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Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 5

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Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon (1910)
edited by James Wilson Bright
Chapter 5
3890096Euangelium Secundum Mattheum: The Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon — Chapter 51910James Wilson Bright


Ðis godspel gebyrað to ealra hālgena mæssan.

1. Sōðlīce þā sē Hǣlend geseh þā menigu, hē āstāh on þone munt; and þā hē sæt, þā genēalǣhton his leorningcnihtas tō him.[1]

2. And hē ontȳnde his mūð and lǣrde hī, and cwæð,

3. Ēadige synt þā gāstlīcan þearfan, for þām hyra ys heofena rīce.

4. Ēadige synt þā līðan, for þām þe hī eorðan āgun.[2]

5. Ēadige synt þā ðe nū wēpað, for þām þe hī bēoð gefrēfrede.[3]

6. Ēadige synt þā ðe rihtwīsnesse hingriað and þyrstað, for þām þe hī bēoð gefyllede.[4]

7. Ēadige synt þā mildheortan, for þām þe hī mildheortnysse begytað.[5]

8. Ēadige synt þā clǣnheortan, for þām þe hī God gesēoð.[6]

9. Ēadige synt þā gesybsuman, for þām ðe hī bēoð Godes bearn genemnede.[7]

10. Ēadige synt þā þe ēhtnysse þoliað for rihtwīsnysse, for þām þe hyra ys heofonan rīce.[8]

11. Ēadige synt gē þonne hī wyriað ēow, and ēhtað ēow, and secgeað ǣlc yfel ongēn ēow, lēogende for mē.[9]

12. Geblissiað and gefægniað, for þām þe ēower mēd ys mycel on heofonum; swā hī ēhton þā wītegan þe beforan ēow wǣron.[10]

13. Gē synt eorþan sealt; gyf þæt sealt āwyrð on þām þe hit [gesylt bið, hit] ne mæg syððan tō nāhte, būton þæt hit sȳ ūt āworpen, and sȳ fram mannum fortreden.[11]

14. Gē synt middaneardes lēoht. Ne mæg sēo ceaster bēon behȳd þe byð uppan munt āset.[12]

15. Nē hī ne ǣlað hyra[13] lēohtfæt, and hit under cȳfe settað, ac ofer candelstæf þæt hit onlīhte eallum þe on þām hūse synt.[14]

16. Swā onlīhte ēower lēoht beforan mannum þæt hī gesēon ēowre gōdan weorc, and wuldrian ēowerne Fæder þe on heofenum ys.[15]

Ðys godspel sceal on þone ōðerne wōdnesdæg ofer pentecosten.

17. Nelle gē wēnan þæt ic cōme tōwurpan þā ǣ, oððe þā wītegan; ne cōm ic nā tōwurpan, ac gefyllan.[16]

18. Sōþes on eornost ic secge ēow, Ǣr þām gewīte heofon and eorðe, ān i oððe ān prica ne gewīt fram þǣre ǣ, ǣr þām ealle þing gewurðan.[17]

19. Eornostlīce sē ðe tōwyrpð ān of þysum lǣstum bebodum, and þā men swā lǣrð, sē byð lǣst genemned on heofonan rīce; sōþlīce sē ðe hit dēð and lǣrð, sē biþ mycel genemned on heofonan rīce.[18]

Ðis godspel sceal on þone fēorðan sunnandæg ofer pentecosten.

20. Sōðlīce ic secge ēow, Būton ēower rihtwīsnyss māre sȳ þonne þǣra wrītera and sundorhālgena, ne gā gē on heofonan rīce.[19]

21. Gē gehȳrdon þæt gecweden wæs on ealdum tīdum, Ne ofsleh þū; sē þe ofslihð, sē byð dōme scyldig.[20]

22. Ic secge ēow sōþlīce þæt ǣlc þe yrsað hys brēþer byð dōme scyldig; sōþlīce se þe segð hys brēðer, þu āwordena, he byð geþeahte scyldig; sē þe segð, Þū stunta, sē byþ scyldig helle fȳres.[21]

23. Eornostlīce gyf þū bringst þīne lāc to wēofode, and þū þǣr geþencst þæt ðīn brōðor hæfð ǣnig þing agēn ðē,[22]

24. lǣt þǣr þīne lāc beforan þām altare, and gang ǣr and gesybsuma wið þīnne brōðer, and þonne cum þū syððan and bring þīne lāc.[23]

Ðis godspel sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre þryddan wucan ofer pentecosten.

25. Bēo þū onbūgende þīnum wiðerwinnan hraðe, þā hwīle þe ðū eart on wege mid him; þē lǣs þe ðīn wiðerwinna þē sylle ðām dēman, and sē dēma þē sylle ðām þēne, and þū sȳ on cwertern send.[24]

26. Sōþes ic secge þē, Ne gǣst þū þanone, ǣr ðū āgylde þone ȳtemestan fēorðling.[25]

27. Gē gehȳrdon þæt on ealdum cwydum gecweden wæs, Ne unrihthǣme ðū;[26]

28. sōðlīce ic secge ēow þæt ǣlc þǣra þe wīf gesyhð and hyre gewylnað eallunga, þæt sē gesyngað on hys heortan.[27]

29. Gyf þīn swȳðre ēage þē ǣswicie, āhola hit ūt, and āwurp hyt fram þē; sōðlīce þē ys betere þæt ān þīnra lima forwurþe, þonne eal þīn līchama sī on helle āsend.[28]

30. And gyf þīn swīðre hand þē āswīce, āceorf hī of, and āwurp hī fram þē; witodlīce þē ys betere þæt ān þīnra lima forwurðe, þonne eal þīn līchama fare tō helle.[29]

Ðis [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre xvi. wucan ofer pentecosten.

31. Sōðlīce hit ys gecweden, Swā hwylc swā his wīf forlǣt, hē sylle hyre hyra hīwgedāles bōc.[30]

32. Ic secge ēow tō sōðum þæt ǣlc þe his wīf forlǣt būton forlegennysse þingum, hē dēð þæt hēo unrihthǣmð; and sē unrihthǣmð þe forlǣtene æfter him genimð.[31]

33. Eft[32] gē gehȳrdon þæt gecweden wæs on ealdum cwydum, Ne forswere þū; sōðlīce Drihtne þū āgyltst þīne āðās.[33]

34. Ic secge ēow sōþlīce þæt gē eallunga ne swerion, nē þurh heofon, for þām þe hēo ys Godes þrymsetl;[34]

35. nē þurh eorðan, for þām ðe hēo ys hys fōtscamul; nē þurh Hierusalem, for þām þe hēo ys mǣres cyninges ceaster.[35]

36. Nē ðū ne swere þurh þīn hēafod, for þām þe þū ne miht ǣnne locc gedōn hwītne oððe blacne.[36]

37. Sōðlīce sī ēower sprǣc, Hyt ys, hyt ys, Hyt nys, hyt nys; sōðlīce gyf þǣr māre byð, þæt bið of yfele.[37]

38. Gē gehȳrdon þæt gecweden wæs, Ēage for ēage, and tōð for tēð;[38]

39. sōþlīce ic secge ēow, Ne winne gē ongēn þā ðe ēow yfel dōþ; ac gyf hwā þē slēa on þīn swȳþre wenge, gegearwa him þæt ōðer.[39]

40. And þām ðe wylle[40] on dōme wið þē flītan, and niman þīne tunecan, lǣt him tō þīnne wǣfels.

41. And swā hwā swā þē genyt þūsend stapa, gā mid him ōðre twā þūsend.[41]

42. Syle þām ðe þē bidde; and þām ðe [wylle] æt þē borgian, ne wyrn þū him.[42]

Ðis [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre systēoðan wucan oter pentecosten; and on frīgedæg innan þǣre cȳswucan.

43. Gē gehȳrdon þæt gecweden wæs, Lufa þīnne nēxtan, and hata þinne fēond.[43]

44. Sōþlīce ic secge ēow, Lufiað ēowre fȳnd, and dōþ wel þām ðe ēow yfel dōð, and gebiddað for ēowre ēhteras and tǣlendum ēow:

45. þæt gē sīn ēowres Fæder bearn þe on heofonum ys, sē þe dēð þæt hys sunne ūp āspringð ofer þā gōdan and ofer þā yfelan; and hē lǣt rīnan ofer þā rihtwīsan and ofer þā unrihtwīsan.[44]

46. Gyf gē sōðlīce þā lufiað [þe ēow lufiað,] hwylce mēde habbað gē? hū ne dōð mānfulle swā?[45]

47. And gyf gē þæt ān dōð þæt gē ēowre gebrōðra wylcumiaþ, hwæt dō gē māre? hū ne dōð hǣþene swā?

48. Eornustllce bēoð fulfremede, swā ēower heofonlīce Fæder is fullfremed.[46]

  1. A geseah þa mæniu.
  2. A, synd; A, agan.
  3. A, synd; A gefrefode.
  4. A, Eadige synd ða ðe for ryhtwisnysse læt hig hingrian and þyrstan for þam ðe hig beoð eft gefyllede.
  5. A, synd; A, begitað.
  6. A, synd.
  7. A synd; B gesibsuman; A, B, genemde.
  8. A, synd; A, heora; A, heofena.
  9. A, synd; A, wirgeað; A, secað (corrected into secgað), B, secgað; A, ongean.
  10. A, heofenum; A, ehtan, B, ehtun.
  11. A, synd; Corp., B, om. gesylt bið hit (homœoteleuton), A, gesylt bið hit.
  12. A, synd; A myddangeardes, B middangeardes; A, behydd; A, munte asett.
  13. A, onælað heora.
  14. A, eallum þam þe.
  15. B, heofonum.
  16. A, toweorpan; A, towearpan.
  17. A, eornest, B eornust; A, B, ær þam þe gewite; A, heofen oðð eorðe; A, geweorðon.
  18. A, þissum; A, heofena (twice).
  19. A, ryhtwisnys, B, rihtwisnys; A, sunder-; A, ne ga ge na on heofena.
  20. B, ofslyh; A, biþ domes.
  21. A, segð to his breðer; B, sægð (twice).
  22. B, wefode; A, þar; Corp., geþencgst, A, B, geþencst; A, broðer; Corp., hæfð ænig þing (on the margin).
  23. A, þar.
  24. A, raðe; A, beo (for eart); A, þy læs (om. þe); A, cweartern.
  25. A ic þe secge (changed order); A, ðanene; A, ytemystan; Corp., feorðlingc, A feorðling, B, feorðlinge.
  26. A, unrihthæm.
  27. A, gesihð; A, wilnað; A, gesingað.
  28. A, æswicige; B, awyrp; A, lymena forweorðe þonne eall.
  29. A, aweorp; A, forweorðe þonne eall; A, on helle.
  30. A, hyre heora.
  31. A, soðon; A, butan; A, forligenysse, B, forlegnysse; A, unryhthæmeð, A, unrihthæmeð; A, nymeð.
  32. A, Oft (for Eft)
  33. Corp., agylst, A, B, agyltst.
  34. A, swerigeon; A heofen.
  35. A, fotsceamel; Corp., cynincges, B, cynincges (c supplied above the line), A, cyninges; Corp., B, cester, A, ceaster.
  36. A, swera.
  37. A, seo, B, sy; B, spæc; A, hyt ys hyt ys hyt nys (erased, leaving that portion of the line blank; the words were afterwards supplied on the erasure in a running hand); A, B, þar.
  38. Corp., Gehyrdon ge, A, B, Ge gehyrdon; A, far toð; B, teð (with e changed from o, or vice versa).
  39. Corp., ēow secge (marked for transposition); A, ongean; A, slea þe (changed order); A, gewenge.
  40. A, B, wyle.
  41. A, stapa to ganne gega (to ganne in the running hand above the line).
  42. Corp., B, om. wylle, A, wylle.
  43. B, We (for Ge; illuminated W); B, gecwedon; A, nyxtan.
  44. A, heofenum.
  45. Corp., B, om. þe eow lufiað, A, þe eow lufiað (in the running hand above the line).
  46. A, Eornostlice; B fullfremede; A, heofenlica; A, fulfremed.