Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular/Exercises (Lesson VII)
Lesson VII.
Lesson VII.
section I.
- 世間
- Sì-kan
- 天下
- Thiⁿ-ẽ
- The world.
- 天
- Thiⁿ
- Heaven.
- 地
- Tī
- Earth.
- 山
- Suaⁿ
- A hill, a mountain.
- 海
- Hái
- Sea.
- 大海
- Tūa-hái
- Ocean.
- 水
- Tsúi
- Water.
- 海墘
- Hái-kîⁿ
- Sea-coast, sea-side.
- 塗
- Thôu
- Earth, ground.
- 樹
- Chhiū
- Trees.
- 葉
- Hiéh
- Leaves.
- 大石
- Tūa-chiéh
- Rocks.
- 石
- Chiéh
- 石部
- Chiéh-põu
- Stones.
- 沙
- Sua
- Sand.
- 人
- Nâng
- Mankind.
- 男人
- Ta-pou
- Male.
- 女人
- Tsṳ-níeⁿ
- Female.
only used of man.
- 世間個人是惡
- Sì-kan kâi nâng sĩak
- The people in the world are wicked.
- 天下是闊
- Thiⁿ-ẽ sĩ khuah
- The world is broad.
- 上帝在天。人在地
- Siãng-tì tõ thiⁿ, nâng tõ tĩ.
- God is in heaven, and men are on earth.
- 天在上。地在下
- Thiⁿ tõ chīeⁿ, tī tò ẽ
- Heaven is above, and earth is below.
- 山是高。海是深
- Suaⁿ sĩ tûiⁿ, hái sĩ chhim
- Mountains are high, and seas are deep.
- 大海個水藍
- Tūa-hái kâi tsúi nâm
- The waters of the oceans are blue.
- 海墘有人行
- Hái-kîⁿ ũ nâng kiáⁿ
- There are people walking on the sea-side.
- 塗袂肥
- Thôu bōi-pûi
- The soil is not fertile.
- 樹袂發
- Chhiū bõi-huat
- The trees do not grow.
- 葉在脫。樹要死
- Hiéh tõ lut, chhiū àiⁿ-sí
- The leaves are falling, and the trees are withering.
- 在海墘有大石
- Tõ hái-kîⁿ ũ tūa-chiéh
- There are rocks on the sea-side;
- 有石部。有沙
- Ũ chiéh-põu, ũ sua
- There are stones, and there is sand.
- 人在世不久
- Nâng tõ sì m̄-kú
- Man is not long in the world.
- 男人愈壯過女人
- Ta-pou zú-tsàng kùe tsṳ-niêⁿ
- Man is stronger than woman.
- 有個女人愈賢過男人
- Ũ-kâi tsṳ-niêⁿ zú-gâu kùe ta-pou
- Some women are cleverer than men.
- 在祖家有多多女人。賢過男人
- Tõ Tsóu-ke ũ ke-ke tsu-niêⁿ, gâu kùe ta-pou
- There are many ladies in England cleverer than men.
- 唐人個女人少少識字
- Tn̂g-nâng kâi tsṳ-niêⁿ chié-chié pat-jī
- Very few Chinese ladies can read.
- 院個女人俱皆識字
- Ún--kâi tsṳ-niêⁿ lóng-tsóng pat-jī
- Our ladies can all read.
section II.
- 日
- Jít
- Sun.
- 月
- Guéh
- Moon.
- 星
- Chheⁿ
- Stars.
- 風
- Huang
- Wind.
- 雨
- Hõu
- Rain.
- 雲
- Hûn
- Clouds.
- 虹
- Khẽng
- Rainbow.
- 雷
- Lûi
- 雷公
- Lûi-kong
- Thunder, lightning.
- 風颱
- Huang-thai
- Typhoon.
- 湧
- Éng
- Waves.
- 流水
- Lâu-tsúi
- Tide.
- 流漲
- Lâu tĩⁿ
- Flood-tide.
- 流退
- Lâu khó
- Ebb-tide.
- 日出或未
- Jít tshut a-būe?
- Has the sun risen?
- 未
- Būe
- Not yet.
- 月無日向光
- Guéh bô jít hièⁿ-kng
- The moon is not so bright as the sun.
- 月在浮
- Guéh tõ phû
- The moon is rising.
- 漸漸高
- Khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ kûiⁿ
- It is getting higher and higher by degrees.
- 星閃閃光
- Chheⁿ iáp-iáp-sih
- The stars are twinkling.
- 風大
- Huang tūa
- The wind is blowing hard.
- 彼欉大樹被風吹倒去
- Hṳ́-tsâng tū-a-chhiū khoih huang tshue tó--khṳ̀
- That large tree has been blown down by the wind.
- 雨要來
- Hõu àiⁿ-lâi
- The rain is coming.
- 雷公响
- Lûi-kong tán
- The thunder roars.
- 雷公攝目。了正响
- Lûi-kong nih-mák, lióu chiàⁿ-tân
- The lightning flashes first, then the thunder roars.
- 雨定着是大
- Hõu tiāⁿ-tiéh sĩ tūa
- The rain is sure to be a heavy one.
- 唐人講究雷公不對
- Tn̂g-nâng káng-kiù lûi-kong m̄-tùi
- What the Chinese discuss about the lightning is not correct.
- 唐人此事不曉
- Tn̂g-nâng chí-kâi sū m̄-hióu
- The Chinese do not understand about this matter.
- 英國人就曉
- Eng-kok-nâng chiũ-hióu
- The English understand.
- 虹有多多色
- Khẽng ũ ke-ke sek
- The rainbow has many colours.
- 有紅有白有藍有青有黄
- Ũ âng, ũ péh, ũ nâm, ũ chheⁿ, ũ n̂g
- It has red, white, blue, green and yellow.
- 還了有
- Huân-lióu ũ
- It has some more.
- 是雅在
- Sĩ ngiá-tsãi
- It is very beautiful.
- 咱所有個色是從虹處來
- Nán só-ũ kâi sek sĩ tshông khẽng--kò lâi
- The colours which we have, come from the rainbow.
- 流漲或是退
- Lâu tĩⁿ a-sĩ khó?
- Is it high tide or ebb tide?
- 流退
- Lâu khó
- It is ebb tide.
- 海有湧否
- Hái ũ éng mē?
- Are there any waves in the sea?
- 有。湧袂大
- Ũ, éng bõi-tūa
- Yes, the waves are not big.
- 風颱時荒險
- Huang-thai sĩ hong-hiám
- The typhoon is dangerous.
- The typhoon is dangerous.
section III.
- 冰霜
- Piaⁿ-sng
- Ice.
- 雪
- Soh
- Snow.
- 濛烟
- Mông-in
- Mist.
- 露水
- Lōu-tsúi
- Dew.
- 雹
- Phák
- Hail.
- 菰
- Kou
- Mould.
- 天時
- Thiⁿ-sî
- Weather.
- 四季
- Sì-khùi
- The four seasons.
- 春
- Tshun
- Spring.
- 夏
- Hē
- Summer.
- 秋
- Chhiu
- Autumn.
- 冬
- Tang
- Winter.
- 冰霜是寒在
- Piaⁿ-sng sĩ ngân-tsãi
- Ice is very cold?
- 雪敢是愈寒
- Soh kàⁿ-sĩ zú-ngân
- Snow is perhaps colder.
- 咱此處罕得有雪
- Nán--chié hán--tit ũ soh
- We seldom have snow at our place here.
- 日一出濛烟就散
- Jít chék-ē tshut mông-in chiũ-sùaⁿ
- When the sun rises the mist disperses.
- 樹無露水袂活
- Chhiū bô lōu-tsúi bõi-uáh
- The trees will not grow without dew.
- 許久咱此處不識有落雹
- Hoh-kú nán--chié m̄-pat ũ lóh-phák
- For a long time we have not had hail here.
- 冬天貧窮人是悽慘
- Tang--thiⁿ khiou-kiáⁿ nâng sĩ chhi-tshám
- In Winter the poor are miserable.
- 富個人則穿煖
- Pù--kâi-nâng li chhēng-sie
- But the rich are warmly clad.
- 冬天冷在
- Tang--thiⁿ chhiⁿ-tsai
- In Winter it is very cold.
- 夏天就𤍠
- Hē--thiⁿ chiũ-zuáh
- But in Summer it is hot.
- 壹年有四季
- Chék-nîⁿ ũ sì-khùi
- There are four seasons in a year.
- 在祖家夏天無此處向𤍠
- Tõ Tsóu-ke Hē--thiⁿ bô chié hi èⁿ-zuáh
- In England the Summer is not so hot as here.
- 冬天愈冷此處
- Tang--thiⁿ zú-chhiǹ chié
- In Winter it is colder than here.
- 在祖家壹年春天是上好
- Tõ tsóu-ke chék-nîⁿ Tshun--thiⁿ sĩ siãng-hó
- In England Spring is the best of the year.
- 春天到來草俱皆發
- Tshun--thiⁿ kàu--lâi, tsháu lóng-tsóng huat
- When Spring comes, all the grass grow.
section IV.
- 明早
- Mêng-khí
- Morning.
- 中午
- Jít-tàu
- Noon.
- 夜昏
- Mêⁿ-hng
- Evening.
- 上午
- Chiēⁿ-kùa
- Forenoon.
- 下午
- Ẽ-kùa
- Afternoon.
- 夜昏子
- Mêⁿ-hng-kiáⁿ
- To-night (early.)
- 今夜
- Ke-mêⁿ
- To-night (rather late.)
- 日
- Jít
- Sun or day.
- 月
- Guéh
- Moon or month.
- 日間
- Jít--kùa
- In the day.
- 夜間
- Mêⁿ--kùa
- In the night.
- 日晏
- Jít uàⁿ
- Late in the day.
- 日暗
- Jít àm
- Late in the night.
- 半夜
- Puàⁿ-mêⁿ
- Midnight
- 三更半夜
- Saⁿ-keⁿ puàⁿ-mêⁿ
- Third watch or midnight, (meaning a very late hour at night.)
- 明早有人來或無
- Mêng-khí ũ nâng lâi a-bô?
- Did any body come this morning?
- 爾知或不知
- Lṳ́ tsai a m̄-tsai?
- Do you know or not?
- 我不知
- Uá m̄-tsai.
- I don't know.
- 中午我不在此處食
- Jít-tàu uá m̄-tõ chié chiáh.
- I am not going to take dinner here at noon.
- 我中午要去乞人請
- Uá jít-tàu àiⁿ-khṳ̀ khoih-nâng-chhiáⁿ
- I am invited out for noon.
- 爾何時正要轉來
- Lṳ́ tiang-sî chiàⁿ-àiⁿ tńg--lâi?
- When will you come back?
- 夜昏正轉來
- Mêⁿ-hng chiàⁿ-tńg--lâi
- I shall not be back until to-night.
- 或者下午亦不知
- Pa-lak ẽ-kùa iā m̄-tsai
- Perhaps in the afternoon, but I don't know.
- 今夜伊不在
- Ke-mêⁿ i m̄-tõ
- He shall not be at home to-night.
- 夜昏子伊要來我此處
- Mêⁿ-hng-kiaⁿ iàiⁿ-lâi úa--kò
- He is coming to my place to-night.
- 我請伊
- Uá chhiáⁿ i
- I have invited him.
- 伊作有幾多日工
- I tsoh ũ jiéh-tsōi jít kang?
- How many days' work has he done?
- 伊作有壹個月
- I tsoh ũ chék-kâi guéh
- He has worked one month.
- 伊日間作。夜間亦作
- I jít--kùa tsoh, mêⁿ--kùa iā tsoh
- He worked in the day, and he also worked in the night.
- 伊個工是重在
- I kái khang-khùe sĩ tàng-tsãi
- His work is very heavy.
- 日未暗
- Jít būe-àm
- It is not yet dark.
- 爾睡到日向晏正走起
- Lṳ́ út-kàu jít hièⁿ-uáⁿ chiàⁿ-tsáu-khí
- You have slept far into the day, before you got up.
- 下日爾不可睡到向晏
- Ê-jít lṳ́ m̄-móⁿ út-kàu-hièⁿ uàⁿ
- For the future, you must not sleep so late into the day.
- 日暗着去睡
- Jít àm tiéh khṳ̀-út
- When it is late at night, you must go to bed.
- 勿到半夜正去睡
- Màiⁿ-kàu puàⁿ-méⁿ chiàⁿ-khṳ̀-út
- Don't let it be midnight before you go to bed.
- 三更半夜勿去口
- Saⁿ-keⁿ puàⁿ-mêⁿ màiⁿ-khṳ̀-kháu
- Don't go out at such a late hour at night.
section V.
- 早
- Tsá
- Early.
- 早早
- Tsá-tsá
- Very early.
- 天光
- Thiⁿ-kng
- Day-break, dawn.
- 今日
- Kiáⁿ-jít
- To-day.
- 明天
- Màⁿ-khí
- To-morrow.
- 後日
- Aũ--jít
- Day after to-morrow.
- 大後日
- Tūa--aũ-jít
- A day later than above.
- 昨日
- Tsa-jít
- Yesterday.
- 昨夜
- Tsa-mêⁿ
- Last night.
- 日日
- Jít-jít
- 排日
- Pâi-jít
- Every day.
- 明年
- Mêⁿ-nîⁿ
- Next year.
- 年年
- Nî-niⁿ
- 排年
- Pâi-niⁿ
- Yearly.
- 終久
- Tsong-kú
- Always.
- 次次
- Tsūa-tsūa
- 吓吓
- Ē-ē
- Every occasion.
- 明天早爾着早早走起
- Màⁿ-mêng-khí lṳ́ tiéh tsá-tsá tsáu-khí
- To-morrow morning, you must get up very early.
- 爾不可睡到日晏正走起
- Lṳ́ m̄-móⁿ út-kàu jít uàⁿ chiàⁿ-tsáu-khí
- You must not sleep until late in the day before you get up.
- 着早者
- Tiéh tsá--chē
- You must be early.
- 今。爾着憶得
- Taⁿ, lṳ́ tiéh it-tit
- Now, you must remember.
- 不可不憶得
- M̄-móⁿ m̄-it-tit
- Don't forget.
- 好。我天光就要走起
- Hó. Uá thiⁿ-kng chiũ àiⁿ tsáu-khí
- Very well. As soon as day-break I will get up.
- 今日我不閒
- Kiáⁿ-jít uá m̄ oíⁿ
- I am busy to-day.
- 明天正來
- Màⁿ-khí chiàⁿ-lâi
- Come to-morrow.
- 明天隨何時
- Màⁿ-khí zuãn tiang-si
- Any time to-morrow.
- 好了。爾好去
- Hó--lō, lṳ́ hó-khṳ̀
- That will do, you may go.
- 我今日終日在內
- Uá kiáⁿ-jít thàng-jít tõ lāi
- I am at home all to-day.
- 明天我不在
- Màⁿ-khí uá m̄-tõ
- I shall not be at home tomorrow.
- 爾免用來
- Lṳ́ mín-ēng lâi
- You need not come.
- 後日我就轉來
- Aũ--jít uá chiũ tńg--lâi
- I shall be back the day after to-morrow.
- 我次次來到覔爾不在
- Uá tsūa-tsūa lâi-kàu tshūe lṳ́ m̄-tõ
- On every occasion of my coming, I could not find you.
- 我昨日來。昨夜亦來
- Uá tsa-jít lâi, tsa-mêⁿ iā lâi
- I came yesterday, and last night as well.
- 伊終久是如此
- I tsong-kú sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ
- He is always like this.
- 伊是惰。做事隨便做
- I sĩ tuãⁿ, tsò-sṳ̄ chhìn-tshái tsò
- He is idle, and does things carelessly.
- 爾下日不可如此
- Lṳ́ ẽ-jít m̄-móⁿ chièⁿ-seⁿ
- You must not be like this for the future.
- 爾着如此做
- Lṳ́ tiéh chièⁿ-seⁿ muéh
- You must do it like this.
- 着記得日日着如此
- Tiéh kì-tit, jít-jít tiéh chièⁿ-seⁿ
- You must remember, and every day do like this.
- 我年年着轉去
- Uá nîⁿ-nîⁿ tiéh-tńg--khṳ̀
- I must go home every year.
- 我明年要轉去
- Uá mêⁿ-nîⁿ àiⁿ-tńg--khṳ̀
- I shall go home next year.
- 壹年若是無轉去就不做得
- Chék-nîⁿ nāⁿ-sĩ bô-tńg--khṳ̀ chiũ m̄-tsò-tit
- It will not do, unless I go home once a year.