Divers voyages touching the discouerie of America

voyages touching the discouerie of
America, and the Ilands adiacent
vnto the same, made first of all by our
Englishmen, and afterward by the Frenchmen and Britons:
And certaine notes of advertisements for obseruations,
necessarie for such as shall heereafter
make the like attempt,
With two mappes annexed heereunto for the
plainer understanding of the whole

Imprinted at London
for Thomas VVoodcocke,
dwelling in paules Church-yard,
at the signe of the blackebeare.
Contents (not listed in original)
- The names of certaine late writers of Geographie, with the yeere wherein they wrote
- The names of certaine late trauaylers, both by sea and by lande, which also for the most part haue written of their owne trauayles and voyages
- A verie late and great probabilitie of a passage, by the Northwest part of America in 58. degrees of Northerly latitude
- To the right worshipfull and most vertuous Gentleman master Phillip Sydney Esquire
- A Latine copie of the letters patentes of King Henrie the seuenth, graunted vnto Iohn Gabote and his three sonnes
- The same letters patents in english
- A note of Sebastian Gabotes voyage of discouerie, taken out of an old Chronicle written by Robert Fabian somtime Alderman of London
- A declaration of the Indies and landes discouered, and subdued vnto the Emperour, and the king of Portugale
- The booke made by the right worshipfull Master Robert Thorne in the yeere 1527. in Siuill to Doctour Iey, Lorde ambassadour for King Henrie the eight to Charles the Emperour
- To the most Christian king of Fraunce, Fraunces the first. The relation of Iohn Verarzanus a Florentine, of the lande by him discouered in the name of his Maiestie, written in Diepe the eight of Iuly 1524.
- The discouerie of the Isles of Frisland, Iseland, Engrouel and, Estotiland, Drogeo and Icaria, made by M. Nicolas Zeno, Knight, and M. Antonio his brother.
- The true and last discouerie of Florida made by Captaine Iohn Ribault in the yeere 1562. Dedicated to a great noble man of Fraunce, and translated into Englishe by one Thomas Hackit.
- Notes in writing besides more priuie by mouth that were giuen by a Gentleman, Anno, 1580, to M. Arthure Pette and to M. Charles Iackman, sent by the merchants of the Muscouie compaine for the discourie of the northeast strayte
- Notes framed by a Gentleman heretofore to bee giuen to one that prepared for a discouerie, and went not: And not vnfitt to be committed to print, considering the same may stirre vp considerations of these and of such other thinges, not vnmeete in such new voyages as may be attempted hereafter.
- The names of certaine commodities growing in part of America, not presently inhabited by any Christians frõ Florida Northward, gathered out of the discourses, of Verarzanus, Thorne, Cartier, Ribalt, Theuet, and beft, which haue bin personally in those Countreys, and haue seene these things amongst many others.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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