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Field Notes of Junius Henderson/Notebook 5

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Professor Peter Robinson of the University of Colorado at Boulder transcribed these notes in 2001, and agreed to their free release. Annotations by him are enclosed in double brackets "((like this))". commons:File:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 5.pdf was scanned by the w:en:National Snow and Ice Data Center. The index page is at Index:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 5.pdf.

Transcripts of these scans will be uploaded shortly.

This document is a response to a challenge on the annotation of field notes; please annotate this document freely.

1356301Field Notes of Junius Henderson — Notebook 5:Junius Henderson

Notebook 5


Junius Henderson Field Notebook No. 5 Aug 31, 1910 - July 18, 1911 Field Notebook No. 5 Field Notebook No. 5 Junius Henderson Boulder, Colo., Wednesday Aug. 31, 1910

Quite cool morning, but warmer than yesterday, warming up later. Got new pair high laced boots at Smith's, $7.75 Frank Rohwer and I stared for Eldora on the 1:15 p.m. narrow gauge train, fare $2.50 each. Hot at noon, cool, cloudy afternoon. Reached Eldora at 6:15 p.m. and went to Gold Miner Hotel. After supper we arranged with John Lilly for a team, as there are no saddle horses in town now.

Eldora, Colo., Thursday, Sept. 1, 1910

Bright, cool morning. Frank and I started with team and light wagon at 6:40 a.m. for Arapahoe. Left horses at Fourth of July Tunnel at 9:a.m.and reached rim of cirque at 10:15. Took 2 pictures and started down to the ice. Debris washed from the rim now stretches nearly across the ice at the point where I usually go down from the "saddle", so we walked across without touching ice except for the last 10 feet. The valley in the ice and the moraine west of the ice tongue to the west of the terminal lake, as well as the valley to the east of the lake, have deepened perceptibly since my last visit. The ice at the end of the medial tongue has lowered perhaps 6 feet and is now 36.7 ft distant from the boulder used as a benchmark. At the big boulder on the east moraine the ice has lowered perhaps 8 or 10 feet. Actual determination difficult, as covered now with rock debris. Bergschrund extends still clear across the supposed dead part on the south, close to the rock cliff. Crevasses of considerable depth (30-40 ft.) now show on the east part which I once thought dead. We climbed out on the northeast wall and photographed the ice field in the cirque between Arapahoe and "Frozen Lake" cirque. It lies due N of Arapahoe Glacier, from which it is separated by a very narrow, high ridge, very difficult to climb. It is strongly banded, very steep slope, with irregular crevasses in the upper part. I judge from a distance that it is about 300 yds. long and 1000 yds. wide. The terminal lake shows no signs of rock flour, being quite clear, while that of Arapahoe is quite milky. I can now see them at the same time from the ridge and note the difference which is very marked. No fresh moraine shows as on Arapahoe, so there is very little movement in spite of the steepness. The cirque faces east, as Arapahoe does, with most of the present N?v? on the S side of cirque thus: ((drawing in field book)). A great quantity of fresh rock slide covers the upper part of the ice on NW corner just below the Boulder City monument on N. Arapahoe. While we rested at the monument, two tremendous slides occurred, rocks weighing many tons thundering down the steep walls of the cirque, one very large one bounding from a ledge to several hundred feet out onto the ice. We started down from north spur by way of south spur at 3 p.m., thus entirely circling the cirque, but changed our minds and worked down on the west side so as to pass through the narrow gap W of the south spur. On N side of gap we found one snow bank and on S side 2 banks which illustrate the formation of straight or semi-circular ridges of angular rock, unmixed with mud, found at the foot of steep slopes in all these canyons and closely resembling terminal moraines in form but plainly not glacial, The rock simply slides over the snow and lodges at the foot of the bank thus ((drawing in notebook)) then when the snow melts back it isolates the slide rock from the hill slope. Such mud as occurs is plainly surface mud from the snow, mingled with vegetable particles. Reached gap at 4 p.m. Got horses hitched and started for Eldora at 5:05 arriving at 6:30 p.m. At 12:30, while eating lunch, we had a snow storm of typical mountain type, snowing furiously for a while, not snow flakes, not icy hail, nor sharp sleet, but rounded, rather solid pellets, as usual, at least during summer and early autumn.

Many [Leucostictes] and one ptarmigan in pure summer garb — not a white feather visible from above, within 6 ft. of us.

"Little" chipmunk and [Say['?]s] spermophile common at 4th of July tunnel, just below timberline.

W. H. Brooks, manager of 4th of July mine, invited us to supper but I wished to get over corduroy roads before dark, so did not accept invitation.

West wind all day, chilly in wind, warm where protected from wind. Thunder shower at 9 p.m. Little charged $6.00 for team.

Eldora, Colo., Friday

Sept. 2, 1910

Bright, cool morning, west wind, delightful after shower. Up at 5:30 a.m. Hotel bill $3.50 each. Left on mixed train at [5]:15 a.m. Hotel bill $3.50 each. Left on [?] train at [?] a.m., starting with 7 freight cars and