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Folk-Lore/Volume 15

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Folk-Lore (1904)
Volume 15
1510534Folk-Lore — Volume 151904





The Transactions of the Folk-Lore Society

And Incorporating The Archælogical Review and
The Folk-Lore Journal.

VOL. XV.—1904.

Alter et Idem







The Government of India has presented to the Society 20 copies of the Ethnographic Appendices to the Census of India, 1901, vol. i., which are now in the hands of the Secretary. Any Member who desires to possess a copy should apply for one to the Secretary. Applications will be dealt with in the order in which they are received.



11. Old Square, Lincoln's Inn,
London, W.C.


I.—(March, 1904.)

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, November 18th, 1903 1

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, December 17th, 1903 2

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, January 20th, 1904 3

Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the Council 5

Presidential Address. F. York Powell 12

The Story of Deirdre. Eleanor Hull 24

Arthur and Gorlagon. Translated by F. A. Milne and commented on by Alfred Nutt 40

II.—(June, 1904.)

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, February 17th, 1904 129

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, March, 16th, 1904 130

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, April 20th, 1904 131

From Spell to Prayer. R. Marett 132

Toda Prayer. W. H. R. Rivers 166

III.—(September, 1904.)

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, May 15th, 1904 241

Minutes of Meetings: Wednesday, June 15th, 1904 242

Folklore of the Basuto. Minnie Cartwright 244

The European Sky-God. Arthur Bernard Cook 264

IV.—(December, 1904.)

The European Sky-God, II. Arthur Bernard Cook 369

Notes from Armenia. J. Rendel Harris 427

Collectanea:— A Witch Doctor's Kit from Magila, East Central Africa R. Webb 68

Wizardry on the Welsh Border. Beatrix A. Wherry 75

Folklore of the Negroes of Jamaica 87

Tibetan Charms. A. R. Wright 95

Some Superstitions of the Fifeshire Fisher-folk. David Rorie 95

Royal Succession in Yoruba-land. Harold G. Parsons 98

Personification of a River. M. Agatha Turner 99

A Corn-baby? Editor 185

Some Jewish Folklore from Jerusalem. A. Goodrich-Freer 186

Notes on Miss Freer's Paper. M. Gaster 192

Pembrokeshire Notes. M. S. Clark 194

Notes on the Stamford Bull-Running. Mabel Peacock 199

Bantu Totemism. G. W. Stow, A. Lang, and N. W. Thomas 203

Folklore of the Negroes of Jamaica, continued 206

Greek and Cretan Epiphany Customs. R. M. Dawkins 214

Specimens of Somali Tales. J. W. C. Kirk}} 316

Notes from the Upper Congo, III. John H. Weeks 326

Tibetan Prayer-Wheels. A. R. Wright 332

Tibetan Drum and Trumpet. A. R. Wright. 333

The Shwe-hmu, or Burmese Tax-gatherer. David Shearme 334

Stories from Leitrim and Cavan. Bryan J. Jones 336

Northumbrian Social Customs. Charlotte S. Burne 341

A Buck Superstition. Editor 343

A Votive Offering from Korea. E. S. Hartland 447

Folklore of the Negroes of Jamaica, continued 450

Dairy Folklore and other Notes from Meath and Tipperary A. H. Singleton 457


Dr. Durkheim on "Social Origins.}} A. Lang 100

The Corp Creagh. Alice B. Gomme 102

A Wager Lost. W. Henry Jewitt 103

Braemar Saying. A. Macdonald 104

Midsummer Bonfires. A. Macdonald 105

Fifth of November Customs. Charlotte S. Burne 106

Myth Making. W. H. D. Rouse 107

Réponse à Monsieur Lang. E. Durkheim 215

Additional Variants of the Father-and-Son-Combat. Murray A. Potter 216

Monmouthshire Notes. H. C. Ellis 221

A Culture Tradition. A. Werner 344

Whitsuntide Fête, Bryan J. Jones . . 347
Mock Burial. A. Werner 347
" Back-footed " Beings. John Hobson Matthews 348
Monmouthshire Folklore. John Hobson Matthews 348
Charm against Toothache. Herbert M. Bower 350
Midsummer Bonfires. A. Macdonald 350
The Petting-Stone. W. Crooke 351
Eggs in Witchcraft. Edward Peacock 463
A Harvest Custom. H. W. Underdown 464
Reviews : —
Heinrich Schurtz' Altersdassen mid Mdtmerbilnde. N. W, Thomas ...... 108
F. S. Krauss' Die Volkskilnde in den Jahre?i, 1897-1902. Alfred Nutt ..... 113
E. Hoffmann-Kayer's Die Volkskilnde ah Wissenschaft. Alfred Nutt ..... 116
Zelia Nuttall's The Fundamental Principles of Old a7id New World Civilisations. M. Gaster 117
Sir Edgar MacCulloch and Edith F. Carey's Guernsey Folklore Charlotte S. Burne .... 119
Charles Swynnerton's Romantic Tales frotn the Pu7ijdb. W. H D. Rouse ...... 124
Rene Basset's Contes Populaires d'Afrique. A. Werner 125
G. Herelle's Les Pastorale sBasques ; G. Crimi Lo Giudice's Vendetta Racconta Campagnolo Siciliano ; Magheria, Amore per Forza. J. B. Andrews . . . . .127
H. H. Risley and E. A. Gait's Census of India, 1901 W. Crooke ....... 222
Dudley Kidd's The Essential Kafir. N. W. Thomas. . 224
Casely Hayford's Gold Coast Native Ifistituiions. A. Werner 226
Dr. Otto Stoll's Suggestion und Hypnotis7nus in der Volker- psychologie. N. W. Thomas . . . .230
L. Radermacher's Das Jenseits im Mythos der Hellenen. Alfred Nutt ...... 232
E. W. B. Nicholson's Keltic Researches. Alfred Nutt . 234
L. Winifred Faraday's The Cattle-raid of Cualnge. Eleanor Hull. ...... 235
Jessie L. Weston's Sir Gawain at the Grail Castle. W. P. Ker ....... 239
A. Dieterich and T. Achelis's Archiv filr Religionswissenschaft. R. R. Marett ...... 240

A. C. Haddon and W. H. R. Rivers’, &c., Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits. N. W. Thomas . . . . . 352
E. Durkheim’s L’Année Sociologique. E. Sidney Hartland 359
Axel Olrik’s Om Ragnarok. L. Winifred Faraday . 365
T. H. Weir’s The Shaikhs of Morocco in the Sixteenth Century. W. Crooke 367
Ganeshji Jethabhai’s Indian Folklore. W. Crooke 368
Baldwin Spencer and F. J. Gillen’s The Northern Tribes of Central Australia. E. S. Hartland . . . 465
Paul Sébillot’s Le Folk-Lore de France. E. Sidney Hartland 475
W. Carew Hazlitt’s Faiths and Folklore. Charlotte S. Burne 477
Anzeiger der Finnisch-Ugrischen Forschungen 479
J. Fitzgerald Lee’s The Greater Exodus 479
Walter Johnson and William Wright’s Neolithic Man in North-east Surrey 479
Herbert M. White’s Old Ingleborough Pamphlets (No. 1) 479
John Nicholson’s The Capital of the Yorkshire Wolds 480
Scottish Historical Review, Part I. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Celtic Review, Part 1. 480

Frederick York Powell. Edward Clodd 182

Index 481

Rules and List of Members.

Index of Archæological Papers Published, 1902.

List of Plates:—
I. A Witch-doctor's Kit from Magila, East Central Africa .... 71
II. Tibetan and other Charms 95
III. A Corn-baby ? . . . . 185
IV. Necklace of Blue Beads and Two Eye Charms from Jerusalem . 189
V. Charm Necklaces from Jerusalem . 191
VI. Tibetan Prayer-Wheels 332
VII. Tibetan Drum and Trumpet 333
VIII. Stereoscopic View of West Australian Mask (Fig. 10 in Plate XV., Vol. XIV.) 368
IX. A Votive Offering from Korea 447