Evangelium Secundum Mattheum: the Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon/Chapter 9
1. Đā āstāh hē on scyp, and oferseglode, and cōm on his ceastre.[1]
2. Đā brōhton hig hym ǣnne laman, on bedde licgende; þā geseah sē Hǣlend hyra gelēafan, and cwæð tō þām laman, Lā bearn, gelȳfe; þē bēoþ þīne synna forgyfene.[2]
3. Đā cwǣdon hig sume þā bōceras him betwȳnan, Đēs spycð bysmorsprǣce.[3]
4. Þā sē Hǣlend geseah hyra geþanc, ðā cwæð hē, Tō hwī þence gē yfel on ēowrum heortum?[4]
5. Hwæt is ēaþelīcre tō cweðenne, Þē bēoð forgyfene þīne synna, oððe tō cweþanne, Ārīs, and gā?[5]
6. Þæt gē sōþlīce witon þæt mannes Sunu hæfð anweald on eorþan synna tō forgyfenne,—þā cwæð hē tō þām laman,—Ārīs, and nym þīn bedd, and gang on þīn hūs.[6]
7. And hē ārās, and fērde tō hys hūse.
8. Sōðlīce ðā þā sēo mænigeo þis gesāwon, þā ondrēdon hig hym, and wuldrodon God þe sealde swylcne anweald mannum.[7]
9. Đā se Hǣlend þanon fērde, hē geseah ǣnne man sittende æt tollsceamule, þæs nama wæs Matheus; and hē cwæð tō him, Fylig mē. And hē ārās, and fyligde him.[8]
10. And hyt wæs geworden þā hē sæt innan hūse, þā cōmun manega mānfulle and synfulle and sǣton mid þām Hǣlende and hys leorningcnyhtum.[9]
11. Đā þā sundorhālgan þæt gesāwon, þā cwǣdon hig tō hys leorningcnyhtum, Hwī ytt ēower Lārēow mid mānfullum and synfullum?[10]
12. And sē Hǣlend cwæð, þis gehȳrende, Nys hālum lǣces nān þearf, ac sēocum.[11]
13. Gāð sōðlīce and leornigeaþ hwæt is, Ic wylle mildheortnesse, næs onsægdnesse;[12] sōþlīce ne cōm ic rihtwīse tō gecīgeanne, ac þa synnfullan.[13]
14. Þā genēalǣhton Iohannes leorningcnihtas tō hym, and þuss cwǣdon, Hwī fæste wē and þā sundorhālgan gelōmlīce? sōþlīce þīne leorningcnihtas ne fæstað?[14]
15. And sē Hǣlend cwæð tō him, Cweþe ge sceolun þæs brȳdguman cnihtas wēpan, þā hwīle þe sē brȳdguma mid hym byþ? sōðlīce þā dagas cumað þæt sē brydguma byð āfyrred fram him, and þonne on ðām dagum hig fæstað.[15]
16. Ne dēþ witodlīce nān man nīwes clāðes scyp on eald rēaf; hē tōbrycð hys stede on þām rēafe, and sē slite byþ þē wyrsa.[16]
17. Nē hig ne dōð nīwe wīn on ealde bytta; gyf hī dōð, þā bytta bēoþ tōbrocene, and þæt wīn āgoten, and þā bytta forwurþað. Ac hig dōð nīwe wīn on nīwe bytta, and ǣgðer byþ gehealden.[17]
18. Đā [hē][18] þās þing tō him spræc, þā genēalǣhte ān ealdor, and geēaðmēdde hyne tō him, þus cweðende, Drihten, mīn dohtor is dēad; ac cum, and sete þīne hand uppan hig, and hēo lyfað.[19]
19. And sē Hǣlend ārās and fyligde hym, and hys leorningcnihtas.[20]
20. And þā ān wif þe þolode blōdryne twelf gēar genēalǣhte widæftan, and æthrān hys rēafes fnæd;[21]
21. hēo cwæð sōðlīce on hyre mōde, For ān ic bēo hāl, gyf ic hys rēafes æthrīne.
22. And sē Hǣlend bewende hyne and hig geseah, and cwæð, Gelȳf, dohtor; þīn gelēafa þē gehǣlde. And þæt wīf wæs gehǣled on þǣre tīde.[22]
23. And þā sē Hǣlend cōm intō þæs ealdres healle, and geseah hwistleras, and hlȳdende menigeo,[23]
24. hē cwæð, Gāð heonun; nys þys mǣden dēad sōðlīce, ac hēo slǣpð. And hig tǣldon hyne.[24]
25. And þā hē þā menigeo ūt ādrāf, hē geēode in, and nam hyre hand; and þæt mǣden ārās.[25]
26. And þēs hlīsa sprang ofer eall þæt land.[26]
27. Þā sē Hǣlend þanun fōr, þā fyligdun hym twēgyn blinde, hrȳmynde and cweðende, Lā Dauides sunu, gemiltsa unc.[27]
28. Sōðlīce þā hē hām cōm, þā blindan genēalǣhton tō him, and sē Hǣlend cwæð tō him, Gelȳfe gyt þæt ic inc mæg gehǣlan? Hig cwǣdon tō hym, Witodlīce, Drihten.[28]
29. Đā æthrān hē hyra ēagena, cweðynde, Sȳ inc æftyr incrun gelēafan.[29]
30. And hyra ēagan wǣrun ontȳnede. And sē Hǣlynd bebēad him, cweþende, Warniað þæt gē hyt nānum men ne secgeon.[30]
31. Hig sōðlīce ūt gangynde gewīdmǣrsudun hyne ofer eall þæt land.[31]
32. Đā hig wǣron sōðlīce ūt āgāne, hig brōhton him dumbne man, sē wæs dēofulsēoc.[32]
33. And ūt ādryfenum þām dēofle, sē dumba spræc; and þā menigeo wundredon, cweðende, Nǣfre ætȳwde swylc on Israhela folce.[33]
34. Sōþlīce þā sundorhālgan cwǣdon, On dēofla ealdre hē drīfð ūt dēoflu.[34]
35. And sē Hǣlend ymbfōr ealle burga and ceastra, lǣrende on hyra gesomnungum, and bodiende rīces godspell, and hǣlende ǣlce ādle and ǣlce untrumnesse.[35]
36. Hē gemiltsude sōðlīce þǣre menigeo, þā hē hī geseah, for þan hig wǣrun gedrehte, and licgende swā swā scēap þe hyrde nabbað.[36]
37. Þā hē sǣde hys leorningcnihtun, Witodlīce micel rip ys, and fēawa wyrhtyna.[37]
38. Biddaþ ðæs ripes hlāford þæt hē sende wyrhtan tō his ripe.[38]
- ↑ Corp., cestre, A, B, ceastre.
- ↑ A, heora; Corp., cw̄, A, B, cwæð.
- ↑ A, B, om. hig; A, sprycð.
- ↑ A, heora.
- ↑ A, B, cweðanne (twice).
- ↑ A, forgifanne; A, B, aris nym (om. and).
- ↑ A, mænio; A, wuldredon.
- ↑ þanen; A, tollsceamole.
- ↑ A, comon; A, and myd hys leorningcnihtum.
- ↑ A, sunderhalga; Corp., A, B, ys (for ytt).
- ↑ B, þiss.
- ↑ A, leorniað; A, myldheortnysse; A, onsægednysse.
- ↑ A, synfullan.
- ↑ Corp., þuss, A, B, þus; Corp., cweþende (corrected into cwædon); A, sunder-.
- ↑ A, sceolon.
- ↑ A, mann; Corp., on eald (on supplied above the line), B, om. on; A, styde.
- ↑ B, ealde; A, forweorðað, B, forwurdað.
- ↑ Corp., B, om. he, A, he.
- ↑ A, leofað.
- ↑ A, and þa se hælend.
- ↑ A, ðolede, B, þolude.
- ↑ B, gehælyd.
- ↑ B, hælynd; B, hlydynde; A, mænio.
- ↑ A, and cwæð; A, heonon; A, soðlice heo slæpð (om. ac); B, hi tældun.
- ↑ A, mænio; Corp., geode, A, B, eode.
- ↑ B, ofyr.
- ↑ B, hælynd; A, þanon; A, fyligdon; A, twegen; A, hrymende; B, cweþynde; B, dauidys; A, me (for unc).
- ↑ B, genealæhtun; A, mæge; B, cwædun; B, dryhtyn; A, Dryhten þu myht.
- ↑ A, eagan cweðende sig inc æfter eorum geleafan; B, incrun (eow written above it).
- ↑ A, heora; A, wæron; B, ontynyde; A, hælend; Corp., cwþende, A, cweðende, B, cweðynde; A, secgon.
- ↑ A, -ende gewydmærsodon; B, ofyr.
- ↑ B, hi wærun; B, hi brohtun; A, dumne; A, deofol-.
- ↑ A, duma; A, seo mænio; B, wundrudun; A, ysraela, B, israela.
- ↑ A, sunder-, B, sundur-; B, cwædun.
- ↑ B, hælynd; B, embfor; A, heora; A, bodigende, B, bodiynde; A, B, godspel; A, B, -nysse.
- ↑ A, gemyltsode þære mænio (om. soðlice); A, for ðam ðe hig wæron; A, om. swa swa.
- ↑ A, -cnyhtum; A, wyrhtena.
- ↑ B, ripys hlafurd; B, wyryhtan.