Flora's Lexicon/Cherry Tree
HERRY TREE. Prunus Cerasus. Class 12, Icosandria. Order: Monogynia. It is generally believed that the cherry tree was first introduced into Italy, 73 a.c., by Lucullus, who obtained it from a town in Pontus, in Asia, called Cerasus, whence it derives its specific name. The Romans brought it to England, though it is supposed that these have all been lost. There is no proof that cherries were in England at the period of the Norman conquest, nor for some time after; but Lydgate, who wrote about 1415, or before, says that cherries were then exposed for sale in the London market, as they are now in the early season. It is a very ornamental tree in the shrubbery and in woods, and is esteemed valuable, as encouraging the various species of thrush. We, of course, received it from Europe.