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Flora's Lexicon

From Wikisource
Flora‘s Lexicon (1840)
by Catharine Harbeson Waterman
4409054Flora‘s Lexicon1840Catharine Harbeson Waterman

by J. Ackerman. Printed by P. S. Duval Philadelphia
















Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1839,


In the clerk’s office of the district court of the eastern district of




The language of flowers has recently attracted so much attention, that an acquaintance with it seems to be deemed, if not an essential part of a polite education, at least a graceful and elegant accomplishment. A volume furnishing a complete interpretation of those meanings most generally attached to flowers, has therefore become a desirable, if not an essential part of a gentleman’s or a lady’s library. In the manual now offered to the public, an attempt has been made to comprise all that is important in the way of interpretation in a reasonable compass, and to adorn this part of the work with such quotations from the best poets of our language, both native and foreign, as have a direct and graceful reference either to the peculiarities of the flowers, or to the sentiments which they are made to express. The outline of Botany placed at the end of the volume will be found to contain a sufficiently clear exposition of the Linnean system to explain fully the scientific terms and the classification used in the body of the work.


Rose. Ivy. Myrtle.—To Beauty, Friendship and Love.

To face page 72.

Scarlet Ipomœa. Laurustinus. Convolvulus.—I attach myself to you, but shall die if neglected.

To face page 132.

Jasmine. Strawberry. Tulip.—Be not too early entangled in the charms of love, or yours will be a life of inquietude.

To face page 192.

Crown Imperial. Turk’s-Cap Lily. Lily of the Valley.—You have the power to restore me to happiness,



Earth hath a thousand tongues, that swell  In converse soft, and low—We hear them in the flowery dell,  And where the waters flow.We note them when the pliant reed  Bends to the summer air,Its low-toned music gently freed  By the soft breezes there;And angels from their starry height,On hills, and dales, and green banks write.
There is a language in each flower  That opens to the eye,A voiceless—but a magic power,  Doth in earth’s blossoms lie;The flowering Almond, first to bring  Its perfume to the breeze,The earliest at the call of spring,  Among the green-clad trees,Whispers of Indiscretion’s fate,Trusting too soon—convinced too late.
The Wall Flower clinging cheerfully,Amid decaying bloom,Tells of the heart’s fidelity,In stern misfortune’s gloom;And like the clasping Ivy vine,When all around depart,Closer in storms the bonds entwine,Of friendship round the heart.And glory’s crown is proudly seen,In the bright Laurel’s evergreen.
Hope smiles amid the blossoms whiteThat crown the Hawthorn bough,And in the Myrtle’s leaflets bright,Love softly breathes his vow.The little Lily of the ValeSeems sent our hearts to bless,Still whispering, on spring’s balmy gale,Return of Happiness.While blooming on some favour’d spot, We trust to thee, Forget-me-not.
And quivering to the lightest windThat fans the summer flower,The Aspen’s tender leaves we find,Shrinking beneath its power,At every trembling breath that stealsIts spreading boughs between,Each little blossom’s leaf revealsA pang of misery keen; Like lightly utter’d careless words,Wounding the heart’s half-broken chords,
Woe for the Aspen tree—and woeFor hearts too finely strung,The tempest wind shall round them blow,And heart—and branch, be wrung;The storm’s dread wing shall o’er them sweep,And bow them to the blast,While each must early learn, to weepThe hopes that could not last:The bosom’s sensibility,Is pictured in the Aspen tree.
The little Blue Bell lifts its headThe Amaryllis beside,Emblems, upon their grassy bed,Of Lowliness and Pride,—Bright as the summer’s bluest cloud,Each opening Bell appears,The sun, that gilds the floweret proud,Its humble blossom cheers;Sweeter the Blue Bell’s lowly mien,Than Pride, in dazzling radiance seen.
The variegated ColumbineHangs its bright head to earth,As half ashamed the sun should shineUpon its place of birth; And drooping on its tender stem,As the low night-wind swells,It seems in many a dew-drop gem,Like Folly’s Cap, and Bells;Rung by the wind in frolic play,Whene’er they sportive pass that way.
The Musk Rose loads the evening breeze,With its own rich perfume,Wafting far incense thro’ the trees,From its thick clustering bloom;Charming, as Beauty’s palmiest hours,Capricious as its smiles,One Summer sees it crown’d with flowers,The next no breezy wilesCan lure one bud, where thousands smiled,—And hence capricious Beauty styled.
And what is beauty?—lo, the sunThat left the blooming spray,Shines once again the boughs upon—The Roses—where are they?Some strew with leaves the grassy plain,Flashing in crimson hue,Some languish there, that ne’er againShall drink the evening dew;And fleeting Beauty’s sadden’d close,Is traced in the pale, wither’d Rose.
What brings the bright and shining leaf,The scarlet Poppy wears?A consolation for our grief,A solace for our cares;The ancients wreathed the brows of sleep,With the rich Poppy flowers,For slumber dries the eyes that weep,And pictures happier hours;And in its scarlet blossom restsA healing balm for wounded breasts.
Yes—flowers have tones—God gave to eachA language of its own,And bade the simple blossom teachWhere’er its seeds are sown;His voice is on the mountain’s heightAnd by the river’s side,Where flowers blush in glowing light,In Lowliness, or Pride;We feel, o’er all the blooming sod,It is the language of our God.
He spreads the earth an open bookIn characters of life,All where the human eye doth lookSeems with his glory rife;He paints upon the burning skyIn every gleaming star,The wonder of his homes on high,Shining to faith afar; His voice is in the tempest’s wrath,And in the soft south zephyr’s path.
For us, frail, feeble things of clay,Are all these beauties given,The glorious, wide-spread orb of day,And the bright starry heaven;The far-stretch’d waters, and the land,The mountain, and the plain,These are the free gifts of his hand,And shall they plead in vain?Rocks, hills, and flowers, their homage pay,And shall we worship less than they?
No—from the green enamell’d sodLet the soul’s praises rise,The living temple of our God,Arch’d by his own blue skies.There, let thy grateful praise be heard,There, let thy prayers be given, And with the hymns of flower and bird,They shall ascend to heaven,And sooner reach the eternal bowersBreathed over beds of blushing flowers.

———— ————





Acacia Platonic Love 13
Acacia Rose Elegance 14
Adonis Painful Recollections 15
Almond Indiscretion 16
Aloe Grief 17
Amaranth Imortality 18
American Cowslip You are my Divinity 19
Amaryllis Haughtiness, Pride 20
American Elm Patriotism 21
American Linden Matrimony 22
American Arbor-vitæ Immortality 23
Anemone Forsaken 24
Angelica Inspiration 25
Apple Blossom Preference 26
Arbor-vitæ Live for me 27
Ash Grandeur 28
Aspen Tree Excessive Sensibility 29
Asphodel My regrets shall follow you to the grave 30
Auricula Painting 31
Azalea Romance 32
Balm Sympathy 33
Balsam Impatience 34
Barberry Sharpness. Sourness of Temper 35
Basil Hatred 36
Bay-berry Instruction 37
Bay Reward of Merit 38
Bee Orchis Error 39
Beech Wedded Love 40
Bell Flower Constancy 41
Birch Gracefulness 42
Bird Cherry Hope 43
Bird’s Foot Trefoil Revenge 44
Blue Bottle Delicacy 45
Bonus Henricus Goodness 46
Box Stoicism. Constancy 47
Broom Neatness 48
Bryony Prosperity 49
Butter-cup Ingratitude 50
Camellia Japonica My destiny is in your hands 51
Canterbury Bell Gratitude 52
Cardinal Flower Distinction 53
Carnation Disdain 54
Cherry Tree Good Education 55
China or Indian Pink Aversion 56
China Aster Variety of Charms 57
Chrysanthemum Cheerfulness 58
Clematis Artifice 59
Clematis, English Traveller’s joy 60
Coltsfoot Maternal Care 61
Columbine Folly 62
Convolvulus Uncertainty 63
Convolvulus Humility 64
Convolvulus, Field Captivation 65
Cranberry Hardiness 66
Crocus Cheerfulness 67
Cross of Jerusalem Devotion 68
Crown Imperial Majesty 69
Cyclamen Diffidence 70
Cypress Mourning 71
Daffodil Chivalry 72
Dahlia For ever thine 73
Daisy Innocence 74
Dandelion Oracle 75
Dogwood Love undiminished by Adversity 76
Eglantine Poetry 77
Elm Dignity 78
Enchanter’s Nightshade Fascination 79
Evening Primrose Inconstancy 80
Evergreen Thorn Solace in Adversity 81
Fennel Strength 82
Fern Sincerity 83
Flax I feel your kindness 84
Fox-glove Stateliness 85
Fuchsia Confiding Love 86
Geranium Gentility 87
Gilliflower Lasting Beauty 88
Glory Flower Glorious Beauty 89
Gorse Cheerfulness in Adversity 90
Grass Utility 91
Harebell Submission 92
Hawthorn Hope 83
Hazel Reconciliation 94
Heart’s Ease Think of me 95
Heath Solitude 96
Heliotrope Intoxicated with pleasure 97
Hickory Glory 98
Holly Foresight 99
Hollyhock Fruitfulness 100
Honesty, or Satin Flower Honesty 101
Honeysuckle Bonds of Love 102
Hop Injustice 103
Horse Chestnut Luxury 104
Houseleek Vivacity 105
Hyacinth Play 106
Hydranger Boaster 107
Ice Plant Your looks freeze me 108
Iceland Moss Health 109
Indian Cress Resignation 110
Iris Message 111
Ivy Friendship 112
Jasmine, White Amiability 117
Jasmine Separation 114
Jonquil Desire 115
Juniper Asylum. Protection 116
Kennedia Mental Beauty 117
Larkspur Ardent Attachment 118
Laurel Glory 119
Laurel, Mountain Ambition 120
Laurustinus I die if neglected 121
Lilac First emotions of Love 122
Lily, Superb Splendour 123
Lily, Yellow Coquetry 124
Lily of the Valley Return of Happiness 125
Lily Purity and Modesty 126
Linden Tree Conjugal Love 127
Live Oak Liberty 128
Lobelia Arrogance 129
Locust Vicissitude 130
London Pride Frivolity 131
Lotos Estranged Love 132
Lucern Life 133
Madwort, Rock Tranquility 134
Magnolia High Souled 135
Maize Plenty 136
Maple Reserve. Retirement 137
Marvel of Peru Timidity 138
Marygold Inquietude 139
Meadow Sweet Uselessness 140
Mezereon Desire to Please 141
Mignonette Your qualities surpass your charms 142
Misletoe Parasite 143
Motherwort Concealed Love 144
Mountain Ash Talisman 145
Mouse Ear Forget me not 146
Myrtle Love 147
Narcissus, False Delusive Hope 148
Narcissus Egotism 149
Night-blooming Cereus Transient Beauty 150
Oak Hospitality 151
Olive Peace 152
Orange-Tree Generosity 153
Palm Victory 154
Passion Flower Religious Superstition 155
Periwinkle, Blue Sweet Remembrances 156
Perscaria Restoration 157
Persimon Bury me amid Nature’s Beauties 158
Pimpernel Assignation 159
Pine Apple You are perfect 160
Pink Lively and pure affection 161
Plane Tree Genius 162
Plum Tree Keep your promises 163
Poplar, White Time 164
Poplar, Black Courage 165
Poppy Consolation of sleep 166
Primrose Early Youth 167
Pyrus Japonica Fairies’ Fire 168
Quamoclit Busybody 169
Ragged Robin Dandy 170
Ranunculus, Asiatic You are radiant with charms 171
Red Bay Love's Memory 172
Red Mulberry Wisdom 173
Rose Bud Young Girl 174
Rose, Hundred-leaved Grace 175
Rose Bud, White The heart that knows not love 176
Rose, Wild Simplicity 177
Rose, Sweet-Briar Imagination 178
Rose, Yellow Infidelity 179
Rose, White Silence 180
Rose Beauty 181
Rose, Multiflora Many Charms 182
Rose, Musk Capricious Beauty 183
Rose, Moss Pleasure without alloy 184
Rose, Monthly Beauty ever new 185
Rosemary Your presence revives me 186
Rue Grace, or Purification. 187
Scarlet Ipomea I attach myself to you 188
Scotch Fir Elevation 189
Snowdrop Consolation 190
Spiderwort Transient Happiness 191
Starwort Afterthought 192
Strawberry Tree Perseverance 193
Sun-Flower Lofty and pure thoughts 194
Sweet Flag Fitness 195
Sweet Pea Departure 196
Sweet Sultan Felicity 197
Sweet William Childhood 198
Sycamore Woodland beauty 199
Syringa Memory 200
Tamarisk Crime 201
Tansy Resistance 202
Teasel Misanthropy 203
Thistle Austerity 204
Thorn Apple Deceitful Charms 205
Thyme Activity 206
Trefoil Providence 207
Trumpet Flower Separation 208
Tuberose Voluptuousness 209
Tulip Tree Rural Happiness 210
Tulip A declaration of Love 211
Tussilage, Sweet-scented You shall have Justice. 212
Valerian Accommodating Disposition 213
Venus’s Fly-trap Deceit 214
Vervain Superstition 215
Violet Modesty 216
Violet, White Candour 217
Wall Flower Fidelity in Misfortune 218
Wall Speedwell Fidelity 219
Walnut, Black Intellect 220
Water Lily Eloquence 221
Wheat Riches 222
White Oak Independence 223
Whortleberry Treason 224
Willow Forsaken 225
Willow Herb Pretension 226
Winter Cherry Deception 227
Wood Sorrel Joy 228
Wormwood Absence 229
Yarrow War 230
Yew Sorrow 231
Zinnia Absence 232





Absence Wormwood 229
Absence Zinnia 232
Accommodating Disposition Valerian 213
Activity Thyme 206
A declaration of Love Tulip 211
Afterthought Starwort 192
Ambition Laurel, Mountain 120
Amiability Jasmine, White 117
Ardent Attachment Larkspur 118
Arrogance Lobelia 129
Artifice Clematis 59
Assignation Pimpernel 159
Asylum. Protection Juniper 116
Austerity Thistle 204
Aversion China or Indian Pink 56
Beauty Rose 181
Beauty ever new Rose, Monthly 185
Boaster Hydranger 107
Bonds of Love Honeysuckle 102
Bury me amid Nature’s Beauties Persimon 158
Busybody Quamoclit 169
Candour Violet, White 217
Capricious Beauty Rose, Musk 183
Captivation Convolvulus, Field 65
Cheerfulness Chrysanthemum 58
Cheerfulness Crocus 67
Cheerfulness in Adversity Gorse 90
Childhood Sweet William 198
Chivalry Daffodil 72
Concealed Love Motherwort 144
Confiding Love Fuchsia 86
Conjugal Love Linden Tree 127
Consolation Snowdrop 190
Consolation of sleep Poppy 166
Constancy Bell Flower 41
Coquetry Lily, Yellow 124
Courage Poplar, Black 165
Crime Tamarisk 201
Dandy Ragged Robin 170
Deceit Venus’s Fly-trap 214
Deceitful Charms Thorn Apple 205
Deception Winter Cherry 227
Delicacy Blue Bottle 45
Delusive Hope Narcissus, False 148
Departure Sweet Pea 196
Desire Jonquil 115
Desire to Please Mezereon 141
Devotion Cross of Jerusalem 68
Diffidence Cyclamen 70
Dignity Elm 78
Disdain Carnation 54
Distinction Cardinal Flower 53
Early Youth Primrose 167
Egotism Narcissus 149
Elegance Acacia Rose 14
Elevation Scotch Fir 189
Eloquence Water Lily 221
Error Bee Orchis 39
Estranged Love Lotos 132
Excessive Sensibility Aspen Tree 29
Fairies’ Fire Pyrus Japonica 168
Fascination Enchanter’s Nightshade 79
Felicity Sweet Sultan 197
Fidelity Wall Speedwell 219
Fidelity in Misfortune Wall Flower 218
First emotions of Love Lilac 122
Fitness Sweet Flag 195
Folly Columbine 62
Foresight Holly 99
For ever thine Dahlia 73
Forget me not Mouse Ear 146
Forsaken Anemone 24
Forsaken Willow 225
Friendship Ivy 112
Frivolity London Pride 131
Fruitfulness Hollyhock 100
Generosity Orange-Tree 153
Genius Plane Tree 162
Gentility Geranium 87
Glorious Beauty Glory Flower 89
Glory Hickory 98
Glory Laurel 119
Good Education Cherry Tree 55
Goodness Bonus Henricus 46
Grace Rose, Hundred-leaved 175
Gracefulness Birch 42
Grace, or Purification. Rue 187
Grandeur Ash 28
Gratitude Canterbury Bell 52
Grief Aloe 17
Hardiness Cranberry 66
Hatred Basil 36
Haughtiness, Pride Amaryllis 20
Health Iceland Moss 109
High Souled Magnolia 135
Honesty Honesty, or Satin Flower 101
Hope Bird Cherry 43
Hope Hawthorn 83
Hospitality Oak 151
Humility Convolvulus 64
I attach myself to you Scarlet Ipomea 188
I die if neglected Laurustinus 121
I feel your kindness Flax 84
Imagination Rose, Sweet-Briar 178
Imortality Amaranth 18
Immortality American Arbor-vitæ 23
Impatience Balsam 34
Inconstancy Evening Primrose 80
Independence White Oak 223
Indiscretion Almond 16
Infidelity Rose, Yellow 179
Ingratitude Butter-cup 50
Injustice Hop 103
Innocence Daisy 74
Inquietude Marygold 139
Inspiration Angelica 25
Instruction Bay-berry 37
Intellect Walnut, Black 220
Intoxicated with pleasure Heliotrope 97
Joy Wood Sorrel 228
Keep your promises Plum Tree 163
Lasting Beauty Gilliflower 88
Liberty Live Oak 128
Life Lucern 133
Live for me Arbor-vitæ 27
Lively and pure affection Pink 161
Lofty and pure thoughts Sun-Flower 194
Love Myrtle 147
Love's Memory Red Bay 172
Love undiminished by Adversity Dogwood 76
Luxury Horse Chestnut 104
Majesty Crown Imperial 69
Many Charms Rose, Multiflora 182
Maternal Care Coltsfoot 61
Matrimony American Linden 22
Memory Syringa 200
Mental Beauty Kennedia 117
Message Iris 111
Misanthropy Teasel 203
Modesty Violet 216
Mourning Cypress 71
My destiny is in your hands Camellia Japonica 51
My regrets shall follow you to the grave Asphodel 30
Neatness Broom 48
Oracle Dandelion 75
Painful Recollections Adonis 15
Painting Auricula 31
Parasite Misletoe 143
Patriotism American Elm 21
Peace Olive 152
Perseverance Strawberry Tree 193
Platonic Love Acacia 13
Play Hyacinth 106
Pleasure without alloy Rose, Moss 184
Plenty Maize 136
Poetry Eglantine 77
Preference Apple Blossom 26
Pretension Willow Herb 226
Prosperity Bryony 49
Providence Trefoil 207
Purity and Modesty Lily 126
Reconciliation Hazel 94
Religious Superstition Passion Flower 155
Reserve. Retirement Maple 137
Resignation Indian Cress 110
Resistance Tansy 202
Restoration Perscaria 157
Return of Happiness Lily of the Valley 125
Revenge Bird’s Foot Trefoil 44
Reward of Merit Bay 38
Riches Wheat 222
Romance Azalea 32
Rural Happiness Tulip Tree 210
Separation Jasmine 114
Separation Trumpet Flower 208
Sharpness. Sourness of Temper Barberry 35
Silence Rose, White 180
Simplicity Rose, Wild 177
Sincerity Fern 83
Solace in Adversity Evergreen Thorn 81
Solitude Heath 96
Sorrow Yew 231
Splendour Lily, Superb 123
Stateliness Fox-glove 85
Stoicism. Constancy Box 47
Strength Fennel 82
Submission Harebell 92
Superstition Vervain 215
Sweet Remembrances Periwinkle, Blue 156
Sympathy Balm 33
Talisman Mountain Ash 145
The heart that knows not love Rose Bud, White 176
Think of me Heart’s Ease 95
Time Poplar, White 164
Timidity Marvel of Peru 138
Tranquility Madwort, Rock 134
Transient Beauty Night-blooming Cereus 150
Transient Happiness Spiderwort 191
Traveller’s joy Clematis, English 60
Treason Whortleberry 224
Uncertainty Convolvulus 63
Uselessness Meadow Sweet 140
Utility Grass 91
Variety of Charms China Aster 57
Vicissitude Locust 130
Victory Palm 154
Vivacity Houseleek 105
Voluptuousness Tuberose 209
War Yarrow 230
Wedded Love Beech 40
Wisdom Red Mulberry 173
Woodland beauty Sycamore 199
You are my Divinity American Cowslip 19
You are perfect Pine Apple 160
You are radiant with charms Ranunculus, Asiatic 171
Young Girl Rose Bud 174
Your looks freeze me Ice Plant 108
Your presence revives me Rosemary 186
Your qualities surpass your charms Mignonette 142
You shall have Justice. Tussilage, Sweet-scented 212


This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1930.

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