Folk-Lore/Volume 14
The Transactions of the Folk-Lore Society
And incorporating The Arch^ological Review and The Folk-Lore Journal
VOL. XIV.— 1903.
DAVID NUTT, 55—57. LONG ACRE. 1903.
I. — (March, 1903.)
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, November 12th, 1902 . 1
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, December 10th, 1902 . 2
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, January 28th, 1903 . . 3
Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Council . . .5
Presidential Address. E. W. Brabrook . . . .12
The Voice of the Stone of Destiny. E. Sidney Hartland . 28
II.— (June, 1903.)
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, February 28th, 1903 . 113
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, March, 25th, 1903 114
Some Remarks on the Folklore of the Ba-Thonga. Henri A. Junod 116
Folklore of the Azores. M. Longworth-Dames and E. Seemann 125
Notes on Ballad Origins. A. Lang . 147
III. — (September, 1903.)
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, April 22nd, 1903 . , 210
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, May 27th, 1903 . . 210
A Solution of the Gorgon Myth. F. T. Elworthy . 212
The Natives of New Caledonia. J. J. Atkinson . . 243
Greek Votive Offerings. Arthur Bernard Cook . . 260
IV. — (December, 1903.)
Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, June 24th, 1903 . .321
Notes on the Aborigines of Roebuck Bay, Western Australia. Ada Janet Peggs . . . . . 324
Old-World Survivals in Ross-shire. Sheila Macdonald . 368
Fetish-Worship in Central Africa. Alexander Hetherwick 61
Transmigration Belief in East Anglia. P. J. Heather 63
Stray Notes on Oxfordshire Folklore, III. and IV. Percy Manning 65
The Festival of Uphelly A,' or the End of Yule. Editor 74
Extracts from Signor V. Busutil's Holiday Customs in Malta H. W. Underdown and Margaret Eyre 77
The Dog in Folk-Medicine. Percy Manning 85
Stray Notes on Oxfordshire Folklore, V. Percy Manning 167
Blessing the Geese. Charles J. Tabor 177
History and Tradition. Kate Lee 178
Death and the Herb Thyme. S. O. Addy 179
Some Chinese Folklore. A. R. Wright 290
Charms, &c., figured on Plate IX. R. C. Maclagan 298
Highland Fisher-folk and their Superstitions. Morag Cameron 300
Fishermen in the Faröe Islands. Elizabeth Taylor 306
The Story of Indra Bangsawan. A. S. Cumming 386
Witchcraft in Northern India. W. Crooke and K. N. Knox 407
Stray Notes on Oxfordshire Folklore, VI. Percy Manning 410
Folklore from the Hebrides: A Disclaimer. Allan Macdonald 87
The Fijian Fire-Walk. A. Lang 87
Fifth-of-November Customs. Mabel Peacock and C. S Burne 89
Mid-lent Bonfire in Venice, 1819. C. J. Tabor 92
Harvest Bonfires in the East Riding. J. Nicholson 92
St. Mark's Eve (April 24th). Mabel Peacock 94
Land Rising Supernaturally. Mabel Peacock 181
Butterfly Charm. N. W. Thomas 182
Crescent Charms (Plate II.) A. C. Haddon 182
Oxfordshire Folklore. W. Henry Jewitt 183
Fifth-of-November Customs. W. Henry Jewitt, C. C. Bell and Mabel Peacock 185
An Episcopal Life-index. Mabel Peacock 188
Le Combat du Pére et du Fils. H. Gaidoz 307
Fetish-Worship in Central Africa. Alexander Hetherwick 309
Omamental Patterns and Reincarnation. A. van Gennep 312
Basutoland, its Legends and Customs. Minnie Cartwright (née Martin) 415
Totemism in New Caledonia. N. W. Thomas 418
The Vessel-Cup. Charlotte S. Burne 419
Jus Primes Noctis. M. Peacock 419
R. C. Maclagan's The Evil Eye in the Western Highlands; John Gregorson Campbell's Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland; and A. Goodrich-Freer's Outer Isles. John Abercromby 95
H. A. Rose's Popular Religion in the Punjab. W. Crooke 100
Nathan Söderblom's La Vie Future d'aprés le Mazdéisme à la lumiére des Croyances parallèles dans les autres Réligions. Alfred Nutt 104
Lord Avebury's The Origin of Civilization. A. C. Haddon 106
A. Nutt's Lady Charlotte Guest's Mabinogion. Margaret Eyre 107
Magnus Maclean's The Literature of the Celts. F. York Powell 108
Ch. Rœssler's Les Influences Celtiques avant et apres Columban. F. York Powell 109
Clara L. Thomson's Tales from the Faery Queen 110
Winifred Faraday's The Edda: The Heroic Mythology of the North. A. F. Major 111
W. Crooke's Folktales from the Indus Valley. Margaret Eyre 111
A. N. Wesselofsky's Zur Frage über die Heimath der Legende vom Heiligen Gral, and W. Staerk's Ueber den Ur sprung der Grallegende. Alfred Nutt 189
Anton Kippenberg's Die Sage vom Herzog von Luxemburg. F. York Powell 196
A. Jeremias's Im Kampfe um Babel und Bibel. Alfred Nutt 197
James Mew's Traditional Aspects of Hell. E. W. Brabrook 200
F. Starr's Physical Characters of the Indians of Southern Mexico, and Notes upon the Ethnography of Southern Mexico W. Crooke 202
Minnie Martin's Basutoland, its Legends and Customs. E. Sidney Hartland 204
M. C. Morris's Vowel Sounds of East Yorkshire Folk Speech; B. Kirby's Lakeland Words; Nathan Hogg's Letters and Poems; F. E. Taylor's Wit and Wisdom of the South Lancashire Dialect; and F. Edward Hulme's Proverb Lore 207
Jessie L. Weston's The Three Days' Tournament. W. P. Ker 313
Alfred Nutt's The Legends of the Holy Grail. W. P. Ker 315
T. K Cheyne and J. Sutherland Black's Encyclopœdia Biblica, Vol. IV. W. Crooke 315
H. C. Fanshawe's Delhi Past and Present. W. Crooke 317
Adolf Strack's Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde, Vol. I. N. W. Thomas 318
Élie Reclus's Les Primitifs. E. S. Hartland 320
S. Chalkley Gould's Early Defensive Earthworks; F. Elrington Ball's History of the County of London; and Eliz. Gallup's Bi-literal Cypher of Francis Bacon. L. Margaret Eyre 320
Andrew Lang's Social Origins, and J. J. Atkinson's Primal Law. Emile Durkheim 421
Emile Durkheim's L'Année Sociologique, 1901-1902. E. Sidney Hartland 426
P. J. Hamilton Grierson's The Silent Trade. A. C. Haddon 435
Lucy A. Paton's Studies in the Fairy Mythology of Arthurian Romance. Jessie L. Weston and Alfred Nutt 437
Emmeline H. Dewar's Chinamwanga Stories, and Florence M. Cronise and Henry W. Ward's Cunnie Rabbit, Mr. Spider, and the Other Beef. A. Werner 444
G. F. Abbott's Macedonian Folklore. W. H. D. Rouse 446
E. V. Anitchkoff's Vernal Ceremonial Songs in the West and among the Slavonians. W. F. Kirby 448
Charles Godfrey Leland. F. York Powell 162
Gaston Paris. Alfred Nutt 164
Index 449
Rules and List of Members.
Index of Archæological Papers Published, 1901.
List of Plates:—
I. Fetish Doll, Achewa Tribe, Central Angoniland. To face page 61
II. Crescent Charms in the Collection of Mr. E. Lovett. 65
III. Rood-screen in Charlton-on-Otmoor Church, with May Garland, 1846. To face page 170
IV. Whitsun Ale in Blenheim Park, 1826 To face „page„ 175
V. The Well-house at Headington Wick Farm To face „page„ 183
VI. The Arms of Sicily To face „page„ 212
VII. Terra-cotta from Taranto, and Pompeian Door-handles To face „page„ 217
VIII. Chinese Charms To face „page„ 292
IX. Witch-stones, Amulet, and Fairy Arrows, from the Scottish Highlands To face „page„ 298
X. Tribal Mark, Roebuck Bay To face „page„ 327
XI. Tribal Mark To face „page„ 329
XII. Tribal Mark, Lagrange Bay To face „page„ 333
XIII. Tribal Mark, Gordon Bay To face „page„ 351
XIV. Natives of West Australia (Roebuck Bay, 1899) To face „page„ 354
XV. West Australian Objects in the Collection of Mr. C. J. Tabor To face „page„ 365