Divers voyages touching the discouerie of America/Chapter 7
The discouerie of the Isles of Frisland,
Iseland, Engrouel and, Estotiland, Drogeo and
Icaria, made by M. Nicolas Zeno, Knight, and M. Antonio
his brother.
N the yere of our Lord 1200. There was in the Citie of Venice a famous Gentleman, named M. Marino Zeno, who for his great vertue ano singular wisedome, was called and elected gouernour in certain common wealthes of Italy, in the administration whereof hee bore himselfe so discreetly, that hee was beloued of all men, and his name greatly reuerenced of those that neuer knewe or sawe his person. And among sundrie his worthie workes, this is recorded of him, that hee pacified certaine greeuous ciuile dissentions that arose among the Citizens of Verona: whereas otherwise if by his graue aduise and great diligence, they had not beene preuented, the matter was likely to breake out in hot broiles of warre. He was the first AgentPodesta. that the common wealth of Venice kept in Constantinople in the yeere 1205. quando n'era patrona, conli baroni frãcesi. This Gentleman had a sonne named M. Pietro, who was the father of the Duke Rinieri, which Duke dying with out issue, made his heyre M. Andrea, the sonne af M. Marco his brother. This M. Andrea was captaine generall and Procurator, a man of great reputation for many rare partes, that were in him. He had a sonne M. Rinieri, a worthie Senatour and prudent Councellour: Of whom descende M. Pietro Generall of the league of the Christians against the Turkes, who was called Dragon, for that in his armes hee bare a Dragon. Hee was father to M. Carlo the famous Procurator and Generall againste the Genowayes in those cruel warres, when as almost all the chiefe princes of Europe did oppugne and seek to ouerthrow our Empire and libertie, where by his great valiancie and prowesse like an other Furius Camillus, he deliuered his Countrie from the present perill it was in, being readie to become a pray & spoyle vnto the enemie, wherefore hee was afterwarde surnamed, the Lion, and for an eternall remembrance of his fortitude and valiant exploits he gaue the Lion in his armes. M. Carlo had two brethren, M. Nicolo, the knight & Antonio, the father M. Dragon, of whom issued M. Caterino, the father of M. Pietro, this M. Pietro had sonnes M. Caterino, that dyed the last yeere, M. Francisco, M. Carlo, M. Battista, and M. Vincenzo. That M. Caterino was father to M. Nicolo, that is yet liuing. Now M. Nicolo, the knight, being a man of great courage and very nobly minded, after this foresaide warre of Genoua, that troubled so our predecessours, entred into a wonderfull great desire and fansie to see the fashions of the world, and to trauaile, and to acquaint himselfe with the manners of sundry nations & learne their languages, wherby afterwards vpõ occasions hee might be y͏ͤ better able to do seruice to his coũtrie & purchase to himselfe credite & honor. Wherfore hee caused a shippe to bee made & hauing furnished her at his proper charges (as hee was very wealthie) hee departed out of our Seas & passing the straites of Gibralterra, he sailed for certaine dayes vpon y͏ͤ Ocean keeping his course stil to y͏ͤ Northwards, wͭ intent to see England and Flaunders. Where being assaulted in those Seas by a terrible tempest, was so tossed for the space of many dayes with the Sea and winde that hee knewe not where hee was, till at length hee discouered lande, and not beeing able any longer to sustaine the violence of the tempest the ship was cast away vpon the Isle of FriselandThe ship of M. N. Zeno cast away vpon Frisland in anno. 1380.. The men were saued, and most part of the goods that were in the Ship. And this was in the yeere 1380. The inhabitants of the Iland came running in great multitudes wͭ weapons to set vpon M. Nicolo and his men, who beeing sore wether beaten and ouerlaboured at Sea, and not knowing in what part of the worlde they were, were not able to make any resistaunce at all, much lesse to defende them selues couragiously, as it behooued them in such dangerous case. And they shoulde haue beene doubtlesse very discourteously entreated and cruelly handeled, if by good hap there had not been hard by the place a Prince with armed people. Who vnderstanding, that there was euen at that present a great ship cast away vpon the Iland, came running at the noyse and outcries that they made against our poore Mariners, and driuing away the inhabitants, spake in latineA forraine prince hapning to be in Frislãd wͭ armed men. When M. Zeno suffered shipwrack, there came vnto him and spake latin. and asked them what they were and from whence they came, and perceiuing yͭ they were Italians, & all of one Countrie, he was surprised with maruellous great ioy. Wherefore promising thẽ all, that they shoulde receiue no discourtesie, and that they were come into a place where they shoulde bee well vsed and very welcome, he tooke them into his protection vpon his faith. This was a great Lord and possessed certaine Ilands called Porland, lying one the Southside of Frisland being y͏ͤ richest and most populous of all those partes, his name was Zichmni: & beside the said little Ilands, he was DukeZichmni prince of Porland or Duke of Zorani. of Sorani, lying within the land towards Scotland. Of these North partes I thought good to draw the copie of a Sea carde, which amongest other antiquities, I haue in my house, which although it be rotten through many yeres: yet it falleth out indifferent well, and to those that are delighted in these things, it may serue for some light to the vnderstanding of that, which without it cannot so easily be conceiued. Zichmni being Lorde of those Seignories (as is said) was a very warlike and valiant man & aboue al things famous in Sea causes. And hauing this yeere before giuen the ouerthroweFrisland the king of Norwayes. to the king of Norway, who was Lord of the Ilande, beeing desirous to winne same by feates of armes, was come on land with his mẽ to giue the attẽpt for y͏ͤ winning of Frisland, which is an Iland much bigger then Ireland. Wherefore seeing that M. Nicolo was a mã of iudgement and discretion, and very expert both in Sea matters and martiall affaires, hee gaue him commission to goe aboard his nauie with all his men, charging the captaine to honour him and in all things to vse his counsalle. This Nauie of Zichmni was of thirteene vessels, wherof two only were with oares, the rest small barkes, and one ship, with the which they sayled to the Westwardes and with little paines wonne Ledouo and Ilofe and diuers other small Ilandes, and turning into a bay called Sudero, in the hauen of the towne named Sanestol they tooke certaine small Barks laden with salt fish. And heere they founde Zichmni, who came by land with his armie conquering all the countrie as he went, they staied here but a while but held on their course to the Westwards till they came to the other Cape of the goulfe or bay, then turning againe they found certaine Ilelandes and broken landes which they reduced all vnto the Seignorie and possession of Zichmni. These Seas for as much as they sayled, were in maner nothing but sholds and rocks, in sort that if M. Nicolo and the venetian mariners had not beene their Pilots, the whole Fleete in iudgement of all that were in it, had been cast away, so small was y͏ͤ skill of Zichmnis men in respect of ours, who had been trained vp in the art and practise of nauigation all the daies of their life. Now the Fleete hauing doone such things, (as is declared) y͏ͤ Captaine by the counsel of M. Nicolo, determined to goe a lande at a towne called Bondendon, to vnderstande what successe Zichmni had in his warres, where they heard to their great content, that he had fought a great battaile and put to flight the armie of his enemie: by reason of which victorie they sent Embassadours from all partes of the Ilande to yeeld the countrie vp into his handes, taking down their enseignes in euery towne and castell: They thought good to stay in that place for his comming, being reported for certaine that he would bee there very shortly. At his comming there was great congratulatiõ and many signes of gladnes shewed, as wel for the victorie by lande as for that by Sea, for the which the venetians were honoured & extolled of all men, in such sort yͭ there was no talke but of them, and of y͏ͤ great valour of M. Nicolo. Wherefore the Prince who was a great fauourer of valiant men and especially of those that could behaue them selues well at the Sea, caused M. Nicolo to bee brought before him, and after hauing commended him with many honourable speeches, and praysed his great industrie and dexterie of wit, by the which, he acknowledged himselfe to haue receiued an inestimable benefite as the sauing of his Fleete and the winning of many places, he made him Knight,N. Zeno, made knight by Zichmni. and rewarded his men with many riche and bountifull giftes: Then departing from thence they went in triumphing maner towardes Friseland, the chief Citie of y͏ͤ Ilande, situate on the Southest side of the Isle, within a goulf, (as there are very many in that Iland).Ships laden with fish at frisland: for Flaunders, Britaine, England, Scotland, Norway, and Denmark. But not to bee proued that euer any came thẽce. In this goulfe or bay there is such great abundance of fish taken, that many ships are laden therewith to serue Flaunders, Britaine, England, Scotland, Norway and Denmarke, and by this trade they gather great wealth.
And thus much is taken out of a letter, that M. Nicolo sent vnto M. Antonio his brother, requesting him that hee woulde seeke some meanes to come to him.A letter sent by master N. Zeno from Friseland to his brother, M. Antonio in Venice. Wherefore hee, who had as great desire to trauaile as his brother, bought a Ship, and directing his course that way, after hee had sayled a great while and escaped many dangers, hee arriued at length in safetie with M. Nicolo, who receiued him very ioyfully, for that hee was his brother not only in fleshe and blood, but also in valour and good qualities.End of the first letter. M. Antonio remained in Friselande and dwelt there for the space of fourteene yeeres, foure yeeres with M. Nicolo, and ten yeeres alone. Where they came into such grace and fauour with the Prince, that hee made M. Nicolo, Captaine of his Nauie, & with great preparation of warre they were sent foorth for the enterprise of Estlande , which lyeth vpon the coaste betweene Friselande and Norway, where they did many dõmages, but hearing that the king of Norway was comming towardes them with a great Fleet, they departed wͭ such a terrible flaw of wind yͭ they were driuẽ vpõ certain sholdes. Where a great part of their ships were cast away, y͏ͤ rest were saued vpõ Grisland, a great Iland but dishabited. The king of Norway his fleete being taken with the same storme, did vtterly perishe in those seas. Whereof Zichmni hauing notice, by a shippe of his enemies, that was cast by chaunce vpon Grisland. Hauing repayred his fleete, and perceyuing him selfe northerly neere vnto the Islandes, determined to set vpon Islande, which together with the rest was subiect to the king of Norway: But he founde the countrey so well fortified and defended, that his fleete beeing so small and very ill appointed both of weapons and men, hee was gladde to retire. And so hee left that enterprise without perfourming any thing at all, and in the same chanelles he assaulted y͏ͤ other Iles called the Islands, which are seuen Talas, Broas, Iscant, Trans, Mimant, Dambere, & Bres, and hauing spoyled them all, hee built a fort in Bres, where he left M. Nicolo, with certaine small barkes and men and munition. And nowe thinking he had done well for this voyage, with those fewe shippes which were left hee returned into Frieslande. M. Nicolo remayning nowe in Bres determined vpon a time to goe forth and discouer lande, wherefore arming out their small barkes in the moneth of Iuly, he sayled to to the Northwardes, and arriued in Engrouelande. Preaching Friers of S. Thomas.}} Engrouelande.Where he founde a monastery of Fryers of the order of the Predicators, and a Church dedicated to S. Thomas harde by a hill, that casteth forth fire, like Vesuuius and Etna.
There is a fountayne of hot burning water with the whiche they heate the Churche of the monasterie and the Fryers chambers, it commeth also into the kitchen so boyling hotte, that they vse no other fire to dresse their meate, and putting their bread into the brasse pottes without any water, it doeth bake as it were in a hot ouen. They haue also small gardens, couered ouer in the winter time, which being watered with this water are defended from the force of the snowe and colde, which in those parts being situate farre vnder the pole, is very extreeme, and by this means they produce flowersA notable (illegible text) and fruites and herbes of sundrie sortes, euen as in other temperate countreys in their seasons in suche sorte that the rude and sauage people of those partes seeing these supernaturall effectes doe take those Friers for Gods, and bring them many presentes as chickens, fleshe and diuers other thinges, and haue them all in great reuerence as Lords. When the frost and snowe is great, they heate their houses in maner before said, and will by letting in the water or opening the windowes, temper the heate and colde at their pleasure. In y͏ͤ buildings of the monastery they vse no other matter but that which is ministered vnto them by the fire, for they take the burning stones, that are cast out as it weere sparkles or ceindres at the firie mouth of the hill, and when they are most enflamed, cast water vpon them, wherby they are dissolued and become excellẽt white lime and so tough that being contriued in building it lasteth for euer. And the very sparkles after the fire is out of them do serue in steede of stones to make walles and vautes: for being once colde they will neuer dissolue or breake except they be cut with some irõ toole, and the vautes that are made of them are so light that they need no sustentacle or proppe to holde them vp, and they wil endure continually very fayre and whole. By reason of these great commodities the friers haue made there so many buildings and walles, that it is a wonder to see. The couerts or roofes of their houses for the most part are made in this maner, first they rayse the wall vp to his full height, then they make it enclining or bowing in by litle and litle in forme of a vaute. But they are not greatly troubled with raine in those partes, for that, by reason of the pole or colde climate, the first snowe being falne it thaweth no more for the space of nine moneths, for so long dureth their winter. They feede of the fleshe of wilde beastes & of fish, for where as the warme water falleth into the sea, there is a large and wide hauen, which by reason of the heate of the water, doeth neuer freeze all the winter, by meanes whereof there is suche concourse and flocks of sea foule and such aboundance of fishe, that they take thereof infinite multitudes, whereby they maintayne a great number of people rounde about whiche they keepe in continuale worke, both in building and taking of foules and fishe, and in a thousande other necessarie affaires and busines about the monasterie.
Their houses are builte about the hill on euery side, in forme rounde, and 25. foote broade, and in mounting vpwardes they goe narower and narower, leauing at the toppe a litle hole, whereat the ayre commeth in, to giue light to the house, and the flore of the house is so hot, that being within they feele no colde at all. Hither in the sommer timeTrade in sommer time from Trondon to S. Thomas friers in Ingrouelãd. come many barkes from the Ilands there about, & from the Cape aboue Norway and from Trondon. And bring to the Friers al maner things that may be desired, taking in change thereof fishe which they drie in the sunne or in the colde, and skins of diuers kindes of beastes. For the which they haue wood to burne and timber verie artificially carued, and corne & cloth to make them apparell. For in change of the two foresayde commodities all the nations bordering rounde about them couet to trafficke with them, and so they without any trauell or expences haue that which they desire. To this monasterie resort Friers of Norway, of Suetia and of other countreys but the most part are of the Islandes.Resort of friers from Norway & Sueden, to the monasterie in Ingrouelande called S. Thõ. There are continually in that part many barkes, whiche are kept in there by reason of the sea being frozen, wayting for the season of the yeere to dissolue the Ice. The fishers boates are made like vnto a weuers shuttle, taking the skins of fishes, they fashiõ them with the bones of the same fishes, and sowing thẽ together in many doubles they make them so sure and substanciall, that it is miraculous to see, how in tempests they will shut thẽselues close within, and let the sea and winde carrie them, they care not whether, without any feare eyther of breaking of drowning. And if they chance to be driuen vpõ any rocks, they remaine sounde, without the least bruse in the worlde: And they haue as it were a sleeue in the bottome which is tied fast in y͏ͤ middle, & when there cõmeth any water into their boat, they put it into the one halfe of y͏ͤ sleeue, thẽ fastning y͏ͤ ende of it wͭ two peeces of wood and loosing y͏ͤ band beneath they conuey the water forth of the boate: and this they doe as often as they haue occasion without any perill or impediment at all.
Moreouer, the water of the monasterie being of sulphurious or brimstone nature is conueyed into the lodginges of the principall Friers by certaine vessels of brasse, tinne or stone so hotte that it heateth the place as it were a stowe, not carrying with it any stinke or other noysome smell.
Besides this they haue another conueyance to bring hot water with a wall vnder the ground to the ende it should not freeze, vnto the middle of the court, where it falleth into a great vessel of brasse, that standeth in the middle of a boyling fountayne, and this is to heate their water to drinke and to water their gardens, and thus they haue from the hill the greatest commodities that may be wished, and so these Fryers employ all their trauaile and studie for the most part in trimming their gardens and in making faire and beawtifull buildings and especially handsome and commodious, neyther are they destitute of ingenious and painefull artificers for the purpose, for they giue very large payment, and to them that bring them fruites and seedes they are very bountifull and giue they care not what. So that there is great resort of workemen and maisters in diuers faculties, by reason of the good gaines and large allowance that is there.
The most of them speake the Latin tongue,In the monasterie S. Thomas most of them speake the latin tongue. and especially the superiours and principalls of the monasterie. And this is as muche as is knowen of Engrouelande, which is all by the relation of M. Nicolo, who maketh also particular description of a riuer, that he discouered, as is to be seene in the carde that I drewe. And end of the two letter.in the ende M. Nicolo not being vsed and acquainted with these cruell coldes, fell sicke, and a litle while after returned into Frislande, where he dyed. He left behinde him in Venice two sonnes, M. Giouanni and M. Toma, who had two sonnes M. Nicolo, the father of the famous Cardinal Zeno, and M. Pietro of whom descended the other Zenos, that are liuing at this day.
NowN. Zeno died in Frislande. M. Nicolo being dead, M. Aotonio succeeded him both in his goods and in his dignities & honour, and albeit he attempted diuers wayes and made greate supplication hee coulde neuer obtaine licence to returne into his Countrey. For Zichmni had determined to make him selfe Lorde of the sea. Wherefore vsing alwayes the counsaile and seruice of M. Antonio, hee sent hym with some small barkes to the Westwardes, for that towardes those partes some of his fishermen had discouered certaine Ilandes verye rich and populous, whiche discouerie, M. Antonio in a letter to his brother M. Carlo,recounteth from point to point in this manner, sauing that wee haue chaunged some olde woordes, leauing the matter entire as it was
Sixe and twentie yeeres agoe3 letter beginneth from the second brother M. Antonio out of Frislande, to his other brother in Venice named Master Carlo. there departed foure Fisher boates, the whiche a mightie tempest arising, were tossed for the space of manye dayes verye desperately vpon the Sea, when at length the tempeste ceassyng and the weather waxing fayre they discouered an Ilande calledEstotiland. Estotilande, lying to the Westwardes aboue 1000. Miles from Frislande, vpon the whiche one of the boates was caste awaye, and sixe men that were in it were taken of the inhabitauntes6. Fisher men taken. and brought vnto a verye fayre and populous Citie, where the kyng of the place sent for manye interpreters, but there was none coulde bee founde that vnderstoode the language of the fishermen, excepte one that spake Latin,Fishermen of Frislande spake latin. who was also cast by chaunce vpon the same Ilande, who in the behalfe of the kyng asked them what Countreymen they were, and so vnderstanding theyr case, rehearsed it vnto the King, who willed that they shoulde tarrie in the Countrey, wherefore they obeyinge his commaundement for that they coulde not otherwise doe, dwelte fiue yeeresSixe were 5. yeeres in Estotilande. in the Ilande, and learned the language, and one of them was in diuers partes of the Ilande, and reporteth that it is a verye riche Countrey, abounding with all the commodities of the worlde,One of the fishers of Frisland reporteth of Estotilande. Estotilande rich: abounding with al the commoditie of the worlde. and that it is little lesse than Islande, but farre more fruitefull, hauing in the middle thereof a verye hyghe mountayne, from the whiche there riseth foure Riuers, that passe throughe the whole Countrey.
The inhabitantes are very wittie people, and haue all the artes and faculties as wee haue: and it is credible, that in time past they haue had trafficke with our men, for he sayde that he sawe latin bookes in the Kings library, whiche they at this present doe not vnderstande, they haue a peculiar language and letters or caracters to them selues.Aboundance of golde. They haue mines of all manner of mettals, but especially they abounde with golde. They haue their trade in Engroueland from whence they bring skins and brimstone and pitch: And he saith that to y͏ͤ southwards, there is a great populous coũtrey very rich of gold.trade from estotiland, to Engroueland - skins, brimstone and pitche. Gold, corne, and bere, or ale. They sowe corne and make bere or ale, which is a kind of drinke that the north people doe vse as we do wine. They haue mightie great woods, they make their buildings with wals, and there are many cities & castels.Many cities and castles. They build smal barkes and haue sayling, but they haue not the lodestone nor know not the vse of the cõpasse. Wherefore these fishers were had in great etimatiõ, insomuch that the king sent them with 12. barkes to the southwardes to a countrey whiche they A countrey called Drogio.call Drogio: but in their voyage they had suche countrary weather, that they thought all to haue perished in the sea, but yet escaping that cruell death, they fel into another more cruel. For they were takẽ in the countrey and the most parte of them eaten by the Sauage people, which feede vpon mans fleshe, as the sweetest meate in their iudgements that is.
But that fisher with his fellowesThe 6. fishermẽ of frisland only saued, by shewing the maner to take fishe. shewing them the maner of taking fishe with nettes, saued their liues: and woulde goe euery day a fishing to the sea and in fresh riuers, and take great aboundance of fish and giue it to the chiefe men of the countrey, whereby hee got him selfeThe chiefest of the 6. fishers, specified before his cõpanions so great fauour, that hee was very well beloued and honoured of euery one.
The fame of this man being spread abroad in the countrey, there was a Lorde thereby that was verie desirous to haue him with him, and to see howe hee vsed his miraculous arte of catching fishe, in so muche that he made warre with the other Lorde, with whom hee was before, and in the ende preuayling, for that hee was more mightie and a better warriour, the fisherman was sent vnto him with the rest of his company. And for the space of thirteene yeeresIn the space of 13. yeres in Drogio. that hee dwelt in those partes, he saith, that he was sent in this order to more than 25. Lordes,Sent to more then 25. lords, which continually warred amongst thẽ selues for the same fisherman. for they had continuall warre amongest them selues, this Lorde with that Lord and he with an other, onely to haue him to dwell with them, so that wandring vp and downe the Countrey without any certayne abode in one place, hee knewe almost all those partes. He saith that it is a very great countrey and as it were a newe world, the people very rude and voyde of all goodnesse, they goe all naked so that they are miserablie vexed with colde, neyther haue they the wit to couer their bodies wͭ beasts skins, wͨ they take in huntinge, they haue no kind of metal, they liue by hũting, they carie certaine lances of wood, made sharp at y͏ͤ point, they haue bowes, the stringes whereof are made of beastes skinnes: They are a very fierce people, they make cruell warres one with another, and eate one an other, they haue gouernours and certayne lawes verye diuers amongest them selues. But the farther to the South westwardes, the more cuility there is, the ayre being somewhat temperat, so that there they haue Cities, and temples to Idolls, wherein they sacrifice men and afterwardes eate them, they haue there some knowledge and vse of gold and siluer.
Nowe this fisher hauing dwelt so many yeeres in those countreys, purposed if it were possible to returne home into his countrey, but his companions dispayring euer to see it agayne, let him goe in Gods name, they kept them selues, where they were. Wherefore hee bidding them farewel, fledde through the woods towardes Drogio, and was verie well receiued ot the Lorde that dwelt next to that place who knewe him and was a great enemie of the other Lorde, and so running from one Lorde to an other, being those by whõ hee had passed before, after long time and many trauelles he came at length to Drogio where hee dwelt three yeeres.3. yeres in Drogio. When as by good fortune he heard by y͏ͤ inhabitants, yͭ there were certaine boates arriued vpon y͏ͤ coast, wherfore entring into good hope to accõplish his intent, he went to y͏ͤ sea side & asking thẽ of what countrey they were, they answered ofWhere by happ arriued certaine boates form Estotiland. Estotiland, whereat he was exceeding glad, and requested that they woulde take him into them, whiche they did verye willingly, and for that hee had the languageHe becam interpreter for y͏ͤ men that ariued at drogeo in the boates of Estotilande. of the Countrey and there was none of them coulde speake it they vsed him for their interpreter.
And after that hee frequented that trade with them, in such sorteAfterwards hee frequented that trade with them in such sort, that he became very rich. And so furnished a bark of his owne & returned to Frislande where hee reported the story to his Lorde Zichmni. that hee became verye riche and so furnishing out a barke of his owne hee returned into Frislande, where hee made reporte vnto this Lorde of that welthie Countrey.
And hee is throughly credited because of the Mariners, who approoue many straunge thinges, that hee reporteth to bee true. Wherefore this Lorde is resolued to sende me foorth with a fleete towardes those partes, and there are so manye that desire to goe in the voyage, for the noueltie and strangenesse of the thing,Zichmni minded to send M. Antonio Zeno with a fleete towards those partes of Estotilande. end of 3. letter. that I thinke we shall be very strongly appointed, without any publike expence at all. And this is the tenor of the letter before mentioned which I haue heere set downe, to giue intelligence of an other voyage, that M. Antonio made, being set out with many Barkes and men, notwithstanding hee was not captaine as hee had thought at the first hee shoulde, for Zichmni went in his owne person: & concerning this matter I haue a letter in forme as foloweth.4. letter beginneth frõ M. Antonio in frisland, to his brother Carlo in Venice. Our great preparation for the voyag of Estotiland, was begun in a vnluckie houre, for three dayes before our departure, the fisherman died,The fisherman dead that should haue bin guid & interpreter. that shoulde haue been our guid: notwithstanding this Lorde woulde not giue ouer the enterprize, but in steade of the fisherman tooke certayne Marriners that returned out of the Ilande with him,Certaine marriners taken in his steede which came with him frõ Estotiland. and so making our nauigation to the Westwards, we discouered certayne Ilandes subiect to Frislande, and hauing passed certayne shelues we stayed at Ledouo for the space of 7. dayes to refreshe our selues, and furnish the fleete with necessarie prouision. Departing from hence we arriued the first of Iuly at the Ile ofIuly. Ile Ilofe. Ilofe, and for that the winde made for vs, wee stayed not there, but passed forth, & being vpon the maine sea, there arose immediatly a cruell tempest wherewith for eight dayes space wee were miserably vexed, not knowing where wee were, and a great part of the Barkes were cast away, afterwade waxing faire weather we gathered vp the broken peeces of the Barkes that were lost, and sayling with a prosperous winde wee discouered lande at West.Zichmni his first discouery of the Iland Icaria. Wherefore keeping our course directly vpon it, wee arriued in a very good and safe harborough, where wee sawe an infinite companie of people readie in armes,Infinit numbers of people in armes. come running very furiously to the water side, as it were for defence of the Ilande. Wherefore Zichmni causing his men to make signes of peace vnto them, they sent tenne men vnto vs that coulde speake tenne languages, but wee coulde vnderstande none of them, except one that was ofAn Island man in Icaria. Island. He being brought before our Prince and asked, what was the name of the Iland, and what people inhabited it, and who gouerned it, answered, that the Iland was called Icaria, and that all the kinges that had raigned there, were called Icari, after the name of the first king of that place, which as they say was the sonne of Dedalus king of Scotland,Icaria Ilande. All the kings yͭ had raigned in that Ilãd were called Icari after the name of the first king of yͭ place: which they say was the sonne of Dedalus king of Scots. who conquering that Iland, left his sonne there for king, and left thẽ those lawes that they retaine to this present, and after this, he desiring to sayle further, in a great tempest that arose, was drowned,Icarius drowned. wherefore for a memoriall of his death, they call those Seas yet, the Icarian Sea,Icarian Sea. and the kings of the Iland Icari, and for that they were contented with that state, which god had giuẽ them, neither whold they alter one iote of their lawes and customes, they would not receiue any straunger, wherefore they requested our Prince, that hee woulde not seeke to violate their lawes, which they had receiued from that king of worthie memorie and obserued very duly to that present: which if hee did attempt, it woulde redounde to his manifest destruction, they being all resolutely bent rather to leaue their life, than to loose in any respect the vse of their lawes. Notwithstanding, that wee should not thinke they did altogether refuse the conuersation and trafficke with other men, they tolde vs for conclusion that they would willingly receiue one of our men, and preferre him to be one of y͏ͤ chiefe amongest them, only to learne my language the Italian tongue,The people of Icaria desirous of the Italian tongue. and to bee enformed of our maners and customes, as they had alreadie receiued those other tenne of tenne sundrie nations,Hauing in that Iland 10. men of ten sundry nations. that came vnto their Iland. To these things our Prince answered nothing at all, but causing his men to seeke some good harborough, hee made signes as though he would come on land, and sayling round about the Iland, hee espied at length a harborough on the East side of the Ilande, where he put in with all his Fleet, the mariners went on land to take in wood and water, which they did with as great speede as they coulde, doubting least they shoulde be assaulted by the inhabitants as it fell out in deed, for those that dwelt there abouts, making signes vnto the other with fire and smoke, put them selues presently in armes and the other comming to them, they came al running downe to the Sea side vpon our men, with bowes and arrowes and other weapons, that many were slaine and diuers sore wounded. And we made signes of peace vnto them, but it was to no purpose, for their rage encreased more and more, as though they had fought for life and liuing. Wherefore wee were forced to depart and to sayle along in a great circuite about the Iland, being alwaies accompanied vpon the hil tops and the Sea coast with an infinite multitude of armed men,Infinite multitude of armed men in Icaria. and so doubling the Cape of the Iland towardes the North, wee found many great sholdes amongst the which for the space of ten daies we were in continual danger of loosing our whole Fleete, but that it pleased God all that while to send vs very faire weather. Wherefore proceeding on till we came to y͏ͤ East cape, we sawe the inhabitants still on the hill tops & by the Sea coast keepe with vs, and in making great outcries & shooting at vs a farre of they vttered their olde spitefull affection towards vs. Wherefore we determined to stay in some safe harborough, and see if we might speak once againe with the Islander, but our determination was frustrate, for the people more like vnto beastes than men, stood continually in armes wͭ intent to beat vs backe, if we should come on lande. Wherfore Zichmni seeing hee coulde not preuaile and thought if hee shoulde haue perseuered and followed obstinately his purpose, their victuals would haue failed them, hee departed with a faire winde and sailed sixe dayes to the Westwards,Zichmni departed from Icaria Westwards. but the winde chaunging to the Southwest and the Sea waxing rough wee sayled 4. dayes with the wind in the powpe and at length discouering land,Sight of land. wee were afraide to approch neere vnto it, being the Sea growen, and we not knowing what lande it was, but God prouided for vs, that the winde ceasing there came a greate calme. Wherefore some of our companie rowing to land with oares, returned and brought vs word to our great comforte, that they had founde a very good Countrie and a better harborough, vpon which newes wee towed our ships & amal Barkes to land, and being entred into the harborough, wee sawe a farre of a great mountaine, yͭ cast forth smoke, which gaue vs good hope that we shoulde finde some inhabitantes in y͏ͤ Iland, neither would Zichmni rest, although it were a great way of, but send a 100. good souldiers to search the Countrie100. good souldiers sent by Zichmni to search the countrie (which countrie is not named.) and bring report what people they were that inhabited it, and in the meane time they tooke in wood & water for the prouision of the Fleete, and catcht great store of fishe and Sea foule and founde such abundance of birdes egges that our men that were halfe famished, were filled withall. Whiles we were riding here, began the moneth of Iune, at which time the ayre in the Iland was so temperate and pleasant as is impossible to expresse,Iune. The ayre so tẽperate & sweete, as impossible to expresse it. but when we coulde see no people at all, wee suspected greatly that this pleasant place was desolate and dishabited. Wee gaue name to the hauen calling itHauen Trim. Trim, and the point that stretched out into y͏ͤ sea wee calledCapo di Trim. The 100. souldiers returned which had been through the Iland, report what they sawe and found. Capo di Trim. The 100. souldiers that were sent foorth, eight dayes after returned, and brought worde that they had been through the Ilande and at the mountaine and that the smoke was a naturall thing proceeding from a great fire that was in the bottome of the hill, and that there was a spring from which issued, a certaine matter like pitch, which ran into the Sea, and that there aboutes dwelt greate multitudes of people half wilde, hiding thẽselues in caues of the grounde, of small stature, and very fearefull, for as soone as they sawe them they fled into their holes, and that there was a great riuer and a very good harborough. Zichmni being thus enformed, and seeing that it had a holsome and pure ayre, and a very fruitefull soyle and fayre riuers with sundrie other commodities, fell into such liking of the place, that he determined to inhabite it, and build there a Citie.
But his people being weary and faint with their long and tedious trauaile began to tumult and murmure, saying that they woulde returne into their Countrie, for that the winter was at hand, and if they entred into the harborough, they should not be able to come out againe before the next Sommer. Wherefore hee retaining only the Barkes with Oares and such as were willing to stay with him, sent all the rest with the shippes backe againe, and willed that I, (though vnwilling) should bee their Captaine.Zichmni determining to remaine in the new discouered land, kept with him his barkes with oares, and mẽ that were willing & sent the rest away homewards: Appointing Antonio Zeno chiefe captaine of them. I therefore departing, sayled for the space of twentie dayes to the Estwards without sight of any land, then turning my course towardes Southeast in fiue dayes I discouered lande and founde my selfe vpon the Ile of Neome and knowing the Countrie, I perceiued I was pastAntonio Zeno had sight of Neome, and knewe himselfe past Island. Islande: wherefore taking in some fresh victuals of the inhabitants being subiect to Zichmni, I sayled with a faire winde in three dayes to Frisland, where the people, who thought they had lost their Prince, because of his long absence, in this our voyage, receiued vs very ioyfully.Ende of the 4. letter.
What followed after this letter I know not but by coniecture, which I gather out of a peece of an other letter,A peece of a 5. letter. which I will set downe heere vnderneath: That Zichmni builte a towne in the port of the Iland that hee discouered, and that hee searched the Countrie very diligently and discouered it all, and also the riuers on both sides of Engroueland, for that I see it particularly described in the Sea card, but the discourse or narration is lost. The beginning of the letter is thus.Beginning of the letter. Concerning those things that you desire to knowe of mee, as of the men and their manners and customes, of the beastes and the Countries adioyning, I haue made thereof a particular booke, which by Gods helpe I will bring with mee: Wherein I haue described the countrie, the monstrous fishes, y͏ͤ costomes and lawes of Frisland, Island, Estland, the kingdome of Norway, Estotiland, Drogio, and in the ende the life of master Nicolo, the knight our brother, with the discouerie which he made and of Groland. I haue also written the life and acts of Zichmni, a Prince as worthie of immortall memory, as any that euer liued, for his great valiancie and singuler humanitie, wherein I haue described the discouerie of Engroueland on both sides, and the Citie that he builded. Therefore I will speake no further hereof in this letter, hoping to be with you very shortly, and to satisfie you in sundrie other thinges by worde of mouth. All these letters were written by master Antonio to master Carlo his brother. And it greeueth me, that the booke and diuers other writings concerning these purposes, are miserably lost: For I beeing but a child, when they came to my handes, and not knowing what they were, (as the manner of children is) I tore them, and rent them in peeces, which now I cannot call to remembrance but to my greef. Notwithstanding, that the memory of so many good thinges shoulde not bee lost: whatsoeuer I could get of this matter, I haue discouered and put in order, in the former discourse, to the ende that this age might bee partly satisfied, to y͏ͤ which wee are more beholden for the great discoueries made in those partes, then to any other of the time past, beeing most studious of the relations of the discoueries of strange Countries, made by the great mindes, and industry of our auncetours.
Iohn Baptista Ramusio, died in Padua
in Iuly, 1557.