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Farmers of forty centuries/Index

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Acidity of soils, 424.

Acres per capita, U. S. 1; Orient, 1, 2, 193, 410, 425.

Afforestation, 151, 155, 156, 159, 398; tract, 217-220.

Agricultural college, 381.

Aichi, 413.

Akashi Experiment Station, 22, 396.

Amur river, 351.

Analysis, ashes, 207; compost, 211; excreta, 194; genya, 211; milk, 149; soil, 413.

Angleworms, 205.

Animal diet, 135.

Antung, 358, 365.

Area, cultivated land, 6, 425; per family, 425, 429; of gardens, 377; of rice paddies, 277.

Area, Aichi, 414; Japan, 425; Nara, 400; Shantung, 216; Shizuoka, 417; Tokushima, 417; Tokyo plain, 419.

Area, forests, 160; genya, 209; legumes, 213; rice fields, 7, 8, 27, 271, 272; tea, 326; textiles, 164; wheat, 272; rush, 395.

Ashes as fertilizer, 9, 68, 169, 182, 207, 251, 286, 296, 380, 392, 410, 425.

Astragalus sinicus, 10, 380.


Bags, of matting, 159, 165, 305, 306, 308, 359; paper, 396.

Bamboo, 62, 64, 127, 130, 132, 133, 138, 147, 157, 165, 188, 290, 293, 301, 385, 387, 388; sprouts, 131.

Bananas, 82.

Barley, 6, 53, 54, 226, 227, 242, 267, 272, 306, 309, 329, 362, 379, 410, 422, 423; tying stems, 206.

Beans, 33, 122, 169, 213, 226, 255, 290, 305, 309, 319, 329, 380, 422, 423; sprouted, 134.

Bean cakes, 257, 378, 392, 417; export, 357, 358, 415.

Bean curd, 143.

Beauty of landscapes, 389-392, 400, 405, 409.

Beds, chimney, 141, 142, 248.

Beef cattle, 418.

Beggars, 121, 176.

Bellows, 143.

Bending wood, 89.

Bibo, 396.

Birds, 62.

Blumann, Dr. John, 93, 96.

Boats, 77, 78, 83, 86, 171.

Bombyx mori, 319.

Borrowing money, 152.

Bound feet, 62, 122, 230.

Bow, for whipping cotton, 127.

Bow-brace, 87.

Boxer uprising, 217.

Braid, straw, 165, 226.

Braziers, 138.

Brick, 142, 143, 162, 163.

Brick vaults, 50, 52.

Bridge building, 299.

Bucket and well sweep, 297, 299.

Buckwheat, 359, 418, 423.

Buffalo, water, 145, 149, 150, 235, 335, 336, 338.

Buffalo-horn, nut, 134.

Building materials, 160-163, 232, 285, 358, 337, 395.

Bullocks, 401, 402.

Burdock, 396, 414.

Bureau of Agriculture, Japan, 9, 428.

Burial, 55, 50, 152.

Butter, 150.


Cabbage, 128, 129, 190, 268, 342, 343.

Cakes, oil, 145-149, 190, 192, 257, 357, 358, 378, 392.

Calf, buffalo, 150.

Calico printing, 121.

Caltropes, 134.

Camphor trees, 63.

Canal, Grand, 99, 101, 104, 108.

Canals, 90, 99-102, 107, 346; miles, 8, 101.

Canalization, 98-110, 338; suggested, 273, 280.

Canal mud, 9, 74, 79, 106, 167-174, 315, 317; compost, 181-189.

Candleberry trees, 378.

Canton, 5, 60, 72, 75, 78, 80, 198, 319.

Canton Christian College, 51, 72, 75.

Carpenter, 194.

Carrying pole, 47, 59, 64, 121, 170, 200.

Cart, 341, 401.

Cash, 76.

Caskets, 52, 53, 322.

Cattle, 51, 135, 159, 233, 353, 355, 399, 418; per acre, 2; per mile, 3.

Catty, 76, 149, 150, 169, 255.

Cemeteries, 25, 56.

Chaff as fertilizer, 297.

Chamberlin, Rollin T., 301, 303.

Charcoal, 138-140, 159, 363, 402.

Chart, Kara Exp't Station, 212.

Chefoo, 236, 330.

Chekiang, 98, 100, 111, 113, 141, 284, 300, 314, 315, 319.

Chengtu, 101.

Cherry trees, 402, 403, 405.

Chestnut, water, 134.

Chickens, 130; per mile, 3, 180.

Chihli, 53, 55, 143, 157, 161, 297, 331, 342.

Children, 18, 75, 330, 331, 344.

Chimney beds, 142, 248.

Chungming Island, 4, 61, 106.

Chu Wei Yung, Mr., 224.

Clay, 161.

Clover, 10, 128, 131, 177, 182-189, 276, 286, 293, 316, 380, 397, 413.

Coal, 138, 158, 222, 223; loading, 40.

Cocoons, 311, 314, 321, 322.

Coins, 76.

Cold storage, 77, 90, 343.

College, 51, 72, 75, 381.

Compost, 9, 10, 116, 181-189, 211-213, 232, 243-245, 250-253, 269, 293, 338, 378, 397; pits, 182-184, 248; stacks, 182-189, 248-251, 269, 378, 380, 397, 417.

Compost house, 211-213, 248.

Composting, 250-252, 261, 290.

Confucius, 216.

Conservation suggested, 273, 280.

Cordwood, 363.

Cotton, 6, 59, 61, 143, 262-266, 332; beating, 125.

Cottonseed oil, 145-148; cake, 145-149.

Cows, 149, 190, 284, 288, 341, 402.

Crops, 226, 343, 353, 358, 362, 377, 396; number per year, 6, 90, 272, 343, 377.

Crowding of gardens, 67, 343.

Cucumbers, 35, 36, 203, 266, 398, 419.

Cultivated land, Nara, 400; Tokushima, 410.

Cultivation, 239, 353, 362 ; rice, 292, 293.

Cultivators, 32, 293, 398.

Curiosity, 176.

Current wheel, 301, 303, 399.


Daikubara, Dr., 210.

Dairy, 149, 150.

Dalny, 358.

Dandola, 313.

Delta, Hwang ho, 101; Sikiang, 82, 97, 319; Yangtse, 50, 61, 99, 101.

Density of population, 3, 48, 226, 228, 233, 323.

Dikes, 82, 83, 194, 108, 277, 412.

Dipper, 188, 288.

Donkeys, 122, 232, 233, 341, 353; per mile, 3, 226, 233.

Drainage, 109, 281, 338, 339, 419.

Drains, 45, 282.

Dredge, 79, 187.

Dredging, 79, 188.

Dress, 37, 75, 138, 140, 312, 355, 364, 366.

Drill, 80; seed, 240, 248.

Drought, 230, 242, 341.

Dry land rice, 271, 418, 419.

Ducks, 83, 205.

Dyeing, 124.

Dyes, 410.


Earnings, 134, 153, 203, 242, 306, 307, 309, 311, 319, 329, 342-344, 377, 395, 396, 417, 422, 428, 429.

Economy, 234; of diet, 135.

Eggs, 180, 181, 233.

Eggplants, 281, 282, 419.

Elizabeth Blake Hospital, 120, 151.

Erosion, 85, 97, 110, 112, 218, 229, 330, 353, 388.

Evans, Rev. A. E., 152, 153, 2.53, 330, 331, 332.

Excreta, human, 193-199, 257.

Experiment Stations, Japan, 211-213, 307, 315, 376, 378, 381, 382-384, 387, 397, 414, 424.

Export, beans, 348, 357; grain, 356; silk, 311, 312, 321; tea, 12, 326.


Fanning mills, 304.

Fanning rice, 304, 306.

Farm industries, 165, 306, 431.

Farmers' families, 165, 419, 425, 427.

Farmer in winter dress, 38, 140.

Farms, 93, 233, 427.

Feet, bound, 63, 122, 230.

Fences, 157, 232.

Fertilizers, commercial, 1, 296, 379, 392, 396, 417.

Fertilizers, 68, 73, 93, 142, 143, 161, 167-175, 181-189, 193-215, 232, 285, 329, 338, 343, 377, 378, 379, 400; canal mud, 9, 74, 79, 106, 167, 174; bean cake, 257, 378, 392, 417; removed by crops, 214, 215, 246, 255.

Fertilization, 9, 74, 79, 81, 112, 116, 167-189, 200, 207-215, 250-252, 254-256, 315, 329, 379, 413, 417, 423; compost, 181-189, 211, 213, 243, 245, 250-252, 379, 417; with legumes, 10, 106, 182-189, 256-259, 267, 293, 378, 379, 397, 413; for fish ponds, 95.

Figs, 415.

Fireless cooker, 77.

Fireworks, 253.

Fish, 77, 95; culture, 93, 115, 213; Guano, 417.

Flies, 78, 202.

Floods, 104, 106-108, 109, 216, 338.

Floors, 253.

Floral statuary, 67.

Flower stands, 409, 410.

Food, 77, 121, 128-136, 177, 322, 379, 418.

Food transformers, 3, 135.

Foot-power, 79, 298, 299, 302, 399.

Forest, area, 160, 417; return, 218-220; growth, 151, 159, 362, 368; scanty, 14; cutting, 151, 159, 378, 399; planting, 156.

Foresters, 151, 159.

Forest Garden, 217, 221.

Fork, 89.

Formosa, 6, 272, 427.

Fowls per mile, 3, 180.

Fruits, 343, 415.

Fuel, 52, 86, 137-159, 221, 363, 368, 378, 399, 402, 413, 414; amount, 207.

Fukuoka Exp't Station, 377, 381, 382-384, 387.

Furnishing, 394, 395.


Gardens, 15, 44, 66, 343, 398.

Gardeners, 377, 409.

Gas, natural, 138, 338.

Geese, 51, 72, 83.

Genge, 380.

Genya, 209-211, 295, 296, 417, 425.

German works, 217, 236, 256.

Ginger, 93, 398.

Ginseng, 392.

Goats, 51, 235, 353, 356.

Go-downs, 77, 90.

Grading, 112, 114, 277, 317, 320, 338, 412, 413, 414.

Grand Canal, 99, 101, 104, 108; suggested, 273.

Grapes, 343.

Grass, 157, 418; from canals, 295, 296.

Graves, 48-59, 90, 236, 337, 346, 356; in Japan, 25; in China, 48-59, 72.

Grave lands, 48-59, 157, 235.

Grazing, 51, 72, 235, 338, 353, 355, 356.

Green manure, 9, 10, 52, 208-211, 213, 274 286, 289, 295, 296, 309, 368, 377, 378, 379, 380, 397, 413, 417, 418.

Greens, 203, 266.

Grinding, 122, 145, 363.

Guilds, 120.

Gutzlaff Island, 60.


Haas, Mr., 217.

Haden, Rev. R. A., 151, 177.

Hakone village, 24.

Hall, A. D., 194.

Hangchow, 50, 99, 101.

Hankow, 61, 101, 196.

Hanyang, 61.

Happy Valley, 62, 65.

Harrison, Capt., 15, 61.

Harrow, 288, 289.

Harvesting, 302, 341.

Hats, 367.

Hay, 336, 356.

Health. 75, 323.

Hedges, 342, 347, 414.

Hills, herbage, 14, 85, 208-211, 218-220, 295, 377, 378, 385.

Hill lands, 51, 85, 151, 154-160, 218-220, 295, 385, 399, 404, 414, 418, 419; area, 400, 411; for tea, 324.

Hoe, 242, 340.

Hoeing grain, 230, 242, 340, 347, 353, 356.

Hokkaido, 214, 271, 428.

Holiday, 365.

Holland, density of population, 2.

Home, 141, 248, 285.

Home industries, 165, 306, 396, 410.

Honam Island, 51, 72.

Hongkong. 60, 70.

Honshu, 385.

Hopkins, Dr. C. G., 134, 214, 358.

Horses, 401, 402; per mile, 3; breeding, 402, 403.

Horticulture, 415.

Hosie, Alexander, 138, 236, 271, 314, 326, 334, 335, 359.

House building, 160-163.

Houseboat, 83, 152-154, 176, 177, 235.

Households, number, 165, 419.

Hudson, Rev. W. H., 149.

Human waste, 9, 19, 193-199, 257, 296, 397.

Hwang ho, 98, 101, 104, 107, 110.

Hygiene, 198, 199, 323.

Hyogo, 305-307, 397.


Ichang, 101.

Imperial Agr. Exp't Station, 423, 426.

Imports, agricultural, 2.

Incubator, 177.

Indigo, 410, 411.

Inland Sea, 40.

Inns, 142, 394, 400.

Interest, 152, 153.

International Concessions, wastes, 9, 53.

Iris garden, 409.

Irrigation, 7, 28-30, 35, 53, 54, 65, 79, 83, 101, 112, 113, 189, 223, 226, 227, 262, 274, 279, 280, 286, 288, 297-303, 338, 399. 400, 419.

Irrigation water, 211, 280. 400.

Island of Chungming, 4, 61, 106.


Jinricksha, 15, 118.

Johnson, Margaret, quoted, 395.

Journey, A bit of, 387-389.


Kaiping, 347.

Kang, 141-143, 248, 261, 338.

Kaoliang, 157, 158, 161-163, 232, 255, 268, 346, 353, 359.

Karafuto, 272.

Kashing, 99, 150, 163.

Kawaguchi, Dr., 194, 211, 296.

Kellner, 193, 194.

Kiangsi. 103, 331.

Kiangsu, 100, 113, 300, 316, 319, 331; woman, 140.

Kiaochow, 158, 221, 222; bay, 216, 222.

Kilns, 86, 143, 163, 164.

Kirin, 351.

Kittysols, 85.

Kiyomizu temple, 404-409.

Kobe, 37; waste, 397.

Korea, 365-374, 151, 159, 271, 312, 380.

Korean rice fields, 29, 272.

Kowloon, 62.

Kunshan, 167.

Kweichow, 321.

Kyoto, 403-409; experiment station, 401.

Kyushu, 377.


Laborers, 16, 120, 236, 285, 344, 353, 356, 359.

Lakes, 104, 412.

Lake Biwa, 412.

Land-building, 60, 97, 106, 109, 110, 330.

Land owners, 427.

Landscape artists, 405, 409.

Lands reclaimable, 425.

Land values, 332, 377, 428.

Lantern, 223, 224.

Leaching, 281, 283.

League, Rev. T. J., 234, 245.

Leeks, 74.

Legumes, 10, 213, 348, 380.

Levees, 102, 108, 412, 414.

Lewell, Judge Samuel, 252.

Liao, 321, 351, 357, 362.

Lime, 143, 173, 207, 208, 397, 413; in coffins, 55; kilns, 143.

Limestone, supplied to rice fields, 280.

Liquid manure, 68, 74, 193-205, 265, 397, 401.

Lost, 223.

Lotus, 133, 377, 414; roots, 132, 133.

Lumber, sawing, 63.

Lunches, 76, 121, 374.

Lwan ho, 346.

Lwanchow, 348.


Macaroni, 418.

Maize, 268, 347, 348, 353, 359, 367, 418.

Manchuria, 142, 157, 159, 161, 236, 345, 348, 350-363; fertilization, 10, 347, 355.

Manchu headdress, 361.

Manufacturers, 143, 145, 165, 305, 306, 333, 396, 411.

Manure, 200; human, 73, 194-199, 257, 397, 401; liquid, 68, 74, 193-205, 265, 397; receptacles, 70, 199, 201, 257, 401; silkworms, 200.

Manure, green, 208-211, 286, 289, 295, 309, 377, 379, 380, 397, 400, 411, 413, 417, 418.

Maps, 98, 100, 102, 196, 273; soils, 424.

Markets, 128-134, 146, 233.

Marmalades, 415.

Matches, 59, 236.

Mattress making, 125.

Matting, 87, 159, 164, 359, 392-396; rush, 87. 88, 389, 392-395.

Melons, 282, 309.

Merrill, 280.

Meyermanns, Dr. B., 228.

Milk, water buffalo, 149, 150.

Mill, 123, 145, 256, 413.

Millet, 7, 8, 157, 161, 226, 255, 268, 342, 346, 349, 353, 356, 358, 359, 360, 362, 367, 422.

Mississippi, 110.

Mitsumata, 164.

Mogi, 40.

Money, 76; paper, 55.

Monuments, 362.

“Mother of Petre,” 252.

Mow, 254.

Mud as fertilizer, 9, 74, 79, 85, 93, 106, 167-174, 182-189, 315, 317.

Mukden, 5, 158, 159, 345, 348, 350, 359, 360, 362.

Mulberry, 79, 83-85, 164, 170-173, 200, 311, 315-319, 332, 412, 414, 418, 419; leaves, 311, 313-319.

Mulberry, paper, 164.

Mules, 348, 355.

Multiple cropping, 11, 263-270, 274, 349, 360, 396.

Mushrooms, 159.


Nagasaki, 42, 48, 376, 377.

Nagoya Exp't Station, 315, 413.

Nanking, 99, 139, 167, 316.

Nara Exp't Station, 211-213, 307, 397, 400.

Netting, 306.

Newchwang, 236, 321, 356, 357, 358.

Newspapers, 167.

New Wiju, 365.

Night soil, 9, 19, 42, 68, 70, 194-200, 379, 397, 401.

Nitre-farming, 252.

Nitrification, 251-254.

Nitrogen, 143, 169; in excreta, 194; supplied, 211, 214, 215, 259, 280, 295, 378, 379, 400, 413; removed, 214, 215, 245, 255; lack, 357, 358.

Nursery, 156.

Nursery beds, rice, 11, 284-289, 385.


Oaks, 159, 319, 321, 368.

Oats, 362, 367.

Official, Chinese, 355.

Oils, 143, 145, 190, 256, 257; cakes, 145-149, 190, 257, 379.

Onions, 343.

Ono, Professor, 22, 396.

Opium, 245.

Oranges, 159, 417.

Osaka, 37.


Packing cases, 165.

Paddies, 7, 276-278.

Paddy fields, returns and expenses, 428, 429.

Paper materials, 164; bags, 23; mulberry, 164.

Parker, Edward C., 358.

Parking, 400, 405, 407.

Paton, 313, 314.

Peaches, 415; orchard, 34, 35, 417.

Peak, Hongkong, 62.

Peanuts, 226, 256, 420, 422.

Pear orchard, 21-23, 31, 33, 417.

Pears, 343, 396, 415. Peas, 90, 92; sprouted, 134.

Pei ho, 53, 330.

Peking, 239, 346.

Perry, Commodore, 15.

Phosphorus, in excreta, 194, 197; in river water, 197; supplied, 74, 112, 143, 207, 211-215, 259, 280, 295, 378, 379, 400, 413, removed, 214, 215, 246, 255, 358.

Pile driving, 17, 118.

Pine boughs, 86, 151, 155, 221, 414.

Pine nursery, 156.

Pine, umbrella, 414.

Pirates, 81.

Plastering, 161-163, 243, 252, 337.

Plow, 225, 385, 386.

Plowing, 93, 190, 191, 224, 284, 378.

Police, 70, 224.

Polishing rice, 304, 307.

Pongee, 321.

Population, country village, 27; Japan, 2, 425; Manchuria, 351; Aichi, 414; Nara, 400; Shizuoka, 417; Tokushima, 410; urban and rural, 427; increase, 425; density, 2, 3, 4, 48, 226, 228, 233, 323; Shantung, 216; Tsitsihar, 351.

Potassium, in excreta, 194; in floors, 254; removed, 214, 215, 246, 255, 358; supplied, 74, 112, 143, 207, 211-215, 259, 280, 378, 379, 400, 413; in river water, 197.

Potatoes, 6, 206, 343, 377, 422. See sweet potatoes.

Poultry, 180; per mile, 3, 180.

Poyang lake, 104.

Press, 139, 148.

Prices, 76, 78, 93, 118, 129-131, 134, 145, 150, 152, 153, 158, 159, 167, 169, 176, 180, 192, 225, 233, 255, 316, 381, 385, 397, 399.

Prince Ching, 39.

Prizes, 380, 397.

Pruning, 316-319, 328.

Pump, 227, 284-288, 297-299, 333.

Pumping, 284-286, 399.

Putai, 106.


Railroads, 302.

Raincoats, 15.

Rain hats, 85.

Rainy-day shoes, 17.

Rainfall, 6, 117, 226, 228, 268, 345.

Rake, 157.

Rape, 6, 128, 143, 190, 192, 268, 290, 319, 380, 422.

Readjustment of land, 31.

Receptacles for waste, 70, 199, 201, 257.

Reforestation tract, 217-220.

Rent, 209, 342, 428, 430.

Renters, 427, 429.

Reservoirs, 104, 113, 115, 167, 400.

Rice, 6, 7, 11, 61, 82, 90, 271-310, 338, 377, 379, 380, 385, 400, 411, 414, 415, 417; preparing for, 189-191; consumed, 271; produced, 272; seed bed, 284-289, 385.

Rice chaff, 148, 297.

Rice culture, 271-310; fanning, 304, 306; harvesting, 302; polishing, 304, 307; threshing, 302.

Rice fields, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 398, 412, 414, 415; area, 27, 103, 105, 271; weeds, 385.

Rice paddies, 28-31, 276, 277, 385, 388, 413, 417.

Rice straw, 305, 306.

Richard, 311, 326.

Richardson, 241.

Ricksha, 15, 118, 223, 256, 260.

Ridging, 73, 93, 95, 113, 349, 353, 354.

Roads, 222, 236-2.39, 256, 339, 385, 388; in Japan, 31, 388.

Roofs, 160-162.

Rondot, 321.

Rooting slips, 332.

Roots, wheat, 269.

Rose, white, 352; yellow, 221.

Ross, Prof. E. A., 234, 277.

Rotation, of crops, 309, 380, 412; of soil, 173.

Rothamsted experiments, 135.

Run-off, 7, 211, 274, 279.

Rush, 87, 88, 389, 392-395.

Rye, 367.


Saddle, Korean, 159.

Saline deposits, 110.

Saline districts, 337, 338, 346.

Salt, 138, 332-337, 338, 346, 355, 377, 393.

Salted cabbage, 128, 129, 190, 268.

Samshui, 84, 90, 91.

Sandals, 307.

Sanitation, 12, 75, 77, 78, 198-199, 323.

Sapporo, 376.

Sawing, 63.

Scales, 130, 147.

Scidmore, Consul-General, 376.

Scott, Rev. W. H., 217, 224.

Seal on goods, 222, 244.

Searchlight, 72.

Sea wall, 104.

Seaweed, 19-21.

Sediments, 97, 106, 110.

Seed drill, 240, 247.

Seoul, 368.

Servants, 119, 234.

Sewage, 19, 194-199, 397, 401.

Sewing circle, 120.

Sewing machine, 64.

Shanghai, 54, 106, 118, 120, 121, 128, 149, 157, 370, 181, 194-196, 198; sale of wastes, 9.

Shanhaikwan, 347, 349.

Shantung, 53, 54, 106, 107, 116, 140, 143, 151, 157, 216-260, 321, 331, 358; population density, 3, 216, 226; boy, 260; laborers, 353; crops per year, 6; rainfall, 7, 226, 228.

Sheep, 51, 135, 235; per mile, 3.

Shells, 174, 175.

Shoes, rainy-day, 17.

Shops, 25.

Shimonoseki, 40, 385.

Ship building, 351.

Shizuoka Exp't station, 415, 416.

Shrimp, 175.

Sickle, 302.

Sikiang, 72, 81-96.

Silk, 311-322; amount, 12, 164, 311, 312; worms, 313, 314, 319-322, 368.

Silk culture, 11, 311-322, 414; waste, 200.

Silk worms, wild, 319-322, 368.

Silk, wild, 319.

Size of rice paddles, 277.

Slippers, 307.

Smoking, 90, 148, 245-247.

Snails, 175.

Soil survey, 424.

Soldiers, 334, 355.

Soochow, 151.

Soot, 143.

Sorghum, 157, 161-164, 358.

Soy beans, 31, 122, 213, 226, 255, 256, 268, 309, 341, 342, 379.

Spading, 205.

Sphere of Influence, 217.

Sprouted beans and peas, 134.

Squash, 419.

Staging, 64.

Stanley, Dr. Arthur, 149, 198.

Statuary, floral, 67.

Steaming, 147.

Stem fuel, 138, 143-146, 157, 158, 413.

Stools, 290.

Stove, 234.

Straw, 93, 143, 144, 148, 160, 161, 226, 255, 283, 296, 305, 306, 327, 342, 385, 412; as mulch, 23, 112, 327, 377, 412, 421; as fertilizer, 385, 422.

Straw braid, 165, 226.

Streets, 42, 63, 249, 250, 339.

Subsidies, 380, 397.

Subsoils, 261, 413.

Sugar cane, 83.

Sulphur, supplied, 280.

Sungari, 351.

Superphosphate, 379.

Sweet potatoes, 61, 226, 229, 377, 419, 420.

Swine, 70, 135, 233, 353; per mile, 3.

Swing day, 365.

Swinging basket, 297, 298.

Szechwan, 138, 271, 301, 312, 314, 321, 326, 334-337.


Taiping rebellion, 284.

Taku, 332, 339.

Tally sticks, 77, 78.

Taro, 282, 283, 398.

Taxes, 31, 331, 350, 428, 429, 430.

Tea, 12, 77, 112, 143, 147, 165, 177, 323, 329, 412, 415, 418.

Teams, 232, 341, 354.

Temperature, Manchuria, 345.

Temple, 404-409.

Tenants, 427, 429

Terraces, 45, 46, 70, 105, 277, 278, 279, 363, 376, 388, 390, 391, 417, 418.

Textiles, 164.

Thatching, 31, 331, 350, 428, 429, 430.

Théry, Edmond. 350.

Threshing, 302.

Tibet, 326.

Tientsin, 330-344, 345; crops, 6.

Tile, 161.

Time, economizing, 201-209, 288.

Tobacco, 121, 245-247, 415, 419.

Tokito, Professor, 22, 376, 405.

Tokushima, 410, 411.

Tokyo, 108; plain, 410, 420.

Transplanting, 11, 229, 282, 284, 288, 293, 346, 354, 410.

Trellises, cucumbers, 36, 203; pears, 21.

Trenching, 117, 342.

Tsinan, 107, 222-224.

Tsingtao, 151, 216, 221, 227-228, 233, 330.

Tungting lake, 104.

Tussur silkworms, 319-322, 368.

Typhoon, 61.

Tzeliutsing, 335-337.


Utilization of waste, 193-207, 232, 251, 257, 269, 280.


Vegetables, 42, 44, 90, 128, 129, 282, 309, 329, 342, 377, 398, 414, 418, 419.

Vegetarians, 134.

Vehicles, 236, 238, 341, 361.

Villages, crowded, 26, 27, 249, 339.

Violets, 37.


Wages, 93, 118, 120, 154, 169, 218, 234, 285, 332, 344.

Wall, Chinese, 349, 351.

War, cost, 350.

Warming, 138, 142.

Washington, Booker T., 198.

Waste, Utilization, 193-207, 232, 251, 257, 269, 280.

Water, per ton of crop, 7; supply, 69; for transplanting, 229, 230.

Water buffalo, 52, 145, 149, 235, 338.

Water caltropes, 134.

Water chestnuts, 134.

Water grass, 134.

Watermelons, 282, 283; seeds, 175.

Waterwheel, 301, 303, 363, 411.

Weaving, 124.

Weeds, 385.

Weeders, 398.

Weeding, 293, 388, 398.

Weed and pasture land, 209-211, 295, 296, 417, 425.

Weihaiwei, 217.

Weihsien, 222, 223.

Wells, 223, 226-228; salt, 138.

West river, 82-95.

Wheat, 61, 223, 230, 236, 240, 241, 255, 263-269, 272, 285, 290, 313, 341, 342, 343, 346, 348, 359, 362, 367, 380, 400, 422; fertilizers removed by, 214-215.

Wheelbarrow, 59, 119, 128, 239; men, 59, 236.

Whipping cotton, 126.

Whitewash, 222.

Wiju, 365.

Wilder, Amos P., 72.

Wild silk, 319-322.

Williams, Consnl-General E. T., 331, 343, 344.

Windbreaks, 330, 342, 347.

Windmills, 332, 333, 335, 346, 355.

Winter crops, 37, 90, 290, 380.

Winter dress, 37, 38, 39, 90, 138, 140.

Wolff, 193, 194.

Women, 63, 75, 248; gleaning, 340.

Wood, 158, 159, 389.

Woosung, 48.

Wu. Mrs., 141, 201, 248, 284-288.

Wuchow, 81, 82, 87.


Yalu, 321, 365.

Yangtse, 48, 50, 60, 97, 101, 104.

Yellow river, 216, 330.

Yellow rose, 221.

Yields, 134, 160, 231, 233, 241, 242, 254, 255, 264, 271, 285, 306, 309, 314, 315, 319, 326, 329, 341, 343, 359, 360, 379, 380, 393, 397, 413, 417, 422.

Yokohama, 15, 138, 198.

Yu, The Great, 107, 108, 216.