Flora's Lexicon
by J. Ackerman. Printed by P. S. Duval Philadelphia
Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1839,
In the clerk’s office of the district court of the eastern district of
The language of flowers has recently attracted so much attention, that an acquaintance with it seems to be deemed, if not an essential part of a polite education, at least a graceful and elegant accomplishment. A volume furnishing a complete interpretation of those meanings most generally attached to flowers, has therefore become a desirable, if not an essential part of a gentleman’s or a lady’s library. In the manual now offered to the public, an attempt has been made to comprise all that is important in the way of interpretation in a reasonable compass, and to adorn this part of the work with such quotations from the best poets of our language, both native and foreign, as have a direct and graceful reference either to the peculiarities of the flowers, or to the sentiments which they are made to express. The outline of Botany placed at the end of the volume will be found to contain a sufficiently clear exposition of the Linnean system to explain fully the scientific terms and the classification used in the body of the work.
Rose. Ivy. Myrtle.—To Beauty, Friendship and Love.
To face page 72.
Scarlet Ipomœa. Laurustinus. Convolvulus.—I attach myself to you, but shall die if neglected.
To face page 132.
Jasmine. Strawberry. Tulip.—Be not too early entangled in the charms of love, or yours will be a life of inquietude.
To face page 192.
Crown Imperial. Turk’s-Cap Lily. Lily of the Valley.—You have the power to restore me to happiness,
Flower. |
Sentiment. |
Page |
Acacia | Platonic Love | 13 |
Acacia Rose | Elegance | 14 |
Adonis | Painful Recollections | 15 |
Almond | Indiscretion | 16 |
Aloe | Grief | 17 |
Amaranth | Imortality | 18 |
American Cowslip | You are my Divinity | 19 |
Amaryllis | Haughtiness, Pride | 20 |
American Elm | Patriotism | 21 |
American Linden | Matrimony | 22 |
American Arbor-vitæ | Immortality | 23 |
Anemone | Forsaken | 24 |
Angelica | Inspiration | 25 |
Apple Blossom | Preference | 26 |
Arbor-vitæ | Live for me | 27 |
Ash | Grandeur | 28 |
Aspen Tree | Excessive Sensibility | 29 |
Asphodel | My regrets shall follow you to the grave | 30 |
Auricula | Painting | 31 |
Azalea | Romance | 32 |
Balm | Sympathy | 33 |
Balsam | Impatience | 34 |
Barberry | Sharpness. Sourness of Temper | 35 |
Basil | Hatred | 36 |
Bay-berry | Instruction | 37 |
Bay | Reward of Merit | 38 |
Bee Orchis | Error | 39 |
Beech | Wedded Love | 40 |
Bell Flower | Constancy | 41 |
Birch | Gracefulness | 42 |
Bird Cherry | Hope | 43 |
Bird’s Foot Trefoil | Revenge | 44 |
Blue Bottle | Delicacy | 45 |
Bonus Henricus | Goodness | 46 |
Box | Stoicism. Constancy | 47 |
Broom | Neatness | 48 |
Bryony | Prosperity | 49 |
Butter-cup | Ingratitude | 50 |
Camellia Japonica | My destiny is in your hands | 51 |
Canterbury Bell | Gratitude | 52 |
Cardinal Flower | Distinction | 53 |
Carnation | Disdain | 54 |
Cherry Tree | Good Education | 55 |
China or Indian Pink | Aversion | 56 |
China Aster | Variety of Charms | 57 |
Chrysanthemum | Cheerfulness | 58 |
Clematis | Artifice | 59 |
Clematis, English | Traveller’s joy | 60 |
Coltsfoot | Maternal Care | 61 |
Columbine | Folly | 62 |
Convolvulus | Uncertainty | 63 |
Convolvulus | Humility | 64 |
Convolvulus, Field | Captivation | 65 |
Cranberry | Hardiness | 66 |
Crocus | Cheerfulness | 67 |
Cross of Jerusalem | Devotion | 68 |
Crown Imperial | Majesty | 69 |
Cyclamen | Diffidence | 70 |
Cypress | Mourning | 71 |
Daffodil | Chivalry | 72 |
Dahlia | For ever thine | 73 |
Daisy | Innocence | 74 |
Dandelion | Oracle | 75 |
Dogwood | Love undiminished by Adversity | 76 |
Eglantine | Poetry | 77 |
Elm | Dignity | 78 |
Enchanter’s Nightshade | Fascination | 79 |
Evening Primrose | Inconstancy | 80 |
Evergreen Thorn | Solace in Adversity | 81 |
Fennel | Strength | 82 |
Fern | Sincerity | 83 |
Flax | I feel your kindness | 84 |
Fox-glove | Stateliness | 85 |
Fuchsia | Confiding Love | 86 |
Geranium | Gentility | 87 |
Gilliflower | Lasting Beauty | 88 |
Glory Flower | Glorious Beauty | 89 |
Gorse | Cheerfulness in Adversity | 90 |
Grass | Utility | 91 |
Harebell | Submission | 92 |
Hawthorn | Hope | 83 |
Hazel | Reconciliation | 94 |
Heart’s Ease | Think of me | 95 |
Heath | Solitude | 96 |
Heliotrope | Intoxicated with pleasure | 97 |
Hickory | Glory | 98 |
Holly | Foresight | 99 |
Hollyhock | Fruitfulness | 100 |
Honesty, or Satin Flower | Honesty | 101 |
Honeysuckle | Bonds of Love | 102 |
Hop | Injustice | 103 |
Horse Chestnut | Luxury | 104 |
Houseleek | Vivacity | 105 |
Hyacinth | Play | 106 |
Hydranger | Boaster | 107 |
Ice Plant | Your looks freeze me | 108 |
Iceland Moss | Health | 109 |
Indian Cress | Resignation | 110 |
Iris | Message | 111 |
Ivy | Friendship | 112 |
Jasmine, White | Amiability | 117 |
Jasmine | Separation | 114 |
Jonquil | Desire | 115 |
Juniper | Asylum. Protection | 116 |
Kennedia | Mental Beauty | 117 |
Larkspur | Ardent Attachment | 118 |
Laurel | Glory | 119 |
Laurel, Mountain | Ambition | 120 |
Laurustinus | I die if neglected | 121 |
Lilac | First emotions of Love | 122 |
Lily, Superb | Splendour | 123 |
Lily, Yellow | Coquetry | 124 |
Lily of the Valley | Return of Happiness | 125 |
Lily | Purity and Modesty | 126 |
Linden Tree | Conjugal Love | 127 |
Live Oak | Liberty | 128 |
Lobelia | Arrogance | 129 |
Locust | Vicissitude | 130 |
London Pride | Frivolity | 131 |
Lotos | Estranged Love | 132 |
Lucern | Life | 133 |
Madwort, Rock | Tranquility | 134 |
Magnolia | High Souled | 135 |
Maize | Plenty | 136 |
Maple | Reserve. Retirement | 137 |
Marvel of Peru | Timidity | 138 |
Marygold | Inquietude | 139 |
Meadow Sweet | Uselessness | 140 |
Mezereon | Desire to Please | 141 |
Mignonette | Your qualities surpass your charms | 142 |
Misletoe | Parasite | 143 |
Motherwort | Concealed Love | 144 |
Mountain Ash | Talisman | 145 |
Mouse Ear | Forget me not | 146 |
Myrtle | Love | 147 |
Narcissus, False | Delusive Hope | 148 |
Narcissus | Egotism | 149 |
Night-blooming Cereus | Transient Beauty | 150 |
Oak | Hospitality | 151 |
Olive | Peace | 152 |
Orange-Tree | Generosity | 153 |
Palm | Victory | 154 |
Passion Flower | Religious Superstition | 155 |
Periwinkle, Blue | Sweet Remembrances | 156 |
Perscaria | Restoration | 157 |
Persimon | Bury me amid Nature’s Beauties | 158 |
Pimpernel | Assignation | 159 |
Pine Apple | You are perfect | 160 |
Pink | Lively and pure affection | 161 |
Plane Tree | Genius | 162 |
Plum Tree | Keep your promises | 163 |
Poplar, White | Time | 164 |
Poplar, Black | Courage | 165 |
Poppy | Consolation of sleep | 166 |
Primrose | Early Youth | 167 |
Pyrus Japonica | Fairies’ Fire | 168 |
Quamoclit | Busybody | 169 |
Ragged Robin | Dandy | 170 |
Ranunculus, Asiatic | You are radiant with charms | 171 |
Red Bay | Love's Memory | 172 |
Red Mulberry | Wisdom | 173 |
Rose Bud | Young Girl | 174 |
Rose, Hundred-leaved | Grace | 175 |
Rose Bud, White | The heart that knows not love | 176 |
Rose, Wild | Simplicity | 177 |
Rose, Sweet-Briar | Imagination | 178 |
Rose, Yellow | Infidelity | 179 |
Rose, White | Silence | 180 |
Rose | Beauty | 181 |
Rose, Multiflora | Many Charms | 182 |
Rose, Musk | Capricious Beauty | 183 |
Rose, Moss | Pleasure without alloy | 184 |
Rose, Monthly | Beauty ever new | 185 |
Rosemary | Your presence revives me | 186 |
Rue | Grace, or Purification. | 187 |
Scarlet Ipomea | I attach myself to you | 188 |
Scotch Fir | Elevation | 189 |
Snowdrop | Consolation | 190 |
Spiderwort | Transient Happiness | 191 |
Starwort | Afterthought | 192 |
Strawberry Tree | Perseverance | 193 |
Sun-Flower | Lofty and pure thoughts | 194 |
Sweet Flag | Fitness | 195 |
Sweet Pea | Departure | 196 |
Sweet Sultan | Felicity | 197 |
Sweet William | Childhood | 198 |
Sycamore | Woodland beauty | 199 |
Syringa | Memory | 200 |
Tamarisk | Crime | 201 |
Tansy | Resistance | 202 |
Teasel | Misanthropy | 203 |
Thistle | Austerity | 204 |
Thorn Apple | Deceitful Charms | 205 |
Thyme | Activity | 206 |
Trefoil | Providence | 207 |
Trumpet Flower | Separation | 208 |
Tuberose | Voluptuousness | 209 |
Tulip Tree | Rural Happiness | 210 |
Tulip | A declaration of Love | 211 |
Tussilage, Sweet-scented | You shall have Justice. | 212 |
Valerian | Accommodating Disposition | 213 |
Venus’s Fly-trap | Deceit | 214 |
Vervain | Superstition | 215 |
Violet | Modesty | 216 |
Violet, White | Candour | 217 |
Wall Flower | Fidelity in Misfortune | 218 |
Wall Speedwell | Fidelity | 219 |
Walnut, Black | Intellect | 220 |
Water Lily | Eloquence | 221 |
Wheat | Riches | 222 |
White Oak | Independence | 223 |
Whortleberry | Treason | 224 |
Willow | Forsaken | 225 |
Willow Herb | Pretension | 226 |
Winter Cherry | Deception | 227 |
Wood Sorrel | Joy | 228 |
Wormwood | Absence | 229 |
Yarrow | War | 230 |
Yew | Sorrow | 231 |
Zinnia | Absence | 232 |
Sentiment. |
Flower. |
Page |
Absence | Wormwood | 229 |
Absence | Zinnia | 232 |
Accommodating Disposition | Valerian | 213 |
Activity | Thyme | 206 |
A declaration of Love | Tulip | 211 |
Afterthought | Starwort | 192 |
Ambition | Laurel, Mountain | 120 |
Amiability | Jasmine, White | 117 |
Ardent Attachment | Larkspur | 118 |
Arrogance | Lobelia | 129 |
Artifice | Clematis | 59 |
Assignation | Pimpernel | 159 |
Asylum. Protection | Juniper | 116 |
Austerity | Thistle | 204 |
Aversion | China or Indian Pink | 56 |
Beauty | Rose | 181 |
Beauty ever new | Rose, Monthly | 185 |
Boaster | Hydranger | 107 |
Bonds of Love | Honeysuckle | 102 |
Bury me amid Nature’s Beauties | Persimon | 158 |
Busybody | Quamoclit | 169 |
Candour | Violet, White | 217 |
Capricious Beauty | Rose, Musk | 183 |
Captivation | Convolvulus, Field | 65 |
Cheerfulness | Chrysanthemum | 58 |
Cheerfulness | Crocus | 67 |
Cheerfulness in Adversity | Gorse | 90 |
Childhood | Sweet William | 198 |
Chivalry | Daffodil | 72 |
Concealed Love | Motherwort | 144 |
Confiding Love | Fuchsia | 86 |
Conjugal Love | Linden Tree | 127 |
Consolation | Snowdrop | 190 |
Consolation of sleep | Poppy | 166 |
Constancy | Bell Flower | 41 |
Coquetry | Lily, Yellow | 124 |
Courage | Poplar, Black | 165 |
Crime | Tamarisk | 201 |
Dandy | Ragged Robin | 170 |
Deceit | Venus’s Fly-trap | 214 |
Deceitful Charms | Thorn Apple | 205 |
Deception | Winter Cherry | 227 |
Delicacy | Blue Bottle | 45 |
Delusive Hope | Narcissus, False | 148 |
Departure | Sweet Pea | 196 |
Desire | Jonquil | 115 |
Desire to Please | Mezereon | 141 |
Devotion | Cross of Jerusalem | 68 |
Diffidence | Cyclamen | 70 |
Dignity | Elm | 78 |
Disdain | Carnation | 54 |
Distinction | Cardinal Flower | 53 |
Early Youth | Primrose | 167 |
Egotism | Narcissus | 149 |
Elegance | Acacia Rose | 14 |
Elevation | Scotch Fir | 189 |
Eloquence | Water Lily | 221 |
Error | Bee Orchis | 39 |
Estranged Love | Lotos | 132 |
Excessive Sensibility | Aspen Tree | 29 |
Fairies’ Fire | Pyrus Japonica | 168 |
Fascination | Enchanter’s Nightshade | 79 |
Felicity | Sweet Sultan | 197 |
Fidelity | Wall Speedwell | 219 |
Fidelity in Misfortune | Wall Flower | 218 |
First emotions of Love | Lilac | 122 |
Fitness | Sweet Flag | 195 |
Folly | Columbine | 62 |
Foresight | Holly | 99 |
For ever thine | Dahlia | 73 |
Forget me not | Mouse Ear | 146 |
Forsaken | Anemone | 24 |
Forsaken | Willow | 225 |
Friendship | Ivy | 112 |
Frivolity | London Pride | 131 |
Fruitfulness | Hollyhock | 100 |
Generosity | Orange-Tree | 153 |
Genius | Plane Tree | 162 |
Gentility | Geranium | 87 |
Glorious Beauty | Glory Flower | 89 |
Glory | Hickory | 98 |
Glory | Laurel | 119 |
Good Education | Cherry Tree | 55 |
Goodness | Bonus Henricus | 46 |
Grace | Rose, Hundred-leaved | 175 |
Gracefulness | Birch | 42 |
Grace, or Purification. | Rue | 187 |
Grandeur | Ash | 28 |
Gratitude | Canterbury Bell | 52 |
Grief | Aloe | 17 |
Hardiness | Cranberry | 66 |
Hatred | Basil | 36 |
Haughtiness, Pride | Amaryllis | 20 |
Health | Iceland Moss | 109 |
High Souled | Magnolia | 135 |
Honesty | Honesty, or Satin Flower | 101 |
Hope | Bird Cherry | 43 |
Hope | Hawthorn | 83 |
Hospitality | Oak | 151 |
Humility | Convolvulus | 64 |
I attach myself to you | Scarlet Ipomea | 188 |
I die if neglected | Laurustinus | 121 |
I feel your kindness | Flax | 84 |
Imagination | Rose, Sweet-Briar | 178 |
Imortality | Amaranth | 18 |
Immortality | American Arbor-vitæ | 23 |
Impatience | Balsam | 34 |
Inconstancy | Evening Primrose | 80 |
Independence | White Oak | 223 |
Indiscretion | Almond | 16 |
Infidelity | Rose, Yellow | 179 |
Ingratitude | Butter-cup | 50 |
Injustice | Hop | 103 |
Innocence | Daisy | 74 |
Inquietude | Marygold | 139 |
Inspiration | Angelica | 25 |
Instruction | Bay-berry | 37 |
Intellect | Walnut, Black | 220 |
Intoxicated with pleasure | Heliotrope | 97 |
Joy | Wood Sorrel | 228 |
Keep your promises | Plum Tree | 163 |
Lasting Beauty | Gilliflower | 88 |
Liberty | Live Oak | 128 |
Life | Lucern | 133 |
Live for me | Arbor-vitæ | 27 |
Lively and pure affection | Pink | 161 |
Lofty and pure thoughts | Sun-Flower | 194 |
Love | Myrtle | 147 |
Love's Memory | Red Bay | 172 |
Love undiminished by Adversity | Dogwood | 76 |
Luxury | Horse Chestnut | 104 |
Majesty | Crown Imperial | 69 |
Many Charms | Rose, Multiflora | 182 |
Maternal Care | Coltsfoot | 61 |
Matrimony | American Linden | 22 |
Memory | Syringa | 200 |
Mental Beauty | Kennedia | 117 |
Message | Iris | 111 |
Misanthropy | Teasel | 203 |
Modesty | Violet | 216 |
Mourning | Cypress | 71 |
My destiny is in your hands | Camellia Japonica | 51 |
My regrets shall follow you to the grave | Asphodel | 30 |
Neatness | Broom | 48 |
Oracle | Dandelion | 75 |
Painful Recollections | Adonis | 15 |
Painting | Auricula | 31 |
Parasite | Misletoe | 143 |
Patriotism | American Elm | 21 |
Peace | Olive | 152 |
Perseverance | Strawberry Tree | 193 |
Platonic Love | Acacia | 13 |
Play | Hyacinth | 106 |
Pleasure without alloy | Rose, Moss | 184 |
Plenty | Maize | 136 |
Poetry | Eglantine | 77 |
Preference | Apple Blossom | 26 |
Pretension | Willow Herb | 226 |
Prosperity | Bryony | 49 |
Providence | Trefoil | 207 |
Purity and Modesty | Lily | 126 |
Reconciliation | Hazel | 94 |
Religious Superstition | Passion Flower | 155 |
Reserve. Retirement | Maple | 137 |
Resignation | Indian Cress | 110 |
Resistance | Tansy | 202 |
Restoration | Perscaria | 157 |
Return of Happiness | Lily of the Valley | 125 |
Revenge | Bird’s Foot Trefoil | 44 |
Reward of Merit | Bay | 38 |
Riches | Wheat | 222 |
Romance | Azalea | 32 |
Rural Happiness | Tulip Tree | 210 |
Separation | Jasmine | 114 |
Separation | Trumpet Flower | 208 |
Sharpness. Sourness of Temper | Barberry | 35 |
Silence | Rose, White | 180 |
Simplicity | Rose, Wild | 177 |
Sincerity | Fern | 83 |
Solace in Adversity | Evergreen Thorn | 81 |
Solitude | Heath | 96 |
Sorrow | Yew | 231 |
Splendour | Lily, Superb | 123 |
Stateliness | Fox-glove | 85 |
Stoicism. Constancy | Box | 47 |
Strength | Fennel | 82 |
Submission | Harebell | 92 |
Superstition | Vervain | 215 |
Sweet Remembrances | Periwinkle, Blue | 156 |
Sympathy | Balm | 33 |
Talisman | Mountain Ash | 145 |
The heart that knows not love | Rose Bud, White | 176 |
Think of me | Heart’s Ease | 95 |
Time | Poplar, White | 164 |
Timidity | Marvel of Peru | 138 |
Tranquility | Madwort, Rock | 134 |
Transient Beauty | Night-blooming Cereus | 150 |
Transient Happiness | Spiderwort | 191 |
Traveller’s joy | Clematis, English | 60 |
Treason | Whortleberry | 224 |
Uncertainty | Convolvulus | 63 |
Uselessness | Meadow Sweet | 140 |
Utility | Grass | 91 |
Variety of Charms | China Aster | 57 |
Vicissitude | Locust | 130 |
Victory | Palm | 154 |
Vivacity | Houseleek | 105 |
Voluptuousness | Tuberose | 209 |
War | Yarrow | 230 |
Wedded Love | Beech | 40 |
Wisdom | Red Mulberry | 173 |
Woodland beauty | Sycamore | 199 |
You are my Divinity | American Cowslip | 19 |
You are perfect | Pine Apple | 160 |
You are radiant with charms | Ranunculus, Asiatic | 171 |
Young Girl | Rose Bud | 174 |
Your looks freeze me | Ice Plant | 108 |
Your presence revives me | Rosemary | 186 |
Your qualities surpass your charms | Mignonette | 142 |
You shall have Justice. | Tussilage, Sweet-scented | 212 |
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1930.
This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.
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