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Glory Special & 19618 other titles/27

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  1. Jesus is the friend you need - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  2. Jesus is the friend you need - J. R. Baxter, Jr., & S. L. Wallace
  3. Jesus is the light - Broadus E. Smith
  4. Jesus is the name - Charles B. Atkins
  5. Jesus is the one - Elmer Burroughs & Clarence King
  6. Jesus is the one - G. T. Speer
  7. Jesus is the one - Luther G. Presley
  8. Jesus is the one for you - V. O. Fossett
  9. Jesus is the rock - Velma Wade
  10. Jesus is the rock of ages - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  11. Jesus is the rock of ages - Alfred Barratt
  12. Jesus is the rock of my salvation - Finis Fator
  13. Jesus is the savior - Rupert Cravens
  14. Jesus is the sweetest name - Jesse W. Baker
  15. Jesus is the way - A. E. Kennedy
  16. Jesus is the way - W. S. Hess
  17. Jesus is the way - B. B. Edmiaston
  18. Jesus is the way - William A. McKinney
  19. Jesus is the way - Mabel Mirkham
  20. Jesus is the way - Worth Williams
  21. Jesus is the wonderful king - Jack Minter
  22. Jesus is there - B. B. Edmiaston
  23. Jesus is true - Mary Schmutzler
  24. Jesus is waiting - Ruby Lee Williams
  25. Jesus is waiting for me - B. B. Edmiaston
  26. Jesus is waiting for yo - James D. Rich
  27. Jesus is walking the restless - Mrs. Edd Bennett
  28. Jesus is walking with me - Luther M. Hutchins
  29. Jesus is with me - J. M. Henson
  30. Jesus is with me - J. M. Henson
  31. Jesus is with me - J. M. Henson
  32. Jesus is with me - Marvin P. Dalton
  33. Jesus is with me - J. M. Henson
  34. Jesus is with me - Adger M. Pace
  35. Jesus is with me in love - Rupert Cravens
  36. Jesus is with us - Lassie Taylor Moates
  37. Jesus is wonderful to me - Eugene H. Whitt
  38. Jesus is your best friend - Edward E. Adams
  39. Jesus is your friend - Larry Mull
  40. Jesus is your friend - Macy O. Smith
  41. Jesus is your savior - Alfred Barratt
  42. Jesus, keep me - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  43. Jesus, keep me close beside th - Dwight Brock
  44. Jesus, keep me true - Rupert Cravens
  45. Jesus keeps a song ringing - R. R. Baxter, Jr
  46. Jesus keeps me happy - Ellis Short, Jr
  47. Jesus keeps me singing - Gilbert Drake
  48. Jesus keeps me singing - Florence Schmidt
  49. Jesus keeps me singing - J. M. Henson
  50. Jesus keeps me singing - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  51. Jesus keeps me singing - Aleene Ray
  52. Jesus keeps us - Larry Mull
  53. Jesus knows - Joe E. Parks
  54. Jesus knows - B. B. Edmiaston
  55. Jesus knows about it - Sherill Brown
  56. Jesus knows and cares - Luther G. Presley
  57. Jesus knows everything - G. T. Speer
  58. Jesus knows exactly how - Luther G. Presley
  59. Jesus knows his own - Marvin P. Dalton
  60. Jesus knows it all - Odis B. Moore
  61. Jesus knows it all - Jeffie Cook
  62. Jesus, lead me on - Cleavant Derricks
  63. Jesus, lead me on - E. M. Latham
  64. Jesus leads the way - Slaughter B. Reed
  65. Jesus leads the way - Roy M. Stone
  66. Jesus lingers neay - Eldridge Murphy
  67. Jesus listens - Ellis Short, Jr
  68. Jesus lives - L. L. Stephens
  69. Jesus lives in me - Ulysses Philips
  70. Jesus looked down from Calvary - E. M. Latham
  71. Jesus loved his own - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  72. Jesus loves and cares - James Gregory
  73. Jesus loves ev'rybody - B. B. Edmiaston
  74. Jesus loves me - Anna B. Warner
  75. Jesus loves me.
  76. Jesus loves me - Bobbie Glassco
  77. Jesus loves me - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  78. Jesus loves me, I know - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  79. Jesus loves me, this I know - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  80. Jesus loves the children - Luther G. Presley
  81. Jesus loves the children/Jesus loves me - Gary Lanier
  82. Jesus loves the little children - George F. Root
  83. Jesus loves the lost - Oliver W. Cooper
  84. Jesus loves us most of all - Ezra Knight
  85. Jesus loves you - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  86. Jesus loves you all the time - Luther G. Presley
  87. Jesus loves you though friends - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  88. Jesus made a change in me - J. C. Whitmire
  89. Jesus made me glad - Luther G. Presley
  90. Jesus makes everything new - Eugene McCammon
  91. Jesus makes it right - Jimmy W. Barlow
  92. Jesus makes me glad - Adger M. Pace
  93. Jesus means more each day - Sanford J. Massengale
  94. Jesus meets me there - Adger M. Pace
  95. Jesus, my all in all - Ellis Short, Jr
  96. Jesus, my all in all - L. T. Simmons
  97. Jesus, my best friend - Mrs. S. D. Bruton
  98. Jesus, my blessed Jesus - Dwight Brock
  99. Jesus, my Jesus - Mrs. Zera P. Denson
  100. Jesus, my Lord and King - Helen Skinner
  101. Jesus, my savior - Steve Holaway & James E. Reid
  102. Jesus, my savior - Clarence E. Jones
  103. Jesus never fails - Mrs. Omah Floyd
  104. Jesus never fails - B. B. Edmiaston
  105. Jesus never fails to hear me - Eugene H. Whitt
  106. Jesus never punished anyone - R. L. Rust
  107. Jesus of Calvary - Eugeme McCammon
  108. Jesus on the shore - W. C. Stewart
  109. Jesus, only Jesus - Walter E. Howell
  110. Jesus, only Jesus - Clyde Williams
  111. Jesus, only Jesus - Betty K. Woosley
  112. Jesus opened a way for us - Belton Cobb
  113. Jesus opened the way - Rupert Cravens
  114. Jesus opened up the way - Pauline F. Pate
  115. Jesus, our companion - Mrs. Jesse Smith Thomas
  116. Jesus, our savior - John Pettus
  117. Jesus paid it all - Jesse W. Baker
  118. Jesus paid it all - Eugene H. Whitt
  119. Jesus paid the cost - Jimmie Falkner
  120. Jesus paid the debt for me - Rupert Cravens
  121. Jesus pardoned me - Albert E. Brumley
  122. Jesus paved the way - L. O. Bynum
  123. Jesus pilots me - Mrs. S. D. Bruton
  124. Jesus pilots my soul - Rupert Cravens
  125. Jesus, please lead me on - Ellis Short, Jr
  126. Jesus' prayer from the cross - Lyn Ritter
  127. Jesus prepares the way - Mrs. C. A. Lane
  128. Jesus purchased my salvation - H. H. Martin
  129. Jesus really cares for you - Jonathan Pamill
  130. Jesus reigns - Daniel S. Patterson
  131. Jesus, redeemer - John E. Bolden
  132. Jesus remembers when others fo - W. T. Richardson
  133. Jesus, rock of ages - John F. Taylor
  134. Jesus said it, I believe it - Wanda Short
  135. Jesus said it, and I believe it - Renus E. Rich
  136. Jesus said prepare - Bruce Lloyd
  137. Jesus said ye must be born aga - Eugene H. Whitt
  138. Jesus saved me - Walter E. Edmiaston
  139. Jesus saved me - James L. Palmer
  140. Jesus saves - Jack Taylor
  141. Jesus saves! By Lynwood McCoy Smith.
  142. Jesus saves - Brenton B. Cummings
  143. Jesus, savior, lead me - K. L. Plowman
  144. Jesus, savior, Lord and master - Alfred Barratt
  145. Jesus, savior, pilot me - W. L. (Bill) Hopper
  146. Jesus, set me free - Travis Bottoms
  147. Jesus, set me free - Lonnie R. McNeil
  148. Jesus share my every sorrow - Mrs. W. Allen Sims
  149. Jesus showed his great love - Mrs. E. T. Isbell
  150. Jesus still cares - E. O. Johnson
  151. Jesus stopped - Bobby Burnett
  152. Jesus surely cares - E. M. Latham
  153. Jesus taught me - Robert E. Arnold
  154. Jesus taught me how to live - Jesse W. Baker & Christopher C. Stafford
  155. Jesus, the Lamb of God - Sager Powell
  156. Jesus, the Lamb of God - C. H. Culbreth
  157. Jesus, the light of men - Rupert Cravens
  158. Jesus, the light of my salvation - Rupert Cravens
  159. Jesus, the light of the world - Cleavant Derricks
  160. Jesus, the light of the world - Mrs. A. E. Kennedy
  161. Jesus, the only name - B. B. Edmiaston
  162. Jesus, the only one - B. B. Edmiaston
  163. Jesus, the risen one - W. Elmo Mercer
  164. Jesus, the savior is calling - Mrs. C. R. Ballou
  165. Jesus, the savior reigns - P. J. Woodard
  166. Jesus the Son of God - Clyde Williams
  167. Jesus, thou art the one - Floyd E. Thomas
  168. Jesus took hold of my heart - Videt Polk
  169. Jesus took it all away - Eugene McCammon
  170. Jesus took my heavy burdens - Jack Clark
  171. Jesus triumphant - L. Lovett Luther
  172. Jesus turned my night into day - Mrs. J. N. Hunter
  173. Jesus understands - Eugene Wright
  174. Jesus understands - Eugene H. Whitt
  175. Jesus walks with me - Eugene H. Whitt
  176. Jesus wants me - J. Otis Murphree
  177. Jesus wants you - Wanda Short
  178. Jesus watches over his own - J. W. Payte
  179. Jesus watches over me - Carol Thacker
  180. Jesus was at the end of my roa - Leonette B. Allen
  181. Jesus' way is the best - Joe E. Parks
  182. Jesus went about doing good - Joe E. Parks
  183. Jesus went to Calvary - Betty Spence
  184. Jesus went to Calvary - Aubrey H. Graham
  185. Jesus wept - Terry Pillow
  186. Jesus will conquer the foe - Charles B. Atkins & James L. Palmer
  187. Jesus will guide me over the crossing - Lonnie B. Combs & Willie Smith
  188. Jesus will know me - Cleavant Derricks
  189. Jesus will lead the way - Ezra Knight & Lester L. Dooley
  190. Jesus will lead the way - James W. Baker & Rupert Cravens
  191. Jesus will lead the way - James McLain & K. Wayne Guffey
  192. Jesus will lead us home - Clyde Williams, Lester Williams & Mrs. Clyde Williams
  193. Jesus will lead us on - Rupert Cravens & Mildred S. Johnson
  194. Jesus will make heaven worthwh - Joe E. Parks
  195. Jesus will not cast you out - H. A. Green
  196. Jesus will return - E. Richard Pickens
  197. Jesus will save you - Shirley Jennings
  198. Jesus will save you - H. E. Upchurch
  199. Jesus will save you today - H. E. Upchurch
  200. Jesus will see you thru - Ellis Short, Jr
  201. Jesus will show me the way - Goldie Burls
  202. Jesus will show me the way - Henry L. Thompson
  203. Jesus will understand - Raymond L. Morgan
  204. Jesus, wonderful savior - Madge M. Sachs
  205. Jewels for Jesus - Alvin L. Lindsey & Mrs. D. B. Long
  206. John saw a great city - Terry Pillow
  207. John saw that city - Ira L. Lee & Vida Munden Nixon
  208. John saw the city - Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie B. Combs
  209. John's vision on Patmos - Lucy Davis & Becky Phillips
  210. Join our song - Sharon Floyd
  211. Jonah - Joe E. Parks
  212. Jordan is deep - James B. Coats & Elbert Sellers
  213. Jordan makes one more river to - Luther G. Presley
  214. Jordan won't be so hard to cro - Luther G. Presley
  215. Joseph and Mary - Gary Lanier
  216. Joseph, son of David - Gary Lanier
  217. Joseph was a dreamer - A. H. Elliott
  218. Joshua--the walls came tumbling - G. A. Thacker
  219. Journeying toward heaven - B. B. Edmiaston & Mrs. Denver Tignor
  220. Journey's end at last - Don Brown, Rupert Cravens & Marlon Nunnally
  221. Joy - Ron Griffin
  222. Joy along the way - Nolan T. Kimbrell & Walter E. Edmiaston
  223. Joy and gladness - Rona Mae Williams
  224. Joy and glory - Thomas C. Duckworth & Walter E. Edmiaston
  225. Joy bells - Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Lynn
  226. Joy bells of glory - E. M. Latham & J. W. Meeks
  227. Joy bells of heaven ring on - Terry Pillow
  228. Joy comes at dawn - H. C. Hathcoat & W. C. Woodward
  229. Joy cometh in the morning - Hattie Pope & Mrs. Judson Bailey
  230. Joy for aye - B. B. Edmiaston
  231. Joy for aye - A. H. Purcell
  232. Joy for evermore - Eugene H. Whitt
  233. Joy for me - Charles B. Atkins
  234. Joy for the reapers - B. R. Bassel
  235. Joy in knowing - V. O. Fossett
  236. Joy in my heart - Luther G. Presley
  237. Joy in my heart - J. Daniel Williams
  238. Joy in serving Jesus - Marvette Culbreth
  239. Joy in the Father's house - Joe E. Parks
  240. Joy in serving Jesus - Mrs. R. L. Paul
  241. Joy in serving the king - Ernest C. Phillips
  242. Joy is coming - John L. Shrader
  243. Joy is coming, it won't be long - Luther G. Presley
  244. Joy is the flag - Jack Taylor
  245. Joy, joy, joy all around - William J. Richey
  246. Joy that morning - Al C. Locke
  247. Joy, peace, glory - Daniel J. Cockerham
  248. Joy supernal - Clyde Williams
  249. Joy that I can't explain - J. W. Meeks
  250. Joy where dreams come true - Luther G. Presley
  251. Joy will come again - A. A. Worsham
  252. Joybells are ringing - W. Allan Sims
  253. Joys of the Christian - Ezra Knight
  254. Judgment - Walter E. Howell
  255. Judgment - James B. Coats
  256. Judgment is coming - Edward E. Adams
  257. Judgement is coming - Edward E. Adams
  258. Judgment is coming - Videt Polk
  259. Judgment is coming - Eugene H. Whitt
  260. Just a closer walk with thee - Jack Taylor
  261. Just a closer walk with thee - Joe E. Parks
  262. Just a closer walk with thee - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  263. Just a few more days - Ray Griggs
  264. Just a few more days - Glen Travis Presley
  265. Just a foretaste - Fred L. Swilling
  266. Just a little bit nearer - Luther G. Presley
  267. Just a little closer - Thomas R. Wilson
  268. Just a little longer - Horace A. Kennedy
  269. Just a little more love - William A. McKinney
  270. Just a little nearer - V. O. Fossett
  271. Whisper my name in prayer - Luther G. Presley
  272. Where the spirit of the Lord is - Eugene McCammon
  273. Just a little while - B. B. Edmiaston
  274. Just a little while - B. I. Cline
  275. Just a pilgrim going home - Fay Hart
  276. Just a prayer away - Daniel J. Cockerham
  277. Just a rose - Luther G. Presley
  278. Just a word for Jesus - Cleavant Derricks
  279. Just across the river - Zeb D. Taylor & E. W. Taylor
  280. Just an old, old road - Oliver W. Cooper & A. H. Flynn
  281. Just as I am - William B. Bradbury
  282. Just as the sun went down - Luther G. Presley
  283. Just because - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
  284. Just believe - Leonette B. Allen
  285. Just beyond - Joe E. Parks
  286. Just beyond the chilly waters - Lonnie B. Combs
  287. Just beyond the clouds - Armond Farris Been
  288. Just beyond the dark clouds - Joe Roper
  289. Just biding my time - Robert E. Arnold & Daniel J. Cockerham
  290. Just cast your care upon him t - Jack Taylor
  291. Just follow the Lord - Verl Mason
  292. Just give me the rock of ages - David Robinson
  293. Just inside the gates - Eugene H. Whitt
  294. Just inside the heaven's door - Cleavant Derricks
  295. Just inside the pearly gate - W. M. Daniel
  296. Just inside the pearly gates - Cleavant Derricks
  297. Just keep on singing - Thelma Sharp
  298. Just keep pressing on - Aaron M. Wilson
  299. Just keep trusting and pray - Eugene H. Whitt
  300. Just keep watching - Marvin P. Dalton
  301. Just like my savior's love - J. M. Henson, Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Wilson
  302. Just live a little more - Luther G. Presley
  303. Just looking in on heaven - H. H. Dougherty & R. C. Mann
  304. Just one moment of delay - C. H. Culbreth
  305. Just one prayer away - Hazel Shade
  306. Just open the door, Lord - Bobby Burnett & Videt Polk
  307. Just over in the glory land - Cleavant Derricks
  308. Just over Jordan - Billy Stewart, Jr
  309. Just over Jordan - Vida Munden Nixon
  310. Just over the river - Rupert Cravens & L. L. Hornsby
  311. Just passing thru - Sherill Brown
  312. Just pray - James B. Coats
  313. Just say a prayer for me - Alfred Barratt & V. O. Fossett
  314. Just sing a song - Ellis Short, Jr
  315. Just stop a little while - Ellis Short, Jr., Karl Taylor & Wanda Short Ward
  316. Just suppose - Buddy Lawson
  317. Just tell the savior - Robert E. Arnold
  318. Just the faithful few - Rena Presley
  319. Just the plain Word of God - B. B. Edmiaston
  320. Just the touch of his hand - Luther M. Hutchins
  321. Just the touch of his hand in - Luther G. Presley
  322. Just think - Chas P. Hargrave & Robert W. Service
  323. Just think - James B. Coats
  324. Just to be remembered - James B. Coats
  325. Just to be with Christ my king - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  326. Just to be with Christ my king - Lester Williams
  327. Just to have Jesus walking wit - Sue Doggett
  328. Just to have you, dear Jesus - Mary Ruth Allmon
  329. Just to know my savior still c - V. O. Fossett
  330. Just to step inside the gate - Robert R. Koger
  331. Just too busy to take time for - Glen Travis Presley
  332. Just try me one more time - C. E. Bridges
  333. Just wait and see - Videt Polk
  334. Just walk a little closer - Thornton Landreth
  335. Just wear a smile - Clyde Williams
  336. Just what thou wilt, O Lord - C. Robert Huntress
  337. Just what we need today - Marion W. Easterling
  338. Just what will it mean? By V. O. Fossett.
  339. Just and mercy met on Calvary - Darrell Archer
  340. Justified - Samuel E. Moore
  341. Katy did - B. B. Edmiaston
  342. Keep a smile in your eyes - Luther G. Presley
  343. Keep a little sunshine in your soul - B. E. Fulmer
  344. Keep a song in your soul - John F. Taylor
  345. Keep climbing - B. B. Edmiaston & Clarence H. Heidelberg
  346. Keep climbing higher - W. Allan Sims
  347. Keep climbing toward heaven - Rupert Cravens & Lee M. York
  348. Keep close to Jesus - John Lane
  349. Keep faith in the Lord - J. Otis Murphree
  350. Keep following on - Herbert Buffum & Virgil O. Stamps
  351. Keep hallelujahs ringing - Jack Parker
  352. Keep his praises ringing - V. O. Fossett & Marcus B. Hooton
  353. Keep holding on to Christ the - Chelsey Bray
  354. Keep in step with Christ - Clyde Williams
  355. Keep in step with Jesus - Alfred Barratt & J. Noble Moore
  356. Keep in the glory way - Urey S. Lindsey & Jarvis W. Maxey
  357. Keep in touch with Jesus - Eugene H. Whitt
  358. Keep in touch with the Lord - J. C. Conger
  359. Keep looking above - W. M. DeVaughn
  360. Keep looking up - Mrs. P. W. Alexander
  361. Keep me - B. B. Edmiaston
  362. Keep it ringing - C. H. Culbreth
  363. Keep it ringing - B. B. Edmiaston
  364. Keep me closer - B. B. Edmiaston
  365. Keep me day by day - Cleavant Derricks
  366. Keep me, dear Lord - Vider Polk & Jo Ann Ring
  367. Keep me every day - Emmett S. Dean & F. L. Eiland
  368. Keep me humble - Michael Mimbs
  369. Keep me in the glory land way - J. R. Baxter, Jr., & D. E. Gilbreath
  370. Keep me moving, Lord - Rosa Henry
  371. Keep me near thee, Blessed Sav - Mary E. Blalock
  372. Keep me, O my savior - Van Carter
  373. Keep movin' on - Dan E. Clark
  374. Keep my heart right - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  375. Keep moving along - Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie B. Combs
  376. Keep on climbing - Henry L. Thompson
  377. Keep on keeping on - Rupert Cravens
  378. Keep on keeping on - Alva Hewitte & Lee M. York
  379. Keep on singing - Mrs. P. W. Alexander
  380. Keep on singing - W. C. Stewart
  381. Keep on singing hallelujahs - Allen L. Williams
  382. Keep on trusting in the Lord - Alfred Barratt & J. N. Johns
  383. Keep pressing along - B. B. Edmiaston & G. T. Speer
  384. Keep pressing on - B. B. Edmiaston & G. E. Bridges
  385. Keep redemption's flag unfurled - B. B. Edmiaston & Kenneth Fulkerson
  386. Keep rolling on - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Paul B. Collins
  387. Keep sailing on - Clarence C. Todd
  388. Keep salvation's message rolli - B. B. Edmiaston & W. M. DeVaughn
  389. Keep singing - Lonnie B. Combs
  390. Keep singing ev'ry day - Ezra Knight & Autrey E. Hayes
  391. Keep singing happy songs - Dwight Brock & J. T. Williams
  392. Keep smiling all the while - Urey S. Lindsey & Isaiah Smith
  393. Keep smiling and singing - Mr. & Mrs. A. O. Dunlap
  394. Keep stepping along - Luther G. Presley
  395. Keep telling God's love - Dwight Brock & Eugene H. Whitt
  396. Keep telling the story - Billy Joe Cagle
  397. Keep telling the story - J. L. Freeman & D. E. Gilbreath
  398. Keep telling the story - Simmie T. Mann
  399. Keep telling the story - N. W. Allphine & Ernest Rippetoe
  400. Keep telling the story - B. B. Edmiaston & O. O. Kid
  401. Keep the flowers blooming - James B. Coats
  402. Keep the hallelujahs ringing - Elsie Hunter, Hansel Hunter & Nema Hunter
  403. Keep the light burning bright - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  404. Keep the light of Jesus burnin - Belton Cobb
  405. Keep the love of Jesus - J. N. Johns
  406. Keep the old family prayer - Roy A. Higdon
  407. Keep the song waves rolling - B. B. Edmiaston
  408. Keep the star of liberty shini - Urey S. Lindsey & Isaiah Smith
  409. Keep the stream of music flowi - B. B. Edmiaston
  410. Keep the sunlight in your hear - Johnny Harwick
  411. Keep traveling on - B. E. Cline
  412. Keep trav'ling the blood-bough - O. S. Davis & E. O. Johnson
  413. Keep trusting in Christ - Dwight Brock
  414. Keep trusting the savior - Eugene McCammon
  415. Keep us close to thee - L. H. Sewell
  416. Keep us in thy love - Tom Lehmann
  417. Keep us safely in thy love - Eugene McCammon
  418. Keep waving the flag - J. M. Henson & O. O. Kidd
  419. Keep working - Lonnie B. Combs
  420. Keeps your eye on the cross - Carl R. Harrington & Urey S. Lindsey
  421. Keep your eyes upon Jesus - Leonette B. Allen
  422. Keep your eyes upon the goal - B. B. Edmiaston & O. O. Kidd
  423. Keep your heart in tune - Rupert Cravens & L. L. Hornsby
  424. Keep your lamps all burning - J. R. Baxter, Jr., & O. O. Kidd
  425. Keep your light shining - Luther G. Presley
  426. Keep watching and praying - J. L. Huffstutler
  427. Kept by his love - Linda C. Bayus
  428. Kids of the kingdom - Finis Fator
  429. Kindness - James B. Coats & David C. Wade
  430. Kindness - D. C. Coleworthy & C. M. Hateley
  431. King of all kings - Joe Ott
  432. King of kings - Myra H. Rackley & Bobby Keys
  433. Kiss me with the kisses of your mouth - Mimi Ribble
  434. Kneel and pray - Ellis Short, Jr
  435. Kneel at the cross - Charles E. Moody
  436. Kneel at the feet of Jesus - James R. Maise
  437. Kneel at the foot of the cross - Cleavant Derricks
  438. Kneel in prayer - James B. Coats
  439. Kneel with me in prayer - Rufus C. Fuhrman
  440. Kneeling down by the savior - E. T. Isbell
  441. Kneeling down one day - Clyde W. White
  442. Knock, and the door will open - Dee Parker & John H. Pool
  443. Know ye not they decay? By Thomas R. Wilson & W. K. (Buck) Compelube.
  444. Knowing Jesus is the greatest - W. K. (Buck) Compelube & Herbert Craft
  445. Labor for Jesus today - James B. Coats
  446. Labor for the Blessed Master - Cleavant Derricks
  447. Land of fadeless beauty - Dwight N. Teal & L. E. Teal
  448. Land of joy and song - Cleavant Derricks
  449. Land of love - Ruby Lee Williams
  450. Land of pure delight - Cleavant Derricks
  451. Land of the sweet by and by - W. C. Stewart
  452. Laugh it off - Frank M. Lynn
  453. Launch ye out - Ellis Short, Jr
  454. Lay the path today - Clarence E. Jones
  455. Lay up treasures - B. B. Edmiaston
  456. Lay up your treasures in heave - Eugene H. Whitt
  457. Lay up your treasures in heave - L. D. Bassett
  458. Lay your burdens at his feet - William A. McKinney
  459. Lay your mighty hand on me - Walter E. Howell