Flora's Lexicon/Bird’s Foot Trefoil
IRD’S-FOOT TREFOIL. Lotos. Class 17, Diadelphia. Order: Decandria. There are many species of the Bird’s-Foot Trefoil. The most common Lotos Corniculatus is found in open grassy pastures, where it enlivens the Autumn, with its golden yellow flowers, striped with dark red. Its stem is clothed with close-pressed hairs, and its seed-vessel is copper-coloured. It is recommended for fodder for cattle, by the name of Milk Vetch.
One sole desire, one passion now remains,
To keep life’s fever still within his veins —
Vengeance! dire vengeance on the wretch who cast
O’er him and all he loved that ruinous blast.
For this he still lives on, careless of all
The wreaths that glory on his path lets fall;
For this alone exists —like lightening fire
To speed one bolt of vengeance, and expire!
To keep life’s fever still within his veins —
Vengeance! dire vengeance on the wretch who cast
O’er him and all he loved that ruinous blast.
For this he still lives on, careless of all
The wreaths that glory on his path lets fall;
For this alone exists —like lightening fire
To speed one bolt of vengeance, and expire!
Man spurns the worm, but pauses ere he wake
The slumbering venom of the folded snake:
The first may turn—but not avenge the blow;
The last expires— but leaves no living foe;
Fast to the doom‘d offender’s form it clings,
And he may crush —not conquer —still it stings!
The slumbering venom of the folded snake:
The first may turn—but not avenge the blow;
The last expires— but leaves no living foe;
Fast to the doom‘d offender’s form it clings,
And he may crush —not conquer —still it stings!
How stands the great account ’twixt me and vengeance?
Tho’ much is paid, yet still it owes me much;
And I will not abate a single groan.
Tho’ much is paid, yet still it owes me much;
And I will not abate a single groan.
Had all his hairs been lives, my great revenge
Had stomach for them all.
Had stomach for them all.