Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 3
1. On þām dagum cōm Iohannes sē fulluhtere, and bodude on þām wēstene Iudee,[1]
2. and cwæð, Dōþ dǣdbōte; sōðlīce genēalǣceð heofona rīce.[2]
3. Đis ys sē be þām þe gecweden ys þurh Esaiam ðone wītegan, Clypiendes stefn wæs on wēstene, Gegearwiað Drihtnes weg, dōþ his sīðas rihte.[3]
4. Sē Iohannes witodlīce hæfde rēaf of olfenda hǣrum, and fellenne gyrdel embe hys lendenu; and hys mete wæs gærstapan and wuduhunig.[4]
5. Đā fērde tō him Hierosolimwaru and eal Iudea ðēod, and eal þæt rīce wiðgeondan Iordanen.[5]
6. And hī wǣron gefullode on Iordane fram him, and hī andettan hyra synna.[6]
7. Sōðlīce þā hē geseh manega þǣra sunderhālgena and þǣra rihtwīsendra tō his fulluhte cumende, hē cwæð tō him, Lā, nǣddrena cyn, hwā geswutelode ēow to flēonne fram þām tōweardan yrre?[7]
8. Eornostlīce dōþ medemne wæstm þǣre dǣdbōte;[8]
9. and ne cweþað betwux ēow, Wē habbað Abraham ūs tō fæder. Sōþlīce ic secge ēow þæt God ys swā mihtig þæt hē mæg of þysum stānum āweccean Abrahames bearn.[9]
10. Eallunga ys sēo æx tō ðǣra trēowa wurtrumum āsett. Eornustlīce ǣlc trēow þe gōdne wæstm ne bringð byð forcorfen, and on fȳr āworpen.[10]
11. Witodlīce ic ēo wfullige on wætere tō dǣdbōte. Sē þe æfter mē tōwerd ys, hē ys strengra Þonne ic, ðæs gescȳ neom ic wyrðe tō berenne; hē ēow fullað on Hālgum Gāste and on fȳre:[11]
12. ðes fann ys on his handa, and hē āfeormað his þyrscelflōre; and hē gegaderað hys hwǣte on his bern; þā ceafu hē forbærnð on unādwǣscendlīcum fȳre.[12]
13. Þā cōm sē Hǣlend fram Galilea tō Iordane tō Iohanne þæt hē hine fullode.
14. Iohannes þā sōðlīce forbēad him, and cwæð, Ic sceal fram þē bēon gefullod, and cymst ðū tō mē?[13]
15. Đā andswarode sē Hǣlend him and cwæð. Lǣt nū; þus unc gedafnað ealle rihtwīsnesse gefyllan. Þā forlēt hē hine.[14]
16. Sōþlīce þā sē Hǣlend gefullod wæs, hrædlīce hē āstāh of ðām wætere; and him wurdon þǣrrihte heofenas ontȳnede, and hē geseah Godes Gāst niþer stīgende swā swā culfran, and wunigende ofer hine.[15]
17. And sōðlīce þā cōm stefn of heofenum, and þus cwæð, Hēr is mīn gecorena Sunu on þām mē gelīcode.
- ↑ A, bodode; A, iudee.
- ↑ A, genealæcað heofena.
- ↑ A, clipiende; B, dryhtnes.
- ↑ B, oluenda; A, ymbe.
- ↑ A, eall (twice).
- ↑ A, andetton heora.
- ↑ A, geseah; A, rihtwisedra, B, gerihtwisendra; A, nædrena cynn; A, swutelode; Corp., B, þan, A, þam.
- ↑ Corp., weastm, A, B, wæstm.
- ↑ A, betweox, B, betwyx; A, aweccan.
- ↑ B, trywa; A, wyrtruman; A, eornostlice; B, tryw; B, bring (for bringð).
- ↑ A, toweard; A, Ðæs gesci ne eom ic wirðe to beranne; B, halegum.
- ↑ A, beren; A, cafu, B, cafu (corrected into ceafu).
- ↑ A, þu cymst (changed order), B, cymsðu.
- ↑ A, gedafenað; A, -nyssa; A, forlæt
- ↑ A, þarrihte; A, geseh.