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Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 10

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Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 10
3890101Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 101910James Wilson Bright


1. And tōsomne gecīgydum hys twelf leorningcnihtun, hē sealde him unclǣnra gāsta anweald, þæt hig ādryfun hig ūt, and hǣldun ādle and ǣlce untrumnysse.[1]

2. Đis synt sōðlīce þǣra twelf apostola naman: Sē forma ys Simon þe ys genemned[2] Petrus, and Andreas hys brōðor; Iacobus Zebedei, and Iohannes hys brōður.[3]

3. Philippus, and Bartholomeus; Thomas, and Matheus, publicanus; and Iacobus Alphei, and Taddeus.[4]

4. Simon Chananeus, and Iudas Scarioth þe hyne belǣwde.

5. Ðās twelf sē Hǣlynd sende, him bebēodende and cweþende, Ne fare gē on þēoda weg, and ne gā gē innan Samaritana ceastre;[5]

6. ac gāð mā tō þām scēapun þe forwurdun Israhela hīwrǣdene.[6]

7. Sē Hǣlend cwæþ tō hys leorningcnihton, Gāð, and bodiaþ, cweþende þæt heofona rīce genēalǣcþ.[7]

8. Hǣlað untrume, āwecceað dēade, clǣnsiað hrēofle, drīfað ūt dēoflu; gē onfēngun tō gyfe, syllað tō gyfe.[8]

9. Næbbe gē gold, nē seolfer, nē feoh on ēowrum bigyrdlum;[9]

10. nē codd on wege, nē twā tunecan, nē gescȳ, nē gyrde; sōþlīce sē wyrhta ys wyrþe hys metys.[10]

11. On swā hwylce burh oððe ceastre swā gē in gāð, āhsiað hwā sī wyrðe on þǣre; and wuniaþ ðǣr, oð gē ūt gān.[11]

12. Þonne gē in gān sōþlīce on þæt hūs, grētað hit, cweðende, Sȳ syb þisun hūse.[12]

13. And gyf þæt hūs witodlīce wyrþe byð, ēower syb cymð ofer hyt; gyf hyt sōðlīce wyrþe ne byð, ēowur syb byð tō ēow gecyrred.[13]

14. And swā hwā swā ēow ne underfēhð, nē ēowre sprǣca ne gehȳrð, þonne gē ūt gān of ðām hūse oððe of ðǣre ceastre, āsceacaþ þæt dūst of ēowrum fōtum.[14]

15. Sōþlīce ic ēow secge, Ācumenlīcre byð Sodoma lande and Gomorra on dōmes dæg, þonne ðǣre ceastre.[15]

Ðys godspel sceal tō manegra martyra mæssedæge.

16. Nū ic ēow sende swā scēap gemang wulfas; bēoþ eornustlīce glēawe swā nǣddran, and bylwite swā culfran.[16]

17. Warniað ēow sōþlīce fram mannum; hig syllaþ ēow sōþlīce on gemōtum, and swingað ēow on hyra gesomnungum.[17]

18. And gē bēoþ gelǣdde tō dēmun and tō cyningun for mē, tō hyra dōme and þēodun.[18]

19. Þonne belǣwaþ [hig and] syllað ēow, ne þence gē hū oððe hwæt gē sprecun; ēow byð geseald sōþlīce on þǣre tīde hwæt gē sprecun.[19]

20. Ne synt gē nā þe þǣr sprecað, ac ēowres Fæder Gāst þe sprycð on ēow.[20]

21. Sōþlīce brōþur sylþ hys brōður tō dēaðe, and fæder hys sunu; and bearn ārīsaþ ongēn māgas, and tō dēaþe hī fordōþ.[21]

22. And gē bēoþ on hatunge eallum mannum for mīnum naman; soðlīce sē [ðe] þurhwunaþ oð ende sē byþ hāl.[22]

23. Đonne hī ēow ēhtaþ on þysse byrig, flēoþ on ōþre; and ðonne hī on þǣre ēow ēhtaþ, flēoþ on þā þryddan. Sōþlīce ic ēow secge, Ne befaraþ gē Israhela burga, ǣr þan þe mannes Sunu cume.[23]

24. Nys sē leorningcniht ofer hys lārēow, nē þēow ofer hys hlāford.[24]

25. Genōh byþ sōþlīce þām leorningcnihte þæt hē sȳ swylce hys lārēow, and þēow swylce hys hlāfurd. Gyf hī þæs hīredes fæder Belzebub clypedon, mycle swȳþur hig ēow clypiað.[25]

Đys godspel gebyrað tō ānes confessores mæssedæge.

26. Eornustlīce ne ondrǣde gē hig; nys sōþlīce nān þing dȳhle þæt ne wurðe geswutelod, nē nān dīhle þing þæt ne wurðe geopenod.[26]

27. Đæt ic ēow secge on þȳstrum, secgað hyt on lēohte; and þæt gē on ēare gehȳrað, bodiaþ uppan hrōfum.

28. And ne ondrǣde gē þā ðe ēowyrne līchaman ofslēaþ; ne magon hig sōþlīce þā sāwle ofslēan; ac ondrǣdað mā þone þe mæg sāwle and līchaman fordōn on helle.[27]

29. Hū ne becȳpað hig twēgen spearwan tō peninge? and ān of ðām ne befylð on eorðan būtan ēowrun Fæder.[28]

30. And sōþlīce ealle ēowres hēafdes loccas synt getealde.[29]

31. Ne ondrǣde gē; gē synt sēlran þonne manega spearuan.[30]

32. Ǣlcne eornustlīce þe mē cȳþ beforan [31] mannun, ic cȳþe hyne beforan mīnun Fæder þe on heofenum ys.[32]

33. Sē þe mē wiðsæcð beforan mannun, and ic wiþsace hyne beforan mīnum Fæder þe on heofenum ys.[33]

34. Ne wēne gē þæt ic cōme sybbe on eorþan tō sendanne; ne cōm ic sybbe tō sendanne, ac swurd.[34]

35. Ic cōm sōþlīce mann āsyndrian ongēn hys fæder, and dohtur ongēn hyre mōdur, and snore ongēn hyre swegre;[35]

36. and mannes fȳnd, hys gehūsan.

Đys godspel gebyrað tō ānes martyres mæssedæge.

37. Sē Hǣlend cwæð tō hys leorningcnihtum, Sē þe lufaþ fæder oððe mōdor mā þonne mē, nys hē mē wyrþe; and sē ðe lufað sunu oððe dohtor swȳþur þonne mē, nys hē mē wyrþe.[36]

38. And sē þe ne nimþ hys cwylminge, and fyligþ mē, nys hē mē wyrþe.[37]

39. Sē þe gemēt hys sāwle sē forspilþ hig; and sē þe forspilþ hys sāwle for mē, hē gemēt hī.[38]

40. Sē þe ēow underfēhþ, hē underfēhð mē; and sē ðe mē underfēhþ, hē underfēhð þone þe mē sende.

41. Sē þe underfēhð wītegan on wītegan naman, hē onfēhþ wītygan mēde; and sē þe underfēhþ rihtwīsne on rihtwīses naman, hē onfēhþ rihtwīses mēde.[39]

42. And swā hwylc swā sylþ ānne drinc cealdes wæteres ānum þyssa lȳtylra manna on leorningcnihtes naman, sōþ ic secge ēow, Ne āmyrð hē hys mēde.[40]

  1. A, gecigedum; A, -cnyhtum; A, heom; A, adryfon; A, hældon ælce adle and ælce.
  2. B, genemnyd.
  3. A broðer (twice), B, broþur (twice).
  4. B, Mattheus; Corp., B, puplicanus, A, publicanus; A, alfei.
  5. A, hælend; B, bebeodynde and cweþynde; A, faron; A, samaritanan.
  6. A, sceapum þe forwurdon; B, israela; A, hywræddene, B, hiwrædyne.
  7. B, hælynd; A, -cnyhtum, B, -cnyhtun; B, cweþynde; A, heofena; A genealæceð.
  8. A, hreofe, B, hreofle (l above the line); A, onfengon.
  9. A, seolfor; B, eowrūn; A, byggyrdlum,B, bigyrdlun.
  10. Corp., B, wyryhta, A, wyrhta; A, metes.
  11. A, An (for On; illuminated A); B, buruh; A, acsiað; B on þere; A, þar.
  12. A, þænne; A, þyssum, B, þysun.
  13. A, cymeð; B, ofyr; A, eower.
  14. B, ceastere; B, ascecað.
  15. Corp., B, acumendlicre, A, acumenlicre.
  16. A, eornostlice; B nædran; A, bylewite.
  17. B, om. soðlice on gemotum . . . eow (homœoteleuton; supplied on the margin); A, heora; Corp., gesomnuncgum (c dotted for deletion).
  18. A, demum; A, cyningum; A, domum and þeodum.
  19. Corp., B, om. hig and, A, hig and; A, sprecon (twice).
  20. A, B, synd; A, þar.
  21. A, broðer (twice); A, ongean.
  22. A, hatunga; Corp., B, om. ðe, A, ðe; A, Amen at the end of the verse.
  23. A, Đonne ge (ge for hi); A, ær þam þe.
  24. B, ofyr (first time); B, hlafurd.
  25. A, hlaford; B, clypodun; A, swyðor, B, swiþur.
  26. A, eornostlice; A, ondrædon; A, digle; A, weorðe (twice); A, dygle.
  27. A, B, eowerne; B, magun.
  28. B, becipað hi twegen spearuan; A, eowrum; B, fædyr.
  29. B, heafudes; A, synd.
  30. A, synd; A, spearwan.
  31. A, eornostlice; A, mannum.
  32. A, mynum; B, heofenun.
  33. A, mannum; B, minun; B, heofenun.
  34. A, sweord.
  35. A, ongean (three times); A, dohtor; A, moder; A, swegran.
  36. B, -cnihtun; A, moder, B, modur; A, dohter, B, dohtur.
  37. B, fylgþ.
  38. B, saule (twice).
  39. B, witygan (three times), A, wytegan (second time), witegan (first and third times).
  40. B, wæterys anun; A, lytelra.