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Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/ui

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  • ui27216411
  • To heal, to cure; a physician; healing; medical.
cía pēⁿ o̤h ui;
this disease is hard to cure.
ui-kuaⁿ jûah kùe pēⁿ-nâng;
the doctor is more feverish than the patient.
sît-căi sĭ sîu ui;
is really a skillful physician.
sî ĕ kâi ui-seng cíe ŏi kâi;
fashionable doctors are rarely competent ones.
pau ui;
guarantee a cure.
úa káⁿ kio lṳ́ pau ui;
I will warrant a cure for you.
múeⁿ jît ui îeh kâi só̤-hùi tîeh ho̤h cōi cîⁿ;
the daily expenditure for medicines is very large.
(illegible text)ong-ui suah nâng;
charlatans kill people.
thài ui īⁿ;
the Medical Board.
thài ui;
the court physician.
cía tîeh cò̤-nî ni-tî cìaⁿ hó̤?
What is the proper method of treatment in this case?
i tó kîaⁿ ui;
he is practising medicine.
a hospital.
khui kâi ui-kêk tó̤ si ui;
open a dispensary and give medical treatment to the poor.
cía pēⁿ lṳ́ thóiⁿ ui tit hó̤ mē?
Do you think this disease curable?
mîaⁿ ui;
a renowned doctor.
i ŏi ui gû ui bé;
he is a veterinary doctor.
bô̤ îeh ui;
nothing will cure it.
sĭ ui lăi khue, a ui gūa khue?
Does he treat internal or external ailments?
lîang ui put lêng cṳ̆ tī;
a wise doctor cannot treat himself.
ŏi ui pât nâng bŏi ui ka-kī;
can heal others, but cannot cure himself.
tńg khṳ̀ i chù thîo-ui;
has returned home for medical treatment.
medical books.
ui huap;
method of treatment.
ui sieⁿ-kháu;
to dress wounds.
i cìeⁿ seⁿ bô̤ ui;
there is no help for it.
  • ui1046386
  • The stern composure suitable to an officer's dignity; majesty, pomp; august, imposing, solemn, lordly; grave, awful, intimidating.
kuaⁿ ā sĭ bô̤ kuaⁿ-ui cū m̄ tit nâng ùi;
if a magistrate has not magisterial dignity, no one is awed by him.
i ŭ ui-khŵn tit nâng ùi;
he has an authoritative air which intimidates people.
i kâi ui-sì tōa căi;
he has great authority.
dignity of demeanor; majesty.
i kâi ui-ngî hó̤;
he dignity is imposing.
majestic; grand and threatening.
ui-hong lím-lím;
an awful majesty.
ui ngîam;
stern and imposing.
i tó̤ tăi hwt ui;
he is assuming a threatening aspect.
chin-chĭeⁿ nĭoⁿ hóⁿ tó̤ tíen ui;
like a tiger exhibiting his majesty.
a medicinal root, sweetish and white like iris-root.
a decotion, used as a remedy for boils and ulcers.
  • ui2701450
  • A cover; a case of any kind.
paper garments, burned at funerals.
sie ui;
to burn paper garments.
cí hù ui kô lâi ngía căi;
this suit of paper clothes is very handsomely made.
ui sieⁿ;
a trunk to hold paper garments.
pin-nô̤ ui;
the husk of the betel nut.
ui pau;
a square wrapper to hold paper clothing.
  • ui6631305
  • The placenta; the after-birth.
i kâi a-nôⁿ chut sì lío, ui būe lô̤h;
her child is born, but the after-birth has not been delivered.
ui lo̤h ău, ka câi-tòa ĺio, cang ui chō̤ lô̤h tăng, ēng hue-hu thă lô̤ khṳ̀ cū khàm lío khieh-bûa, ē jît khîeh khṳ̀ ta-tn̆g kâi tī-hng kò̤ mâiⁿ;
after the placenta appears the umbilical cord is cut, the placenta is put into a small earthen jar, ashes are laid upon it, the cover is put on the jar, and it is set aside until another day, when it is taken to the unfrequented spot where such things are deposited and is there buried.
  • ui1038184
  • To round off and equalize the inside of an orifice.
ui kâi khang îⁿ-îⁿ;
smooth the inside of an aperture and make it perfectly round.
ui to̤;
a tool used in trimming circular orifices.
úa kâi phīⁿ-khang-mô̤ⁿ jûah thiⁿ m̄ pat ui;
I have never had the hairs removed from my nostrils in hot weather.
  • úi3021498
  • To shirk one's work; to give over one's duty to another; to apologize and decline.
i mih sṳ̄ to sĭ thui-thui úi-úi;
he is always trying to shirk.
i chui-chui úi-úi, m̄ khéng khṳ̀ cò̤;
he makes all sorts of excuses to get rid of doint it.
cía sĭ i kâi ceh-sêng, i thui-úi m̄ khṳ̀;
this responsibility devolves upon him, and he cannot evade it.
i cía ūe sĭ thui-úi kâi ūe;
what he says is the language of one who would demur and draw back.
  • úi1051285
  • To bear a responsibility; to infer; to allege; to send off; to commit to; to put in charge of; to depute, to delegate; commissioned on public service; a wrong, a grievance; to end, the last, really.
úi i khṳ̀;
send him as deputy.
hŏng cŏeⁿ-si kâi úi;
receive the orders of a superior officer.
a deputy commissioner.
pbài úi-ŵn khṳ̀ chê;
send a deputy to examine.
lṳ́ cai tī-tiang-sî lô̤h úi nē?
Do you know when the deputy is to be sent?
úa íⁿ-keng thóiⁿ-kìⁿ kùa ŭ u(illegible text)-pâi;
I see that a bulletin announcing the names of the deputies has already been hungout.
úi sît hó̤;
really excellent.
a sergeant.
úi nâng khṳ̀ ngīam;
depute some one to go and hold an inquest.
m̄ cai thàng i kâi ngŵn úi;
has not gone through the matter from beginning to end.
i m̄ cai úa sim lăi kâi úi-khiok;
she does not know what grievance I have to put up with.
a delegate.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ chut lâi lêng-ūaⁿ úi-ẃn;
his language was very metaphorical.
úi móng nâng khṳ̀ sŭ tîe-ciu hú;
send a certain man to act temporarily as prefect in the Tie-Chiu department.
pat úi tîeh ŭ hó̤ khueh mē?
Have you been appointed to a good place?
  • úi10471048
  • Weak, lame impotent.
tì im-úi kâi pēⁿ;
loss of virility.
  • ùi10541499
  • To speak or report upon; something to say; to speak of.
cía sĭm sĭ bô̤ ùi;
this is wholly without excuse.
nâng só̤ ùi húe-lûn-cûn kâi cū sĭ cí khí;
these are the steamboats that people talk about.
  • ùi10541024
  • To dread; to venerate; to stand in awe of; a humble awe; a right fear.
do not be frightened; there is nothing to fear.
i mih sṳ̄ to sĭ ùi síu ùi búe;
he is very apprehensive about everything.
ùi sío-lí;
fear disgrace.
ùi nâng cai;
afraid to have it known.
to shrink from, to dread, to apprehend.
lṳ́ ùi mih sṳ̄?
What are you afraid of?
i ùi tōa nâng mēⁿ;
she fears being scolded by the elders in her family.
ùi bó;
stands in awe of his wife.
m̄-ùi pât nâng īa tîeh ùi ka-kī;
if you do not stand in awe of any one else, you must have respect to your own self.
i m̄-ùi nâng;
he fears nobody.
ùi sí;
fear death.
khìong-ùi pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
afraid of tumbling down.
khíong-ùi cò̤ m̄ sêng;
fears he cannot accomplish it.
dreads the cold; chilly.
ùi huap;
respect the laws.
ùi cam úi kù;
dreads the lancet and cauterization.

fears the remedies for his trouble.

  • ûi1048319
  • To invest, to surround, to besiege, to hem in; to circumscribe; to limit; to inclose; to confine, as a mold does its casting; to curtain in; an enclosure; a snare; a fortified village into which the people flee from robbers; a periphery, a circumference or measure of girth.
ni miⁿ-miⁿ;
hemmed closely in.
huang-ûi chîeⁿ;
an enclosing wall.
hùaⁿ nâng ûi cò̤ cêk ûi tó̤ thóiⁿ sĭm mûeh?
What are all those people, gathered there in a circle, looking at?
ûi cêk tōa khûn nâng sĭ tó̤ thóiⁿ nâng cò̤ pa-hì;
the great crowd of people that have formed a circle there are looking at a man who is performing tricks in jugglery.
têng-têng ûi-cŭ;
enclosing it circle on circle.
teh ûi-kî;
play chess.
all around.
suah chut têng ûi;
fought their way through the investing forces.
ûi sîaⁿ;
besiege a city.
khṳt i ûi tŏ̤-hò̤;
hemmed in by them.
sì-ciu-ûi (illegible text)n̂g kâi sĭ cúi;
there is water on all sides.
phah cêk kâi tōa ûi;
draw a great circle around it.
khwn cí cêk ûi ŭ saⁿ phò lō;
the whole distance around it is three leagues.
cang tĭam lâi ûi;
inclose it by a splint fence.
ûi kok-tak;
surround with a wattling made of withes.
cí gūa kháu ûi cêk în tek-lî;
put a bamboo fence around it.
i khṳt i ûi-khùn tó̤ hṳ́ tói;
he is surrounded and hemmed in there by them.
  • ûi10491699
  • Side doors of the palace, where candidates once underwent their examinations.
kim nî sĭ tùi chun-ûi a chiu-ûi?
Is this the year for the examination for the degree of L.L.D. at Peking, or for that of M.A. in the provinces?
îaⁿ cú-kháu jîp ûi;
carry the commissioner into the hall.
kim bô̤ nâng bói ûi sèⁿ;
prohibit the buying of the names of graduates,—a mode of gambling by betting on the surnames of the successful candidates.
i khṳ̀ hù pak ûi;
he has gone to the examinations at the capital.
sĭ pak ûi tèng kâi, m̄ sĭ kńg-tang ûi tèng kâi;
he received his degree at Peking, not at Canton.
ŭ sin ûi-bâk chut a būe?
Have the essays of the successful candidates been published yet?
  • ûi10491629
  • To oppose; to go against; to disobey; to disregard.
kú ûi;
I have long neglected you; I have not seen you for a long while.
cìeⁿ-sî kú ûi;
I have not met you lately.
i ak căi, îang hŏng im ûi;
he is very hateful, he agrees with you to your face, and opposes you behind your back.
m̄ káⁿ ûi-ngêk i tōa nâng kâi mĕng;
dare not go contrary to the commands of his elders.
kù ûi;
willful disobedience.
  • ûi1047878
  • To act; to do; to play the part of; to be in the place of; to manage; to attend to; to effect.
ûi nâng tŏ̤ sì;
to lead a life among men; to live in the world.
i bô̤ só̤ put ûi;
he recks at nothing; there is nothing he will not do.
ŭ lêng-ûi;
has power to do; possesses executive ability; can bring it about.
bô̤ lêng-ui;
i káⁿ cò̤, káⁿ ûi;
he is very enterprising; he is not afraid to attempt to bring it about.
i m̄ káⁿ hui ûi;
he will not act wickedly.
jím i só̤ ûi;
let him do as he pleases.
kíaⁿ-tĭ hùe ŭ ûi;
the sons are energetic.
ûi sĭen;
to do good.
ûi ak;
to do evil.
ûi chîn tîeh tong, ûi cṳ́ tîeh hàu;
being a statesman, one must be loyal, being a son, one must be filial.
cang i ûi cú;
take him for his master.
bô̤ si ûi;
no means of compassing it.
bô̤ si ûi, kui i khṳ̀;
if there is not that wherewith to do it, then let it go.
cûn ûi;
the mast of a vessel.
ûi kuaⁿ;
the masts.
thâu ûi, tōa ûi, búe ûi;
the fore, the main, and the mizzen masts.
saⁿ ki ûi kâi cún;
three-masted vessels.
i ŏi peh kàu ûi búe hṳ́ téng;
he can climb to the top of the mast.
khîa ûi;
to set up a mast.
ûi thâu, ŭi búe, ûi sin;
the lower, the upper, and the main part of the mast.
ûi céⁿ;
the socket in which the mast is set.
sîa ûi;
lower a mast.
cám ûi, tok tèng;
cut away the masts and chop off the anchors.
ki pùaⁿ ûi;
one long and one short mast.
ûi khṳt huang á cîh;
the masts were broken in the gale.
  • ûi1049508
  • A curtain; a screen; a valance.
a valance hung before a table.
chia ûi;
carriage curtains.
hâ ûi-ie;
put on an apron.
i pâk kò̤ ûi-ie tó̤ cṳ́ pn̄g;
she has on an apron, and is cooking rice.
  • ûi10561209
  • Transverse threads.
ûi bō̤;
a fringed hat.
ûi có̤;
the fringe and its heading.
  • ûi105114010
  • Reeds; rushes; grass which grows in river-bottoms.
cúi kîⁿ cĕng-cĕng lû-ûi;
the margin of the creek was thick with reeds.
  • ûi10481780
  • Straps or thongs with which persons are bound.
cîeh ûi;
the fronds of the Niphobolus lingua*, a fern used in medicine.
ûi-thô̤ îaⁿ;
a guardian deity found in Buddhist temples.
  • ûi1047869
  • To roast in the ashes.
ûi kieⁿ;
roasted ginger.
  • ŭi1047878
  • Wherefore; in the interest of; owing to.
lṳ́ kâi cîah lío ŭ ŭi a bô̤ ŭi?
Having eaten have you nothing useful to attend to?
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ ŭi tîeh úa, úa ĭa cai;
he did thus out of consideration for me, l know that.
lṳ́ kâi ŭ ŭi a bô̤? àiⁿ mûeh tīo i mih sṳ̄?
Have you nothing better than that do to? What did you want to spoil it for?
lṳ́ bô̤ ŭi àiⁿ khṳ̀ mih sṳ?
Having no reason for it, why do you go?
lṳ́ bô̤ ŭi àiⁿ mēⁿ i mih sṳ̄?
Since there is no occasion for it, why do you scold him?
  • ūi1047878
  • For, on account of; because; for the sake of; if; in case of.
ūi-tîeh sĭm-mih ŵn-kù?
What is the cause of it?
sĭ ūi-tîeh kong sṳ̄ a sĭ ūi-tîeh sai sṳ̄?
Is it on account of public or private business?
i in-ūi tîeh cí kĭaⁿ cṳ̄ cū lâi;
it was on this account that he came.
in-ūi i hiaⁿ-tĭ m̄ hûa;
because the brothers are not on good terms with each other.
in-ūi cò̤-nî?
What is the occasion of it?
ūi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ tì-kàu cìeⁿ-seⁿ nē?
What has lead to this state of affairs?
lṳ́ lâi ūi úa cē;
give some consideration to my welfare.
i cí hûe ūi sṳ̄ tŏ̤ kò̤;
he is not there because of his having business there.
a small hedgehog, said to have forked spines.
the skin of the small hedgehog, used in medicine.
A place;
a seat; a post; a position; the throne; the room a thing takes up; the place it ought to be in; a classifier of persons, diginifying them.
cí cêk ūi sĭ ko-nîe;
this is the young lady.
cu ūi;
all of you, Sirs.
cu ūi, chíaⁿ cŏ̤;
I beg you all to be seated.
lîet ūi thŵn khṳ tī-tîang?
To whom did his throne descend?
nî lău thò̤ ūi khṳt i kíaⁿ;
being old he resigned his throne to his son.
i sí ău thŵn ūi khṳt i a-tĭ;
on dying he left his throne to his younger brother.
kúi ūi nâng-kheh lâi;
several visitors have arrived.
i cŏ̤ tōa ūi;
he sits in the chief seat.
cí cêk ūi cṳ-nîe-kíaⁿ sĭ tī-tîang kâi cáu-kíaⁿ?
Whose daughter is this young lady?
cêk ūi sîn;
a god.
cí ūi sin-seⁿ;
this teacher.
i cŏ̤ hûang-tì ūi cŏ̤ jîeh cōi nî?
For how many years did he sit upon the throne?
tâng sòi-sòi cū cŏ̤ ūi;
he reigned from his childhood.
i cē kàu cí kâi tī-ūi cū cai;
as soon as he arrived here he knew.
cèng ūi hiaⁿ-tĭ;
all of you brethren.
kíaⁿ-jît kâi tang it ūi sĭ tī-tîang cŏ̤?
Who sat at the head of the table to-day?
tī-tîang cŏ̤ sai it ūi?
Who sat at the foot (the second place of honor at a Chinese feast)?
ūaⁿ ūi;
exchange seats.
jĭang ūi khṳt i;
yielded her place to him.
ū pâng ūi a bô̤?
Is there a room for me (in the inn)?
kio i sùe kàu kâi chng ūi;
chartered from him a place in the hold.
cŏ̤ tŏ̤ tī kâi káu-íⁿ ūi?
In which chair did he sis?
pàng kùe cék kâi chn̂g ūi;
set it along the length of the table.
pàng khui cêk kâi íⁿ ūi;
set it further off by the width of a chair.
súa-bûa cêk cûn ūi;
bring it nearer by a boat's length.
khí jîp kâi ch(illegible text) ūi;
build it the width of a house further in.
hàm i màiⁿ kùe ūi sńg;
tell him not to heave his own seat for frolic.
cáu kùe ūi;
run away from his proper place.
tó̤ tī kâi ūi?
Where is it?
bô̤ ūi hó̤ pàng;
there is no room to set it in.
àiⁿ thóiⁿ hì ēng sùe ūi a mín?
In seeing a place, need one hire a place?
hŵt ūi;
the location of a grave; the burial place.
i thong sin kâi pŏ ūi sêk căi;
he knows well which are the vital parts of the body.
kak nâng kak nâng kâi ka-ciah ūi;
each has his own six feet of earth.
chẁn ūi;
usurp the throne.
sie ceⁿ ūi;
dispute the succession.
tŏ̤ tî kâi ūi-chṳ̀?
In what place?
  • 味道ūi-tàu1053
  • Savor; smack; flavor; taste.
hó̤ ūi-tàu;
hṳ́ khí kâi ūi-tàu bô̤ mih hó̤;
that sort is rather unpalatable.
i tì kâi hẃn ūi pēⁿ;
he has nausea.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ sĭ keh-cîah a sĭ hẃn ūi?
Do you think it is a contraction of the gullet which prevents the food being swallowed, or that the stomach refuses to retain the food after it is swallowed?
ūi-kháu m̄ khui;
has no desire for food.
khui ūi;
excite an appetite.
i kâi ūi hâng;
his stomach is weak.
hŭam ŏi hâng ūi kâi mûeh cū m̄ hó̤ cîah;
whatever chills the stomach should not be eaten.
cîah un ūi kâi;
take what warms the stomach.
ūi khì m̄ hûa;
stomach is out of order.
cîah thîo ūi sŭn khì kâi îeh;
take something to settle the stomach.
hûa ūi kĭen pî kâi;
regulate the stomach and bowels.
sìa ūi húe;
cleanse the stomach.
ūi húe sĕng;
has a foul stomach.