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Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 27

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Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 27
3890119Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 271910James Wilson Bright


1. Witodlīce þā hyt morgen wæs, ðā worhton ealle þǣra sācerda ealdras gemōt and þæs folces ealdras ongēn þone Hǣlend þæt hig hyne dēaþe belǣwdon;[1]

2. and hig lǣddon hyne gebundenne, and sealdon hyne þām Pontiscean Pilate þām dēman.[2]

3. Đā geseah Iudas þe hyne belǣwde þæt hē fordēmed wæs, þā ongann hē hrēowsian, and brōhte þā þrīttig scyllingas tō þǣra sācerda ealdrum, and cwæð,[3]

4. Ic syngode, þā ic sealde þæt rihtwīse blōd. Đā cwǣdon hig, Hwæt spycst þū þæt tō ūs?[4]

5. And hē āwearp þā scyllingas in on þæt templ, and fērde and mid grȳne hyne sylfne āhēng.[5]

6. Đā sōðlīce þǣra sācerda ealdras onfēngon þæs seolfres, and cwǣdon, Nys hyt nā ālȳfed þæt wē āsendon hyt on ūre maðmcyste, for þām hyt is blōdes wurð.[6]

7. Hig worhton þā gemōt, and smēadon hū hig sceoldon þæs Hǣlendes wurð ātēon; þā gebohton hig ǣnne æcyr mid þām fēo tigylwyrhtena on tō bebyrgenne elþēodisce menn.[7]

8. For þām is sē æcer gehāten Acheldemagh, þæt is on ūre geþēode, blōdes æcyr; and swā hē is gehāten oð þisne dæg.[8]

9. Đā wæs gefylled þæt gecweden is þurh Hieremiam þone wītegan, þus cweþende, And þā hig onfēngon þrīttig scyllinga, þæs gebohtan wurð þone ðe wæs ǣr gewurþod fram Israhela bearnum;[9]

10. and hig sealdon þæt on tigelwyrhtena æcyr, swā swā Drihten mē gesette.[10]

11. Þā stōd sē Hǣlend beforan þām dēman, and sē dēma hyne āxode þus cweðende, Eart þū Iudea Cyning? Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Þæt ðū segst.[11]

12. And mid þȳ ðe hyne wrēgdon þǣra sācerda ealdras and þā hlāfordas, nān þing hē ne andswarode.[12]

13. Đā cwæð Pilatus tō him, Ne gehȳrst þū hū fela sagena hig ongēn þē secgeað?[13]

14. And hē nē andwyrde mid nānum worde; swā þæt sē dēma wundrode swīþlīce.[14]

15. Hig hæfdon heom tō gewunan tō heora symbeldæge þæt sē dēma sceolde forgyfan þām folce ǣnne forwyrhtne mann, swylcne hig habban woldon.[15]

16. Hē hæfde þā sōðlīce ǣnne strangne þēofmann gehæftne, sē wæs genemned Barrabbas.[16]

17. Þā þæt folc gesamnod wæs, þā cwæð Pilatus, Hwæþer wylle gē þæt ic ēow āgyfe? þe Barrabban, ðe þone Hǣlynd ðe is Crīst gehāten?[17]

18. Hē wiste sōðlīce þæt hig hyne for andan him sealdon.

19. Hē sæt þā Pilatus on his dōmsetle; þā sende his wīf tō hym, and cwæð, Ne bēo þē nān þing gemǣne ongēn þisne rihtwīsan; sōðlīce fela ic hæbbe geþolod tō dæg þurh gesyhðe for hym.[18]

20. Đā lǣrdon þǣra sācerda ealdras and þā hlāfordas þæt folc þæt hig bǣdon Barrabban, and þone Hǣlend fordydon.[19]

21. Đā andwyrde sē dēma and sǣde heom, Hwæþerne wylle gē þæt ic forgyfe ēow of þisum twām? Đā cwǣdon hig, Barrabban.[20]

22. Þā cwæð Pilatus tō heom, Witodlīce hwæt dō ic be þām Hǣlende þe is Crīst genemned? Đā cwǣdon hig ealle, Sȳ hē on rōde āhangen.[21]

23. Đā cwæð sē dēma tō heom, Witodlīce hwæt yfeles dyde þēs? Hī ðā swīþor clypodon þus cweðende, Sȳ hē āhangen.[22]

24. Đā geseah Pilatus þæt hyt nāht ne fremode, ac gewurde māre gehlȳd, þā genam hē wæter and þwōh hys handa beforan þām folce, and cwæð, Unscyldig ic eom fram þyses rihtwīsan blōde; gē gesēoð.[23]

25. Đā andswarode eall þæt folc and cwæð, Sȳ hys blōd ofer ūs and ofer ūre bearn.[24]

26. Đā forgeaf hē hym Barrabban; and þone Hǣlynd hē lēt swingan, and sealde heom tō āhōnne.[25]

27. Þā underfēngon þæs dēman cempan þone Hǣlynd on ðām dōmerne, and gegaderodon ealne þone ðrēat tō heom;[26]

28. and unscrȳddon hyne hys āgenum rēafe, and scrȳddon hyne mid weolcenrēadum scyccelse;

29. and wundon cynehelm of þornum, and āsetton ofer hys hēafod, and hrēod on hys swīðran; and bīgdon heora cnēow beforan him, and bysmorudun hyne þuss cweþende,[27]

30. Hāl wes þū, Iudea Cyning! and spǣtton on hyne, and nāmon hrēod and bēotun hys hēafod.[28]

31. And æfter þām þe hig hyne þus bysmerodon, hig unscrȳddon hyne þām scyccelse, and scrȳddon hyne mid hys āgenum rēafe, and lǣddon hyne tō āhōnne.[29]

32. Sōþlīce ðā hig ūt fērdon, þā gemētton hig ǣnne Cyreniscne mann cumende heom tōgēnes, þæs nama wæs Symon; þone hig nȳddon þæt hē bǣre hys rōde.[30]

33. Đā cōmon hig on þā stōwe þe ys genemned Golgotha, þæt is, hēafodpannan stōw.

34. And hig sealdon hym wīn drincan, wið geallan gemenged; and þā hē hys onbyrigde, þā nolde hē hyt drincan.[31]

35. Sōþlīce ǣfter þām þe hig hyne on rōde āhēngon, hig tōdǣldon hys rēaf, and wurpon hlot þǣr ofer: þæt wǣre gefylled þæt ðe gecweden wæs þurh ðone wītegan, and þus cwæð, Hig tōdǣldon heom mīne rēaf, and ofer mīne rēaf hig wurpon hlot.[32]

36. And hig behēoldon hyne, sittende.

37. And hig āsetton ofer hys hēafod hys gylt þuss āwritenne, Đis ys sē Hǣlynd, Iudea Cyning[33]

38. Đā wǣron āhangen mid hym twēgen sceaþan, ān on þā swīðran healfe, and ōðer on þā wynstran.

39. Witodlīce þā wegfērendan hyne bysmeredon, and cwehton heora hēafod,[34]

40. And cwǣdon, Wā þæt ðēs tōwyrpð Godes templ, and on þrīm dagum hyt eft getimbrað; gehǣl nū þē sylfne; gyf þū sȳ Godes Sunu, gā nyþer of þǣre rōde.[35]

41. Ēac þǣra sācerda ealdras hyne bysmeredon mid þām bōcerum and mid þam ealdrum, and cwǣdun,[36]

42. Ōþere hē gehǣlde, and hyne sylfne gehǣlan ne mæg. Gyf hē Israhela Cyning sȳ, gā nū nyþer of þǣre rōde, and wē gelȳfað hym.[37]

43. Hē gelȳfð on God; ālȳse hē hyne nū, gyf hē wylle: witodlice hē sǣde, Godes Sunu ic eom.[38]

44. Gelīce þā sceaðan þe mid him āhangene wǣron hyne hyspdun.[39]

45. Witodlīce fram þǣre sixtan tīde wǣron geworden þȳstru ofer ealle eorðan oþ þā nigoþan tīd.[40]

46. And ymbe þā nygoðan tīd clypode sē Hǣlend mycelre stefne and þuss cwæð, Heli, Heli, lema zabdani? þæt ys on englisc, Mīn God, mīn God, tō hwī forlēte þū me?[41]

47. Sōþlīce sume þā ðe þǣr stōdon and þis gehȳrdon cwǣdon, Nū hē clypað Heliam.[42]

48. Đā hrædlīce arn ān heora and genam āne spongean, and fylde hig mid ecede, and āsette ān hrēod þǣr on, and sealde hym drincan.[43]

49. Witodlīce þā ōðre cwǣdon, Lǣt; utun gesēon hwæþer Helias cume, and wylle hyne ālȳsan.[44]

50. Þā clypode sē Hǣlynd eft mycelre stefne, and āsende hys gāst.[45]

51. And þǣrrihte ðæs temples wāhryft wearð tōsliten on twēgen dǣlas fram ufeweardon oð nyþeweard; and sēo eorðe bifode; and stanas tōburston;[46]

52. and byrgena wurdun geopenode; and manige hālige līchaman ðe ǣr slēpon āryson;[47]

53. and þā hig ūt ēodon of þām byrgenum æfter hys ǣryste, hig cōmun on þā hāligan ceastre, and ætēowdon hig manegum.[48]

54. Witodlīce þæs hundredes ealdor, and ðā þe mid him wǣron healdende þone Hǣlynd, þā hig gesāwon þā eorðbifunge and þā ðing ðe þǣr gewurdon, hig ondrēdon heom ðearle, and cwǣdon, Sōðlīce Godes Sunu wæs þēs.[49]

55. Witodlīce þǣr wǣron manega wīf feorran, þā ðe fyligdon þām Hǣlende fram Galilea, him ðēnigende.[50]

56. Betwuh þām wæs sēo Magdalenisce Maria, and Maria Iacobes mōder and Iosephes mōdur, and Zebedeis sunena mōdor.[51]

57. Sōðlīce þā hyt ǣfen wæs, cōm sum welig mann of Arimathia, þæs nama wæs Iosep, sē sylfa wæs þæs Hǣlyndes leorningcniht.[52]

58. Hē genēalǣhte tō Pilate, and bæd þæs Hǣlyndes līchaman. Đā hēt Pilatus āgyfan him þone līchaman.[53]

59. And Iosep genam þone līchaman, and bewand hyne mid clǣnre scȳtan,

60. and lēde hyne on hys nīwan byrgene, ðā hē āhēow on stāne; and hē tō āwylte mycelne stān tō hlide þǣre byrgene, and fērde syþþan.[54]

61. Đǣr wæs sōðlīce sēo Magdalenisce Maria and sēo ōðer Maria, sittende æt þǣre byrgene.[55]

62. Witodlīce ōðrum dæge þe wæs gearcungdæg, cōmon tōgædere þǣra sācerda ealdras and þā sundorhālgan tō Pilate,[56]

63. and cwǣdon, Hlāford, wē gemunon þæt sē swica sǣde, þā hē on līfe wæs, Æfter þrȳm dagon ic ārīse.

64. Hāt nū healdan þā byrgene oð þone þryddan dæg, þē lǣs hys leorningcnihtas cumon and forstelon hyne, and secgeon þām folce þæt hē āryse of dēaþe; þonne byð þæt æftre gedwyld wyrse þonne þæt ǣrre.[57]

65. Đā cwæð Pilatus, Gē habbað heordrǣdenne; farað, and healdað swā swā gē witon.[58]

66. Sōþlīce hig fērdon, and ymbetrymedon þā byrgene, and innseglodon þone stān, mid þām weardum.[59]

  1. B, Witudlice; A, ongean; B, hælynd.
  2. A, pontiscan.
  3. A, B, ongan; A, scyllinga; B, ealdrun.
  4. A, syngade; A, sprycst.
  5. A, innan (for in on); A, tempel.
  6. Corp., cwædon (æ above the line); A, for ðam þe hyt; A, weorð.
  7. B, scoldon; B, hælyndes; A, weorð; A, B, æcer; A, bebyrgeanne ælðeodige men.
  8. A, acheldemah; A, æcer.
  9. A, gecweden wæs (is above wæs); A, and hig, B, and hi (om. þa); B, þritig; A, weorð; A, geweorðod; A, ysrahela.
  10. A, æcer.
  11. B, hælynd (twice); A, acsode; B, sægst.
  12. A, andswarede.
  13. A, gehyrest; A, fæla; A, ongean; A, B, secgað.
  14. Corp., andwerde, A, B, andwyrde.
  15. A, B, hym; A, B, hyra; A, forworhtne; A, man, B, mannan; A, swylcne (c above the line).
  16. A, B, þeofman.
  17. A, hælend.
  18. A, ongean; A, ic hæbbe micel (for fela ic hæbbe; micel above the line; changed order).
  19. A, B, barraban; Corp., hælyn, A, hælend, B, hælynd.
  20. A, hym, B, him; B, þisun; A, barraban.
  21. A, hym, B, him; B, hælynde.
  22. A, hym, B, him; A, clypedon.
  23. A, þysses.
  24. A, andswarede.
  25. A, hælend; A, B, hym.
  26. A, hælend; B, gegaderodun; A, B, hym.
  27. A, B, hyra; Corp., bysmorudun (o above the line), A, bysmrodon, B, bysmredon; A, B, þus.
  28. A, beoton.
  29. A, bysmeredan, B, bysmeredon; A, om. mid.
  30. A, B, man; A, B, hym; A, togeanes.
  31. Corp., eallan, A, B, geallan; A, onbyrgde.
  32. A, hym, B, him.
  33. A, B, þus; A, hælend.
  34. B, Witudlice; B, hyra heafud.
  35. B, cwadun; A, tempel; B, dagun; A, getymbreð.
  36. B, bysmrydun; B, bocerun; B, ealdrun; A, cwædon.
  37. B, cing.
  38. B, witudlice.
  39. B, sceðan; B, wærun; A, hyspdon.
  40. B, Witudlice; B, wærun; Corp., B, gewurden, A, geworden; B, ot.
  41. B, hælynd; A, stemne; A, B, þus.
  42. A, om. þa; A, þar.
  43. A, B, hyra; B, fyllde.
  44. B, Witudlice; A, uton.
  45. A, hælend.
  46. A, þarryhtes; A, wahreft (wah- above the line); Corp., tewgen, A, B, twegen; B, ufewerdon.
  47. A, wurdon.
  48. A, comon; A, halgan, B, haligean; B, cestre ; A, ætywdon.
  49. B, Witudlice; A, hælend; A, þar; A, hym, B, him (for heom); A, B, Soð (for Soðlice).
  50. A, þar; A, fylgdon; B, hælynde.
  51. A, betweoh; B, modur (first and third times); A, and iosepes moder (above the line); A, suna.
  52. Corp., B, weli, A, welig; A, B, man; A, hælendes.
  53. A, abead ; A, hælendes.
  54. A, wylede to (for to awylte; changed order); A, byrgenne, B, byrigene.
  55. A, þar; A, byrgenne, B, byriene.
  56. B, comun; A, sunderhalgan.
  57. A, byrgenne; A, þy læs; A, cuman; A, secgon; A, B, æftere.
  58. A, -ræddene.
  59. A, byrgenne; A, inseglodon, B, innseglodun.