Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 19

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Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 19
3890110Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 191910


1. And þā sē Hǣlend geendode þās sprǣca, hē fērde fram Galilea and cōm on Iudeisce endas begeondan Iordanen.

2. And hym fyligdon mycele mænegu, and hē hig gehǣlde þǣr.

3. Đā genēalǣhton him to Farisei, hyne costnigende, and cwǣdon, Is ālȳfed ǣnegum menn hys wīf tō forlǣtenne for ǣnegum þinge?[1]

4. Đā andswarode hē him, Ne rǣdde gē, Sē þe on fruman worhte, hē worhte wǣpmann and wīfmann,[2]

5. and cwæþ, For þām sē mann forlǣtt[3] fæder and mōdor, and hyne tō his wīfe geþēot; and bēoð twēgen on ānum flǣsce?[4]

6. Witodlīce ne synt hig twēgen, ac ān flǣsc. Ne getwǣme nān mann þā ðe God gesomnode.[5]

7. Đā cwǣdon hig, Hwī hēt Moyses syllan hīwgedāles bōc, and hig forlǣton?[6]

8. Đā cwæð hē, Moyses for ēower heortan heardnesse lȳfde ēow ēower wīf tō forlǣtenne; [sōðlīce næs hyt on frymðe swā.][7]

9. Sōþlīce ic secge ēow, Swā hwā swā forlǣtt hys wīf, būton for forligere, and ōþer fetað, sē unrihthǣmð; and sē ðe forlǣtene æfter him nymð sē unrihthǣmð.[8]

10. Đā cwǣdon hys leorningcnihtas, Gyf hyt swā ys þām menn mid hys wīfe, ne fremað nānum menn tō wīfienne.[9]

11. Đā cwæþ hē, Ne underfōð ealle menn þis word, ac þām þe hyt geseald ys.[10]

12. Sōþlīce synd belistnode þe of hyra mōdor innoþum cumað; and eft synd belistnode [þā men þe man belistenað; and eft synd belistnode] þe[11] hig sylfe belistnodon for heofena rīce. Undernyme, sē þe undernyman mæge.[12]

13. Þā wǣron him gebrōhte lȳtlingas tō þæt hē hys hand on hig āsette and hig geblētsode; þā þrēadon hys leorningcnihtas hig.[13]

14. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Lǣtað þā lȳtlingas, and nelle gē hig forbēodan cuman tō me; swylcra ys heofena rīce.[14]

15. And þā hē him hys handa on āsette, þā fērde hē þanon.[15]

16. And þā genēalǣhte him ān mann tō, and cwæþ, Lā gōda Lārēow, hwæt gōdes dō ic þæt ic ēce līf hæbbe?[16]

17. Đā cwæþ hē, Hwæt āxast þū mē be gōde; ān God ys gōd; sōþlīce gyf þū wylt on līf becuman, heald þā beboda.[17]

18. Đā cwæþ hē, Hwylce? Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Ne dō þū mannslyht; Ne dō þū unrihthǣmed; Ne stel þū; Ne sege þū lēase gewittnysse;[18]

19. Wurða þīnne fæder and mōdor; and, Lufa þīnne nēhstan swā þē sylfne.[19]

20. Þā cwæð sē geonga, Eall þiss ic gehēold; hwæt ys mē gȳt wana?[20]

21. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Gyf þū wylt bēon fullfremed, gā and becȳp eall þæt þū āhst, and syle hyt þearfum, and þonne hæfst þū goldhord on heofone; and cum and folga mē.[21]

22. Đā sē geonga mann gehȳrde þis word, þā ēode hē aweg unrōt; sōþlīce hē hæfde mycele ǣhta.[22]

23. Witodlīce sē Hǣlend cwæð tō hys leorningcnihtum, Sōþlīce ic ēow secge, Þæt earfoðlīce sē welega gǣð on Godes rīce.

24. And eft ic ēow secge, Þæt eaðelīcre byð þām olfende tō gānne þurh nǣdle ēage, þonne sē welega on heofona rīce gā.[23]

25. Đā hys leorningcnihtas þis gehȳrdon, hig wundrodun and cwǣdon, Hwā mæg þis gehealdan?[24]

26. Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Unēaþelīc þæt ys mid mannum; ac ealle þing synt mid Gode ēaþelīce.[25]

Đys [godspel] sceal tō sancte Paulus mæssedæge, and tō sancte Benedictus.

27. Đā andswarode Petrus and cwæð, Nū wē forlēton ealle þing, and folgodon þē; hwæt byð ūs tō mēde?[26]

28. Đā cwæþ sē Hǣlend, Sōþ ic ēow secge þæt gē þe mē folgodon, on edcenninge þonne mannes Sunu sitt on hys mægenþrymme, þæt gē sittað ofer twelf setl, dēmende twelf mǣgða Israhel.[27]

29. And ǣlc þe forlǣt for mīnum naman hys hūs, oððe hys gebrōþru, oððe swustra, oþþe fæder, oþþe mōdor, oððe wīf, oþþe bearn, oððe land, be hundfealdon hē onfēhþ lēan, and hæfð ēce līf.[28]

30. Sōþlīce manega fyrmeste bēoð ȳtemeste, and ȳtemeste fyrmeste.[29]

  1. A, farisei; A, costigende; A, men.
  2. A, -man (twice).
  3. A, man forlæt.
  4. A, moder.
  5. A, synd; A, man.
  6. A, forleton, B, forleton.
  7. A, om. he; B, heardnysse; A, he lyfde; B, forlætanne; Corp., om. soðlice . . . frymðe swa, A, Soðlice næs hyt on frymðe swa, B, Soþlice . . . frymþe swa.
  8. A, forlæt, A, butan for forlygre; B, se ðe þæt forlætene (þæt and -ne above the line).
  9. A, men (twice); A, wyfianne.
  10. A, men; B, -foð (above the line).
  11. Corp., belistnode (t above the line; twice); A, heora moder; B, synt; Corp., B, om. þā men . . . belistnode (homœoteleuton), A, þa men þe man belistenað and eft synd belistnode (above the line and on the margin).
  12. B, heofona.
  13. A, brohte; A, gebletsade.
  14. A, nellon; A, hym (for hig); A, swylcera; B, heofona.
  15. A, þanen.
  16. A, B, man.
  17. A, acsast.
  18. A, manslyht; B, sæge; A, gewytnysse, B, gewitnysse.
  19. A, weorða; A, moder; A, swa swa.
  20. A, þys, B, þis.
  21. A, fulfremed (ful- above the line); B, eal; A, heofenum; A, om. and cum.
  22. A, B, man.
  23. A, eaðelicere; A, heofena.
  24. A, wundredon, B, wundrodon.
  25. A, om. þæt; A, syndon myd.
  26. Corp., B, þingc, A, þing.
  27. A, syt (for sitt).
  28. A, moder; A, hundfealdum; B, onfehð (corrected from onfeht).
  29. A, ytemyste (twice).