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Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 20

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Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 20
3890112Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 201910James Wilson Bright


Đys [godspel] sceal on þone sunnandæg þe man belȳcð alleluia.

1. Sōþlīce heofona rīce ys gelīc þām hīredes ealdre þe on ǣrne mergen ūt ēode āhȳrian wyrhtan on hys wīngeard.[1]

2. Gewordenre gecwydrǣdene þām wyrhtum [þæt] hē sealde ǣlcon ǣnne penig wiþ hys dæges worce, hē āsende hig on hys wīngeard.[2]

3. And þā hē ūt ēode embe underntīde, hē geseah ōþre on strǣte īdele standan.[3]

4. Đā cwæð hē, gā gē on mīnne wīngeard, and ic sylle ēow þæt riht byþ; and hig þā fērdon.

5. Eft hē ūt ēode embe þā sixtan and [þā] nigoþan tīde, and dyde þām swā gelīce.[4]

6. Þā embe þā endlyftan tīde hē ūt ēode, and funde ōþre standende; and þā sǣde hē, Hwī stande gē hēr eallne dæg īdele?[5]

7. Þā cwǣdon hig, For þām þe ūs nān mann ne hȳrode. Đā cwæð hē, And gā gē on mīnne wīngeard.[6]

8. Sōþlīce þā hyt wæs æfen geworden, þā sǣde sē wīngeardes hlāford hys gerēfan, Clypa þā wyrhtan, and āgyf him heora mēde; āgynn fram þām ȳtemestan oþ þone fyrmestan.[7]

9. Eornostlīce þā ðā gecōmon þe embe þā endlyftan tīde cōmon, þā onfēngon hig ǣlc his pening.[8]

10. And þā þe þǣr ǣrest cōmon wēndon þæt hig sceoldon māre onfōn; þā onfēngon hig syndrige penegas.[9]

11. Đā ongunnon hig murcnian ongēn þone hīredes ealdor,[10]

12. and þus cwǣdon, Þās ȳtemestan worhton āne tīde, and þū dydest hig gelīce ūs þe bǣron byrþena on þises dæges hǣtan.

13. Đā cwæð hē andswarigende hyra ānum, Ēalā þū frēond, ne dō ic þē nǣnne tēonan; hū ne cōme þū tō mē tō wyrceanne wið ānum penige?[11]

14. Nim þæt þīn ys, and gā; ic wylle þysum ȳtemestan syllan eal swā mycel swā þē.[12]

15. Oþþe ne mōt ic dōn þæt ic wylle? hwæþer þe þīn ēage mānful ys, for þām þe ic gōd eom?[13]

16. Swā bēoð þā fyrmestan ȳtemeste, and þā ȳtemestan fyrmeste; sōþlīce manega synt geclypede, and fēawa gecorene.[14]

Đys godspel gebyrað on wōdnesdæg on þǣre ōðre lenctenwucan.

17. Đā fērde sē Hǣlend tō Hierusalem, and nam hys leorningcnihtas onsundron, and þus cwæð,

18. Nū wē farað tō Hierusalem; and mannes Sunu byþ geseald þǣra sācerda ealdrum and bōcerum, and hig genyþeriað hyne tō dēaþe,[15]

19. þēodum tō bysmrigenne, and tō swingenne, and to āhōnne; and þām þryddan dæge hē ārīst.[16]

20. Đā cōm tō him Zebedeis bearna mōdor[17] mid hyre bearnum, hig geēadmēdende and sum þing fram him biddende.[18]

21. Þā cwæð hē, Hwæt wylt tū? Đā cwæð hēo, Sege þæt þās mīne twēgen suna sittan, ān on þīne swīþran healfe and ān on þīne wynstran, on þīnum rīce.[19]

22. Đā andswarode him sē Hǣlend, Gyt nyton hwæt gyt biddaþ. Mage gyt drincan þone calic ðe ic tō drincenne hæbbe? Þā cwǣdon hig, Wyt magon.[20]

23. Đā cwæð hē, Witodlīce gyt mīnne calic drincaþ; tō sittanne on mīne swīþran healfe, oððe on wynstran, nys mē inc tō syllanne, ac þām þe hyt fram mīnum Fæder gegearwod ys.[21]

24. And þā ðā tȳn leorningcnihtas gebulgon wiþ ðā twēgen gebrōðru.

25. Þā clypode sē Hǣlend hig tō him, and cwæð, Wite gē þæt ealdormenn wealdað hyra þēoda, and þā ðe synt yldran habbað anweald on him.[22]

26. Ne byþ swā betweox ēow; ac swā hwylc swā wyle betweox ēow bēon yldra, sȳ hē ēower þēn;[23]

27. and sē þe wyle betweox ēow bēon fyrmest, sȳ hē ēower þēow:[24]

28. swā mannes Sunu ne cōm þæt him man þēnode, ac þæt hē þēnode, and sealde his sāwle līf tō ālȳsednesse for manegum.

Gē wilniað tō geþēonne on gehwǣdum þinge, and bēon gewanod on þām mǣstan þinge. Witodlīce þonne gē tō gerēorde gelaþode bēoð, ne sitte gē on þām fyrmestan setlum, þē læs þe ārwurðra wer æfter þē cume, and sē hūsbōnda hāte þē ārīsan and rȳman þām ōðron, and þū bēo gescynd; gyf þū sitst on gerēorde on þām ȳtemestan setle, and æfter þē cymþ ōþer gebēor, and sē laþigenda cweþe tō þe, Site innor, lēof, þonne byþ ðē ārwurðlīcor þonne þē man ūttor scufe.[25]

Đys [godspel] sceal on sæternesdæg on þǣre pentecostenes wucan tō þām ymbrene.

29. And þā hig fērdon fram Hiericho, him fyligde mycel menegu.[26]

30. And þā sǣton twēgen blinde wiþ ðone weg, and gehȳrdon þæt sē Hǣlend fērde; and þā clypodon hig tō him and cwǣdon, Drihten, gemiltsa unc, Dauides sunu.[27]

31. Đā bēad sēo menegu him þæt hig suwodon;[28] þā clypodon hig þæs ðē mā, Drihten, gemiltsa unc, Dauides sunu.[29]

32. Þā stōd sē Hǣlend, and clypode hig tō him, and cwæð, Hwæt wylle gyt þæt ic inc dō?[30]

33. Đā cwǣdon hig, Drihten, þæt uncre ēagan sīn geopenode.[31]

34. Đā gemiltsode hē him, and hyra ēagan æthrān; and hig sōna gesāwon, and fyligdon him.[32]

  1. A, heofena; A, wyneard.
  2. A, gecwydrædenne; Corp., A, B, om. þæt; A, weorce; A, wyneard.
  3. A, ymbe.
  4. A, ymbe; Corp., B, and nigoþan, A, and þa nygeðan; A, om. swa.
  5. A, ymbe; A, B, ealne.
  6. A, B, man; A, hyrede.
  7. A, hyra; A, agin, B, aginn; B, ðæne.
  8. A, Eornestlice; Corp., B, þa ðæ gecomon, A, om. ðæ gecomon; A, ymbe; A, penig.
  9. A, þar.
  10. A, ongean.
  11. A, andswariende heora; A, wyrcanne; A, penige.
  12. A, þyssum ytemystum.
  13. A, ege; B, mannful.
  14. A, synd; A, B, geclypode.
  15. A, deðe.
  16. A, bysmrianne; A, swinganne.
  17. A, om. to him; A, suna (for bearna); A, moder.
  18. A, bearnnum; A, geeaðmedende; Corp., B, þingc, A, þing.
  19. A, ðu; B, sæge; A, sytton.
  20. A, drincanne.
  21. B, syllenne; A, geearwod.
  22. A, wytodlice (for wite ge þæt); A, -men; A, heora; A, synd.
  23. A, betwyx (first time); A, wylle; A, yldran sig.
  24. A, wylle.
  25. A, -nysse; A, gereordum; A, þy læs ðe; Corp., B, arwurðre, A, arwyrðra; A, husbunda; Corp. oðrum (-on above the line), A, oðrum, B, oþron.—A, laðienda; A, lyof; A, arweorðlycor; B, utor.
  26. A, iericho; A, mænigeo.
  27. A, clypedon.
  28. A, mænio; A, swigedon (for suwodon).
  29. A, clypedon.
  30. A, clypode to heom (om. hig).
  31. Corp., B, geoponede, A, geopenode.
  32. A, heora.