Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ua
- ńng ua-ua;
- pretty little girls.
- sío ua-ua;
- little children.
- tńg khṳ̀ chù phŏ̤ ua-ua;
- returned to the enjoyment of domestic life.
- phì-ju cò̤ céⁿ tói ua;
- like a frog that lives in a well.
- úa tŏ̤ cí;
- here I am.
- tŏ̤ úa ko̤;
- at my house; in my keeping.
- i khìam úa kâi;
- he owes me.
- cía sĭ úa-kâi;
- this is mine.
- úa bô̤;
- I have none.
- úa ŭ;
- I have some.
- tîeh hâiⁿ úa;
- must give it back to me.
- úa ka-kī àiⁿ;
- I want it myself.
- úa kŭa lṳ́ cò̤-pû khṳ̀;
- I will go with you.
- i m̄ hàuⁿ pun úa;
- he is unwilling to give it to me.
- tŏ̤ lṳ́ úa kò̤ sǹg sĭm-mih sìo?
- Of what account is that between you and me?
- úa bô̤ chap i;
- I do not associate with him.
- úa kio lṳ́ tàⁿ;
- I will tell you.
- khîeh lâi úa thóiⁿ;
- bring it and let me see it.
- lṳ́ thiaⁿ úa kâi ūe;
- you heed what I say.
- i m̄ chái úa;
- he pays no attention to me.
- úa sieh i, i to bô̤ ài-sieh úa;
- I am kind to him, but he cares nothing for me.
- kio úa bô̤ kang-sîap; ṳ úa bô̤ tāi;
- it is nothing to me.
- i bô̤ ta úa ûa;
- he has nothing to do with my affairs.
- eh cò̤-nî, úa to àiⁿ khṳ̀;
- whatever happens, I am going.
- hāu úa phah-sǹg;
- wait till I consider the subject.
- thĕng-úa;
- wait for me.
- i phah úa;
- he struck me.
- i cò̤-nî phah úa sái khṳ̀ kâi nâng?
- Why did he beat my messenger?
- úa tŏ̤ kau-íⁿ;
- recline upon a chair.
- hó̤ úa ie;
- lean the back against it.
- i sĭ úa-kŏ tī-tîang?
- Whom does he rely upon?
- bô̤ nâng hó̤ úa-kŏ;
- there is no one to depend upon.
- chŵn tó̤ úa-cĭang i;
- depend wholly upon him.
- úa tó̤ lâng-kang kò̤ cŏ̤;
- reclining against the balustrade.
- i cē úa phìu cū pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
- while leaning, he slid off and fell.
- úa kàu khìang-khìang;
- lean firmly against.
- cí ki mûeh chíaⁿ úa pàng kò̤;
- please leave this lying here.
- lṳ́ m̄ tîeh úa pàng hṳ́ piⁿ, cíaⁿ bŏi kûe tîeh lō;
- you should lean it up on that side, then it wll not encumber the road.
- cò̤ tieⁿ hó̤ úa kâi tn̂g-íⁿ;
- make a reclining chair.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ oi-oi úa-úa;
- do not lounge around.
- hiaⁿ tĭ kíaⁿ, sie úa ka-ciah cìaⁿ ŏi tit sêng ke;
- brothers must stand back to back supporting each other, then they will form a household.
- úa i kâi sì;
- rely on his influence.
- bô̤ sì hò̤ úa;
- no power to depend upon.
- lú căi ta úa ûa?
- How can you control me in the matter?
- i bô̤ ta i ûa;
- he has nothing to do with him.
- úa bô̤ ta i ûa;
- I have no control over him.
- kîaⁿ kàu hṳ́ kò̤ bô̤ ta ûa;
- when we had gone thus far, we could do no more.
- úa sĭ bô̤ ta ûa khṳ̀ it kò̤;
- I had no other way but to go where he was.
- bô̤ ta ûa cìaⁿ tò̤-tńg lâi;
- had no recourse but to retrace our steps.
- jîeh ŭa;
- how greatly; so exceedingly.
- úa jîeh ŭa sieh lṳ́, jîeh ŭa kèng lṳ́;
- how deeply I have loved you and how greatly I have honored you.
- cìeⁿ-seⁿ jîeh ŭa hó̤;
- how very good that it is so.
- hìeⁿ-seⁿ jîeh ŭa kōi, lṳ́ cò̤-nî cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
- That way being so very easy, why do you do it in this way?
- bô̤ ŭa;
- no great amount.
- bōi chûn bô̤ ŭaⁿ;
- nearly sold out.
- ēng sīn bô̤ ŭa;
- used up so as to leave but a little.
- bô̤ ŭa kú i àiⁿ lâi;
- he will arrive before very long.
- hàm i khṳ̀ khîeh, khîeh to bô̤ ŭa lâi;
- told him to go and get some, and he brought scarcely any.
- tī-hng bô̤ ŭa khuah;
- the space is not very wide.
- tŏ̤ cí kò̤ khṳ̀ bô̤ ŭa hn̆g;
- starting from this point it is not very far.