Dictionary of the Swatow dialect/un
- i kâi sèⁿ-chêng un-hûa căi;
- her disposition is very amiable.
- cò̤-sṳ̄ un-un hûa-hûa;
- acts very benignly.
- cía cĭ un-hûa kâi îeh;
- this is a sedative medicine.
- un cṳ;
- to review lessons.
- kū kâi un sêk cū ŏi cai sin kâi;
- learn the old thoroughly, then you can understand the new.
- thiⁿ-sî un-hûa;
- the weather is mild.
- nŏ̤ nâng tó̤ sŭ hâng un, sŭ cêk kùa;
- the two were chatting about the weather, for a whole half day.
- cí kúi jît kâi thiⁿ-khì un-lẃn;
- the weather is delightful these last few days.
- un-mût;
- a plague, a murrain, a prevailing sickness.
- gû-un;
- murrain.
- tîeh gû-un;
- have rinderpest.
- tîeh tṳ-un;
- have a disease prevailing among hogs.
- un kàu sí tīo ho̤h cōi nâng;
- spread so that great numbers of people died of it.
- cí kâi tī-hng tăi un;
- this region is stricken with a plague.
- cí kúi īeⁿ îeh ŏi tī un-mût kâi pēⁿ;
- these medicines will cure epidemic diseases.
- 我們ún627
- We, excluding the one addressed.
- sĭ ún kâi, m̄ sĭ nín kâi;
- it is ours, not yours.
- ún kâi kui-kṳ́ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- such are our customs.
- lṳ́ thóiⁿ ún-kâi hó̤, a in-kâi hó̤?
- Which do you think the better, theirs or ours?
- tiang-sî lâi ún kò̤ cŏ̤;
- come and sit with us sometimes.
- pó̤-hō̤ ún;
- bless us.
- cún ún khîu;
- grant our petition.
- ún cèng nâng àiⁿ lâi co̤h lṳ́ kâi kang;
- we are all coming to work for you.
- uaⁿ-ún căi;
- very stable.
- i khĭa m̄ ún;
- it does not stand firmly.
- nĕ ún-ún;
- very stable.
- cŏ̤ lô̤h khṳ̀ ún-ún;
- sits very securely.
- ún-tàng;
- safe, secure, firm, steadfast.
- chn̂g m̄ ún, khîeh kò̤ mûeh lâi soih;
- the table does not stand firmly, get something and wedge under it.
- pàng m̄ ún;
- it is not steadfast when set in place.
- châu kàu i ún-ún;
- move it to and fro until you get it unto a position where it stands firmly.
- i kīn-khek ún cîah ún chēng;
- she has now secured what she needs for food and clothing.
- cĭeⁿ lô̤h ún-tǹg;
- go up and down in safety.
- ún-ún tǹg-tǹg kâi sṳ̄;
- a perfectly safe business.
- kio i sṳ̆-lí kàu ún-ún tàng-tàng;
- arrange it for him so that it will be perfecly secure.
- ún-kùe kâi tang kèng hó̤;
- the crop gathered at the last harvest of the year is the better of the two.
- ún tang kâi chek îaⁿ kùe cá tang;
- the paddy of the second crop of the year is better than that of the first crop.
- ún bí ío ńng, cá bí ío ngĕ;
- the rice of the last harvest of the year is mellower than that of the first harvest.
- ùn cṳ́i;
- dip it in water.
- ùn îu;
- dipped in oil.
- ùn tîeh tāu-cìeⁿ hó̤, a ùn-tîeh chò hó̤?
- Is it best to sip it in bean-catsup or in vinegar?
- tîeh pun khṳ̀ kṳn-ûn;
- must divide it in equal shares.
- kut nêk thêng-ûn;
- his bones and flesh are well proportioned.
- cí cîk tîeⁿ kháu khṳ̀ pí cĭeⁿ tîeⁿ m̄ ûn-cēng;
- this class did not equal the preceding one in the examination.
- ûn ûn ŭ;
- have them in about the same quantity at all times.
- lâk tîeh chut ûn-ûn;
- put forth your efforts steadily, not by fits and starts.
- i kâi khang-khùe ío ûn;
- he works steadily all the time.
- nâng ûn īa ûn;
- what people say so I say.
- ûn hieⁿ;
- burn incense.
- ûn hieⁿ-châ;
- burn fragrant woods.
- ûn hieⁿ thah;
- burn pagodas made of incense sticks.
- cang húe khṳ̀ ûn tīo;
- take fire and burn it up.
- ûn cúa-cîⁿ;
- burn spirit-money.
- taⁿ cē cho-khng lâi ûn cíu;
- bring chaff and burn it around the jars to heat up the whiskey and make it ferment.
- 韻ūn114318010
- Sounds which rhyme in their tone as well as their termination; the final word or rhyme; tone.
- ap ūn;
- to make rhymes.
- si ūn;
- couples.
- cí kâi si ŭ kâi ap phêⁿ ūn, ŭ kâi ap ceh ūn;
- in these stanzas, some of the rhymes are in the even tones, and some are in the other tones.
- si sĭ poit ūn a sĭ lâk ūn?
- Have the verses sixteen lines with the alternate lines rhyming, or have they twelve lines containing six rhymes?
- ŭ cêk kâi jī ap chut ūn;
- one final letter does not form a perfect rhyme with the others.
- cí kâi ūn ap lâi m̄ ún;
- this rhyme is not rythmical.
- cí kâi jī tŏ̤ tī kâi ūn kha?
- Where does this letter stand among authorized rhymes?
- úa ŭ cêk pang kíam-ūn;
- I have a book of authorized rhymes.
- m̄ hâh ūn;
- discordant; incompatible.
- bô mih im-ūn;
- not rythmical.
- cí kâi im-ūn hó̤ căi;
- its rythm is perfect.
- cí kâi jī phêⁿ ceh ūn thong ēng;
- in this the rhymes are made without regard to tones.
- 運ūn11441629
- To turn in a circuit; to move in an orbit; to travel around; to carry from place to place; a circuit; what is done in succession, as the course of nature; a turn; a chance; calculations or a conjunction, as in a horoscope; luck; hap; a chapter of accidents; a period of five or ten years.
- ciu jît thong sin kâi kṳn kut tîeh ŭ ūn-tŏng cìaⁿ hó̤;
- it is best that the bone and muscles of the whole body should all be exercise during the day.
- i kâi ūn-khì hó̤;
- his luck is good.
- ke ūn;
- the fortunes of a family.
- kâi ke ūn tó̤ heng;
- the prospects of the household are improving.
- ūn bí nîe;
- transport grain.
- cía nîe àiⁿ ūn kàu tī-kò̤?
- Where is this grain to be carried?
- sĭ ēng cûn lâi ūn a sĭ ēng chia lâi ūn?
- Is it transported in boats or in carts?
- ūn nîe kâi kuaⁿ;
- an officier superintending the transport of grain.
- ūn-hô̤ sĭ in-ūi àiⁿ ūn nîe kâi sṳ̄ khui kâi;
- the Grand Canal was opened for the transport of the grain which is the revenue derived from the tax on land.
- i tó̤ cò̤ châu-ūn cóng-tok;
- he is the Imperial Commissioner directing the transport of the grain which is the revenue of the government.
- kin-nî kau kùe cí kâi ūn;
- this year there is a turn in affairs.
- kau ūn;
- a contingency arose.
- thut ūn;
- a change of luck.
- kwn-hĭ cí-kò̤ kâi tī ūn;
- involved in the luck of the locality.
- i cí kúi nî m̄ sĭ jī ūn;
- he has had no luck these many years.
- tī-tiang-sî cìaⁿ cĭeⁿ ūn?
- When shall we get through this unlucky period and reach a more fortunate one?
- i câp hùe cìaⁿ cĭeⁿ ūn;
- he will reach a point where luck changes when he is ten years old.
- i kâi ūn hăng hó̤ mē?
- Do the conjunctions in his horoscope indicate luck?
- tâh tîeh ūn;
- stumbled upon luck.
- lîu-nî kâi ūn-hăng hó̤ khiap lóng-cóng phōi mêng;
- the conjunctions both good and ill in his horoscope as the years run on, are all clearly set forth.
- khṳ̀ ūn i a-pĕ kâi kĭu tńg-lâi;
- went and brought home his father's encoffined corpse.
- i tó̤ cò̤ hái ūn;
- he is engaged in transporting grain by sea.
- ūn îam;
- transport salf.
- îam ūn hun-si;
- the Salt Commissioner.
- cí hùe-mûeh sĭ îu gūa-hái ūn lâi, a sĭ îu lăi hô̤ ūn lâi?
- Are these goods brought by sea, or through the inland streams?