Four Comic Songs/The Gill Stoups
The Gill Stoups.
When I ga'd in, there was a swatch o' auld wives sitting round a table eating roasted herring, and drinking whisky and cap, and I think they ca'd it Papin: there they were at it, each of them took sican a devil o' a slough o't, that before ever they kenn'd what they were about, they began singing
Hey the bonny, &c.
When I ga'd in, there she was sitting in the lam neuk, wi' a cutty pipe in her cheek, no the length o' her thumb, and as black as the very devil; when I said, Jenny, rise up and pay the man his five shillings. Five shillings! quo' she, what pat that in your head? I dinna owe a farthing in the town; and I paid the man the last gill mysel', and didna leave a single babee. Says I, Come now Jenny, nane o' your nonsense,—rise and pay the man his five shillings. Ye ken ye have got the prize. Hae I got the prize?—Then fill in anither gill, and a bottle o' cap, and we'll sing
Hey the bonny, &c.