Edwards's Botanical Register/Volume 16/1363. Banksia littoralis
BAŃKSIA* littorális.
Shore Banksia.
Nat. ord. Proteaceæ. Jussieu. (Introduction to the natural system of botany, p. 68.)
BANKSIA.—Suprà, vol. 16, fol. 1316.
B. littoralis; foliis elogato-linearibus spinuloso-dentatis basi attenuatis subtús aveniis, perinathiis deciduis, follicus compressis bracteisque strobili apice tomentosis, caule arboreo, ramulis tomentosis.—R. Brown in Linn. Trans. v. 10. p. 204. Prodr. 392. Römer et Shultes, 3. 438.
Frutex in horto orgyalis, ramulis gracilibus purpureo-cinereis villosis.
Folia linearia, in petiolo attenuata, apice truncata, spinuloso-dentata præsertim ultra medium, suprá subtilissimà pubescentia, subtùs albo-lanata, avenia, costâ denudatâ. Amentum cylindraceum, calycibus rufus bracteisque sericeis, stylis rigidis, purpureis.
A native of the southern part of New Holland, where it was found by Mr. Brown without flowers. It is now not uncommon in our conservatories, but rarely flowers. Our drawing was made in the conservatory of his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, at Syon, in March last.
If we can judge from our wild New Holland specimens, the species is subject to variation in the denticulations of the leaves. We have what appears to be identical with this, with some leaves altogether entire, and the remainder very slightly toothed.
A shrub, growing as high as a man in our conservatories, with slender purple-gray villous branches. Leaves long, linear, tapering to the petiole, truncate, spinous-toothed, especially beyond the middle, with the very minute down on the upper side; white with down, except the naked mid-rib, and veinless, beneath. Amentum cylindrical, with rufous calyxes, which are downy, as well as the bracteæ and rigid purple styles.
* See fol. 1316.