Glory Special & 19618 other titles/28
- Lay your treasures up above - Minnie Hawks
- Lean on the window sill of Hea - Conklin J. Belknap
- Leaning on the everlasting arms - Elwood Denson
- Leave it with Jesus - Luther L. Lovett
- Leave the borderline for Jesus - Barbra Broome
- Leaving - Bobby Burnett
- Leaving earth far behind - Bruce Joyner
- Led by his nail-scarred hand - Les Beasley
- Led in the light of love - James McLain
- Lend a helping hand - Austin Williams
- Lend him a hand - James Rowe
- Lead me, blessed Jesus - Lonnie B. Combs
- Lead me, blessed Lord - Odis B. Moore
- Lead me each day - O. C. Pennington
- Lead me gently on - J. N. Reynolds
- Lead me home - Rick Sloan
- Lead me home - John L. Shrader
- Lead me home, O precious savior - B. E. Cline
- Lead me on - Thomas J. Farris
- Lead me on - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lead me on, day by day - Rupert Cravens
- Lead me on to glory land - J. L. Scott
- Lead me on, O Lord - Ed Croft
- Lead me onward - Wm. Cortez Blaylock
- Lead me to the promised land - Henry Lambert
- Lead me, Jesus, in thy way - Eugene Dalton
- Lead me, Lord - Griffin Johnson
- Lead me, O my savior - Charles M. Weaver
- Lead me, O spirit divine - Rupert Cravens
- Lead me, precious Lord - Clark Mobley
- Lead me, savior - Olive Lloyd
- Lead me, savior - Rupert Cravens
- Lead them right - C. H. Culbreth
- Lead us - B. B. Edmiaston
- Leading me - Jack Clark
- Leaning on his arms - S. D. Bruton
- Let a little sunshine in - Buddy Lawson
- Let earth rejoice - Cordelia Spitzer
- Let everything that hath breath - Clyde Williams
- Let go and let God have his way - Pauline F. Pate
- Let God arise - Elizabeth Bacon
- Let God be first in all you do - R. L. Rust
- Let him be first of all - J. M. Henson
- Let him be your friend - Clyde Williams
- Let him in - Troy L. Morrison
- Let him in - Roy Orr
- Let him in - T. W. Potts
- Let him lead - Thurman E. Coffey
- Let him save you now - Wilbur Mrs. Wilson
- Let it be - Luther G. Presley
- Let it shine - B. B. Edmiaston
- Let Jehovah have control - Henry L. Thompson
- Let Jesus come in to stay - V. O. Fossett
- Let Jesus have his way - Vernie Pritchard
- Let Jesus lead - R. G. Wilkins
- Let Jesus lead - B. E. Cline
- Let Jesus lead - S. D. Burton
- Let Jesus lead the way - Mae Johnson
- Let Jesus lead the way - Ross Cline
- Let Jesus lead you - V. O. Fossett
- Let Jesus lead you all the way - Chelous Sumrall
- Let Jesus lead you all the way - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let Jesus reign within - William W. Benson
- Let Jesus take care of your soul - Vida Munden Nixon
- Let Jesus take over today - Mrs. M. N. Strickland
- Let Jesus take your burdens away - J. L. Ensley
- Let me be a living witness - Rupert Cravens
- Let me be close to thee - Graydon J. Hall
- Let me be just a servant to thee - R. L. Solomon
- Let me be near thee - J. M. Henson
- Let me be worthy, Lord - Mrs. Kelcie M. Ross
- Let me clasp your hand and go - O. S. Davis
- Let me climb the mountain heig - Rupert Cravens
- Let me cling to his hand - Rupert Cravens
- Let me cling to the cross - P. J. Woodard
- Let me dream a little longer - Mrs. W. Allen Sims
- Let me feel his touch - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let me feel the hand of love - J. Daniel Williams
- Let me feel the redemption tou - J. Daniel Williams
- Let me feel the redemption tou - J. Daniel Williams
- Let me find favor - Marvin P. Dalton
- Let me finish the work begun - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let me freely talk - W. Lee Higgins
- Let me help - L. Earl Hinshaw
- Let me help someone today - Daniel J. Cockerham
- Let me hide in thee - L. Lovett Luther
- Let me hide in thee - Renus E. Rich
- Let me hide in thee - Luther G. Presley
- Let me hold thy hand - Celeste Johnson
- Let me labor - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let me live close to thee - John L. Shrader
- Let me live closer - V. O. Fossett
- Let me live for the Lord - Henry L. Thompson
- Let me live for the Lord - Luther G. Presley
- Let me live just for today - Vida Munden Nixon
- Let me live my life for him - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & C. E. Paregien
- Let me live there - Gordon Ross
- Let me live till I die - Thomas Ramsey
- Let me mount up on wings of as - Clarence E. Jones
- Let me ride - Lynwood McCoy Smith
- Let me see a revival! By Rupert Cravens.
- Let me see you smile - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let me sing and testify - Luther G. Presley
- Let me sing love's melody - B. B. Edmiaston
- Let me sing on till Jesus come - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let me tarry till my work is d - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let me tell about his love - Barbar Hickman
- Let me tell you - Dwight Brock
- Let me tell you, brother - Curtis Doss
- Let me tell you that I believe - W. C. Parkey
- Let me touch the world - Leonette B. Allen
- Let me walk a little closer - Clyde McLain
- Let me walk by his side - W. L. (Bill) Hopper
- Let me walk by his side - W. L. (Bill) Hopper
- Let me walk close to thee - John L. Shrader
- Let me walk close to thee - James L. Palmer
- Let me walk hand in hand - Dan Williams
- Let me walk in the way - Nolan T. Kimbrell
- Let me walk, let me talk with - Floyd E. Hunter
- Let me walk with Jesus - Rupert Cravens
- Let me walk with thee - John L. Shrader
- Let me walk with thee - Cleavant Derricks
- Let me walk with thee - Jackie Thompson
- Let my hands be thy hands - Eva Ree Tilley
- Let not your heart be troubled - Hale Reeves
- Let not your heart be troubled - B. B. Edmiaston
- Let others see the Lord in you - W. H. Bouchillon
- Let praise ring - Lonnie B. Combs
- Let the bells of heaven ring - Ruby M. Bryant
- Let the beauty of the savior - Alfred Barratt
- Let the bells ring - Luther G. Presley
- Let the blessed saviour in - Cleavant Derricks
- Let the glory of the Lord (fill - Luther G. Presley
- Let the gospel light shine out - Cleavant Derricks
- Let the gospel light shine thr - Loy E. Foust
- Let the gospel tide roll in - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let the light in the lighthouse - Cleavant Derricks
- Let the light shine - Rupert Cravens
- Let the Lord hold your hand - James E. Campbell
- Let the lower lights be burnin - P. O. Blies
- Let the lower lights be burnin - Philip P. Bliss
- Let the message ring out - Thomas R. Wilson
- Let the old picture hang on th - Claude Ramsey
- Let the savior be your guide - J. A. Collier
- Let the song linger - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let the song waves roll on - Rupert Cravens
- Let the story of Jesus live on - Wilbur Mrs. Wilson
- Let the story of Jesus live on - Wilbur Wilson
- Let the story ring out - Rupert Cravens
- Let the sunshine come in - Margaret Johnston
- Let this cup pass from me - L. D. Bassett
- Let those who love the savior - Alfred Barratt
- Let the wave roll - Luther G. Presley
- Let there be light - E. L. Ballard
- Let us all work for Jesus - Dwight Brock
- Let us answer, here am I - B. B. Edmiaston
- Let us be ready for heaven - Rupert Cravens
- Let us be ready to meet him - Leroy Vickers
- Let us come as children - B. B. Edmiaston
- Let us give thanks - Thomas R. Wilson
- Let us glorify his name - Adger M. Pace
- Let us go forward - J. R. Prady
- Let us go to Bethlehem - Gary Lanier
- Let us press on - B. B. Edmiaston
- Let us keep singing - Clyde Williams
- Let us keep walking - Henry L. Thompson
- Let us live for the Lord - Walter Duck
- Let us never weary - Alfred Barratt
- Let us praise his name - J. A. Collier
- Let us pray - J. Daniel Williams
- Let us read the Bible - Orgel Mason
- Let us return to Jesus - Alfred Barratt
- Let us sing of our homeland.
- Let us sing - J. R. Baxter, Jr., & Dwight Brock
- Let us sing - Clarence E. Jones
- Let us sing and praise him - Dewey Belknap
- Let us sing and praise the Lord - Dan Robinson
- Let us sing his praise - William A. McKinney
- Let us sing to the king - C. A. Lane
- Let us sing while we may - George W. Rambo
- Let us stand for truth and rig - J. R. Prady
- Let us tell of his love - K. Wayne Guffey
- Let us tell of Jesus - Rupert Cravens
- Let us tell the story - V. O. Fossett
- Let us together stand - Sanford J. Massengale
- Let us walk in the light - Luther G. Presley
- Let us walk the gospel way - Rufus Welborn
- Let us walk the way to heaven - Rupert Cravens
- Let us walk with the savior - Rupert Cravens
- Let us work and pray - Sanford J. Massengale
- Let us work and pray - Dwight Brock
- Let us work for the savior - James R. Maise
- Let your glad soul sing - Luther G. Presley
- Let your heart be glad - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Let your life bless your frien - R. L. Rust
- Let your life ring true - B. R. Bassel
- Let your light shine - Mrs. C. A. Land
- Let your light shine - L. D. Bassett
- Let your love flow thru me - Barbara J. Griffith
- Set your song, now gladly roll - Urey S. Lindsey
- Let your television run - Luther G. Presley
- Letting Jesus lead - Eugene McCammon
- Let's build a wall of prayer - Emory E. Wood
- Let's give him praise - W. W. Rogers
- Let's go and dine - Rena Presley
- Let's go to church - Dempsey Rainwater
- Let's praise the Lord - Albert E. Brumley
- Let's sing his praise - James L. Glover
- Life begins when we find Jesus - J. C. Legg
- Life beyond the mystic sea - Lavaughn Koger
- Life-giving blood - Cleavant Derricks
- Life has been good - Cleavant Derricks
- Life in a rock - C. Robert Huntress
- Life in Christ has meaning - Curley R. Bowen
- Life's choice - C. M. Hateley
- Life's ocean waves are rolling - D. T. Robinson
- Life's railway train - W. B. Clement
- Life's road - W. W. Combs
- Life's sun shines - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Lift heart and voice - Marvin P. Dalton
- Lift his banner - W. W. Combs
- Lift it with his love - Luther G. Presley
- Lift Jesus higher.
- Lift me higher - Lester King
- Lift the banner of the cross - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lift the savior up - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lift up his banner - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lift up that name - Melba Hutson
- Lift up the cross of Jesus - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lift up the gospel banner - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lift up the savior - Dwight Brock
- Lift up your eyes - Rupert Cravens
- Lift up your voice - Robert E. Arnold
- Lift up your voice and sing - John L. Shrader
- Lift up your voice and sing - J. Otis Murphree
- Lift up your voice and sing - John L. Shrader
- Lift your eyes t'ward heaven - Rupert Cravens
- Lift your voice in happy song - Herbert Reading
- Light at the river - J. R. Varner
- Light has reached my soul - Rupert Cravens
- Light of heaven - Mrs. J. E. Campbell
- Light of heaven, shine on me - Jesse W. Baker
- Light of love shine on - Luther G. Presley
- Light on the hills of glory - Walter Duck
- Light on the way to heaven - Rupert Cravens
- Light the way - J. M. Henson
- Light the way for souls - Rupert Cravens
- Light, with love, joy and peace - Rupert Cravens
- Lights along the shore - Will M. Ramsey
- Like a dear shepherd - Cleavant Derricks
- Like a lamb to slaughter - Alfred Barratt
- Like morning dew - W. B. Clement
- Like a mighty army - Charles W. Ablett
- Like a rainbow shine - Thomas R. Wilson
- Like a river glorious - Frances R. Havergal
- Like an eagle soars - Ransom Marvin
- Like him - J. M. Henson
- Like roses fair - Ezra Knight
- Li'l Liza Jane - David Harney
- Lily-white hands - Albert E. Brumley
- Listen to the angels sing - J. M. Henson
- Listen to the bells - L. E. Edmonds
- Listen to the bells of heaven - J. Daniel Williams
- Listen to the joybells - James B. Coats
- Listening and longing - Joe Delk
- Listening, trusting, waiting - C. H. Culbreth
- Little boy David - Jack Taylor
- Little children - Gary Lanier
- Little David will play - Luther G. Presley
- Little David will play - Benton H. Matthews
- Little is much, when God is in it - Dwight Brock
- Little is much, when God is in it - Kittie J. Suffield
- Little Joe the wrangler.
- Little ones - Thomas R. Wilson
- Little things - James B. Coats
- Live for him - H. A. Johnson
- Live for Jesus - Rupert Cravens
- Live mighty close to the Lord - Luther G. Presley
- Live on the sunny side - Rupert Cravens
- Live so he can use you - Pat H. Baxter
- Live with thankful hearts - Eugene McCammon
- Living faith - Eugene McCammon
- Living each moment for Jesus - Alfred Barratt
- Living for Jesus - Mrs. Meda Hunnicutt
- Living for Jesus - Carlos Barrentine
- Living for Jesus - Clyde W. Ballew
- Living for Jesus - Luther G. Presley
- Living for Jesus - W. B. Walbert
- Living forever - Thelma O. Jordan
- Living in love - Eugene McCammon
- Living in sunlight - Dwight Brock
- Living in sunlight - Luther G. Presley
- Living in sunshine - Austin Williams
- Living in the master's care - Sheila Weber
- Living in the shelter of his l - Horace A. Kennedy
- Living in the sunshine - Virgil Pulliam
- Living on a mountain - J. C. Legg
- Living on borrowed time - F. L. Varner
- Living under the shelter of hi - Cleavant Derricks
- Living with heaven in view - Eugene McCammon
- Living with him - Otis Burdette
- Lo, I am with you - Jonathan Parnell
- Locked in the bottom of my hea - Albert E. Brumley
- Lonely to be with Jesus - Billy Joe Cagle
- Lonesome for heaven - John L. Shrader
- Lonesome journey - Henry L. Stewart
- Lonesome road - J. W. Payte
- Longing - W. H. Compelube
- Longing for home - Joe Delk
- Longing for the new life - Nelson Daugherty
- Longing to be with my Lord - Clay Strange
- Longing to see heaven - C. A. Lane
- Look about you - J. M. Henson
- Look and live - Asa Bridges
- Look away - B. B. Edmiaston
- Look away from cross to crown - V. O. Fossett
- Look away to Calvary - B. B. Edmiaston
- Look away to Christ - Adger M. Pace
- Look away to heaven - Rupert Cravens
- Look away to heaven - Rupert Cravens
- Look away to heaven - Rupert Cravens
- Look away to Jesus - Simmie T. Mann
- Look away to Jesus - B. B. Edmiaston
- Look beyond the silent river - A. E. Kennedy
- Look down on me - Curtis Eppler
- Look for me - Henry L. Thompson
- Look for the savior - J. M. Henson
- Look me over - G. T. Speer
- Look on the brighter side - Luther G. Presley
- Look to Calvary - A. J. Thompson
- Look to God - Eula Mae Haines
- Look to God above - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Look to Jesus - J. M. Henson
- Look to Jesus - Sanford J. Massengale
- Look to Jesus - Mrs. Eden Bledsoe
- Look to Jesus - Johnny Hardwick
- Look to Jesus and pray - V. O. Fossett
- Look to Jesus on the sea - Rupert Cravens
- Look to the cross - Rupert Cravens
- Look to the Lord - Dwight Brock
- Look to the Lord - Rupert Cravens
- Look to the Lord - Rupert Cravens
- Look to the Lord above - Dwight Brock
- Look to the savior - Robert L. Cantrell
- Look to the savior in prayer - Alfred Barratt
- Look unto him - Henry L. Thompson
- Look unto Jesus - John L. Shrader
- Look unto me - B. B. Edmiaston
- Look unto the hills - B. B. Edmiaston
- Look up and live - Eugene H. Whitt
- Look up and live - J. M. Henson
- Look up and live - Preston (Jack) Clifford
- Look up and move on - Rupert Cravens
- Look up and pray - Elmer F. Alexander
- Look up and smile - John L. Shrader
- Look up and trust in the Lord - Rupert Cravens
- Look up, my brother - John L. Shrader
- Look up, my brother - J. Otis Murphree
- Look up to God - John L. Shrader
- Look up to Jesus - John L. Shrader
- Look up to Jesus - Edsel Coats
- Look upward and smile - John L. Shrader
- Looking ahead - John L. Shrader
- Looking ahead - John L. Shrader
- Looking and listening - J. M. Henson
- Looking back o'er the years - Herbert Cordell
- Looking beyond - A. E. Mayo
- Looking beyond - John L. Shrader
- Looking beyond - John L. Shrader
- Looking for a home - Walter E. Howell
- Looking for Jesus - J. M. Henson
- Looking for Jesus - Henry L. Thompson
- Looking for me - Robert E. Arnold
- Looking for the coming of the - Robert E. Arnold
- Looking for the golden daybreak - Olive Lloyd
- Looking for the Holy City - John L. Shrader
- Looking for the Lord - Lora Bell Garland
- Looking for you and me - Ezra Knight
- Looking over the river - B. B. Edmiaston
- Looking to Calvary - Mrs. S. H. Vaughn
- Looking to Jesus - J. M. Henson
- Looking to Jesus - J. M. Henson
- Looking to that fair land - J. M. Henson
- Looking to the cross - Rupert Cravens
- Looking t'ward heaven - Luther G. Presley
- Looking t'ward Jordan - P. B. Shaw
- Loosing myself - Terry Sinclair
- Lord, be near me - John L. Shrader
- Lord, build me a house - Luther G. Presley
- Lord, care for us tonight - Laura Oliphant
- Lord, draw me closer to thee - Dwight Brock
- Lord, give me just a little mo - Albert E. Brumley
- Lord, give us grace - Tillitt S. Teddlie
- Lord, give us light - Luther G. Presley
- Lord, give us peace - Curtis Stewart
- Lord, God of hosts - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lord, grant us peace - Cleavant Derricks
- Lord, guide and keep me - Dixie C. Gordon
- Lord, guide me safely home - Rupert Cravens
- Lord, guide us - B. B. Edmiaston
- Lord, hear my prayer - Thad Winter
- Lord, help me be true - J. E. Marsh
- Lord, help me live right - Orgel Mason
- Lord, help me to do thy will - Elmer H. Ham
- Lord, help our land - Hale Reeves
- Lord, hold my hand - Luther M. Hutchins
- Lord, hold my hand - James B. Coats
- Lord, how could you love me? - James B. Coats
- Lord, I am looking to thee - Cleavant Derricks
- Lord, I believe - Y. Jefford
- Lord, I cannot walk alone - Albert E. Brumley
- Lord, I can't make it alone - Fred Rich
- Lord, I come to thee - Rupert Cravens
- Lord, I give myself anew - Rupert Cravens
- Lord, I need thee - Rupert Cravens
- Lord, I need thee - H. A. Green
- Lord, I need thy hand to lead - O. A. Hunt
- Lord, I thank you.
- Lord, I wanna be ready - Cleavant Derricks
- Lord, I want a mansion - Cecil Fisher
- Lord, I want my light to shine - J. W. Payte
- Lord, I want to be a blessing - Broadus E. Smith
- Lord, I want to be a Christian - Luther G. Presley
- Lord, I want to be a witness - J. R. Varner
- Lord, I want to be ready - Cleavant Derricks
- Lord, I want to be ready - Cleavant Derricks
- Lord, I want to go home - Grace Bowers Morrisett
- Lord, I want to live for thee - Mrs. John E. Hull
- Lord, I want to make it up the - G. T. Speer
- Lord, I want to walk with thee - Mrs. W. Allen Sims
- Lord, I'll follow thee - Rosa Henry
- Lord, I'm coming home - Robert E. Arnold
- Lord, I'm coming home today - Cleavant Derricks
- Lord, is it I? By Cleavant Derricks.
- Lord, I've been a hard-working.
- Lord, I've done so little for - Orgel Mason
- Lord, I've tried - James B. Coats
- Lord Jesus, lead me - Oliver W. Cooper
- Lord Jesus, lead me on - Oliver W. Cooper
- Lord, keep me by grace - Mrs. M. N. Strickland
- Lord, keep me humble - Dwight Brock & Robert E. Arnold
- Lord, keep my soul - Gerald Cox
- Lord, lead me - William J. Coleman
- Lord, lead me - James B. Coats
- Lord, lead me home - W. C. Parker
- Lord, lead me on - Marion W. Easterling
- Lord, lead the way - Luther M. Hutchins & Loyce Mitchell
- Lord, let me abide in thee - Odis B. Moore
- Lord, let me live for thee - R. T. Griffin
- Lord, let me live just one more - O. L. Grant
- Lord, let me walk with thee - B. E. Cline
- Lord, let me work for you - K. Wayne Guffey
- Lord, lift me up - Audrey Burke
- Lord, lift me up - John L. Shrader
- Lord, look down on me - Claude Kenyon
- Lord make my living - James B. Coats
- Lord, now I know - Luther G. Presley
- Lord of my soul - George S. McMillan
- Lord, open the gates - E. M. Latham
- Lord of my life - J. T. Adams
- Lord, open the day - Clarence C. Todd
- Lord, remember me - J. T. Adams
- Lord, save me - Burl Carter
- Lord, send me - R. G. (Bill) Horton
- Lord, sent the fire of Penteco - Rupert Cravens
- Lord, show me the way - J. Daniel Williams
- Lord, take me thru - Dempsey Rainwater
- Lord, take my hand - Mrs. E. T. Isbell
- Lord, take my hand - Ellaweise Gruver
- Lord, take my life - J. S. Jenkins
- Lord, take us to heaven - J. C. Legg
- Lord, teach me - Lillie Washburn Briscoe
- Lord, teach me and guide me - Hettie Maddox
- Lord, teach me how to pray - Ellis Short, Jr
- Lord, teach me how to say good - James B. Coats
- Lord, teach us to pray - Eugene P. Gross
- Lord, walk with me - B. E. Cline
- Lord, we give our home - Gary Lanier
- Lord, we thank thee - Eugene Wright