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Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 11

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Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 11
3890102Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 111910James Wilson Bright


1. And hyt wæs geworden, þā sē Hǣlynd þys geendude, hys twelf leorningcnihtum bebēodende, hē fōr þanun þæt hē lǣrde and bodude on hyra burgum.[1]

Đys [godspel] gebyrað on þǣre ǣrran wucan ǣr mydawyntra.

2. Þā Iohannes on bendum gehȳrde Crīstes weorc, þā sende hē tō him twēgen hys leorningcnihta,[2]

3. and cwæð, Eart þū þe tō cumenne eart, oððe wē ōþres sceolon ābīdan?

4. Sē Hǣlend andswarude and cwæð tō him, Gāþ, and cȳþaþ Iohanne þā ðing þe gē gehȳrdon and gesawōn:[3]

5. blinde gesēoþ, healte gāð, hrēofe synt āclǣnsude, dēafe gehȳraþ, dēade ārīsað, þearfan bodiað.[4]

6. And ēadig ys sē þe ne swicað on mē.

7. Đā hī ūt ēodon, sōþlīce þā ongan sē Hǣlynd secgan be Iohanne and cwæþ tō þǣre menigeo, Hwī ēode gē ūt on wēsten gesēon winde āwegyd hrēod?[5]

8. Oððe hwī ēode gē ūt gesēon mann hnescum gyrlum gescrȳdne? Nū þā þe synt hnescum gyrlum gescrȳdde synt on cyninga hūsum.[6]

9. Ac hwæt ēode gē ūt wītegan gesēon? Ic ēow secge, Ēac māran þonne wītegan.

10. Đēs ys sōþlīce be þām āwryten ys, Nū ic sende mīnne engyl beforan þīne ansȳne, sē gegearwað þīnne weg beforan þē.[7]

11. Sōþlīce ic ēow secge, Ne ārās betwyx wīfa bearnum māra Iohanne fulwihtere; sōðlīce sē þe lǣssa ys ys on heofena rīce him māra.[8]

12. Sōþlīce fram Iohannes dagum fulwihteres[9] oð þis heofena rīce þolað nēad, and strece nimað þæt.[10]

13. Sōþlīce ealle wītegan and ǣ wītegudun oð Iohannes.[11]

14. And gyf gē wyllað gelȳfan, hē ys Helias þe tō cumenne ys.[12]

15. Sē ðe ēaran hæbbe tō gehȳrynne, gehȳre.[13]

16. Sōþlīce hwām telle ic þās cnēorysse gelīce? Hēo ys gelīc sittendum cnapun on foretīge; þā hrȳmað tō hyra efengelīcon,[14]

17. and cweþað, Wē sungun ēow, and gē ne frīcudun; we cwīþdun, and gē ne wēopun.[15]

18. Sōþlīce Iohannes cōm nē etende nē drincende, and hī cwǣdun, Hē hæfð dēofulsēocnysse.[16]

19. Mannes Sunu cōm etende and dryncynde, and hī cweðaþ, Hēr ys ettul mann and wīndrincende, mānfulra and synfulra frēond! And wīsdōm ys gerihtwīsud fram heora bearnum.[17]

Đys godspel gebyrað on frīgedæg on þǣre þrȳttēoþan wucan ofer pentecosten.

20. Đā ongan hē hyspan þā burga on þām wǣrun[18] gedōne manega hys mægena, for þām þe hī ne dydon dǣdbōte.[19]

21. Wā þē, Corozaim! wā þē, Bethsaida! for þām gyf on Tyro and Sydone wǣrun gedōne þā mægnu þe gedōne synt on ēow, gefyrn hī dydun dǣdbōte on hǣran and on axan.[20]

22. Đēah ic secge inc, Tyro and Sydone byþ forgifenlīcor on dōmes dæg þonne ēow.[21]

23. And þū Capharnaum, cwyst þū byst þū ūp āhafen oþ heofen? ac þū nyþer færst oþ helle; for þām gyf on Sodomum wǣron gedōne þā mægnu þe gedōne synt on þē, witodlīce hī wunedun oþ þysne dæg.[22]

24. Đēah hwæþere ic secge ēow þæt Sodumwara lande byð forgyfenlīcre on dōmes dæg þonne þē.[23]

Đys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre syxtan wucan ofer pentecosten.

25. Sē Hǣlynd cwæð andswariende, Ic andytte þē, Drihten heofenes and eorþan, þū þe behȳddyst þās þing fram wīsun and glēawun, and onwruge þā lȳtlingun;[24]

26. swā, Fæder, for þām hyt wæs swā gecwēme beforan þē.[25]

27. Ealle þing mē synt gesealde fram mīnum Fædyr; and nān mann ne can þone Sunu, būtun Fadyr; nē nān mann ne can þone Fædyr, būtun Sunu, and þām þe sē Sunu wyle onwrēon.[26]

28. Cumaþ tō mē, ealle þe swincað and gesȳmede synt, and ic ēow geblissige.[27]

29. Nimaþ mīn geoc ofer ēow, and leorniaþ æt mē; for þām ic eom bilwite and ēadmōd on heortan; and gē gemētað reste ēowrum sāwlum.[28]

30. Sōþlīce mīn geoc ys wynsum, and mīn byrþyn ys lēoht.[29]

  1. A, hælend; A, geendade; B, -cnihtun; A, þanon; A, bodode; A, heora; B, burgun.
  2. B, bendun; Corp., B, weoruc, A, weorc.
  3. Corp., antswarude, B, and-, A, andswarode; B, gehyrdun and gesawun.
  4. A, synd geclænsode.
  5. B, eodun; A, B, hælend, A, mænio; Corp., B wesðen; A, aweged.
  6. A, man; A, synd (twice); B, cynega husun.
  7. A, engel.
  8. A, betwux; B, bearnun; A, mare; A, fulluhtere; A, læsse.
  9. B, iohannys dagun; A, fulluhteres.
  10. B, heofenan.
  11. A, witegodon.
  12. A, elias; A, cumene, B, cumynne.
  13. A, gehyranne.
  14. B, sittyndun; A, cnapan; A, heora; A, efengelicum, B, efyngelicun.
  15. A, sungon; A, fricedan; A, cwyðdan; A, weopon.
  16. B, drincynde; A, cwædon; A, deofel-.
  17. A, dryncende, B, drincende; A, etul; A, B, man; B, -drincynde; A, geryhtwysod; A, hyra.
  18. A, wæron.
  19. A, mægnu, B, mægenu; B, dydun.
  20. A, wæron; A, mægenu; A, synd; A, dydon; A, acsan.
  21. A, Đeh; Corp., B, forgyfendlicur, A, forgifenlicor; B, domys.
  22. B, heofon; A, sodom, B, sodoma lande (-doma lande on an erasure); B, mægenu; A, synd; A, wunedon.
  23. A, sodomwara; B, domys.
  24. A, hælend; A, andswarigende; A, andette; B, heofunys; A, behyddest; A, wisum and gleawum; A, onwrige; A, lytlingum.
  25. B, fædyr; A, gecweme me (for gecweme).
  26. A, synd; B, minun; A, fæder (three times); A, B, man (twice); A, suna (first time); A, butan (twice).
  27. A, cumað ealle to me (changed order); A, synd.
  28. A, bylewite; B, saulum.
  29. A, byrðen.