui cò̤ u ŭ khṳ̀ lío;
- it has all come to nought.
汙u1058853 Foul, filthy, impure;
- to defile; to stain.
- u-ùe i kâi mîaⁿ-sek;
- stain his reputation.
- cêk koiⁿ u-u ùe-ùe;
- the whole place is filthy.
- khṳt i u-ùe tîeh;
- contaminated by him.
- tham kuaⁿ u lī to tîeh tṳ̂ tĭo;
- must get rid of covetous officials and their system of spoils.
- u hu ai cai;
- alas; ah, woe the day.
- 羽ú11241240
- Wings; plumes; made of or having feathers; feathered; cloth having a rough surface; flying.
- ú-se;
- camlet.
- ú-mô̤ⁿ;
- plush.
- ú-pò;
- bunting.
- ú-jìo;
- fine thick camlet.
- ú-tîu;
- bombasin.
- siu-bûa lâi cò̤ ú-êk;
- gather up to form pinions; take as a powerful helper.
- kàu i kâi ú-êk cē sêng cū o̤h tṳ̂;
- when his wings are formed it will be difficult to drive him out.
- i hīn-khek ú-êk kàu khuah căi;
- he now has wide influence.
- 宇ú1126403
- Wide, vast, reaching everywhere; the canopy of heaven; the countenance; to cover, to shelter, to brood over; to regard.
- ú-tĭu kang m̄-hó̤ khueh cí kâi tŏ̤-lí;
- none in the universe in any age should lack this doctrine.
- i seⁿ lâi kâi khì ú put pûam;
- his talents and his countenance are uncommon.
- tho̤h tŏ̤ nâng kâi ú ĕ;
- is under the protection of some person.
- to̤ mông jîn ú phî-ìm;
- I am greatly indebted for your human protection;—a polite phrase used in expressing thanks for hospitality or for favors.
- kok-ú;
- the second festival in the third month of the year about the time for planting the early rice crop.
- ú-súi;
- the second festival of the first month of the year.
- 禹ú11251144
- The reputed founder of the Hia dynasty, who reigned at Ping-yang-fu in Shansi; in epitaphs, one who recieves a kingdom and perfects its work.
- sún-tì sái ú-tì khṳ̀ tī âng-cúi;
- Sun sent Yu to regulate the waters of the flood.
- ú-tì tī cúi, tī poih nî cū sêng kong;
- the emperor Yu undertook to regulate the waters, and after eight years labor upon them accomplished the work.
- ú-ṳ̂-nîe;
- concretions of brown haematite, supposed to be petrified crumbs from Yu's table.
- khó̤-ù;
- hateful.
- siu ù;
- sensitive.
- cèng ù pit chak;
- what all abhor, is something that must be inquired into.
- hŭamcèng ù;
- loathed by all.
- hàuⁿ sĭen ù ak;
- loved righteousness and hated iniquity.
- cûn ù;
- a breakwater.
- hái-kîⁿ co̤h kâi ù hó̤ chàng îaⁿ;
- made an intrenchment on the shore, and established their camp.
- ēng tùi khìo-búe ù kò̤ kùe a mín?
- Need we pass the outer defensed on not?
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū kàu hó̤ cṳ̆ û;
- thus one has the means of enjoying himself.
- hì chái û chin;
- sported about dressed in gay colors, for the purpose of diverting his parents.
- cong jît to sí hwn-û hì-lâk;
- amusements and pleasure throughout the day.
- ciⁿ-û;
- a support of pillar out of the perpendicular; to equivocate; to prevaricate.
- i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi ciⁿ-ciⁿ û-û;
- what he said was wholly equivocal.
- úa thiaⁿ i kâi ūe sĭ tó̤ ciⁿ-û kâi ūe;
- I consider his language such as is used merely to stave off further inquiry.
- ŭ mē?
- Is there any?
- lṳ́ ŭ a bô̤?
- Have you any or not?
- ŭ sṳ̄;
- has business on hand.
- ŭ ā;
- has some.
- cí kò̤ ŭ;
- there are some here.
- ŭ hăng;
- to a limited amount.
- ŭ sìo-bâk hó̤ thó̤;
- has bills to collect.
- só̤ ŭ kâi hùe-mûeh;
- whatever goods you have.
- bô̤ só̤ put ŭ;
- there is nothing that he has not got.
- ŭ ūe àiⁿ kāng lṳ́ tàⁿ;
- have something I want to say to you.
- ŭ sim;
- considerate.
- taⁿ lâi ŭ chêng ŭ lí;
- what he says is reasonable.
- cía hô̤ lâng cṳ ŭ nē?
- What difficulty is there about it?
- pù ŭ kâi nâng;
- a man of means.
- ŭ cîⁿ ŭ ngṳ̂n cū ŏi tit cò̤;
- with money, it can be done.
- ŭ tek ŭ hĕng;
- is virtuous and upright.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ i ŭ cŭe a bô̤?
- Do you think him guilty or not?
- i ŭ tì-hŭi;
- he is wise.
- i lâi sĭ ŭ ì;
- there is a a significance in his coming.
- ŭ ì ŭ sṳ̀;
- it has a meaning.
- ŭ cū tàⁿ ŭ, bô̤ cū tàⁿ bô̤;
- if there is any say so, and if there is none say so.
- ŭ tŏ̤ mē?
- Was it there?
- cĭn khî só̤ ŭ lóng-cóng hâiⁿ;
- give all that I have.
- ŭ tit, ŭ sit;
- some succeeded and some failed.
- ŭ îaⁿ, ŭ su;
- some one and some lost.
- ŭ nâng tŏ̤ a bô̤?
- Is anyone there?
- ŭ sĭm mûeh?
- What have you got? What is the matter?
- m̄ sĭ ŭ pēⁿ
- she is not sick.
- i ŭ peⁿ;
- he is sick.
- m̄ cai i ŭ a bô̤;
- do not know whether he has any or not.
- i tàⁿ ŭ;
- he says he has.